176 O OR V Rsitsi guiO ’ De t STD NO t ish is my Astoria & Warrenton AID AstR & WO iA ARRentOn P postage e On’s nORth COAst storia Ong OR S prsrt A ERMIT U P OR ESIDENT R URRENT C “We heard stories about Astoria & Warrenton: the Column, great seafood, cool Victorians, interesting people, sailors who share poetry and really cool shops for the entire family. Time for a road trip!” – TTIEWBEP A , n rg or #Warrenton oregon #Astoria egon or PRINTED fall 2017 Discover yours ! Pu Re ChARACteR C Ontents: Come here curious, and you might be surprised at what’s awaiting you around the next corner. h RistO y 4 – 5 First stop Welcome to Astoria & Warrenton. eVents 6 – 7 Astoria Column! If you’re here, you’ve already felt it. ARts & CultuRe 8 – 9 When you come, you will understand. It’s that sublime mix of place and people exPlORe 10 – 14 we call Pure Character. It’s about MAPs & hOW tO get heRe 15 – 17 contrasts, charm, and the unexpected. Here, fishermen are poets, loggers drink FilM heRitAge 18 – 19 espresso, Main Street welcomes both 20 – 23 nouveau gallery and five n’ dime, and our lODging historic homes have their own FOOD & DRink 24 – 28 personalities. Ct On A t us Visit us 29 When you taste it, you’ll want more. Astoria-Warrenton Area So, enjoy, indulge, and thanks for coming. Chamber of Commerce “My Astoria expectations were very high and this rustic 111 West Marine Drive port town didn’t disappoint! Its history and charm make P. O. Box 176 it unlike any other town on the West Coast. Astoria, Oregon It is absolutely unique!”– MMJI y, SAn FrAnCISCo, CA 97103-0176 (503) 325-6311 Toll Free (800) 875-6807 [email protected] oldoregon.com travelastoria.com facebook.com/travelastoria instagram.com/travelastoriawarrenton Colorful historic storefronts I spy something that starts with ...B! Visitor’s Center: 111 West Marine Drive, Astoria, OR 97103 Visit oldoregon.com and travelastoria.com for more information 3 Diy D Ou knOW? i n 1805, the lewis and Clark expedition arrived and braved the winter elements at Fort Clatsop. see page 12 for more information on following in their footsteps! “If you were a shanghaied sailor out OuR tiMeline of Portland, Astoria Captain robert gray, a fur trader from was one of the last - 1792: West Coast ports where Boston, first to venture past the dangerous sand bar you could attempt to and up the Columbia river get off the boat or risk being stuck at - 1847: The first U.S. Post office west of the sea for months on a rocky Mountains established in Astoria journey to the far East.” – IFFTCL , AS orIA, or - 1872: Michael Myers of Switzerland opened the Astoria Brewery, the city’s first brew house steP intO the PAst The arrival of the railway expands We are the oldest U.S. settlement west of the Rockies and have - 1898: more historical markers than any other region in Oregon. travel & economic opportunities for the region - 1913: Clara Cynthia Munson, first female Located at the mouth of the 1,200 mile long San Francisco and Seattle. Although the fur, mayor in oregon, elected in Warrenton Columbia River, Astoria & Warrenton was an timber, and canning industries slowly faded important meeting place for indigenous throughout the 20th century, the Astoria & - 1922: A large fire destroys downtown peoples long before the arrival of American Warrenton region has demonstrated its Astoria, which was promptly rebuilt. pioneers. Six years after the Lewis and Clark resilience and redefined itself as a vibrant, Expedition arrived in the region and braved exciting tourist destination. - 1966: Astoria-Megler Bridge connects the winter of 1805 at Fort Clatsop, John oregon and Washington Jacob Astor’s American Fur Company “Astoria was once established a trading post where Astoria now a hardscrabble, Become part of o ISTUr H ory! stands. This area played a central role in the industrial town. course of U.S. westward expansion. Comparing that Occupied by both the U.S. and Britain after to today’s vibrant the Treaty of 1818, the area officially downtown with the became a U.S. territory in 1848. beautiful Liberty Large immigrant populations, particularly Theatre and Scandinavians and Chinese, flocked to the dynamic energy is Pacific Northwest in the late-19th century. like night and day. They joined the colorful local fishermen and Check out a concert at What a renaissance!” became central figures in the bustling fishing the Liberty Theatre – M Ark, and canning industries that helped to make BrookgH In S ArBor, or Astoria the liveliest boomtown between Visitor’s Center: 111 West Marine Drive, Astoria, OR 97103 Visit oldoregon.com and travelastoria.com for more information 5 Only in AstORiA: t he Astoria Regatta started in 1894 and is designated an Oregon heritage tradition. Join us for the oldest festival west of the Rocky Mountains. “Every spring we have eVents DAte & lOCAtiOn a great time at the AstORiA MusiC FestiVAl June Crab festival, gorging astoriamusicfestival.org Liberty Theatre, Astoria ourselves on seafood, innDePe DenCe DAy Parade and Fireworks July 4th buying new artwork, oldoregon.com Astoria & Warrenton & sampling the best AstRO O iA Pen stuDiO tOuR July o regon wines.” astoriavisualarts.org Astoria –I LArA nE, TACoMA, WA s hAnghAieD in AstORiA July to September, Thursdays through Saturdays shanghaiedinastoria.com Astor Street Opry Company, Astoria Shanghaied Scandinavian Crab, Seafood, in Astoria AstR O iA RegAttA FestiVAl August Midsummer Festival & Wine Festival astoriaregatta.com Astoria Ci R Vil WA ReenACtMent September eVents D Ate & lOCAtiOn oregonstateparks.org Fort Stevens Historical Area, Warrenton W ARRentOn DeeP seA FisheRMen’s January PCA iFiC nORthWest BReW CuP September BeneFit FunD AnnuAl CRAB FeeD Warrenton Community Center astoriadowntown.com Astoria sR hO e style WeDDing FAiRe January Gr eAt COluMBiA CROssing 10k October shorestylewed.com The Loft at the Red Building, Astoria greatcolumbiacrossing.com Astoria AstR O iA seCOnD sAtuRDAy ARt WAlk 2nd Saturday of every month AstR O iA inteRnAtiOnAl FilM FestiVAl October astoriadowntown.com Downtown Astoria libertyastoria.org Liberty Theatre, Astoria FestiA V l OF DARk ARts February s t. luCiA FestiVAl November festivalofdarkarts.com Fort George Brewery, Astoria oldoregon.com Astoria High School, Astoria FisheP R Oets gAtheRing February Plu M PuDDing AnD teA December fisherpoets.org Various venues in Astoria cumtux.org Flavel House, Astoria UN WineD (Wine tAsting eVent) March oldoregon.com Liberty Theatre, Astoria “Every year we participate in the great Columbia Crossing. g eatr Columbia Crossing 10 k C RAB, seAFOOD, & Wine FestiVAl April The Astoria bridge affords unprecedented views of the area. astoriacrabfest.com Clatsop County Fairgrounds Best run ever!” –C SE JA k, BoI , ID Fi Fties CRuise ReuniOn CAR shOW April http://clubs.hemmings.com/lccc/ Camp Rilea, Warrenton Run On the RiVeR hAlF-MARAthOn May astoriaparks.com Astoria AstR O iA sunDAy MARket May – October astoriasundaymarket.com 12th and Commercial Street, Downtown Astoria tnRe O guitAR gAtheRing June tenorguitargathering.com Astoria Goo nies DAy / shOt in AstORiA CeleBRAtiOn June thegoondocks.org Astoria Scan nDi AViAn MiDsuMMeR FestiVAl June astoriascanfest.com Clatsop County Fairgrounds Visit oldoregon.com and travelastoria.com for more information on our events Or call the Astoria-Warrenton Chamber of Commerce: (503) 325-6311 or (800) 875-6807 7 Diy D Ou knOW? t he riverfront trail that extends from the Port of Astoria and beyond the east Mooring Basin is more than four miles long. Read more about our waterfronts on Page 11. Att i RACt Ons, MuseuMs & heRitAge sites tOuRs Nor th COAst insPiRAtiOn AstRC O iA OluMn h igh liFe ADVentuRes CuBOl M iA RiVeR eCO tOuRs Check out the second saturday Artwalk in 1 Coxcomb Drive ZiP n’ siP (503) 468-9197 Astoria, OR 92111 High Life Road columbiariverecotours.com downtown Astoria where businesses and galleries (503) 325-2963 Warrenton, OR stay open late and provide entertainment and astoriacolumn.org (503) 861-9875 Ea R t AstO iA highlife-adventures.com (229) 881-7289 refreshments. Astoria & Warrenton provides the CuBOl M iA PACiFiC heRitAge MuseuM eat-astoria.com perfect backdrop to a vibrant art scene! 115 SE Lake Street k nAPPtOn COVe heRitAge CenteR Ilwaco, WA Lor O ’s t uRs ri Heritage Museum (360) 642-3446 521 SR Highway 401 Columbia ver Naselle, WA (503) 791-2010 columbiapacific lorstours.com Maritime Museum heritagemuseum.org (503) 738-5206 knapptoncoveheritagecenter.org si eAs De’s Best tOuRs ARt gAlleRy & stuDiOs theAteR & PlAyhOuse CuBOl M iA RiVeR MARitiMe MuseuM (503) 738-9898 1792 Marine Drive leWis AnD ClARk nAtiOnAl histORiCAl PARk - FORt ClAtsOP AstRA O iA Rt lOFt Ris VeR eA gAlleRy AstR O stReet OPRy COMPAny Astoria, OR 92343 Fort Clatsop Road 106 3rd Street 1160 Commercial St 129 W Bond Street (503) 325-2323 Astoria, OR Astoria, OR Astoria, OR Astoria, OR crmm.org (503) 861-2471 (503) 325-4442 (503) 325-1270 (503) 325-6104 nps.gov/lewi astoriaartloft.com riverseagallery.com astorstreetoprycompany.com FlV O A el h use (CChs) 441 8th Street MuseuM OF WhiMsy ClsPC At O OMMunity COllege Astoria, OR 1215 Duane Street AstR O iA VisuAl ARts So uth BeACh ARts AssOCiAtiOn (503) 325-2203 Astoria, OR PeRFORMing ARts CenteR Astoria, OR 800 N Montesano 588 16th Street cumtux.org (503) 741-9694 Westport, WA (425) 417-6512 astoriavisualarts.org Astoria, OR museumofwhimsy.com (360) 268-1117 (503) 338-2369 southbeacharts.org F RienDs OF OlD FORt steVens clatsopcc.edu/ 1900 Ocean Drive D sOn ni Bett ARt gAlleRy Norh t West CARRiAge MuseuM
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