ilxhrurv tf£ illiberal Hrts Near iScttnp^ljtr^ BULLETIN OF THE NEW HAMPSHIRE PUBLIC LIBRARIES SEPTEMBER 1903— JUNE 1904. NEW SERIES V, NUMBERS I AND 2. VOLUME IV, NUMBERS 3 AND 4; VOLUME INDEX TO THE GRANITE MONTHLY. VOLUMES ONE TO THIRTY-FOUR. 4--C" -t-~-~— 4rrd&* / INDEX TO THE GRANITE MONTHLY. VOLUMES 1-34. Compiled by OTIS G. HAMMOND. This index includes titles of ar- ., authors, Abbott, Henry Livermore, portrait ticles, portraits, and pictures of buildings of 9:32S erected for the use of the public. Pictures John, portrait of 22: 330 of private property, such as residences, John G., obituary of 17:285 hotels, mills, and business blocks and loca- portrait of 32: 361 tions, are not indexed unless they axe of sketch of (H. H. Metcalf) ... 32:361 some particular historical interest. Land- John R., portrait of 32:360 scapes are not indexed, but the few views of sketch of (H. H. Metcalf).. 32:360 towns and cities appearing in the volumes John T., portrait of 18: 72 are included. Joseph C., portrait of 18:348 In indexing authors the names have been Josiah Gardner, sketch of (J. H. 9 : 278 given iu the fullest form in which they ap- George) Matilda of 24:308 pear, and are printed in italics. The titles Brooks, obituary of articles following each author's name are Myra M., portrait of 30: 4 NellieS. The Club 26:323 exact. For economy of space the names of Outing of 26:329 authors as used in the subject index are portrait Oscar of 32: 62 abbreviated, and are enclosed in paren- D., obituary theses. Simeon, obituary of 18: 195 Stephen Gano, obituary of 30: 188 No title of an article is to be regarded as portrait of 30: 65 correct in the list bibliographically except Abbott genealogy 9: 281 following the author's name. In all other Academical and Theological Institu- cases the exact form of a title is subject to tion, New Hampton, N. H. (W. necessary change in order that the im- Hurlin) 28: 17 portant feature of the article be clearly may Acadie, Lancaster in, and the Acadi- and intelligibly indexed. ans in Lancaster (H. S. Nourse) 7:239 Achsah Wray, poem (L. A. Caverly) . 21: 26 Abad, Elena Piedra. See Abbott, Acts of the apostles of anti-slavery Nellie S. (H. P. Rolfe) 7: 113 Abbot, Emma F. Our heroes, poem.. 28:301 Adams, D. H., portrait of 21: 6 The pronouncing bee, poem. 31: 156 Enoch George, obituary of 29 : 435 Francis L., obituary of 21: 123 Ephraim, sketch of (C. B. Spof- Joseph H., obituary of 20 : 398 ford) 15:246 Abbott, Abiel, portrait of 28:283 Ezra, portrait of 22:289 Charles Wheeler, portrait of 33:365 Fred E., portrait of 21:316 sketch of (G. A. Cheney) 33:365 George H., sketch of 7: 32 Converse H., portrait of 33:361 H. E., portrait of 22:284 sketch of (G. A. Cheney) .. 33:361 Ida G. Along the Piscataquog: a Edward, obituary of 20: 158 sketch of Weare 19:329 Edward Gardner, portrait of 9:32S An historical romance 25: 40 Ella C, portrait of 18: 216 At the end, poem 17:199 Ephraim E. P., portrait of 28:300 The passing of intemperance Ernest L., portrait of 33:369 in a country town 32: 300 sketch of (G. A. Cheney) .. 33:369 The Philippines, poem 26: 83 Frances. The free high school... 10:270 The Widow Pinkham's val- Frances M. Our wild flower club. 24:294 entine, fiction 32:122 Three Concord physicians.. 16:419 Ira H., obituary of 23:312 George, obituary of 27:319 Isaac, obituary of 6:385 Eattie. Witch hazel, poem 19:353 portrait of 3: 33 29 Ada '•!> of 3: 33 Aldrich, David Marks, sketch of James M. The first American col- C. (lark) 34: 54 ony in Cuba 30: Edgar. Our northern boundary.. 17: of 15: 34:17 Piscataquog river, poem.... 7:116 portrait 129, 17:176, of portrait of 30: 9 ketch (A. C. Clark) !4: L6 of .. 15:32-:* John, tetter from, to William sketch (H. H- Metcalf ) Plumer 5: 62 Frank Levi. Suncook today 29: 3 r of 29: Jonathan S., portrait of 24:: portrait sketch of L. .. 29: Marshall, portrait of 22:229 (F. Aldrich) 91 Levi L., of 29: 40 Mary E., obituary of 19:176 portrait sketch of L. Myron W., portrait of 22: (F. Aldrich)... 29: Phineas, obituary of 6:383 Thomas B., sketch of (A. E. Cot- 10:215 portrait of 4:307 ton) sketch of (A. P. Dodge).... 4:307 W. H., portrait of 21:316 Anson of 25:280 W. C., portrait of 21:328 Alexander, C, portrait ins Academy, picture of 33:363 Elijah, sketch of (C. B. Spofford) . 15:319 of Address, inaugural (E. I). Hadley) 25:250 James, portrait Admiral Dewey, poem (G. B. Grif- Alexander Sanitarium (H. C. Pear- fith) 27:2 ;S son) 25:279 Advocate and Ids influence (C. H. Algol, poem (B. Chapin) 5: 32 Burns) 13:137 All fair in love, fiction (H. E. Page) 4:441 Affections, poem (M. H. Boodey) 2:171 All through the night, poem (A. G. After awhile, fiction (H. M. Eussell) 1: 75 Woolson) 2 : 230 After man}- years, fiction (EL M. Allbee, see Albee. Russell) 2:239 Harvey A., obituary of 21 : 186 After many years, fiction (L. D. Allen, Abner Jones, obituary of 33:255 Steams) 22:100 Alonzo, obituary of 29: 114 After the storm, poem (Bodenstadt) Edward M., portrait of 22: 72 Ethan. (M. H. Wheeler, tr.) 25: 92 Arctic song, poem 32:142 African notes (A. A. Wood bridge) . 10:275 Frederick J. Derelict and fortune- Agricultural college, relation of the, favored, poem 28: 279 to the common schools (C. S. The voice of a people, poem. 31: Murkland) 19:399 The wild rabbit's home, Ahern, William J., portrait of 30:207, 34:371 poem 33: 126 sketch of (A. C. Clark) 34:371 White Horse cliff, poem 28: 83 sketch of (H. H. Metcalf) .. 30:207 Grace Wade, portrait of 30: 6 Ahwanega: a legend of the Lower H. W., portrait of 25:144 Coos and the Dalton hills (L. J. Howe, obituary of 22: 64 Wood) 1: 52 Stephen M., obituary of 16:147 Aiken, see Akin. W. Dean, portrait of 19:271 David, obituary of 18 : 341 William F., portrait of E. J. East Congregational church sketch of (A. C. Clark) 34:325 of Concord 14: 133 William IL, obituary of 26: 64 Frank J., obituary of 26:129 William Henry Harrison, obitu- Jonathan, sketch of (D. A. Tag- ary of 15: 19 3 gart) 13:114 William W., obituary of 17: 56 Walter, obituary of 16: 68 Allen's, Boatswain, house, picture portrait of 18:174, 30:170 of 13: 82 [Ainsworth, Laban] An old-time Allison, Abigail, portrait of 32:207 minister (M. C. Cutler) .. 13:111 Edna E., portrait of 24 : 256 An old-time minister (M. S. George A., obituary of 24:122 Cutler) 31:117 Allmcrs, Herman, Loneliness, poem Air castles, poem (C. E. George).... 6:112 (L. G. Carr, tr.) 12:225 Akin, James, Thomas Leavitt and Aloft, poem (M. H. Boodey) 2:3S0 his artist friend (F. B. Sanborn) 25:225 Alone, poem (G. B. Griffith) 25:299 Alabama, reminiscence of the (W. Along the Saco, poem (G. B. Grif- H. Hackett) 6:382 fith) IS: ISO Alaska (C. J. Smith) 26: 4 Alton Bay, view of 3:394 Alaskan experiences, some (C. J. Ambition, poem (C. H. Chesley) 30:312 Smith) 26: 09 Ambrose, Joshua E., obituary of... 1^:195 Albee, see xVllbee. Amen, Harlan P., portrait of 19:216, 27:188 Sumner, obituary of 15: 70 sketch of (G. H. Moses) .. 19:215 Alden, Levi, obituary of 16: 67 America, discovery of, by the William II., obituary of 29:374 Northmen in the tenth and Aldrich, David Marks, portrait of... 34: 54 eleventh centuries (E. F. Slaf- sketch of 6:287 ter) 13 : 1S7 31 Albert. The wraith of the American system, favors, faults, and Annett, 32 : 154 future of the (C. C. Lord) 1:238 storm, poem of 34 : 400 American-Irish Historical Society Thomas, obituary Annexation of W. San- (J. C. Linehan) 23:127 Ndronga (E. members of 23: 187 born) 17:253 Amesbury, Mass., Bartlett statue, Ansart, Louis, sketch of (C. Clay- picture of 17 : 357 ton) 9: 49 Amherst, N. H., Greeley's birth- Anthem, poem (S. Hoyt) 28: 58 place, picture of 33 : 215 Anti-slavery, acts of the apostles of newspapers in (D. F. Secomb) . 3:477 (H. P. Rolfe) 7:113 Amidon, Charles J., obituary of 29:242 Anti-vivisection movement (G. B. sketch of 2:323 Lauder) 21:105 Philip F., portrait of 31: 14 Anticipation—Pro and con, poem (V. 13 sketch of (H. H. Metcalf) .. 31: C. Hollis) 11: 66 Among- the granite hills, poem (F. Antrim, N. H., Baptist church, pic- A. Fox) 29:179 ture of 32:348 Among the hills, poem (G. B. Grif- Congregational church, Cen- 20:375 fith) ter, picture of 32:350 Among the mowers, poem (G. B. Methodist church, picture of 32:349 Griffith) 14:216 Presbyterian church, first, 3:109 Amoskeag (C. W. Wallace) picture of 32:347 Amoskeag Company, Manchester 1826, picture of 32:346 and the 12:271 1892, picture of 32 : 346 Amsden, Charles Hubbard, portrait schoolhouse, Village, picture 13:248 of of 32:351 13:248 sketch of 6:288, sketch of (H. H.
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