WEEKLY BRIEF Av 8 5781/July 16th & 17th, 2021 Shabbat Hazon Devarim/ Tisha B’Av Shabbat Schedule Plag Mincha/Maariv 6:35pm A MESSAGE FROM RABBI ADLER Candle Lighting 7:15/8:08pm Chaveireinu HaYikarim Mincha/Maariv Main Sanctuary 7pm I hope you and your family are well and are preparing for Beit Midrash 8:10pm a meaningful Tisha B’Av. We will say the Kinnot once again and try to extract something meaningful for our generation Shabbat Morning 20 centuries after the destruction of the second Beit Sof Zman Kriyat Shma 9:20am Shacharit- HaMikdash. I’ll try to give you something to ponder. What Main Shul 7am mechanism did HaKalir use to formulate the Kinnot? Beit Midrash 8:30am HaKalir was the greatest poet whose poems and Kinnot Main Shul 9am Youth Groups 9am compose the majority of the Kinnot. He also was a major Shailot UTshuvot Shiur 10:30am contributor to the tefilot of Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur as well as all the other “Tisha B’Av Questions” Beit Midrash holidays, although we don’t include his poems for the other Chagim in our davening. Tot Shabbat 10:30am Did HaKalir try to teach us halachot of the day? Did he want to teach us the Talmud’s Outdoors, behind the Beit Midrash discussions of each chag? No he did not. HaKalir told stories. Stories found in the Shabbat Afternoon Talmud, in the Midrash, and simple stories which parents told their children and Mincha- grandchildren. Why did he choose this method? What did HaKalir think we should Main Sanctuary 2pm Main Sanctuary learn from those stories? Mincha- Truth be told, HaKalir was not the originator of this method. Just contemplate the Main Sanctuary 6:25pm Seder. The unknown author of the Haggadah could have selected halachot of Pesach Fast Begins 8:25pm through which to convey the drama of the exodus from Mitzrayim. But he too chose Rabbi Adler’s 8:30pm Inyanei Tisha B’Av Shiur Main Sanctuary the story book method. Yes, there are some halachic units from the Mishneh and the Maariv, followed by Eicha reading in Main Gemara, but fundamentally, it is a story that we are charged with the task of Sanctuary and Social Hall 9pm interpreting that old famous story. In a story, who is the target audience? Whose task Shabbat Ends 9:07pm is it to interpret that story? Late Eicha Reading 10:15pm Those are some of the ideas I propose you ask yourself until Motzei Shabbat. Please share your thoughts with me. Weekday Davening Shabbat Shalom and a meaningful Tzom. July 18th-23rd Rabbi Yosef Adler Tisha B’Av- Sun, July 18th See box with the Tisha B’Av Schedule Main Sanctuary TISHA B’AV SCHEDULE Shacharit Saturday night, July 17th Sun 7, 8am Fast Begins 8:25pm Tues, Wed, Fri 6:30, 7:05, 7:30, 8am Rabbi Adler’s Inyanei Tisha B’Av Shiur 8:30pm Mon, Thurs 6:20, 7:00, 7:20, 8am Maariv, followed by Eicha in the Main Sanctuary and the Social Hall 9pm Late Eicha Reading in the Main Sanctuary 10:15pm Main Sanctuary Sunday, July 18th Mincha Shacharit, followed by Kinnot, in the Main Sanctuary 7am Sun 1:45pm Shacharit, followed by Kinnot, in the Social Hall 8am Mincha 1:45pm Mincha/Maariv Mon- Thurs 6:40pm Youth Movie, Dvar Torah and Pizza in the Rinat Tent 4– 6:30pm Joey Rosenfeld Shiur 5pm Mincha/Maariv “When the Bottom Drops Out: Tisha B’Av and the Light of Redemption” Sun 7:50pm Pre-Mincha Afternoon Shiur with Terry Novetsky 6:30pm Mon-Thurs 8:15pm Located in the Main Sanctuary Mincha/Maariv 7:50pm July 23rd Candle Lighting 7:15/8:02pm Fast Ends/Havdalah 9:07pm RINAT ROUNDUP Dear Friends, We’re looking forward to the two upcoming kiddushim, to thank the Adlers for 43 years of devoted service to our community and to welcome the Strauchlers. I hope everyone will be able to join. I’m excited to share that Teen minyan will resume on September 4th. I’d like to extend a warm welcome to our new Teen Coordinators, Leora and Shmuel Bak, who will oversee the minyan as well as learning and social programming. This Shabbat, we read Devarim , which is in essence, Moshe’s renewal of the covenant Hashem made with Bnei Yisrael at Har Sinai. Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, z'l explains that as Moshe joins the covenant to the next generation, who will soon enter the Promised Land and create a society based on the Torah there, he reminds the people of events that occurred during their time in the desert. The Parsha ends with the appointment of Yehoshua as successor. As we at Rinat transition from one leader to another, let’s remember how we became the shul we have. Full of commitment to community, chessed, learning, respectful davening, the happy memories and challenges we faced over the years and how we overcame them and grew as a shul and as a community. Let’s take those wonderful memories as we welcome Avital and Rabbi Strauchler and partner with them as our shul goes michayil l’chayil. I wish you a meaningful fast and hope and pray that all who want to travel to Israel are able to in the near future. Shabbat Shalom, Bina RABBI NOTE The major difference in Tisha B’Av taking place on a Saturday night is that there is no real Erev Tisha B’Av. One you can אפילו כסעודת שלמה can eat meat all day, including for Seudah Shlishit. The Gemara’s expression is eat a meal fit for a king. Eating must be completed by 8:25pm, as well as brushing one’s teeth. Yes, brushing teeth with toothpaste is permitted on ordinary fast days, with the exception of Yom Kippur and Tisha B’Av. (It is also premitted on Shabbat.) We should not engage in any preparation on Shabbat for post Shabbat. So do not carry sneakers and Kinnot anytime on Shabbat. Either you bring them to shul on Friday before Mincha or you wear regular shoes until Maariv and just wear socks for Maariv and Eicha, then don your shoes after Completion, until you get home and change into sneakers. On Shabbat, you can learn everything and are not limited to Tisha B’Av topics. Tisha B’Av itself is observed as it always is. .to witness the rebuilding of the third Beit HaMikdash זוכה May we all be MAZAL TOV Marcia & David Jacobowitz on the birth of a granddaughter, born to Batya & Rabbi Moshe Jacobowitz. Ann & Shlomo Sudry on the birth of a grandson, born to Shir-li & Matan Flank. Mazal tov to the siblings, Ella and Libby. CONDOLENCES Nechama Polak on the passing of her beloved father, Dr. Shimshon Isseroff, z”l. The kevura took place this morning. Shiva will take place through Monday afternoon, July 19th, at the home of Rena & Ezra Gross, 21/1 Nachal Shimshon in Ramat Beit Shemesh. Nechama will return to Teaneck beginning Tuesday morning, July 20th, for shiva at 610 West Englewood Avenue through Thursday morning, July 22nd. Shacharit will be at 7:30am and Mincha/Maariv will be at 8:10pm. May the Polak family be comforted among the mourners of Tzion v’Yerushalayim. LEARNING SPONSORSHIP Susan Dworken Koss & Fred Koss in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Susan’s father, Chaim Moshe Yosef Haber- man, z”l, on Tisha B’Av. .z”l , שפריצה בת דובבער Mimi & Marvin Schechter in memory of Debby & Mark Teicher in commemoration of the first yahrzeit of Rabbi Paul Teicher, z”l. Tuesday, July 20th, 1-7pm– Blood Drive at Congregation Rinat Yisrael. Appointments are recommended. To regis- ter, go to www.nybc.org/newjerseydrive. Use Sponsor Code: 66985 or text 917-699-9073. Shabbat, July 31st- Gala Kiddush in honor of Sheryl & Rabbi Yosef Adler our Mara D’Atra of 43 years - on his final Shabbat at the helm of Rinat. To sponsor, go to https://www.rinat.org/rabbiadlerkiddush. Shabbat, August 7th– Welcome to America Communal Kiddush in honor of the Strauchlers. To sponsor, go to www.rinat.org/rabbistrauchlerkiddush. GABBAI NOTE Interested in laining, but don't want to lain a whole parsha? We'll be having a communal laining at the 8:30 minyan on Shabbos Parshat Ki Teitzei, August 21st. If you're interested in laining one Aliyah, please reach out to [email protected]. PROJECT CONNECT We are excited to invite you to reconnect with full members, as well as welcome Avital & Rabbi Strauchler. To register to Meet the Strauchlers through Project Connect, go to https://www.rinat.org/projectconnect#. Rabbi Strauchler’s Rinat email address has been set up and he can be reached at [email protected]. MEET THE MEMBERS FLIPBOOK To access Rinat’s Meet the Members Flipbook, go to https://issuu.com/rinatyisrael/docs/ meet_the_members_flipbook-_july_12th_2021?fr=sNzFhMjM5ODg4MzM IDF SOLDIERS FOR OUR TEFILLOT Please include in your tefilot IDF soldiers from the Rinat family currently serving in the IDF: Talya Agus, Ben Antosofsky, Chana Brody, Lior Chasid, Simi Glicksman, Yehuda Gross, Shira Gelb, Eitan Klavan, Menachem Klavan, Zachary Kohn, Benjamin Kooijmans, Asher Chaim Krohn, Dovi Kwalbrun, Raanan Kwalbrun, Azi Lieber, Yonadav Rimberg, Tzvi Silver and Yael Za- retsky. Please email [email protected], to add a name to this list. WEEKLY BRIEF DEADLINE We want to announce your Mazal Tov. Please submit your announcement information to [email protected] by WEDNESDAY at noon. To sponsor the Weekly Brief, visit www.rinat.org/wbsponsor. YOUTH NEWS NEROT Shabbat, July 17th, 9am until the conclusion of the 9am minyan- Shabbat, July 17th, 6pm– Week 6 hosted at the Kirshenbaum home, Drop off and pick up in front of shul.
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