Allegany County General Election November 3, 2020 OFFICIAL Results Presidential Electors for President and vice President (Vote ONCE) DEM REP CON WOR GRE LBT IND Biden/Harris 6048 Biden Trump Trump Biden Hawkins Jorgensen Pierce Write Trump/Pence 14135 Harris Pence Pence Harris Walker Cohel Ballard In Write-Ins Alfred 1 413 80 4 32 8 14 1 6 Valid presidential write-ins - 15 Alfred 2 291 258 36 16 7 17 4 1 Brian Carroll -10; Jade Simmons -1; Allen 38 150 10 3 1 4 0 0 Kayne West - 1; Don Blankenship -1; Alma 65 295 15 1 0 9 4 1 Mark Charles - 2 Almond 232 487 64 16 5 14 0 2 Scatters - 66 Amity 1 174 427 28 3 0 8 0 1 Owen Warren Broughton -1; :( -1; Amity 2 122 275 25 5 3 6 0 3 Katherine A Patterson -1; Jesus -1; Andover 1 122 339 26 2 2 17 2 0 Amar Patel -1; Ben Carson -4; Andover 2 73 287 17 7 2 2 2 1 Andrew Cuomo/Kamala Harris -1; Angelica 1 109 252 16 5 1 5 2 4 Andrew Makasziw-1; Andrew Yang-2; Angelica 2 75 217 15 5 1 4 1 0 Bernie Sanders -8;Colin Powell -2; Belfast 189 495 44 10 2 8 5 1 Condolezza Rice -1; Dan Crenshaw -1; Birdsall 25 81 10 2 0 1 0 0 David A Drury -1; Derrick Kenyon -1 Bolivar 253 614 50 7 3 6 6 1 Ellen DeGeneres -1; Gary Johnson -1; Burns 93 385 32 5 1 8 2 0 Gen Norman Mattis -1; Jason James -1; Caneadea 1 95 260 26 4 1 7 1 0 James N Mattis -1; Jeb Bush -1; Caneadea 2 163 187 32 14 2 18 1 19 Jermaine Cole -1; Joe Liberto -1; Centerville 57 228 16 3 1 2 0 2 John Blankenship -1; John Doe -1; Clarksville 132 307 27 6 4 2 1 0 John Kasich -5; John Strumbo -1; Cuba 1 286 347 26 19 3 9 6 3 Kay Coles James -2; Mac J Toure -1; Cuba 2 259 512 33 21 2 12 5 2 Mickey Mouse -1; Mike Hucabee -1; Friendship 146 551 46 5 2 9 1 2 Mitt Romney -2; Nikki Haley -3; Genesee 144 580 40 8 2 18 2 3 None -1; None of the above -1; Granger 35 208 18 2 1 4 1 1 Pete Buttigieg -3; Raegan Ryan -1; Grove 82 179 27 2 1 3 1 1 Ron Paul-1; Sen Elizabeth Warren-1; Hume 214 559 41 15 4 15 6 2 Steve Rinella/Janus Putelas -1; Independence 89 374 16 2 0 4 3 1 Tammy Fanton -1; Tim Scott -1; New Hudson 70 221 16 4 0 4 2 1 Willie Nelson -2 Rushford 130 412 42 7 3 24 5 1 Scio 196 555 41 9 3 8 1 1 Ward 58 127 13 5 3 4 2 2 Wellsville1 214 383 19 10 1 11 4 1 Wellsville 2 258 368 16 10 3 15 3 2 Wellsville 3 265 404 31 12 5 23 5 6 Wellsville 4 154 363 19 6 3 2 2 4 Wellsville 5 167 435 24 3 4 3 4 1 West Almond 35 106 7 0 0 2 0 0 Willing 167 420 15 6 3 8 3 3 Wirt 64 395 29 2 1 8 4 2 Total 5754 13123 1012 294 88 338 92 81 Allegany County General Election November 3, 2020 OFFICIAL Results State Supreme Court Justice 8th Judicial District (Vote for ONE) DEM REP CON WOR IND Write Martoche 6150 Martoche Greenan Greenan Martoche Greenan In Greenan 13652 Alfred 1 380 81 15 47 4 0 Write-Ins: Alfred 2 259 255 47 33 7 0 Ron Paul - 1 Allen 36 146 12 5 3 1 Natraj Buschan - 1 Alma 57 286 22 7 3 0 N/A - 1 Almond 220 456 68 39 10 0 Wesley Fortney - 1 Amity 1 172 391 26 13 6 0 Amity 2 115 260 19 21 6 0 Andover 1 120 312 27 11 10 0 Andover 2 72 268 18 15 1 0 Angelica 1 103 244 11 12 2 0 Angelica 2 73 203 13 7 3 0 Belfast 189 455 45 14 8 0 Birdsall 22 75 7 6 1 0 Bolivar 243 564 64 25 11 0 Burns 88 361 32 15 2 0 Caneadea 1 96 240 29 8 5 0 Caneadea 2 119 236 39 11 8 0 Centerville 49 210 18 15 2 0 Clarksville 129 289 25 13 4 0 Cuba 1 263 336 25 39 8 0 Cuba 2 247 477 34 40 4 1 Friendship 141 514 39 19 12 0 Genesee 155 537 53 19 6 0 Granger 34 191 18 11 5 0 Grove 71 172 31 4 1 0 Hume 196 533 41 37 6 0 Independence 89 345 16 10 4 0 New Hudson 71 191 24 11 1 0 Rushford 133 381 43 28 10 0 Scio 197 513 36 21 8 0 Ward 56 125 13 7 3 0 Wellsville1 201 354 27 16 8 0 Wellsville 2 250 351 20 21 7 0 Wellsville 3 242 388 33 31 17 0 Wellsville 4 148 345 23 7 4 0 Wellsville 5 169 395 21 20 9 2 West Almond 33 101 6 3 0 0 Willing 158 394 18 21 6 0 Wirt 61 369 32 11 3 0 Total 5457 12344 1090 693 218 4 Allegany County General Election November 3, 2020 OFFICIAL Results Representative in Congress 23rd District (Vote for ONE) DEM REP CON WOR GRE LBT IND Write Mitrano 5623 Mitrano Reed Reed Mitrano Kolstee Reed In Reed 14434 Alfred 1 325 95 15 42 13 5 0 Write-Ins: Alfred 2 267 263 46 29 8 7 2 Scott Noren - 2 Allen 28 149 11 6 5 4 0 John Fessel - 1 Alma 63 288 21 3 5 2 0 N/A - 1 Almond 203 488 65 32 14 9 0 Wesley Fortney - 1 Amity 1 155 427 24 8 5 7 0 Amity 2 109 277 21 8 7 6 0 Andover 1 104 338 32 7 6 12 0 Andover 2 67 282 18 5 4 4 0 Angelica 1 91 270 11 7 2 2 0 Angelica 2 71 215 13 6 3 2 0 Belfast 190 488 45 15 4 6 0 Birdsall 21 77 10 2 3 1 0 Bolivar 210 614 45 27 5 6 0 Burns 88 374 40 6 4 3 0 Caneadea 1 93 250 27 7 5 5 0 Caneadea 2 127 236 39 12 6 5 0 Centerville 48 224 17 8 1 6 0 Clarksville 125 295 28 7 6 4 0 Cuba 1 246 371 27 27 7 10 0 Cuba 2 232 524 32 28 5 5 1 Friendship 133 538 44 10 10 10 0 Genesee 137 569 44 14 9 7 0 Granger 32 196 17 8 3 5 0 Grove 68 175 29 4 4 2 0 Hume 177 572 42 31 7 7 0 Independence 98 352 20 3 3 5 0 New Hudson 65 205 28 12 0 1 0 Rushford 115 420 49 16 9 6 0 Scio 188 539 40 22 5 8 0 Ward 54 129 12 9 2 4 0 Wellsville1 195 368 21 12 5 7 0 Wellsville 2 246 374 20 12 12 3 0 Wellsville 3 239 418 34 21 13 15 0 Wellsville 4 135 364 26 7 4 5 0 Wellsville 5 139 444 26 6 4 8 2 West Almond 30 109 9 0 0 1 0 Willing 148 421 17 18 7 5 0 Wirt 59 390 27 5 15 4 0 Total 5121 13128 1092 502 0 230 214 5 Allegany County General Election November 3, 2020 OFFICIAL Results State Senator 57th District (Vote for ONE) DEM REP CON WOR GRE LBT IND Write Puglisi 4937 Puglisi Borrello Borrello Puglisi Borrello Borrello In Borrello 14894 Alfred 1 367 118 14 42 12 3 0 Write-Ins: Alfred 2 247 263 46 23 11 9 0 Mike Crandall - 1 Allen 29 152 11 3 2 4 0 Michael McCormick - 1 Alma 53 299 18 2 2 2 0 Jerrett Vossburg - 1 Almond 187 495 66 28 7 12 1 Anna Miretti -1 Amity 1 123 442 32 4 5 5 1 N/A -1 Amity 2 95 287 21 7 3 7 0 Wesley Fortney - 1 Andover 1 102 334 27 6 7 7 0 Curt Crandall - 1 Andover 2 53 285 19 5 4 2 0 Angelica 1 77 249 14 7 2 3 0 Angelica 2 63 214 14 3 4 2 0 Belfast 150 499 44 12 4 9 0 Birdsall 19 77 9 2 2 1 0 Bolivar 199 614 47 12 5 9 0 Burns 77 373 34 8 5 2 0 Caneadea 1 81 258 27 4 5 6 0 Caneadea 2 98 262 34 11 6 6 0 Centerville 44 217 20 6 2 6 1 Clarksville 120 296 27 10 4 3 0 Cuba 1 215 381 30 23 9 12 0 Cuba 2 177 559 41 21 5 9 1 Friendship 115 552 35 9 6 10 0 Genesee 116 587 40 9 9 5 0 Granger 29 194 18 8 4 5 0 Grove 68 177 28 3 5 2 0 Hume 162 573 46 19 6 10 0 Independence 78 355 16 5 3 4 0 New Hudson 51 213 28 5 0 2 0 Rushford 100 420 49 17 10 6 0 Scio 162 553 36 10 8 7 0 Ward 46 128 13 9 5 3 0 Wellsville1 164 385 25 14 11 6 0 Wellsville 2 212 380 21 10 12 6 0 Wellsville 3 210 424 33 18 12 16 0 Wellsville 4 117 364 27 9 4 2 0 Wellsville 5 126 441 29 3 7 10 3 West Almond 28 107 9 0 0 1 0 Willing 131 430 20 8 6 7 0 Wirt 44 388 30 7 11 5 0 Total 4535 13345 1098 402 0 225 226 7 Allegany County General Election November 3, 2020 OFFICIAL Results Member of Assembly 148th District (Vote for ONE) DEM REP CON WOR GRE LBT IND Write Scott 4886 Scott Giglio Giglio Giglio Ins Giglio 14882 Alfred 1 398 94 16 15 0 Write-Ins: Alfred 2 264 265 51 10 0 Ron Paul - 1 Allen 31 154 12 3 1 Natasa Mitric - 1 Alma 61 293 19 3 0 Alan Rajapa - 1 Almond 208 498 71 12 1 N/A - 1 Amity 1 133 441 29 6 0 Wesley Fortney - 1 Amity 2 102 288 20 10 0 Andover 1 100 345 31 10 0 Andover 2 64 286 17 4 0 Angelica 1 84 277 16 5 0 Angelica 2 68 214 13 3 0 Belfast 170 489 43 12 0 Birdsall 22 75 9 2 0 Bolivar 205 623 47 13 0 Burns 82 375 34 4 0 Caneadea 1 92 253 29 5 0 Caneadea 2 116 250 40 8 0 Centerville 48 223 19 5 0 Clarksville 96 299 29 7 0 Cuba 1 228 397 30 14 0 Cuba 2 194 560 42 11 1 Friendship 128 555 36 12 0 Genesee 132 581 48 8 0 Granger 32 196 19 5 0 Grove 70 179 31 3 0 Hume 177 579 46 9 0 Independence 88 350 19 7 0 New Hudson 57 216 27 2 0 Rushford 113 427 52 10 0 Scio 173 558 38 12 0 Ward 54 128 15 5 0 Wellsville1 180 389 23 13 0 Wellsville 2 215 400 20 8 0 Wellsville 3 216 441 34 18 0 Wellsville 4 130 363 28 3 0 Wellsville 5 145 439 27 11 2 West Almond 25 107 8 1 0 Willing 133 434 26 7 0 Wirt 52 395 28 8 0 Total 4886 13436 1142 0 0 0 304 5 Allegany County General Election November 3, 2020 OFFICIAL Results County Judge (Vote for ONE) DEM REP CON WOR GRE LBT IND Write Parker 16433 Parker Ins Write-Ins: Alfred 1 229 5 Alexander Jones-1 Alfred 2 395 7 Andrew Billings-1 Allen 164 1 Barac H Obama-1 Alma 330 1 Barb Kelley-1 Almond 643 6 Benjamin Jones-1 Amity 1 503 1 Bernie Sanders-1 Amity 2 333 0 Borat-1 Andover 1 430 0 Brian Saltsman-1 Andover 2 325 0 Bryce Bowers-1 Angelica 1 338 1 Chad Smith-1 Angelica 2 256 0 Chilac Cumbeurbatun-1 Belfast 604 5 Chris Jericho-1 Birdsall 90 0 Deanna McDonald-1 Bolivar 742 4 Donald Duck-2 Burns 420 2 Donald Trump-1 Caneadea 1 318 0 Elizabeth Warren-3 Caneadea 2 343 2 G Douglas Clarke-1 Centerville 257 0 Shad Allsworth-1 Clarksville 358 1 Sonya Cady-1 Cuba 1 519 3 Steve Donlon-1 Cuba 2 692 3 Teri Violet-1 Friendship 650 0 Thomas Brown-2 Genesee 675 1 Tom-1 Granger 226 0 Tracy Mitrano-1 Grove 220 1 Tyler Avnet-3 Hume 716 13 Wesley Fortney-1 Independence 407 0 X-1 New Hudson 257 0 Rushford 511 2 Scio 667 2 Ward 160 2 Wellsville1 492 1 Wellsville 2 528 3 Wellsville 3 585 0 Wellsville 4 445 5 Wellsville 5 531 2 West Almond 122 0 Willing 511 1 Wirt 441 2 Total 0 16433 0 0 0 0 0 77 Allegany County General Election November 3, 2020 OFFICIAL Results Town of Amity Justice (Vote REP Write Write-Ins: for ONE) Gominiak In Brad Watson-1; Dennis Stack-2; Amity 1 488 4 Mickey Mouse-1; Scott Skinner-1; Amity 2 314 2 Tyler Avnet-1 Total 802 6 Andover Village REP Write Write-Ins: Village Justice (vote for ONE) Heckman In Ames-2; Dion Pezzimentie Jr-1; James Ames-1; 431 6 Karl Perkins-1;Mel Thorp-1 Town of Angelica Szucs for Justice Town (Vote for ONE) Justice Write Write-Ins: Szucs In Chunky-1; Derek VanCuren-1 Angelica 1 190 2 Angelica 2 136 0 Total 326 2 PROPOSITION 1 YES NO Angelica 1 213 166 Angelica 2 183 122 Total 396 288 Village of Angelica Justice Write No ballots or write-ins were cast for this office.
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