E/5248 E/CN.7/555 COMMISION ON NARCOTIC DRUGS REPORT OF THE TWENTY-FIFTH SESSION 22 January—9 February 1973 ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL OFFICIAL RECORDS: FIFTY-FOURTH SESSION SUPPLEMENT No. 3 UNITED NATIONS E/5248 E/CN.7/555 COMMISSION ON NARCOTIC DRUGS REPORT OF THE TWENTY-FIFTH SESSION 22 January —9 February 1973 ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL OFFICIAL RECORDS: FIFTY-FOURTH SESSION SUPPLEMENT No. 3 UNITED NATIONS New York, 1973 NOTE Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters combined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document. E/5248 E/CN.7/555 CONTENTS Chapter Paragraphs Page INTRODUCTION 1-11 1-3 I. ORGANIZATIONAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS 12-30 5-9 Membership of the Commission 13 5 Representation at the session 14-22 5-7 Election of officers 23-24 7 Adoption of the agenda 25 8 Report of the Commission to the Economic and Social Council on its twenty-fifth session 26 8-9 Request for a special session 27 9 Organisation of the next session of the Commission 28-29 9 Place of meeting of the next session 30 9 II. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NARCOTICS TREATIES AND INTERNATIONAL CONTROL 31 - 233 11 - 63 Report of the Division of Narcotic Drugs 31-32 11 Resolutions of the General Assembly 33-34 11-12 Resolutions and decisions of the Economic and Social Council 35-36 13 - 15 Work of international and non-governmental organizations 37 - 59 15-19 Extension of control to new substances in accordance with the international treaties on narcotic drugs . 60-82 19 - 24 Signatures, ratifications, accessions and successions concerning the multilateral treaties on narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances .... 83 - 101 25 - 31 National laws and regulations communicated under the international treaties on narcotic drugs 102 - 104 31 - 32 Annual reports of Governments 105 - 114 32 - 34 List of drugs under international control 115 - 118 34 - 35 List of national authorities empowered to issue certificates and authorizations for import and export of narcotic drugs . 119 - 120 35 List of establishments authorized to manufacture narcotic drugs 121 35 - iii - Chapter Paragraphs Page Reports of the International Narcotics Control Board and administrative arrangements to ensure the full technical independence of the Board 122 - 160 36 - 48 Work of the World Health Organization in the field of drug dependence 161 - 198 48 - 56 Preparations for the coming into force of the Convention on Psychotropic Substances of 1971 .... 199 - 233 56 - 63 III. SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH 234 - 269 65 - 70 IV. PUBLICATIONS OF THE DIVISION OF NARCOTIC DRUGS 270 - 281 71 - 73 Bulletin on Narcotics 270-275 71-73 Information Letter 276 - 281. 73 V. TECHNICAL CO-OPERATION IN NARCOTICS CONTROL 282 - 293 75 - 76 VI. OPERATIONS UNDERTAKEN BY THE DIVISION AND FINANCED BY THE FUND FOR DRUG ABUSE CONTROL 294 - 310 77 - 81 VII. UNITED NATIONS FUND FOR DRUG ABUSE CONTROL 311 - 331 83 - 87 VIII. ILLICIT TRAFFIC 332 - 502 89 - 127 Introduction 332 - 334 89 - 90 Illicit traffic in 1970 335-373 90-95 Illicit traffic in 1971 374-375 95-101 Illicit traffic in 1972 376 - 407 102-107 Preventive measures 408 - 438 107 - 112 The Ad Hoc Committee on Illicit Traffic in the Near and Middle East 439-471 112-118 Summary of conclusions 472 - 478 118 - 119 Regional co-operation 479-502 320 - 127 IX. ABUSE OF DRUGS (DRUG ADDICTION) 503 - 591 129 - 145 Introduction 503-504 129 World situation in 1970 505-539 129-133 Recent developments 540 - 569 133 - 141 Features of drug abuse 570 - 591 141 - 145 - iv - Chapter Paragraphs Page X. PROGRAMME OF WORK AND PRIORITIES 592 - 619 147 - 154 XI. LIST OP RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BY THE COMMISSION 155 XII. DRAFT RESOLUTIONS RECOMMENDED BY THE COMMISSION FOR ACTION BY THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL 157 - 160 ANNEXES Page I. Table showing the membership of the Commission as at 1 January 1973 and the dates of expiry of terms of office 161 - 162 II. List of representatives and observers at the twenty-fifth session of the Commission 163 - 170 III. Statement by Mr. C.W.A. Schurmann, Personal Representative of the Secretary-General in charge of the United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control 171 - 175 IV. Statement by Mr. V. Winspeare Guicciardi, Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva, to the Commission on Narcotic Drugs at its twenty-fifth session 177 - 181 V. List of documents relevant to the report of the Commission 183 - 187 - v - ABBREVIATIONS The following abbreviations are used throughout the text: Abbreviation Full title CCC ... Customs Co-operation Council FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ICPO/INTERPOL International Criminal Police Organization ILO International Labour Organisation INCB . International Narcotics Control Board LAS League of Arab States UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNDP ... United Nations Development Programme UNDP (TA) United Nations Development Programme (Technical Assistance) UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNFDAC United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization UNSDRI United Nations Social Defence Research Institute WFP World Food Programme WHO World Health Organization 1925 Convention International Opium Convention signed at Geneva on 19 February 1925, as amended by the Protocol signed at Lake Success, New York, on 11 December 1946. - vi - Abbreviation Full title 1931 Convention International Convention for limiting the manufacture and regulating the distribution of narcotic drugs, signed at Geneva on 13 July 1931, as amended by the Protocol signed at Lake Success, New York, on 11 December 1946. 1936 Convention Convention of 1936 for the suppression of the illicit traffic in dangerous drugs, signed at Geneva on 26 June 1936, as amended by the Protocol signed at Lake Success, New York, on 11 December 1946. 1946 Protocol Protocol of 1946 amending the Agreements, Conventions and Protocols on Narcotic Drugs concluded at The Hague on 23 January 1912, at Geneva on 11 February 1925 and 19 February 1925 and 13 July 1931, at Bangkok on 27 November 1931 and at Geneva on 26 June 1936, signed at Lake Success, New York, on 11 December 1946. 1948 Protocol Protocol signed at Paris on 19 November 1948, bringing under international control drugs outside the scope of the Convention of 13 July 1931 for limiting the manufacture and regulating the distribution of narcotic drugs, as amended by the Protocol signed at Lake Success, New York, on 11 December 1946. 1953 Protocol Protocol for limiting and regulating the cultivation of the poppy plant, the production of, international and wholesale trade in, and use of opium, signed at New York on 23 June 1953. 1961 Convention Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 196l, signed at New York on 30 March 1961. 1971 Convention Convention on Psychotropic Substances signed at Vienna on 21 February 1971. 1972 Protocol Protocol Amending the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961, signed at Geneva on 25 March 1972. - vii - Previous reports of the Commission on Narcotic Drags to the Economic and Social Council are referred to as "Report, ... session". These reports have all been published as supplements to the Official Records of the Economic and Social Council and may he identified as follows: Twentieth session ibid., Fortieth Session, Supplement No. 2 (E/4140 - E/CN.7/488) Twenty-first session ibid., Forty-second Session, Supplement No.2 (E/4294-E/CN. 7/501) Twenty-second session ibid., Forty-fourth Session, Supplement No.2 (E/4455 - E/CN.7/512) Twenty-third session ibid., Forty-sixth Session (No Supplement No.) (E/4606/Sev.1 -E/CN.7/523/Rev.1) Second Special Session ibid., Resumed Forty-ninth Session, Supplement No.12 (E/4931 - E/CN.7/552) Twenty-fourth Session ibid., Fifty-second Session, Supplement No.2 (E/5082 - E/CN.7/5441 - viii - COMMISSION ON NARCOTIC DRUGS Report to the Economic and Social Council on the twenty-fifth session of the Commission, held at Geneva from 22 January to 9 February 1975 INTRODUCTION L. The Commission decided that it would be appropriate to mark its twenty-fifth session by a special introduction to its report 1/, giving the substance of the statements made by the representative of the Secretary-General in opening the session and by the Chairman on taking the Chair. 2. Mr. V. Winspeare Guicciardi, Under-Secretary-General, Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva, reviewed some aspects of the Commission's work and achievements during the quarter century of its existence. 3. The work of the Commission had been characterized by continuity and evolution. The continuity had been that of men and aims. Since the time of the League of Nations, there had been constant efforts to find ways and means of restricting the use of dangerous drugs to legitimate purposes. The evolution had been striking. First, the membership of the Commission had doubled and all regions of the world were now represented; secondly, the number of drugs being dealt with had multiplied many times. Those changes meant, unfortunately, that drug abuse now presented a risk to all countries. The evolution had, however, been reflected not only in the growth of the Commission, but in the increasingly comprehensive nature of its work. The participation of a number of United Nations bodies, specialized agencies and non-governmental organizations showed the multidisciplinary nature of the tasks to be accomplished. Action against drug abuse had always involved prevention, cure and law enforcement, but the thought had gradually emerged that the problem was first and foremost a social problem with, of course, an important health aspect. 4. Legislative work had occupied a large proportion of the Commission's time and efforts, starting with the Paris Protocol of 1948 for the control of synthetic narcotic drugs, followed by the Opium Protocol of 1953 and the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961.
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