Government of Jammu and Kashmir Office of the Chief Education Officer Pulwama Tentative seniority list of CPW's'/LFW's of District Pulwama duly furnished by concerned Zonal Education Officer's for invitation of objections if any, as well as authentication of documents required if any. Name of the Office/Institution Date of initial Authority by whom Ref. of Order No and S.No Parentage Residence Qualification Date of Birth CPW where working Engagement engaged Date Mohd S-o Ab.Gani BHSM-81-212 dt 1 Midoora H-S Midoora Matric 01-02-1962 04-01-1981 HM Midoora Shaban Lone Lone 01-4-1981 Gh. Mohd Late Ali Mohd. 2 Gooripora HS Gooripora 8th Pass 13-02-1967 01-06-1981 Headmaster GPH-B-230-81 Shaiekh Shaiekh Hafiza D-o Mohamad 3 Goripora GPS Goripora 8th Pass 04-09-1962 04-01-1982 Headmaster N A Banoo Abdullah Dar Gh. Mohd. Mohd. Sultan 587-88 Dt.: 07-03- 4 Rajpora GPS Rajpora 8th 18-05-1965 07-03-1984 DEO Pul. Sheikh (Sulah) Sheikh 84 Shahnaza Hakeem Gh 5 Trichal MS Trichal 9th 01-10-1970 01-04-1986 BEO Tahab 311-12 Akhter Nabi Ab. Rashid Mohammad BEO-PuL-241-42- 6 Gutroo PS Gutroo 8th 10-09-1972 18-06-1986 BEO Shah Jamal Shah 86 dt.18-06-86 Ab.Rashid Ab.Rehman TEO(P) 1319 dt. 14- 7 Krenchoo UPS Krenchoo 8th 05-02-1967 14-04-1988 TEO Pampore Wani Wani 04-1988 Manzoor Ah Mohd Afzal No.931 Dt.04-07- 8 Lariyar GPS Lariyar 10th 24-02-1978 04-07-1988 ZEO Rather Rather 88 Mushtaq NO 32-CSW DT:07- 9 Ab. Aziz Mir wanpora M-s wanpora 8th Pass 30-11-1978 05-07-1988 Headmaster Ahmad Mir 05-1988 Mohd Amin BPS 10 Ab Ahad Baht Tokuna 9th 01-03-1977 12-11-1988 BEO Tahab 635-37 Bhat Batapora Mohd Yousuf 11 Ab Gani Dar Arihal GMS Arihal 8th 19-04-1975 10-03-1989 HM GMS Arihal GMSA-78-Eng-89 Dar Gh Mohd Ali Mohd 12 Ladermar UPS Ladermar 8th 11-09-1975 30-03-1990 HM PS Ladermar BPS-Estt-102 Sheikh Sheikh Mohamad BMS BEO/BK/5215-16 13 Ab- Ahad Sofi Ratnipora Middle Pass 30-12-1971 18-02-1991 ZEO Rajab Sofi Ratnipora Dated:- 18-02-1991 BASHIR AH AB GANI B-1149 DATED: 22- 14 PAYER HS PAYER 10th 30-01-1973 22-03-1991 22-03-1991 GANIE GANI 03-1991 BPS M U HAJIRA AB AHAD M.U PORA 15 PORA 8TH PASS 02-04-1970 04-07-1991 Nil Nil BANOO DAR PUCHAL PUCHAL Abdul Gh Nabi No.784-85 16 Rashid Kanilbagh BPS Kanilbagh 8th Pass 15-03-1976 04-11-1991 ZEO Rather Dt 11-04-91 Rather Gh Nabi Mohd Rajab 17 Arihal HSS Arihal 8th 15-05-1971 15-01-1993 HM HS ARIHALL HAS-COMP-121 Sheikh Sheikh Ab Khaliq Gh Ahmad ZEO-T-155-93 18 Panjran BPS Panjran 8th 20.02.71 01-06-1993 ZEO Ganaie Ganaie Dt: 01.06.93 GH NABI GH HASSAN BPS CEO-Pul-834-95 19 TENGPUNA 8th 10-05-1969 08-09-1993 CEO Pulwama WANI WANI TENGPUNA dt: 08-9-1993 Mohd CPS/B/93/15 20 Abdullah Ali Mohd Baig Baigpora GMS Baigpora 8th 04-05-1975 01-10-1993 HM GPS Baigpora Dated:- 30-09-1993 Baig Fayaz Wali CEO-Pul-93-94- 21 Ahmad Mohammad Lelhar UPS Lelhar Matric 15-03-1976 11-11-1993 CEO 1139 Dtd: 11-11- Lone Lone 1993 MUSHTAQ Headmaster MS S-O- AB PS MS-K-R--03 22 AHMAD SHADIMARG 9Th Pass 5-3-1976- 12-02-1994 Kalampora(Pay RAHIM SOFI SHADIMARG Dated: 12-2-1994- SOFI Centre) Bashir BPS Wiserwani 23 Ahmad Gh Nabi Wani Malikpora 8th 03-07-1962 03-01-1995 ZEO Tahab Nil Dt 01-03-1995 Tahab Wani Tahab Nisar Hanjan MS Gulshan- G/160 Dated:- 23- 24 Ahmad Mohd- Anwar 9th 02-03-1981 23-03-1995 Headmaster Payeen Abad 03-1995 Ganie Ab Rashid Mohd Shaban Comp-Kulpora- 25 Graw Gund PS Kulpora 8th 04.03.70 01-04-1995 ZEO Tahab Lone Lone ZEO-T-95 Manzoor GH-Hassan ZEO/K/2673-74 26 Ahmad Qazigund UPS Qazigund Middle Pass 25-04-1981 01-04-1995 ZEO Kakapora Shah Dated:- 01-04-1995 Shah Ab Rashid MS Shal CEO CEO-PUL- 27 Shaban Dar Tokuna 7th 06-06-1976 01-06-1995 Dar Tokuna Pulwama 95-144-45 Shaiq Gh Mohd 28 Hussain Gusoo GPS Gusoo 12th 08-04-1976 10-06-1995 Nil Nil Magray Magray NO.189-90 Dt.01- 29 M.Shafi Bhat Gh Mohd Bhat Kavil UPS Kovil 9th 01-08-1964 01-06-1995 CEO 06-1995 Mohd CEO-PUL-plg-95- AB Ahad 30 Ayoub Kandizal BPS Kandizal 8th Pass 24-04-1973 30-06-1995 CEO Pulwama 183 dated:- 30-06- Khanday Khanday 1995 Camp-ZEO 32-A- GH MOHD AB GAFFAR 31 PUCHAL GPS PUCHAL 8TH PASS 02-03-1974 10-09-1995 ZEO PUL Pul Dated: 10-09- DAR DAR 1995 Aijaz Mohd Yosuf ZEO-L-95-412-14 32 Ahmad Diver BPSDiver 12th 04-02-1980 06-10-1995 ZEO Shah dt.6-10-95 Shah Mohd Iqbal S-o Gh.Ahmad Takiya Gulab UPS Takiya ZEO-A-106-07 Dt 33 Matric 03-01-1979 13-03-1996 ZEO Shah Shah Bagh Gulab-Bagh 13-03-1996 Mohd M.Ismail ZEO-L-96-518-19 34 Akram Paribal PS Paribal 8th 17-03-1978 20-03-1996 ZEO Rather dt.20-03-96 Rather ZEO-PUL-671-96 PARVAIZ GH QADIR GMS 35 BOONURA 10TH 15-1-1967 09-07-1996 ZEO PUL DATED: 09-07- AH BHAT BHAT BOONURA 1996 Meema Mohd Shaban No 96-453 Dt.11- 36 Brental GPS Brental 8th 02-08-1971 11-07-1996 ZEO Bano Bhat 07-96 FAROOQ AB REHMAN UPS 1311-13-96 DT: 02- 37 UTHMULLA 8TH PASS 04-03-1968 02-08-1996 ZEO PULWAMA AH MIR MIR UTHMULLA 8-1996 M. Iqbal M. Akbar 38 Nagbal mps chinparin 9th 02-12-1973 04-08-1996 ZEO zeo-120-96 Malik malik Bashir HSSR-96-139 Dt.: 39 Gh. Mohd. Dar Rajpora HSS Rajpora 8th 03-04-1976 01-01-1997 Principal Ahmad Dar 01-01-97 Mohd Gh Mohd 40 Tokuna PS Jungalnar 8th 04-11-1980 12-03-1997 HM PS Junglenar PSJ-03-1997 Ashraf Wani Wani S-O. MUKHTAR MOHAMMA LASSIDABA UPS Headmaster PS PS-L-12-97 Dated: 41 AHMAD Middle pass 15-03-1975 15-03-1997 D N LASSIDABAN Lassidaban 15-3-1997 DEEDED ABDULLAH UPS Farooq 42 Ab. Gani Bhat Patalbagh Patalbagh, 9th 02-02-1975 19-03-1997 CEO Pulwama CEO-Pul-8386-87 Ahmad Bhat Pampore Maqsood Wali Mohd. Dardpora (Q- PS Dardpora ZEO-S-709 Dt.: 07- 43 Ahmad 9th 01-01-1982 07-04-1997 ZEO Shadimarg Lone Yar) (Q-Yar) 04-97 Lone Shahzada W-o:Mohd NO ATP 278-79 44 Kunjipora P-S Kunjipora 8th Pass 03-05-1975 19-04-1997 CEO Bano Ayoob Lone DT:19-4-1997 Gulshan Gh. Rasool MPS BMS-371-1 Dt.6-4- 45 Phalecheck 10th pass 03-01-1983 04-06-1997 HM Akhter Chopan Phalecheck 1997 Gh Mohd Gh Hassan 1170-97 Dated: 12- 46 Pathan HS pathan 9TH PASS 20-03-1968 12-08-1997 ZEO Pulwama Bhat Bhat 8-1997 Javaid Mohd Akbar ZEO-L-97-54 dt.17- 47 Ahmad Nagapathri ups Nagpathri 8th 05-11-1976 17-09-1997 ZEO Wani 09-97 Wani Gh. Mohd S-O Sana-ullah 97-ZEO-C-103 Dt 48 Katipora GPS Katipora Matric 02-06-1982 15-10-1997 ZEO Bhat Bhat 15-10-1997 Gh Qadir S-o Gh.Mohd PS Astanpora Estt-1-97-C-102 dt 49 Sail 8th Pass 03-05-1983 15-10-1997 ZEO Shaksaz Shahksaz Sail 15-10-1997 Mohd Shafi ZEO-L-97-439 50 Hibibullah Mir Wantinor PS Wantinor 9th 08-07-1976 22-10-1997 ZEO Mir Dt.22-10-1997 MOHD CHATAPOR GH QADIR ZEO'S OFFICE 87-1051 DATED: 51 ABDUALLAH A 8TH PASS 04-03-1976 01-11-1997 ZEO PULWAMA KUMAR PULWAMA 28-10-97 KUMAR PULWAMA Farooz Late Ab Rahim Headmaster MS BMS-B-97-121-22 52 Barsoo HS Barsoo 9th 01-01-1980 01-01-1998 Ahmad Bhat Bhat Barsoo Dt 20-02-1997 Abdul ZK-1131-32-98 dt. 53 Ab.Gani Dar Badibagh BPS Badibagh 8th Pass 22-03-1975 05-01-1998 ZEO Rashid Dar 01-05-1998 Mohd Iqbal ZK-813-98 Dt:13- 54 Ab.Ahad Dar uthoora GPS uthoora Under Matric 20-03-1973 13-01-1998 ZEO Dar 01-1998 Showkat Mohd BHSK-113 Dt 28- 55 Ahmad Ramzan Koil Pulwama HSS Koil 8th 04-04-1976 28-02-1998 HM 02-1998 Sheikh Sheikh Gulzar Gh Mohd ZEO Office ZEO-T-451- 56 Mohd Tahab 10th 04-02-1982 10-03-1998 ZEO Tahab Ganaie Tahab 2-98 Ganaie Manzoor Ah No.654-98 Dt.24- 57 Aushoor Wagay Tral BMS Tral 8th 06-07-1972 24-03-1998 ZEO Wagay 03.88 Mohd- ZEO-S-2747 Dtd: 03- 58 Gh- Hassan Mir Kennigam UPS Kennigam 10th 15-01-1980 03-04-1998 ZEO Shadimarg Yaqoob Mir 09-1998 Nazira Mohd- Ahsan GUPS ZEO/S/2747/Dat 59 Abhama 10th 15-03-1973 03-04-1998 ZEO Shadimarg Banoo Wagay Abhama ed:- 03-04-1988 Hanifa W-O Bashir PS Bapora ZEOS-98-65 Dt.: 60 Rajpora 10th Adeeb 24-01-1961 18-06-1998 ZEO Shadimarg Banoo Ahmad Shah Rajpore 18-06-98 Bilal Ahmad Gh Mohi ud No.1290-98 Dt.21- 61 Naibasti Tral HS Tral 9th 01-02-1982 12-12-1998 ZEO Bhat Din Bhat 12-98 Sunnaullah Ab.RehmanWa ZEO-L-99-471 62 DG Gund MS DG gund 8th 23-07-1962 03-06-1999 ZEO Wani ni dt.03-06-99 Ab.Rashid 218-ZEOP dt.1-3- 63 Gh.Mohd Lone Androosa UPS Andrsoo 8th 12-06-1971 01-03-2000 ZEO Lone 2000 Gh.Hassan Mohd Jabbar ZEO-L-2000-425 64 Wager PSWaged 10th 16-04-1974 13-09-2000 ZEO Khan Khan dt.13-9-2000 Gh.Rasool Namblabal GHSS CEO-PUL-6138 65 Ali Mohd 8th 15-02-1977 26-09-2000 CEO Pulwama Sheikh Pampore Pampore dt.26-09-2000 Ab Khaliq S-o Gh.
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