The Pickering 24 PAGES ✦ Pressrun 46,600 ✦ Metroland Durham Region Media Group ✦ SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2005 ✦ Optional delivery $6 / Newsstand $1 FOX MEMORIES ON THE ROADS AGAIN CHAMPIONS Remembering Terry’s Region debating what projects Playoffs next up run through Ajax to pursue, what to hold off on for minor midgets Page 7 Page 3 Page 17 SKY-HIGH REPAIR City Hall as a chapel of love Pickering looking said all the lakeshore municipali- ties in Durham are supportive of to join Province’s civil the idea, but so far only Clarington marriages program has passed a bylaw to opt into the provincial program. In September, the Province By Danielle Milley changed the Marriage Act to allow Staff Writer municipal clerks, or a designate, to PICKERING — Paying property solemnize marriages and help take taxes, meeting with a councillor the load off Ontario’s justices of the and saying ‘I do’ — are just a few of peace. the things residents can do at the “The reason the Province got Pickering Civic Complex. into this was because the marriages Well, getting married there isn’t carried out by justices of the peace a reality just yet, but it might be in are not going to be carried out a few months. anymore,” Mr. Taylor explained, City clerk Bruce Taylor briefed adding, “We would be perform- Pickering council on the concept at ing non-religious marriages. They a recent management forum and would be totally civil.” Mr. Taylor attended a confer- ence in the fall where the program was explained in more detail. He Blaisdale Mike Pochwat/ News Advertiser photo MONTESSORI said participants were advised to PICKERING choose someone who is used to — Mark Venedan, a member of a Veridian Connections repair crew, recently completed School maintenance work on a street lamp on Bayly Street, just east of Whites Road. dealing with the public and who TODDLER OPEN HOUSE has no religious affiliation (no deity (16 mo.-2 1/2 yrs.) can be mentioned during the cer- Thursday Feb. 24, 7:00 pm W estney Campus, 20 O’Brien Crt. emony), such as a retired teacher, W police officer or civil servant. NE Pre-Toddler Program ( 12 mo.-18 mo.) “That is the type of person you SPACES AVAILABLE IN AJAX & PICKERING would want to get,” he said, as ev- Building a better education program Call Head Office 905-509-5005 12 mths - grade 8 eryone in the chambers looked at 5 Campuses in Durham www.blaisdale.com Ward 2 Regional Councillor Bill Special education The board’s former special very clearly... is that one of the McLean, a retired Toronto police education superintendent, Mr. key ways to improve program- officer. review recommends McLean and a 25-member review ming and services for children Mr. Taylor painted a picture of many changes committee and a five-person with special needs is to increase how he thought it could work for steering committee examined the level of skill of people work- SUNROOMS • WINDOWS • DOORS Pickering. the board’s program, looking at ing with them to the highest level “I could see this being held in By Mike Ruta how to improve it with the avail- possible,” Mr. McLean said. WHY the council chambers,” he said. Staff Writer able resources. The process took To that end, a major recom- MOVE ? He added the cost would be be- DURHAM — More profession- two years, and a draft report is mendation of the review is that a IMPROVE tween $350 and $400 and ceremo- al development in a variety of now out for input by the board’s long-term, professional develop- WITH nies should be allowed only a few areas is “the underlying theme” special education advisory com- ment plan be implemented, in days each week, such as Wednes- of the public school board’s spe- mittee (SEAC) and other stake- addition to an annual plan, to cial education program review, holders. 905-686-2445 ✦ See Pickering, Page 2 says Don McLean. “One of the things we heard ✦ See Student, Page 4 P PAGE 2 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, FEBRUARY 20, 2005 durhamregion.com Sharp-dressed suspect on camera Man grabs cash from McCurbin said. Am, then speeding off eastbound, Sgt. The man walked behind the counter McCurbin said. bank, then drives off and grabbed cash The suspect is a black man, about after the teller 5-feet-7 with a medium build and a PICKERING — Police are hoping opened a draw- goatee. He wore a shirt and tie with a someone recognizes a suspect who er. He placed dark jacket, black pants and a black walked out of a Pickering bank with a the money in a toque and gloves. bagful of cash after a robbery at 10:30 white plastic bag Anyone who recognizes the suspect a.m. on Tuesday. and ran from the or has information on the robbery is The man gave a teller at the Bank of bank. asked to call 905-579-1520, extension Montreal on Kingston Road a note indi- The man was 5361, or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222- cating he was armed, said Durham Re- seen running 8477. gional Police Sergeant Paul McCurbin. through the “He indicated he was armed with a parking lot and Robbery suspect gun but no weapon was observed,” Sgt. getting into a mid-’90s Pontiac Grand Embarrassed By Your Smile? Group’s budget still up in the air Ajax Pickering- A free report is now avail- able to local residents that reveals...”Th e ✦ Hidden Truths About Cosmetic Dentistry. Group’s, From page 1 ✦ Organizers estimate 5,000 Find out how to get that Extreme Make- rector of the Durham West Arts Centre, people in first year of event. over Smile. To get your free copy, and this said the organization’s budget hasn’t insider information, you must call Toll Free, been finalized yet. ing for a Trillium Foundation grant, al- 24 hour Recorded Message at “This is a huge project,” said Ward 4 though it doesn’t expect to get one this 1-866-838-6997 infodurhamregion.com local Councillor Pat Brown. “It can’t go year. “We’re in the early stages. There’s ahead without funds to support it.” not enough time this year,” she said. She added the “length of the parade “The idea is to apply for a multi-year is very ambitious.” grant and hire a fundraiser,” Ms. Little- Ms. Laurence said the group is apply- field said. Free party room for 40 - 150 people CHICKEN WINGS CATCH ALL $3 lb THE GAMES -"%2,%! Mon.-Thurs. eat in only. HERE 527 Westney Rd. 905-428-8555 $%.4!,#%.42% 416-858-5223 WALK-IN HOURS Daily 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. FFallsviewFaallllssvviieeww CCasinoCaassiinnoo Every Wednesday & Sunday Mornings Pick ups in: Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax & Pickering FREE TRIP AMBERLEA SHOPPING CENTRE (Pay $20 Fare & Receive a $20.00 ON WHITES RD. PICKERING Casino Coin Rebate Limited Time Offer*) BETWEEN FINCH & HWY 401 • FREE 2nd Opinion Consultation • Nitrous Oxide Gas For Reservations Call 1-877-223-7555 (Toll Free) • Collect from Insurances Mon. to Fri. 9am - 5pm & Sat 9am - 1pm Voted “BEST DENTAL” 2004 February 9-23 *Must be 19 years or older, government issued photo identification required to obtain player’s card. Be one of the first 500 people at 11am and 6 pm to receive your "Lucky Red Envelope". Six $500 cash prizes to be won daily. Register at the Rapid Rewards Players Club for your You could also “Lucky Red Envelope Card” win a for your chance to win. Fabulous Vacation for Two to Hong Kong & Bangkok plus $1,000 Spending Money durhamregion.com THE NEWS ADVERTISER, FEBRUARY 20, 2005 PAGE 3 A/P Region’s roads forecast ‘unacceptable’: chairman Four-year plan in advance of next month’s Of the projects that will other revenues, Mr. An- he said. “If we want Taunton ing advance. puts several budget process. go ahead, work on Taunton derson asked why staff was and Brock to be priorities, “All the traffic and acci- Despite a proposed capi- Road between Lakeridge forced to pick and choose we have to go with a pro- dents and fatalities are there projects on the tal roads budget of $41.4 Road and Valleywood Drive, from a long list of badly gram that looks similar to on our roads today, not in million for 2005, it was rec- and between Church Street needed initiatives. what we’ve seen today.” 2009,” he said. “By putting back burner ommended that several and Westney Road, is set to Defending the report, Pickering Regional Coun- these improvements off long-awaited projects be put receive the most funding, Commissioner of Works cillor Rick Johnson said again and again, we’re not By Jillian Follert on the back burner, due to a followed by improvements Cliff Curtis said $70 million creative budgeting is the doing our jobs.” Staff Writer lack of funds. to Brock Road. would need to be added to answer, calling on Finance The Region’s four-year DURHAM — A four-year These include work on Noting that money has the 2005 budget to cover all Commissioner Jim Clapp forecast will be discussed roads forecast that includes the intersection of Thickson been added to the works the projects on the list. to “think outside the box” again at a joint meeting of a long list of deferred proj- Road and Consumers Drive budget every year, and that “No matter how much when it comes to complex the finance and administra- ects is not acceptable, and in Whitby and the realign- 2004 saw an increase in money we have, it’s never issues such as roads, and tion and works committees neither are ex- ment of Victoria development charges and enough.
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