Published by STATEOF ALASKA Abska Department of DEPARTMENTOF NATURAL RESOURCES NATURAL Divisto~OF GEOLOGICALa CEOPHYSKAL SURVEYS RESOURCES 1996 /rice: $5.00 - -- .-. -- -- - -A-- - - - - - - - Information Circular 11 PUBLICATIONSCATALOG OF THE DIVISION OF GEOLOGICAL& GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS Fourth Edition Published by STATEOF ALASKA DEPARTMENTOF NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISIONOF GEOLOGICAL& GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS DEDICATION All of us who have had the pleasure of working with Roberta (Bobbi) Mann are indeed fortunate. Without exception, we have found her to be industrious, dedicated, efficient, and of unflagging good humor. Fully half of the publications listed in this brochure couldn't have been produced without her. STATE OF ALASKA For over 20 years, Bobbi has routinely typed (and corrected) Tony Knowles, Governor all the sesquipedalian buzzwords in the geologist's lexicon, from allochthonous to zeugogeosyncline (with stops at DEPARTMENT OF hypabyssal and poikiloblastic)-without having even the NATURAL RESOURCES remotest idea of their meaning. John T. Shively, Commissioner DIVISION OF GEOLOGICAL & Such zeal. Bobbi has spent most of her adult life typing error- GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS free documents about an arcane subject she knows virtually Milton A. Wiltse, Acting Director and nothing about. If, at the end of her career, someone would ask State Geologist her what she spent the last few decades typing, I'm positive Bobbi would shyly smile and say, "I'm not really sure. Some- Publication of DCCS reports is required by thing about rocks." Alaska Statute 41, "to determine the poten- tial ofAlaskan land for production of metals, minerals, fuels, and geothermal resources; Now THAT'S dedication. the location and supplies of groundwater and construction materials; the potential geologic hazardsto buildings, roads, bridges, and other installations and structures; and . [to] advance knowledge of the geology of Alaska." Frank Larson Address mailorders to the Fairbanksoffice. DCCS publicationscan be inspected at the Former DGGS editor following locations. Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys 794 University Avenue, Suite 200 Fairbanks, Alaska 99709-3645 Elmer E. Rasmuson Library University of Alaska Fairbanks Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-1005 University of Alaska Anchorage Library 321 1 Providence Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99508 Cover: Cold Bullion Mine, Willow Creek district, southcentral Alaska Resource Library 222 W. 7th, Suite 203 Alaska, circa 19 1 7. The handwritten note on the back of this Anchorage, Alaska 99501 old photograph reads in part "Cold Bullion was discovered around 19 10 by Charles Bartloef.. The mine was in operation Alaska State Library to around 1922, and twice in its life did Iwork there. The State Office Building, 8th Floor 333 Willoughby Avenue mine camp, situated high on the east side of Craigie Creek, had Juneau, Alaska 9981 1-0571 its cook house made of rocks, and to keep tents from blowing away, they were held by wire cables to eye bolts in solid rock." Photo gift of john Bufvers. (Taken from Miscellaneous Report 85-4.) 1% -" : , 7% .- *. li CONTENTS' I~ $I(., , 111,1 r, .. -I I :I$? IZ ,??,$;I f~ Page Introduction v AI--1.- n--- =:I- n--..~- I ~nr\ nldsnd upell-rlar nt-purl3 tnurj I The objective of the Alaska Open-File (AOF) series was to make information available to >c >c L'ICtho ,,U"I,Lnrrhlir U_I .,"",Icnnn U., ,,"J_II",L.nnccihln ThornfnrnIIILICI"#L, LIICthn IC,,"IYrnnnrtc "Inf L1I._I.,CIIL_Ith;~cnrinc twnm..C,C ,,"C_IU",LLLCUnnt crthinrtnrl L"tn rigorous, criticalreview, a formaleditingprocess, orprofessionalcartographicefforts. The series was discontinued in 1982 and superseded by the Report of Investigations series. AOF's are sold at cost or if out-of-print for the photocopy reproduction price. Alaska Territorial Department of Mines documents (IR, MI, MR, PE) 6 A collection of reports, notes, and maps written before statehood. These documents "'C.YY..inrlrrrlo .....-.-.,Itinorrrrv ..-rVIYRonnrtc ,.../,IIRI ......Minoral...-. ....Invnctioatinnc -<..bY......< /MI),'...,,, ....Micrnllanonrrc.,--..-'.L..-a .Rnnnrtc .-rV.- ,.....IMRI/, and Prospect Evaluations (PE). This series consists only of originals on file at the DCCS office in Fairbanks. Many of the reports are on onionskin paper. Maps are of various sizes andscales. Some reports include old photographs. Prices listed are for photocopies of the materials. Annual and biennial reports (AR) 22 This series includes documents from as early as 79 12. During the years the Territorial nnnartmnnt nf AAinnc /=tor rnnamnrl tho ni\,ir;nn nf AAinnr snrl AAinnrslr rannrtnrl nn VL,,U1 LIIILIIL "I IVllllCJ, lULL, ILII'AIIICU LIIL YI"IJ,"II "I I.II,,CI_I UIIU I.I,IICIY,.,, IC,,",LLU "I, mining activity in the Territory of Alaska. Reports written after 1958 summarize statistics on exploration and production ofAlaska minerals during each calendar year and highlight activities of the Division and its legislatively mandated responsibilities. All of these reports are out of print Prices listed are for photocopy reproduction. Geochemical Reports (CH) 2 3 The Geochemical Report (CH) series was discontinued in 1973. Documents of this type aro nnw inrlrrdorl in tho Prnfeccinnal Ronnrt and Rnnnrt nf Invectiuatinnc cerinc ..,.. ...... ...-.---- ... ..,- . .-.-<<.-..-."-r.." -." ..-r-. ' -. "'.-" 0--- "< --..--. Geochemical reports show sample localities and various chemical analyses of stream sediments or rock samples. The last report of the CH series was CH 27. Prices listed are at cost or for photocopy reproduction. Geologic Reports (GR) Until 1984, for DCGS the final product of original research and analyses was the Geologic D---*+ fCD1 P-*:-C TA,-.--. .-I. -n,l;-saz -A;+;-" --A nr-f-cc;n~-fp--+-mpq-~., --.-s,-nA ,\cpwt r (uI\, XZILC;). IIIV~WU~,,~CCI ICVICI*, CUILIIIE~ arnu~IWIC>>IUII~I ~cxr~u~jrapr,y CIIDUICV accuracy. In 1984, DCCS changed the name to the Professional Report series to reflect the addition to its staff of scientists of other disciplines such as hydrology, archaeology, and seismology. The last published Geologic Report is GR 76; the first Professional Report is PR 77. Prices listed are at cost or for photocopy reproduction. Guidebooks (GB) 28 The Guidebook (GB) series contains general and technical information that helps visitors nrnrlnrctanrl tho onnlnnir rnnrlitinnr tho,, nhrnn/o =Inno cnmo nf thn mainr trancnnrt~tinn ",1UL1-'LU11" L1'L 6L"'"6,C C"II",LI"II_I "IL, ""_ILI .L U,"I.~.,",,IL "8 ".L IIIYJVI LIU.._I,,"It""".. routes in Alaska. Guidebooks are sold at cost Information Circulars (IC) The Information Circular (IC) series contains a variety of types ofpublications-pamphlets, hrnrhnrror anrl m>nc Farh /Tic rlncioncwi m nrnm,irln hrinf cnnrifir infnrmatinn in rrcahb ","C..U'C" 'A'." ..'Y,3-'. CUC,, .~'-'UL_I.~',L" .",3'".IUC U..L., -'~L~I..L..IIY.II,UL.V..... Y .a<...... and cost-effective form. Laboratory Notes and Reports (LN, LR) 29 Laboratory Notes (LN) and Laboratory Reports (LR) were published from 1968 to 1973 --.rrc ...torhniral ......-. .-crrrnrnarioc......-.. - . -.nf rnethnrlc -..-2nd nrnrorlrrrec...- ---.-< rrcorl .-.fnr rherniral-..-....- -. -.analvcnc .-. ,. - .... in -tho .- DCGS assay laboratory. The reports provide information about the reliability and limitations of the results ofchemicalanalyses. Prices listedareforphotocopy reproduction. iii Miscellaneous Papers (MP) and Administrative Reports (ADR) The Miscellaneous Papers (MP) and Administrative Reports (ADR) are made up of various publications that DGGS has authorized and helpedproduce over the years. They are formal and informal articles and reports predominantly about mining and mineral assessments. These publications are listed alphabetically by author. Prices listed are for photocopies. Pamphlets (PN) The pamphlets were developed by the Department of Mines in Alaska's territorial days. During World War II the study of strategic minerals became a nationalpriority. After World War I1 the need to develop materials for potential new industries led to the study of industrialminerals such as limestoneandasbestos. Thesepamphlets are out ofprint Prices listed are for photocopies. Professional Reports (PR) Professional Reports (PK)serve to communicate new data andoriginalideas to other earth scientists. Two characteristics separate the Professional Report from the other categories of DGGS documents: (a) the PR is the completed product of original research and analyses; and (b)professionalcartography and thorough peer review, editing, and revision to ensure accuracy. Professional Reports are sold at cost Public-Data Files (PDF) The objective of the Public-Data File (PDF) series is to make project data available to the public as soon as possible. To expedite information release, PDFs are not reviewed or edited. ldentification numbers reflect the year of publication. Some numbers have been skipped in the sequence of numbers (for example, PDFs 84-1 through 84-9): reports do not exist for these missing numbers. Prices are determined by reproduction (photocopy, blueline, or on-demand color plot from electronic file, 400 dpi) costs. Publications Available on Disk Some of the publications listed in this section are available only on disk, some are avail- able on paper or on disk, and others use both paper and disk for one report. All floppy disks were prepared on IBM or IBM-compatible computers with math coprocessors. All are in ASCII format. Unless an order specifies otherwise, 3 %-inch disks will be sent Most of the files are compressed and a copy of the decompression program is provided.
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