ABERDEEN WEDDING BEYOND YOUR IMAGINATION 香港仔特色婚禮 (最多120人) Aberdeen Wedding - 120 Guests 婚禮服務 Wedding Services 最低消費 $80,000 Minimum Charge of $80,000 卓越婚宴菜式 每位 $980 Classic Dining Menu $980 /pax (另加 10% 服務費) (+10% Service Charge) 優越婚宴菜式 每位 $1,080 Exclusive Dining Menu $1,080 /pax (另加 10% 服務費) (+10% Service Charge) 南丫天虹海鮮菜式A 每位 $1,180 Lamma Rainbow $1,180 /pax (另加 10% 服務費) Seafood Menu A (+10% Service Charge) 南丫天虹海鮮菜式B 每位 $1,580 Lamma Rainbow $1,580 /pax (另加 10% 服務費) Seafood Menu B (+10% Service Charge) ·自選4小時+ 2小時準備 ·Any 4-Hour + 2 Hours Setting (上午10時至下午11時) (10am-11pm) ·尊貴吧檯服務(供應4小時) ·Al Fresco Open Bar (4 Hours) ·4小時無限量供應汽水、紅白葡萄酒、 ·4-Hour Free-Flow Soft Drinks, Wines, 啤酒及迎賓雞尾酒 Beer and Welcome Mocktails ·法式主題婚禮佈置 ·French Wedding Themed Décor ·餐桌佈置 ·Dining Table Setting ·專業婚禮流程指導 ·Professional Coordination ·專業婚禮司儀服務 ·Professional Wedding MC Service ·獨立新娘房 ·Bridal Room ·免費迎賓接待處及証婚枱專用擺設 ·Reception and Ceremony Décor ·免費提供羽毛筆、戒指枕及油畫架使用 ·Signing Pen, Ring Pillow and Photo ·免費提供室內/外音響設備及無線咪 Easel · ·免費提供投影幕及電視供播放影片之用 Indoor and Outdoor Audio System, and ·經典遊艇接駁服務 Wireless Microphones ·Projectors and Screen Available for ·特色船錨造型賓客簽名架 Video Playing ·祝酒香檳乙支 ·Shuttle Yacht Services ·贈送1小時迎賓雪糕車服務(100球), ·Anchor-Shaped Signing Board 設於上船碼頭 ·One Bottle of Champagne for Toasting ·Free 1-Hour Gelato Cart Service (100 scoops), located at the boarding pier 接送地點 Pick up / Drop off Location 鴨脷洲洪聖廟碼頭七號觀光舢舨牌 Ap Lei Chau Hung Shing Temple Pier No.7 (利東港鐵站A1出口步行5分鐘) (5 minutes walk from Lei Tung MTR Exit A1) 2 婚宴菜單 Wedding Menu 卓越婚宴菜式 (每位 $980) 優越婚宴菜式 (每位 $1,080) 法式小點 頭盤 巴馬火腿卷 煙三文魚配炒蛋 黑椒牛肉蘆筍 牛油果大蝦伴蕃茄莎莎杯 香草蕃茄配煙水牛芝士 香橙柚子煙鴨胸 煙三文魚玫瑰 白菌車厘茄串 蜜桃煙鴨胸 迷你植物漢堡 燒黑椒蜜餞帆立貝 開面三文治 沙律 金門火腿淡芝士蕃茄開面治 扒意大利青瓜香草醬開面治 (素) 西蘭花蝦肉烚蛋沙律 水牛芝士番茄沙律 熱盤 原條燒肉 煙肉包帶子 印式炭燒雞串 澳洲M4和牛(即場輕煎) 主菜 熱盤 楓葉糖漿燒火腿配百里香蜜糖汁 彩椒雞串黑白胡椒汁 海鮮炒飯 脆烤芥茉蜜糖豬手 肉醬意大利千層麵 白花釀魚柳卷佐白酒忌廉汁 芝士焗鴛鴦花 甜品 日式海鮮炒烏冬 帶子蛋白黑松露炒飯 迷你鮮果撻 鮮果盤 甜品 服務 白朱古力熱情果凍餅配朱古力波 抺茶大福 11名工作人員 鮮果盤 (包括船員及侍應生服務4小時) 服務 12名工作人員 (包括船員、侍應生及1名廚師服務4小時) 3 婚宴菜單 Wedding Menu 南丫天虹海鮮菜式A (每位 $1,180) 南丫天虹海鮮菜式B (每位 $1,580) 海鮮 前菜 冰鎮鮑魚 大紅乳猪 冰鎮海生蝦 冰鎮鮑魚 椒鹽鮮魷 冰鎮海生蝦 豉椒炒蜆 涼拌木耳絲青瓜 清蒸海上鮮 海鮮 精美小菜 椒鹽鮮魷 南腐雞件 清蒸沙巴龍躉石斑 甜蜜咕嚕肉 上湯焗波士頓龍蝦 脆脆海鮮春卷 西蘭花帶子 清炒菜苗 海鮮炒飯 精美小菜 豉油王炒麵 鴻運茶香雞 甜品 甜蜜咕嚕肉 脆脆海鮮春卷 時令甜品 櫻花蝦浸菜苗 天虹炒飯 服務 金菇炆伊麵 12名工作人員 甜品 (包括船員及侍應生服務4小時) 百年好合紅豆沙 情意綿綿糯米糍 鮮果拼盆 服務 13名工作人員 (包括船員及侍應生服務4小時) 4 婚宴菜單 Wedding Menu Classic Dining Menu ($980 /pax) Exclusive Dining Menu ($1,080 /pax) COLD CANAPES APPETIZERS ·Parma Ham wrapped Grissini ·Smoked Salmon and Scramble Egg ·Pastrami with Asparagus Salad ·Pesto Tomato with Smoked Mozzarella ·Avocado and Prawn with Tomato Salsa Cheese ·Orange and Yuzi over Smoked Duck ·Smoked Salmon Rosette Breast ·Smoked Duck Breast with Peach ·Cherry Tomato and Mushroom Skewer ·Mini Veggie Burger OPEN FACE SANDWICHES ·Grilled Honey-Glazed Scallops with ·Gammon Ham, Brie and Tomato Open Black Pepper Sandwich ·Grilled Zucchini with Pesto (veg) SALAD ·Boiled Egg, Prawn and Broccoli Salad HOT DISHES ·Caprese Salad ·Bacon wrapped Scallop ·Tandoori Chicken Kebab CRAVING ·Australian Wagyu Beef M4 ENTREE ·Maple Glazed Ham with Rosemary HOT DISHES Honey Sauce ·Assorted Bell Pepper and Chicken ·Seafood Fried Rice Skewer with Black Pepper ·Italian Meat Lasagna ·Roasted Crispy Pork Knuckle with Honey and Mustard DESSERT ·Stuffed Fish Fillet Roll with Shrimp ·Mini Fruit Tart Mousses with Cream & White Wine ·Fruit Platter Sauce ·Baked Cauliflower & Broccoli with SERVICES Cheese 11 Crews ·Sauteed Udon with Seafood in (Including captain and waiters, 4 hours services) Japanese Style ·Fried Rice with Truffle, Scallop & Egg White DESSERT ·White Chocolate and Passion Fruit Cake ·Macha Daifuku ·Fruit Platter SERVICES 12 Crews (Including captain, waiters and 1 chef, 4 hours services) 5 其他選項 Other Options 其他選項 Other Options 雙層結婚蛋糕 Butter Cream Wedding Cake ·延長租用時間 $12,000 / 小時 (包括吧檯服務) Extra Hour(s) $12,000 / hour (Including free flow bar service) ·優惠價 標準佈景板 $4,000 Standard Backdrop ·優惠價 標準迎賓牌 $800 Standard Welcome Sign · 新娘鮮花花球 $2,280+ (包括新郎襟花1個) Bridal Bouquet Package (Including 1 boutonniere) 迎賓牌 Welcome Sign ($800) · 船上鮮花佈置 $15,000+ Fresh Flower Decoration ·訂制全噴畫背景板 $7,000+ Full Size Customized Backdrop ·律師證婚服務 $3,800* Civil Celebrant Service *收費已包括政府婚姻註冊登記費 $305 *Inclusive of $305 government fee ·雙層結婚蛋糕 $5,800 Butter Cream Wedding Cake *另加10%服務費, 公眾假期及前夕需附加10%的額外服務費 *晚上11:00之後將收取每小時$2,000的額外服務費 *自攜餐酒須另收每瓶$150開瓶費 *切餅費每個$500 *Plus 10% service charge, and further 10% for PH and the day before PH *For services after 11pm, additional service fee of $2,000 per hour will be charged *Corkage fee $150 per bottle *Cake cutting fee $500 per cake 條款及細則 Terms & Conditions 1.付款共分為四期。租船日期將於收妥首期訂金$10,000後確定。次期訂金(即全數總額的40%)須於首筆訂金後的一個月內 付妥。第三期訂金(全數總額的30%) 須於租船日前三個月付妥。第四期訂金(餘下的的金額)須於租船日前一個月付妥。2.付 款方法 ● 存款或轉賬至 Seayou Bookings Limited 的香港上海滙豐銀行戶口: 747-050524-001 ● 劃線支票祈付「Seayou Bookings Limited」(香港上海滙豐銀行) 3.租船時間包括所有上船、落船及顧客自行安排佈置的時間。4.逾時收費為每小時 $8,800。5.敬請賓客遵守船上規則。6.除了洗手間座廁以外,請勿隨處便溺及嘔吐,否則我們會收取每人$500的清潔費用 。7.餐飲服務由第三方提供。8.如有任何爭議,以Seayou Bookings Limited最終決定為準。 1. Payment is split into four installments. Your booking will be confirmed when the first deposit of $10,000 is made. The second installment (40% of the total price) must be paid within one month of deposit payment. The third installment (30% of the total price) must be paid at least three months before the rental date. The fourth installment (remaining balance) must be paid at least one month before the rental date. 2. Payment details: ● Direct deposit to Seayou Bookings Limited: HSBC 747-050524-001 ● Crossed cheque to ”Seayou Bookings Limited” (HSBC) 3. The rental time includes the time of boarding, drop off, and additional decoration setting arranged by the customer. 4. Overtime charge is at $8,800/ hour. 5. Your cooperation of the yacht rules would be highly appreciated. 6. No vomiting, urinating, or defecating outside the toilet bowl. In the event of violation, cleaning fees will be charged at $500 per person. 7. Catering services and beverages are provided by external parties. 8. Should any dispute arise, the decision of Seayou Bookings Limited shall be final. 6 船隻資料 Yacht Information 簡介 Yacht Description 每個女生都渴望擁有一個與眾不同的婚禮,一生人一次的盛事,必定要最特別最 非凡。由室內設計師設計,Float致力追求寬敞的活動空間,兩層共3000多呎面積 ﹑浪漫古典的木樓梯﹑令人動心的露天酒吧﹑寬廣時尚的室外活動空間﹑人造草 地的證婚場地,還有法式主題的婚禮佈置,每一個角落都必定為您留下最獨一無 二的倩影。 全長:23.90米 艇寬:8米 載客人數: 50人 + 最多9船員 船員可溝通語言:廣東話,英文,國語 Every girl dreams about the perfect wedding day. We strive to make this dream come true by providing a unique venue and the best service for that special day. We want to create a romantic ambience, by providing a secluded, intimate and spacious wedding venue surrounded and enchanted by the glistening sea, as the two hearts unite as one. We will provide an impeccable package, including the ceremony décor, emcee service, food and beverages, and yacht transportation. Seayou is the ideal platform for you to create your unforgettable once-in-a-lifetime wedding ceremony. Length : 23.90 m Beam : 8 m Capacity : 50 guests + max 9 crew Language : Cantonese, English, Mandarin 設備與服務 Facilities and Services .露天吧檯 .獨立新娘房 .室內屏幕 .人造草地 .2個洗手間 .戶外屏幕 .玻璃天花板 .自助廚房 .投影機 .戶外表演舞台 .微波爐 .電視 (平面屏幕) .空調 .電磁爐 .1個無線咪 .跳水平台 .雪櫃 .Wifi (全面覆蓋) .儲物櫃 .揚聲器 .救生衣 .室外及室內淋浴 .混音器 .保溫箱 (冰+$60包) .自助服務吧檯 .Al Fresco Bar .Independent Bridal Room .Indoor Screens .Artificial Grass Lawn .2 Lavatories .Outdoor Screens .Glass Ceiling .Self-service Kitchen .Projectors .Outdoor Performance Stage .Microwave .TV (Flat Screen) .Air-conditioning .Induction Cooker .Wireless Microphone .Diving Platform .Refrigerator .Wifi (Full Coverage) .Lockers .Audio Speakers .Life Jackets .Outdoor & Indoor Showers .Audio Mixer .Cooler Box .Self Service Bar (Ice +$60/ pack) 7 香港仔特色婚禮平面圖 Aberdeen Wedding Floor Plan 平面圖 Floor Plan FLOAT Upper Deck 玻璃船上層 28 Dining Seats Max. 11 Table 9 : 6 seats 9 Table 10 : 6 seats Table 11 : 2 seats 12 Table 12 : 4 seats BAR Table 13 : 4 seats 13 Table 14 : 2 seats Table 15 : 2 seats 10 RECEPTION Table 16 : 2 seats 14 15 16 FLOAT Lower Deck 玻璃船下層 FOOD DISPLAY 72 Dining Seats Max. 17 Table 1 : 12 seats 1 2 3 4 Table 2 : 12 seats Table 3 : 12 seats Table 4 : 12 seats Table 17 : 8 seats Table 18 : 8 seats BRIDAL 18 攝影及 ROOM FOOD DISPLAY 化妝團隊 *宴席每桌12人 *12 guests per table BRIDGE TO FLOAT Floating Lounge 休閒船 32 Dining Seats Max. 14 Table 5 : 6 seats 5 8 Table 6 : 6 seats 16 7 6 Table 7 : 10 seats 15 Table 8 : 10 seats FOOD DISPLAY SHUTTLE BOAT RECEPTION EMBARK/DISEMBARK ZONE 8 參考圖片 Reference Photos 草地證婚 Ceremony Area 樓梯佈置 Staircase Decoration 標準佈景板 Standard Backdrop ($4,000) 上層走廊佈置 Upper Deck Corridor Decor 9 參考圖片 Reference Photos 餐桌佈置 Dining Table Decoration 尊貴吧檯 Al Fresco Bar 迎賓桌佈置 Reception Decoration 雪糕車服務 Gelato Cart Service 10 上落船位置 Pick up / Drop off Location 由中式遊艇接送至場地 (每程最多25人) Transportation to the Venue Location by a Classic Yacht (max. 25 guests per trip) *鴨脷洲洪聖廟對出碼頭上船 (海傍對出七號觀光舢舨牌) 港鐵利東站A1出口 LEI TUNG STATION EXIT A1 11 接駁遊艇及場地位置圖 Shuttle Yacht & Venue Location 接駁遊艇 Shuttle Yacht 場地位置圖 Venue Location 上船位置 Pick up Point PICK UP POINT : AP LEI CHAU HUNG SHING TEMPLE PIER FLOAT x Floating Lounge FLOAT X FLOATING LOUNGE 12 場地預覽 Venue Preview 場地預覽 Venue Preview 玻璃船 FLOAT 休閒船 Floating Lounge 接駁遊艇 Shuttle Yacht 休閒船 Floating Lounge 13 參考圖片 Reference Photos 場地周邊景觀 View From The Venue 14 參考圖片 Reference Photos 場地周邊景觀 View From The Venue 15 floathongkong float__hk [email protected] Unit 1623, 16/F, One Island South, 2 Heung Yip Road, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong 香港黃竹坑香葉道2號 One Island South 16樓23室 Book exclusively at www.seayou.hk.

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