roithmt Alforia Jfouta* WEEKLY « outluuliiK tbe I.. tfcbrldgC N. vm* .«* \- V .;•-• VOL. XXI. Lethbridge, Alberta, Thursday, November 22, IMG. w* No. 3 IT MEANS MUCHiPITTSBURC^KEVLEAGUEiMUCH RIOTING TELEGRAP»iNEWSN0TB BANK OF MONTREAL Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., Nov. 20.— BERNIER HEARD FROM. T'he final arrangement s for the open­ Ottawa, Nov. 21.—The Marine de­ ing of the International I iockr-y Lea­ partment has received a report from Part of One Payment to gue season of 1006 and 1007 were Over Taking Inventories the steamer Arctic. Capt. Bernier Statement of the Result of Business of the Bank made at the league meel ing held this went as far north as Lancaster Beet Growers was Week in Chicago. A schedule; of six­ of Church Property Sound. Relics of Franklin's expedi­ for the Year Ended 31st October, 1906 ty games, the same nuinlier as play­ tion were found and he took some on — o ed last and the previous winters, was board. adopted. Provision was made for The Are-tie- is wintering at Pond's Balance of Profit and LOBS Account, 81st October, 1905 - $ 801,855.41 1,300,000 DOLLARS each team to play three times in OFFICER DISOBEYS Inlei in Ratlin's Bay. Beraier took Profits for the year ended 31st October, 1906, after deduc­ each of the other cities of the circuit i possession of some islands upon ting charges of management, and making full prov.si.on for all bad and doubtful debts 1,797,976.48 In Salt Lake City and Ogden the same as formerly—Pittsburg, which he raised the Union Jack. Canadian Soo, Michigan Soo, Calu­ Captain Refuses to Carry Out Next spring the Arctic will push as -- How Would That Do met, and Houghton. The talk about far north as it is possible to go al- $2,599,881.84 other cities entering the league did Order - Towns Barricade I ong the west coast of Greenland. Quarterly Dividend 24 per cent:— In Alberta not materialize in anything definite, Paid let March, 1906 $860,000.00 but there is every reason to believe Their Churches ALBERTA MILITARY APPOINT Paid 1st June, 1906 860,000.00 that two new cities will be represent­ MENTS. Paid 1st Sept., 1906 860,000.00 The importance to the -j-eople of ed next year. Ottawa, Nov. 21.—Tbe Military Payable 1st Dec., 1906 860,000.00 Alberta is supporting the beet sugar Alex. Milne, manager of th.- Mutual Paris, Nov. 21.—The people of Gazette records the following Alberta ' Street Rink at Toronto, was present Troyes, and the neighboring towns $1,440,000.00 industry is strikingly illustrated by ! appointments: I at the meeting, and applied for and surrounded and barricaded their The 15th Light Horse—To be lieu- ; Amount credited to Rest Acrount 1,000,000.0$ the following news article in the ; was granted a franchi.se for next churches when the authorities at- \ tenant, George Macdonald. Deseret Evening News, Salt la,ke , year. Mr. Milne hah with him plans tempted to t«ke an inventory today, The Alberta Rangers—To be pro- \ Balance of Profit and Loss carried forward $ 159,881.84 City, Nov. 14:: ! of a new steel building which is to but were overpowered by the troops, ! visional lieutenant, Andrew Balfour Note:—Market price of Bank oi Montreal stock, 81st October, 1906 — Tomorrow will be a busy day in replace the- rink on Mutual street, A priest of Soligny who viole-ntly re- Irvine. 258 per cent. sugar beet circles. The 15th of each , and which will lx- the homo of To- sisted waa arrested and taken to • . month is pay day among the farm­ , ronto's team in the International prison. FIRE ALARM BOXES FOR BRAN­ GENERAL STATEMENT. 31st October, 1906. ers for beets delivered the previous League. Mr. Milne said the reason r_ille, France, Nov. 21.—A captain DON. LI ABILITIES:- month, and from all 10 factories op­ | he did not ask for a franchise this the night infantry who refused to Brandon, Nov. 20.—Twenty - five of Capital Stock $ 14,400,000.00 erated fiom ihe head offices in Salt ! year was that the presen-1 rink was i, j . break i the door i new fire alarm boxes are being instal- m 0 ev an ()r( ( r to n Rest $11,000,000.00 Lake and Ogden checks and currency not larg,- enough to accommodate the „f church in order to enable the , b.d in this city at present, and oth­ a Balance of profits carried forward 159,831.84 will be distributed to the beet glow­ j crowds .'at would be necessary to authorities to take the usual inven- ers will lie added from time to time, ers. Nov. 15 sees the' payments ! make the venture a financial success. , pi d by the lieutenant. it is understood that above <-ach torv waR re aCe $11,159,831.84 reach (heir maximum as on that date Duluth will be another likely team During the taking of the inventory alarm box will be placed a small Unclaimed div.den.ds 2,228.01 the beets delivered during the month j in th. league next year. the lieutenant wafi seriously injured. I electric lamp as an indication of , Quarterly Dividend, payable 1st Dec. 1906 360,00.00 •of October are paid for. and some­ PLAYING RILES AMENDED. -*.*- where the boxes are when wanted at 11,522,059.85 thing like 75 per cent of the entire Ivast year's playing rule*; were Bight. crop of the season is harvested and found satisfactory in the main, but, FORECAST OF SPEECH WAS THROWN TWELVE FEET. 25,922,059.85 delivered during that onth some amendments were made toi Rosthern, Sask., Nov. 21.—A ser­ Notes of the bank in circulation $12,036,097.00 'A close estimate of the amount of eliminate delays which in the past ' FROM THE THRONE ious threshing accident occurred 12 Deposits not bearing interest 30,842,380.9.'} money sent out from the Salt Lake have been very annoying to specta- | miles east of Vonda early this week. Deposits bearing interest 99,059,070.61 ^ office today and tomorrow by the tors. Every game- will start upon | A. J. Rogers, engineer, was examin- Bal. due to other banks in Canada ... 141,564.78 various factories of the Utah, Idaho, time under penalty of the offending P()|JCy ()f Mode^te PrOtCCtiOll Ing the seperator when his clothing team paying a Ime', aned no stop of j 112,079.113.27 and Western Idaho companie-s is $1,- caught in the cylinder shaft. He was j more than three minutes will be al­ 350,000. TlK! farmers who grow Will Be Announced by pulled along the blower belt and ov- | lowed in the play for any cause. The $108,001,173.12 beets for the Lehi factory and who er the pulley and thrown a distance i are located in all the surrounding rules to prevent rough play were Government of 12 feet. The clothing was all torn ASSETS:— countries, secure a larger sum than found to work out well and haw from his body with the exception of Gold and Silver coin current $ any others. The lroot growers v.ho been left as they were. A new sys­ G. 23*2,007.49 the boots. Rogers will be laid up for Government demand notes deliver at Sugar Oity, Idaho, come tem is be 'ing adopted with regard to Ottawa, Nov. 21.—The third ses­ 5,874,510.25 a veial weeks. next; Garland, Boxelder county, is the referees. Local referees will be sion of the tenth parliament of the Ddpo6it with Dominion Government required by Act of engaged to take charge of all games Dominion of Canada will be opened Parliament for security of general bank note circulat'n 520,000.00 third; Idaho Palls fourth; Nampa JOE HALL TO PLAY WITH in their localities, Roy D. School- tomorrow by Lord Grey. The gov- Due by agencies of this bank and fifth, and Iilackfoot sixth. Ogden is HOUGHTON. the headquarters of the Amalgamat­ ey will act at Pittsburg, J. P. Moon- I crnor general in the speech from the other banks in Great Britain $ 5,597,767.93 Brandon, Nov. 21.—Joe- Hall, the Due by agencies of this bank and ed Sugar Company and the Lewis- e.v will be offend the ••os>it-ion in the ! throne will naturally refer to the well known hockey player, who has ' ton Sugar company. It is estimat­ Copper Country and negotiations are unparalelled prosperity which exists other bonks in Foreign countries ... 3,027,70S.21 again signed with Houghton in the Call and short loans in Great Britain ed that about 100,000 tons of lx-ets on with a prominent official to take | all over Canada and will point to International professional leagu and United States 29.7S4.2-12.00 will lie paid for at t'he four fac'ories charge at the Soos. the great expansion of trade during leaves tomorrow* for the south. in Ogden, I-ogan, Lewiston, and La- the past year. - 38,409,776.17 Grande, which means close to a half Particular attention will be direct­ Dominion and Provincial Government Securities 1,346,087.68 million dollars dislmrs>c_ne__t among AUTOMOBILE CLUB ed to the increased immigration from Railway and other Bonds, debentures and stocks 8,999,865.20 the farmers of those sections. the British Isles as compared with DELIVERY HORSE Notes and cheques of other Banks 4,418,994.19 The final payment for beets will FOR LETHBRIDGE former years.
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