jjVONAL/^ VOLUME 7 4 * , »934 ¿ y NUMBER 42 c ^A //T E O ^ Washington, Tuesday, March 3, 1942 The President Each of the United States members of CONTENTS the Commission and each of their pro­ fessional assistants, including civilian ad­ THE PRESIDENT EXECUTIVE ORDER visers and any United States Army, Navy, Executive Orders: Page or Marine Corps officers so employed, Arizona, lands withdrawn for Joint Mexican-U nited S tates D efense detailed, or assigned, shall receive, in lieu use of War Department for Commission of subsistence while outside of the conti­ aviation purposes________ 1609 nental limits of the United States in con­ Army Specialist Corps, estab­ By virtue of the authority vested In nection with the business of the Commis­ lishment _______________ 1607 me by the Constitution and as President sion, a per diem allowance of ten dollars. Insane persons, care and treat­ of the United States, and acting jointly All expenses incurred by the United ment at certain Public and in full accord with His Excellency, States Section of the Commission shall be Health Service hospitals__ 1609 the President of the Republic of Mexico, paid by Army disbursing officers from Joint Mexican-United States I hereby authorize, on the part of the allocations to be made to the War Depart­ Defense Commission, estab­ Government of the United States, the ment for that purpose from the Emer­ lishment _______________ 1607 creation of a joint commission to be gency Fund for the President. Maritime functions, redistribu­ known as the Joint Mexican-United F ranklin D R oosevelt tion___________________ 1609 States Defense Commission. T he White House, Reorganization of Army and The purposes of the Commission shall February 27, 1942. transfer of functions within be to study problems relating to the War Department________ 1609 common defence of the United States [No. 90801 and Mexico, to consider broad plans for RULES, REGULATIONS, [F. R. Doc. 42-1737; Filed, February 28, 1942; ORDERS the defense of Mexico and adjacent areas 10:07 a. m.] of the United States, and to propose to T itle 16—Commercial Practices: the respective governments the coopera­ Federal Trade Commission: tive measures which, in its opinion, Cease and desist orders: should be adopted. EXECUTIVE ORDER Southern Candy Co______ 1610 As United States members of the Com­ Statistical Research Bu­ mission I hereby appoint the following: Establishing the Army S pecialist Corps reau, etc___________ 1611 Lieutenant General Stanley D. Embick, By virtue of the authority vested in me T itle 17—Commodity and Securi­ United States Army, Retired, Chair­ ties Exchanges: by section 1753 of the Revised Statutes of Securities and Exchange Com­ man, the United States (U.S.C., title 5, sec. mission: Vice Admiral Alfred W. Johnson, 631), by the Civil Service Act (22 Stat. Public Utility Holding Com­ United States Navy, Retired. 403), as amended, and as President of pany Act, postponement The Commission will convene initially the United States, and for the purpose of of expirai date of certain at a time and place agreeable to both obtaining the temporary services of cer­ exemptions___________ 1612 tain qualified civilian employees for the governments, and may thereafter pro­ T itle 21—F ood and D rugs: ceed at any time with its professional War Department, it is ordered as follows: Food and Drug Administration: and clerical assistants to such place or 1. There is hereby established in the Canned fruits, definitions and places in Mexico, with the approval of War Department, under the supervision standards of identity___ 1612 the Government of Mexico, or in the and direction of the Secretary of War, a T itle 26—Internal R evenue: Unites States as it may consider desirable corps of uniformed civilian employees to Bureau of Internal Revenue : or necessary to visit for the accomplish­ be known as the Army Specialist Corps, Inspection of corporation sta­ tistical transcript cards ment of its purposes. hereinafter referred to as the Corps. The by Office of Price Ad- The United States members of the Corps shall consist of such number of ministration__________ 1617 Commission, in agreement with their qualified persons, whether or not there­ T itle 30—Mineral R esources: Mexican colleagues, may prescribe their tofore upon any civil-service register, as Bituminous Coal Division: own procedure. They are also empow­ may be appointed to positions therein District 9, relief granted__ 1617 ered to employ such professional and from time to time by the Secretary of T itle 32—National D efense: clerical assistants as may be deemed nec­ War: Provided, that no position shall be Export Control: essary, and to incur such expenses for included in the Corps which ranks below Proclaimed list of certain travel, services, supplies, and other pur­ Grade P&S-2 or Grade CAF-7 established blocked nationals, supple­ poses as may be required for the accom­ by the Classification Act of 1923, as ment_________________ 1618 plishment of their mission. amended, except by agreement between (Continued on next page) 1607 1608 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, March 3, 1942 CONTENTS—Continued CONTENTS—Continued T itle 38—P ensions, B onuses, and Securities and Exchange Commis­ FEDEMLMEGISTER Veterans’ R elief: sion—Continued. \ 1934 ^ Veterans’ Administration: Declarations effective—Con. Page Dependents’ claims^ Page National Gas & Electric Corp. Pensionable and compen­ and Wisconsin Fuel and sable service________ 1650 Light Co--------------------- 1660 Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Readjustment in rates, ef­ North American Co__ ______ 1661 and days following legal holidays by the fective dates________ 1650 Empire Service Co., registration Division of the Federal Register, The National revoked_____________-_1659 Archives, pursuant to the authority con­ Disallowance and awards; tained in the Federal Register Act, approved payments to minors__ 1650 Manufacturers Trust Co., ex­ July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500), under regula­ Insurance, payments to mi­ emption granted________ 1659 tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ nors _______________ 1650 War Department: mittee, approved by the President. Title 46—Shipping: Organized reserves, certain in­ The Administrative Committee consists of Bureau of Marine Inspection fantry divisions ordered into the Archivist or Acting Archivist, an officer and Navigation: active service (2 docu­ of the Department of Justice designated by Documentation, entrance and ments) -------------------- 1652,1653 the Attorney General, and the Public Printer clearance of vessels, etc.: War Production Board: or Acting Public Printer. Division of Industry Operations: The daily issue of the F ederal R egister Documentation of vessels, will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free amendment_________ 1650 Preference Rating Order of postage, for $1.25 per month or $12.50 per Entry of vessels, etc______ 1650 P-56-a amended_______ 1662 year; single copies 10 cents each; payable in Tonnage duty and light Preference Rating Order advance. Remit money order payable to the money_____________ 1651 P-43 extended_______ 1662 Superintendent of Documents directly to the Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Title 50—Wildlife: Fish and Wildlife Service: Killing certain injurious mi­ the War Department and the United gratory birds (3 docu­ States Civil Service Commission. CONTENTS—Continued ments) ___________ 1651,1652 2. The appointment, assignment, su­ pervision, promotion, regulation, and dis­ Title 32—National D efense—Con. NOTICES charge of members of the Corps shall be Office of Price Administration: Page in accordance with regulations to be pre­ New passenger automobile ra­ Department of the Interior: scribed from time to time by the Secre­ tioning, amendment------ 1647 Bituminous Coal Division: tary of War. Price schedules, amendments, Cease and desist orders: 3. The pay rates of persons appointed orders: Alston Coal Co---------------- 1654 to positions in the Corps shall be fixed Copper and alloy scrap (2 Scott, Robert L., Coal Co__ 1655 under the pay scales set forth in section documents)_________ 1643 Hearings, postponements, etc.: 13 of the Classification Act of 1923, as Fruits and vegetables Associated Producers Coal amended, and in accordance with the (canned)___________ 1644 Co_________________ 1653 provisions of other existing law. Household furniture; mat­ District Board 6_________ 1653 4. Payment of expenses authorized by tresses, springs, studio District Board 23_____.___ 1653 an act entitled, “An act to provide for uni­ couches, etc-------------- 1647 Scranton, H. S., et al------ 1653 formity of allowances for the transporta­ Lithopone_______________ 1643 Deer Creek Coal Co., com­ tion of household goods of civilian officers Silk waste______________ 1644 plaint dismissed________ 1654 and employees when transferred from Sisal pads______________ 1646 Department of Labor: one official station to another for per­ Wool, domestic shorn-------- 1648 Division of Public Contracts: manent duty”, approved October 10, 1940 War Production Board: Minimum wage hearings: (54 Stat. 1105), shall be allowed and paid Priorities orders: Bolt, nut, and rivet manu­ for persons appointed or employed under Agave fiber, cordage, and facturing industry------ 1655 the provisions of this order when such twine_______________ 1642 Screw manufacturing in­ payment is specifically authorized or ap­ Asbestos, amendment-------- 1630 dustry______________ 1655 proved by such administrative official of Chemical production, main­ Wage and Hour Division:
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