Index Acetic acid, 302 curing methods, 72, 77 Acids, in sausages, 302 jowl, 334, 349 Additives: nitrite/nitrate levels in, 57 curing, 53-64, 155 nitrosamines in, 58, 59 sausage, 298-302, 308-309 nutritive value of, 32-33, 40, 41, 46 sectioned and formed meat product, production volume of, 13, 16 155-156 smoking of, 81 Aging, 108 spices in, 321 Air-conditioned smokehouses, 90-91 Wiltshire, 348-349 Alcohols, in smoke, 83 Bacteria: Alginates, 308, 359-360 in fermentation, 230-231, 250, 256, Allspice, 313, 327 309 Aluminum cans, 378-379 pathogenic, 48, 56-57, 81, 83, \09, 156, American Spice Trade Association 325, 328-331, 372, 384 (ASTA), 324, 331 Baked ham, 334, 340 Animal casings, 291-294 Barbecue sauce, spices in, 321 Animal proteins, 364-365 Beef: Animal shortenings, 16 bacon, 136, 349 Antioxidants, 308-309, 316, 328-331, consumer expenditures on, 8 416 corned, 18,41,46,72-73, 136, 161, 163, Appert, Nicholas, 1 333,334,350-3:,)1,373,374 Arachidonic acid, 28 cured, 13, 46 Artery pumping, 74-75 dark cutting, 140-141 Ascorbates, 59, 61-62, 300 dried, 13, 18,46, 136,334,351-352,373, Ascorbic acid: 374, 402-403 as a curing ingredient, 58-59, 61-62 fresh, 8, 14,26,44, 140-141 in meat products, 33, 34, 42, 44-47 frozen boneless rolls for grilling or broil- Ash content, 25-27, 29-32, 40, 41 ing, 122-123 hash, 373, 374 myoglobin content, 65 Baby foods: nutritive value of, 26, 28, 34, 40, 41, nitrite/nitrate levels in, 57 44 nutritive value of, 30, 32-34, 39, 40 production of, 3, 4, 6, 7, 13 Bacon, 334, 347-350 restructured products, 425-428, 435- beef, 136, 349 436 Canadian, 136,321,334,348 roast, 41, 46, 119-120, 163-164 commerical manufacture of, 347-348 for sausage and canned meat production, consumer expenditures on, 7, 8, 12 126-130, 132 438 INDEX 439 sausages, see Sausages Canned meat~: sectioned and formed products, 145, 157, beef stew, 321, 373, 374, 378, 393-395 160, 161, 163-164, 167-168 chili con carne, 18,321,373,374,378, steaks, restructured, 425-428 395-397 stew, 321, 373, 374, 378, 393-395 consumer expenditures on, 7, 8 Beerwurst, 321 cooking, 380-386 Binders, 127, 155-156, 302-308 corned beef hash, 321, 390-392 Binding constraints on sausage production, dried beef, 13, 18, 46, 136, 334, 351-352, 195-196 373, 374, 402-403 Bisulfate, 387 formulations, 390-413 Black pepper, 318, 320, 327-329 hams, see Canned hams Blade tenderization, 418 luncheon meat, 18, 50, 216, 323, 373, Blood and tongue loaf, 280-281 374, 378, 404-406 Blood pudding, 49, 279-280 meatballs with gravy, 399-401 Blood sausage, 49, 281-282 nitrite/nitrate levels in, 57 Boar tain t, 141 nutritive value of, 31-34, 39-41, 46-47, Bockwurst, 216, 270-271 49-50 Bologna, 214-215 potted meats, 373, 374, 378, 406-408 formulations for, 260-264 production volume of, 18, 373-374 nutritive value of, 31, 49 raw materials for, 126-132 processing of, 214-215, 221, 225, 226, Vienna sausages, 50, 324, 374, 378, 235-240 397-399 production volume of, 15, 16 Canning, 2, 372-389 spices in, 321 aseptic, 387-389 Bone, 25, 30 can materials, 376-380 Boston butts, 135, 350 closing, 385 Botulism, 48, 56, 58, 63, 384 cooling, 386-387 Braising, 112, 118 pasteurization, 373, 384-386 Braunschweiger (liverwurst), 49, 216, 271- retorts, 380-384 274, 322 shelf life, 387 Breakfast bacon, 334 storage, 387 Breakfast sausage, 213, 244-245 types of cans, 374-376 Broiling, 117 Capsicum seeds, 313 Browning, 80-81, 108 Carbohydrate content, 31, 32, 38-42 Browning reaction, 55 Carbonyls, in smoke, 84 Buckling of cans, 387 Carrageenans, 308, 360-361 Casings, 291-298 Cellulose and cellulose derivatives, 363 Calcium content, 30, 32, 34, 44-47 Cellulosic casings, 295-296 Caloric content, 26, 28, 31, 32, 40, 41 Cervelat, 49, 254-255, 321 Canadian bacon, 136, 321, 334, 348 Charqui, 250, 252 Canadian pork sausage, 244-245 Chicken: Canned hams, 373, 384-386 a la King, spices in, 321 canning process, 409-411 loaf, spices in, 321 cans for, 375-378, 409 See also Poul try federal meat inspection regulations for, Chili con carne, 18, 321, 373, 374, 378, 408-409 395-397 nutritive value of, 40, 41, 47 Chili pepper, 313, 319, 329 production volume of, 17, 18, 374 Chilling, 225 smoking, 409 Chinese sausage, 245-246 440 PROCESSED MEATS Cholesterol, 24, 28-29 Cotton linter casings, 295 Chopping, 217-218 Cotto salami, 274-275, 323 Chorizo, 251, 256, 321 Counter flow ovens, 113 Chunking and forming, 414-416 Country ham, 334, 335, 340-343 Clips, sausage casing, 297 Cumin, 320, 327, 329 Cloth bag casings, 295 Cured and/or smoked meats, 333-353 Cloves, 327, 328, 330, 331 bacon, see Bacon Coagulation, 106 beef loaf, 278-279 Coarse-ground sausages, 226-227 corned beef, 18,41,46, 72-73, 136, 161, Cold cuts: 163, 333, 334, 350-351 consumer expenditures on, 7, 8, 12 dried beef, 13, 18, 46, 136, 334, 351-352 nutritive value of, 31, 50 hams, see Hams Collagen, 37, 38, 238-240 health and, 29 Collagen casings, 294 list of products by processing procedure, Colloids, 308 334 Color: nitrite/nitrate levels in, 57-58 cooking and, III nutritive value of, 40, 41, 46-47 curing and, 64-69, 80, 300 pickled pigs feet, 334, 353 sausage, 196-200, 300, 301 picnics, 18,47, 135, 136, 157, 334, 336 smoking and, 80-82 production volume of, 13-17 Composite formula models, 185, 186 shoulder butts, 135, 334, 350 Composition of meat, see Nutritive value smoked fresh meat, 333, 334, 351 Condiments, 298 smoked lamb, 333, 334, 352 See also Spices smoked pork loin, 334, 349-350 Connective tissue proteins, 37-38, 156 smoked tongue, 334, 352-353 Consumer awareness, 24 spices in, 321 Consumer expenditures, 7,8, 11-12 See also Curing; Smoking Continuous agitating retorts, 381 Curing, 53-77 Continuous cooking ovens, 112-114 bacon, 347 Continuous smokehouses, 91 color development in, 64-69, 80 Convenience foods, production volume of, corned beef, 350-351 13, 18-19, 21 dried beef, 351-352 Cooked meats: hams, 71-77, 337-347, 409 ham, 333-335, 339 ingredients utilized in, 53-64 production volume of, 13 methods, 69-77 recipes, 119-124 pickled pigs feet, 353 sausages, 214-215 picnics, 350 Cooking, 105-124 shoulder butts, 350 action of, 105-111 smoked pork loins, 349 canned meats, 380-386 smoked tongues, 352 hams, 339 Curing salts, 299-300 methods of, 111-119 sausages, 221-225 during smoking, 94-101, 221-225 Dark-cutting meat, 39, 140-141 Copper content, 30, 33 Deboned meat, 130, 201, 423-424 Coriander, 319, 320, 327, 329 Denaturation, 106-107 Corned beef, 18,41,46,72-73, 136, 161, Desinewing, 423 163, 333, 334, 350-351, 373, 374 Deviled ham, 18, 49, 322 Corned beef hash, 321, 390-392 Dextrose, 55, 75, 250, 256 Corn syrup, 55, 56, 76, 337 DFD pork, 39, 139 INDEX 441 Dispersed spices, 316 Flaked and formed meat products, 414- Drawn aluminum cans, 376 417,425-433 Dried beef, 13, 18, 46, 136, 334, 351-352, "Flash 18" process, 389 373, 374, 402-403 Flavor: Dry bulb temperature, 94-101 cooking and, 107-108 Dry curing, 69 curing ingredient~ and, 55-56, 299-300 conventional, 71-72 fat and, 355-358 dry salt cure, 70-71 See also Spices hot, 77 Flavor enhancers, 309 Dry-heat cookery, Ill, 112, 115-118 Flour: Dry sausage fibrous casings, 296 Konjac, 360, 363 Dry sausages, 215, 232-233, 256-260, 322 sausage, 307-308 Dry solubles, 316 Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 23, 58, 324 Forced-ventilation smokehouses, 90-91 Elastin, 37-38 Frankfurters, 2, 214-215 Employment, 7-11 consumer expenditures on, 7, 8, 12 Emulsification, 218-219, 234-235 formulations for, 264-270 Emulsifiers, 316 low fat, 366-368 Emulsion-type sausages, 107, 234-240, nutritive value of, 31, 49 260-275 processing of, 221, 223-226, 235-240 Encapsulated spices, 317 production volume of, 15, 16, 18 Enzymes, 1, 110 spices in, 322 Erythorbate, 58-59, 61-62, 300, 337, 338 Freeze dehydration, 1, 2 Essential oils, 315, 317 Freezing, I, 2 Extenders, 302-308 Fresh meat: composition and nutritive value of, 24- 30, 35-39, 42-45 Family loaf, 276-277 consumer expenditures on, 7, 8, II Fat backs, 334, 349 consumption of, 5 Fat content: production of, 3-7, 13, 19 of canned meat products, 126, 127 restructured products, 417 flavor and, 108, 355-358 smoked, 333, 334, 351 nutritive value and, 24-29, 32 See also Raw materials preblending and, 181-182 Fresh sausages, 213-214, 226-227, 242-244, of sausage, 126, 127, 181-182, 187-188, 322 192-193, 195-196,204-207,213-215, Friction-generated smoke, 93-94 232-234 Fried chicken, spices in, 322 sectioned and formed meat products Frozen meat: and, 157 consumer expenditures on, 7, 8 See also Reduced and low fat meat for restructured products, 424-425 product~ for sausage production, 200-201 Fat mimics, 359 Frying, 118 Fat replacers, synthetic, 358-359 Fatty acid content, 28-29 Feed, meat flavor and, 108 Garlic, 319, 320, 328, 329, 331 Fennel, 320, 327, 329, 331 Gases, in smoke, 85-86 Fermented products, 227-233, 250-260 Gelatin, 364 Fibrous casings, 296 Gelation, 235-236 Fish products, 3, 5, 7,8, 11, 12,323 Gellan gum, 362 442 PROCESSED MEATS Genoa salami, 233, 257-258 High acid products, 227, 229, 230 Ginger, 312, 320, 327, 330 Honey, 56 Glucono-O-lactone (GDL), 301-302 Honey cured hams, 346-347 Glycogen, 38-39, 42 Hot boned meat, preblending of, 182-183 Glycolysis, 38, 39 Hot cures, 76-77 Green hams, 132-134 Hydrocarbons, in smoke, 85 Grinding, 216-217 Hydrocolloids, 359-363 Grocery stores, consumer expenditures Hydrolyzed vegetable proteins (HVP), 63, in, 11-12 365-366 Ground sausages, formulation for, 242-250 Hydrostatic retorts, 381-384 Ground spices, 314-315 Guanosine monophosphate (GMP), 309, 358 Ice, sausage production and, 299 Guar gum, 362 Impingement ovens, 113-114 Gums,
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