SEP 12 ' 94 04=This18PM document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu PHUIU-UI-' WJ:fH MAJOR DONORS OF RICHARD BVRR Wednesday, September 14, 1~~4 Photo-op with Major donors o t ~1chard Burr 8:00 a . m. to 8:15 a.m . PURPOSE: To participate in a photo-op with Richard ~urr•s maxed out and major donors . BACKGROUND: There will be a brief photo- op before you attend the Burr fund-~aising breakfast . Richard and Brooke Bu~r wi ll accompany you t o the photo-op and i ntroduce you to the 20 t o 25 t.op donors . There wi 11 be a standard line-up for t.he pho"t.os . A 1 ist of those attendinq is attached . One photo-op attendee, Stu Eeperson ran for Congress i n this district in 1984 and 1986 . Page 1 of 89 SEP-12-1994 17: 41 This documentBURR is from FOR the CONGRESScollections at the94 Dole Archives, University of Kansas P.02 http://dolearchives.ku.edu CAPITOL CLUB MEMBERS PHOTO OPPORTUNITY RICHARD BUDD ZACK BYNUM HUDNALL CHRISTOPHER ED BROYHILL JEFF SCOTT BORDEN HANES A"N"'NE HANES STEVE WILLIAMS JACK ROEMER LANE ROEMER MORRlS CRAFTON GARRY AVRAM BUDDY COLLINS MRS. BUDDY COLLINS JOHN WOLFE JIM BRADY MILTON SMITH MRS. MILTON SMITH CRAIG HARREL STIJ EPPERSON NANCY EPPERSON DICK HEDRICK JOAN DANIELEY NELSON TOMLINSON MRS. NELSON TOMLINSON MARK POOVEY Page 2 of 89 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu - Page 3 of 89 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu 8:20 am - ATTEND breakfast for Richard Burr 8:55 am Location: Yeates Building Attendance: 200@ $100/couple, $75/person Event runs: 8:00 am - 9:00 am Press: Open Facility: Head table; microphone; podium and platform Head table: Sen. Dole Dr. David and Martha Burr Richard and Brooke Burr State Sen. Betsy Cochrane Joe and Eunice Dudley Sen. Broyhill Format: 8:30 am - Invocation, Dr. David Burr (Richard's Father, co-chair of the Camp. and former Pastor of 1st Presbyterian Church) Pledge by State Sen. Betsy Cochrane Welcome and intro of Sen. Broyhill by Burr Sen. Broyhill remarks and introduces Sen. Dole Sen. Dole brief remarks Thanks by Joe Dudley, owner Dudley Inn Complex (wife' s name -- Eunice Dudley) Contact: Dean Myers 910/777-1170 910/773-0198 (FAX) Page 4 of 89 SEP-12- 1994 10:50 This documentBUR is Rfrom FOR the collectionsCONGRESS at the94 Dole Archives, University of Kansas P.06 http://dolearchives.ku.edu TALKING POINTS HEAD TABLE: Sen. Bob Dole Richard and Brooke Burr Sen. Jim Broyhill Dr. David Burr State Sen. Betsy Cochrane Joe and Eunice Dudley We'resm-e the audiena: will be interested in hearing what's going on in WMhiogton both on Capitol Bill and at the Clinton White House and Sen. Dole's perspective on the latest developmeots. * You may wish to mention the Sept. 27 Contract with America event for all Republican House candidates in Washington. Richard Burr, of course, will be attending. * Good news about Richard Burr: What we need in Washington is another small businessman like Richard Bllrr NOT another lawyer and career politician like Richard's Democrat opponent * We need Richard's help in Washington to make the changes and reforms in Congress and in Washington that are so desperately needed * Richard and I oppose IDGHER TAXES MORE REGULATION WASTEFULSPENDING, etc. * Richard supports refonns like TERM LIMITS BALANCED BUDGET A..l\1El'ill>MENT LINE ITEM VETO Finally, reasom why Richard BUIT is going to win: * While Burr and his opponent have raised roughly the same amount of money, over 85 percent of Bun-'s funds come from individwm and from within the Fifth Dimid. In contrtit, Sa114b bas raised overHALFOF HIS FUNDS FROMPACS, almost an of which are out of ate. Only ONE THIRD of Sanm' contributions come from individuals and less than haH from in the district. * For these and other reasons, Richard Burr is one of the top Five Republican chances for picking up a Democrat seat in the nation this year ••.• Page 5 of 89 SEP 12 ' 94 04=1 8ThisPM document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas P.7/ 11 http://dolearchives.ku.edu FUND-RAISER FOR CONGRES$I_QNAL CANPJ.PA'rE R:ICHARQ BURR Wednesday, September 14, 1994 Fund-raising breakfast 8 : 20 a.m. to S;SS a . m. PURPOSE: The fund-raising breakfast is in s~pport of Richard Bur~, who is running for the Sth di~trir~ rongressional ~Q~l of Rep. Stephen Neal CO) who is r etiring. The Democratic nominee is state Sftnator• Sanny s~nrl~ . EYENT BACKGROUND: You 111i 11 addrP~e; t.ha;a Rurr fund-rai•ing breakfast. after the photo-op. Richard Burr ' s father, Or. Oavid Burr (former Pastor of thP lc;.t. P"~~byt.eria.n Churc::h) will lead the invocation. Th~ pledge will be led by State Sen. Betsy Cochr~nP . Richard Burr will WQlcome everyone and introduce former Senator Jame$ T. Broyhill, who will introduce you . A~~roximately 150 pgr~on~ at $100 a couple ($75 a per5on) will attend. Mr . Joe Dudley. owner oft.he Dudley Inn will close the progrAM . JoQ'~ wife is Eunice . Nvxt., you will ~t.t.cnd <:'l Bu1"r press availabilit.y at. t.h~ hotel and then depart . ISSUES TO STRESS * Bur~ ran against incumbent Congressman S~ephen Neal in 19~2 and rec~ived 46~ Qr l..l1e vote . Hts campaign had 800 volunteers and 1,200 donors. He is proud of t.hat, effort and feel>::> J.n '1<£!<> ~et. the 1'oundat.1on for victory this year . * Richard Burr's campaign is focused on opposing new taxes <Bur•' i'!:I Lu-c.l1air111an of N . C. Taxpayers Unl.t.ect, an anti-tax group> . He is pushing a conservative agenda t.hdl. inl.ludes - work replacing welfare; reducing t.he size of government; supporting a balanc@d budget c1mt:mdment. and term limlt.s: and strong policies against violent crime, line it~m veto. * Burr has questioned the intrusiveness of the federal ~uv~rnment. and the publics dist.rust. 01 additional federal inte~f~rence in citizen's personal affairs . Burr is making a push to attract 5th district Democrat * vu~r"a. Tu t.hat. end, he 1s pusl"l1 ng conservat.l. ve versus liberal themes rather than a Democrat versus Republican approach . Page 6 of 89 SEP 12 '94 04:19PThisM document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas P .8/11 http://dolearchives.ku.edu Clinton's approval is 30~ among white voters; 19X among w~1te male vo~ars . l~ls d1str1ct is 14~ black . ~urr strongly supports district tobacco interests and would seek to serve on Rep . Henry Waxman's House subcommittee (ranking GOP member Tho~as Bliley said Burr would stand a good chance of gelting on the committee since fellow NC Congressman Alex McMillan is retiring) _ Bliley and Rep. Howard Coble recently met with Burr on this matter_ * Burr recently receive the help and endorsement of ra(e car drive Richard Petty . Burr is married to Brooke Burr . They have two sons, Tyler and William. He played football at Wake Forest University . He is a Winston-Salem businessman <market- ing and sales of consumer goods)_ DISTRICT PROFILE: * The 5th Congressional district is located on the Northwest border of the state and includes half of Winston~Salem, which casts 30~ of the district's votes. * The Democrats hold a voter registration edge in the district - 58~ to 34~. but political lines are drawn on conservative v. liberal rather than Demotr~t v . Rep. In 1992 , President Bush won the district by just a thousand votes <431). Clinton rec eived 43~ and Perot got 13~. Sen . Helms and Sen. Faircloth won th~ district in their elections_ *The district's naajor industries are: tobacco, t.extile and furnit.urP :t Burr spent. ~l8R,OOO in hie:; •q? r.:.\.-.:o t.n NP."'] 's .,S17,000 . :t Rurr 'c:; b1JrtnP-t. for 1994 is S600,000. His oppon~nt is Mr . Sandy Sands, an eight-year State Senator from t~ district_ ~and~ vol$d for the l~rge»t ~~x in NC history and voted for state tobacco taxes . He's ~rying lo "out ~orn;;erv•tive" Burr . As of June 30, only 24~ of Sand~ money has c:ome from the district _ 85~ of Burr's funds ~rg from wi~hin the G~n dis~~ict . Page 7 of 89 P.03 SEP-12-1994 17: 42 This documentBURR is from F OR the COt-~GRESS collections at the94 Dole Archives, University of Kansas ' http://dolearchives.ku.edu. Jones Abernethy (2) David Ahles Burch Alford Patrick Allen Tony Awford Rick Bagley Rex Baker Ron Barker James Barrett (2) JohnB~ Jerry Beeson (2) Allen Bennett (1) Norman Bennett (2) Tom Blair (2) Harry Boles (2) Carl Boon Helen Boon Marvin Boyd Frank Burr (2) Johm Burress (2) Ken Carlson (np) Rocky Carter (2) V.R. Challa Lyn Christianson Betsy Cochrane (comp) A.L. Collins (2) Buddy Collins Debra Conrad-Schrader Charlotte Disher Tony Disher Chuck Duckett Joe Dudley Unis Dudley Clyde Dupin (2) Gordon Early (p) Chuck Edwards (2) Jim Einstein (1) William Entwbistle Tom Eschleman (2) Wayne F. Mabe (2) Grady Flowers Sam Flowers Alice Garoner Ralph Garnner Page 8 of 89 SEP-12-1994 17:42 This documentBURR is from FOR the collectionsCONGRESS at the94 Dole Archives, University of Kansas P.12:l4 http://dolearchives.ku.edu Jane Goins Lyons Gray (comp) Dwayne Hall (2) Bill Hiatt Randy Honeycutt (2) Gene Hoots Judy Hoots Laverne Bowell Robert Howell Gordon Hughes Robert Hunt (2) Avis Knight Joyce Krawiec(2) Barry Lawson (possibly 2) Ned Leary (2) Bill Lewis Forrest Lowery (2) John Lo~ery Jim Lynch Mac Macalier (comp) Mark l\1alcom Michelle Malcom Richard Marks Susan Marshall (2) Matt Martin Bruce Mason (2) John Mathews John Mathews Jr.
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