Another mediocre weekend for sun worshippers By PAM ABOUZEID traffic delays reported. beaches didn't do so hot though," a Long Branch The crowds must have been heading some- Amusement Pier spokesman said. Sun worshippers worried about over-tanning where farther south than Monmouth beaches, The chancy weather also kept some local had nothing to fur this past weekend. Except for because local beach clubs registered only an sailor* and yachtsmen on dry land. The National a few breaks in overcast skies on Saturday and average number of beaehgoers Coast Guard reported fairly slow movement on Sunday afternoons, the weather this past veekend Most area clubs reported an average of 300 the rivers and bay. stayed true to the mediocre course it had set for dedicated sunbathers and swimmers for yester- Croft said yesterday's temperatures reached a itself in the past four weekends. day's business hours — that is, after the sun came high of 80 degrees, while the thermometer regis- Rating the summer for area beaehgoers. Reg- out after noon. tered a high of tl on Saturday. ister weather expert Paul Croft said he'd give The Sea Bright Bathing PavUlion offset the "This miserable weekend situation is totally weekends of the past month a mark of 2 or 3 on a effects of bad weather on its beach population by unusual," Croft said. scale of 1 to 10, with ten being a warm, sunny day. scheduling an action-packed Activity Day boast- According to The Register's weather ob- "Once the the clouds come out in the morning ing relay races, egg tosses and water games for server, the best days for tanning are long gone, you might as well kiss the rest of the day good- area kids. *• although beachgoers now can spend more time bye," William Heath, manager of the Monmouth A spokesman at the Gateway National Recrea- out in the sun, if It ever comes out again, because Peach Bathing PavUlion, said. tion Area on Sandy Hook said this past weekend the rayi are less strong than they were at the With the exception of the shower-free July 7 was "really slow." beginning of the summer. weekend, Monmouth County residents have been What the beaches lost in volume, the amuse- . The hot, humid weather is expected to carry kissing the weekend days goodbye all summer ment piers picked up in numbers. "Business was through mid-week at least, with temperatures in long. about five percent above last summer's — we had the 80s. Despite the iffy weather, the Garden State a surprisingly good day. I'm glad to tee the season There is a chance of showers and thunder- The drippy problem of an ice cream cone on a hot day needs Parkway operations office reported moderate-to- is finishing strong," Albert Reid, an owner of the storms for today, Croft said. heavy traffic steadily heading south Saturday Keansburg Amusement Park said. "It could rain at any time now, the air is very to be tackled from both ends, six-year-old Kelly Ann Levey, from 9 a.m. until 8 p.m., although there were no "We had a great crowd here yesterday. The unstable," he said. of Point Pleasant, discovered in West End Park yesterday. The Daily Register VOL.102 NO. 53 SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 1979 15 CENTS Wants 'cruel torture ended9 Mother pleads for ballerina's release NEW YORK (AP) - The mother of ballerina both the United States and the U.N. the decision Schell said he had warned the State Depart- Ludmllla Vlasova appealed to President Carter to to hold the plane until U.S. officials could talk ment on Thursday that Godunov feared his wife end the "cruel moral torture" as her daughter privately with Miss Vlasova. - would be forced to return to Moscow and had been and 52 other Soviet dtixens remained aboard an Henry Owen, U.S. ambassador at large, said "reassured that she would not get on the plane." Aeroflot jetliner grounded at Kennedy Interna- President Carter was being briefed on the Godunov, the first defector from the Bolshoi, tional Airport since Friday. stalemate "several times a day" during his week- was granted asylum in the United States on Carter was "closely Involved," a State De- end at Camp David, Md. Thursday, saying he wanted to explore new areas partment official said, as negotiations dragged Owen said Carter was making policy decisions of dance. Into another day over the fate of the wife of in the negotiations, but declined to specify wheth- The rest of the Moscow-based troupe left New Bolshoi Ballet star Alexander Godunov, who de- er he was referring to talks at the airport and fected last week. York early today for Chicago, where they were to elsewhere in New York. continue their American tour. American officials want assurances that Miss Meanwhile, the passengers aboard the Aero- Vlasova, also a member of the internationally flot Jetliner were probably "quite uncom- Schell said Miss Vlasova was married pre- renowned troupe, was returning to the Soviet fortable" as a result of their long confinement, viously but had no children by either marriage Union voluntarily. McHenry said. He said he did not know if Godunov left relatives But Soviet officials said Miss Vlasova, 36, At one point, the air conditioning failed, but it in the Soviet Union. wanted to return to her homeland and was afraid was restored. A suggestion that the passengers be Tass said yesterday for the first time that to leave the plane to meet privately with Ameri- transferred to a secluded airport lounge was Vlasova is a ballerina with the Bolshoi. But the can authorities for fear that they would spirit her rejected, McHenry said. agency still hasn't revealed that she Is married to away. Forty-nine Americans and 10 other non-Soviets Godunov, or that Oodunov delected last week. Chief U.S. negotiator Donald McHenry, deputy left the Moscow-bound plane early Saturday. Tass reported that Moscow had lodged a "res- U.S. representative to the United Nations Secur- McHenry, who was not permitted on the air- olute protest" with the United States over the ity Council, told reporters late last night that the craft rejected a Soviet suggestion that U.S. jour- detention of Vlasova, and said that United States officials had practiced "deception" and used crisis would soon be over. However, McHenry did nalists be allowed to talk with Miss Vlasova not disclose the basis for his optimism. "rough pressure" in an attempt to keep her from Meanwhile, Orville Schell, Godunov's lawyer, McHenry said U.S. officials wanted Miss returning to the Soviet Union. said he and Godunov were certain Miss Vlasova Vlasova to get off the plane and tell them she was In its protest to the United States Embassy in wanted to remain in the United States. The leaving of her own volition, but said there were Moscow, Tass reported, the-Soviet Foreign Min- dancer was standing by near the airport, the "other alternatives," which he did not specify. istry accused the United States of contadlcting attorney said. He said one reason the government acted was elementary concepts of humaneness in detaining And the Soviet news agency Tass on Sunday because Miss Vlasova had been "under heavy the Aeroflot jet since Friday. A United States published the text of a telegram from the escort since the defection of her husband." Embassy spokesman said that Soviet officials had ballerina's mother, Alexandra Geraslmova made a protest in a telephone call to the Embassy Drozhdlna, asking Carter to end the "cruel abuse Tass quoted Miss Vlasova as saying the groun- yesterday. of elementary human rights." ding was "outrageous." Earlier, in the presence Food and other supplies have been carried "For two days my daughter has been sub- of Soviet officials, she had told American nego- periodically aboard the Soviet jetliner for jected to cruel moral torture," It said. tiators, "I love my husband, but he made his Vlasova and the other Soviet passengers, Inlud- The woman charged: "The American author- decision to stay here and I made mine to leave." ing 13 children. UNDER THE PLANE — U.S. officials stand under the rear of a Soviet Aerflot ities are setting absolutely illegal conditions for However, Schell said Miss Vlasova and God- McHenry said that American authorities had the departure of the aircraft with my daughter Jetliner yesterday beside police car blocking the plane from moving. U.S. authorities 1 unov had agreed to defect together. He said Miss the right to board the plane and remove Vlasova kept the plane grounded, saying they wanted to talk to Bolshol ballerina Ludmllla and other Soviet passengers aboard." Vlasova "began to waffle" two days before God- but preferred to "handle it in a more diplomatic Vlasova on whether she was being forced to return to Moscow. The Soviet Union has formally protested to unov sought asylum. Island View II draws protests SEA BRIGHT — A group his neighbors in the Riv- fact, our interests would be he anticipated no need for sent to DEP for review yet, of Monmouth Beach residents erview Road aria feel that somewhat inimical to their variances for the project, he said. has asked the state Depart- the 131-units are "ecological- own." which is proposed for a B-2 Adair said tomorrow's ment of Environmental Pro- ly and environmentally un- "We have alerted the business zone. meeting would be the first tection (DEP), the American sound" on the riverside site. proper state agencies," he Benjamin Mann Jr., a formal consideration of the Littoral Society, the Army "There are any number of said, "and the Monmouth principal in the firm, said plans, and said that traffic Corps of Engineers and other reasons why this could be Beach municipal authorities last night that the reduction generated by the 31 new units coast-oriented organizations damaging to the whole area," have been put on notice ' from 134 to 131 units "has would "certainly be one of to take a careful look at plans said Boley, who owns the Douglas K.
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