Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC May 1991 Daily Egyptian 1991 5-2-1991 The aiD ly Egyptian, May 02, 1991 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_May1991 Volume 76, Issue 148 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1991 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in May 1991 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian Southern lllinois University at Carbond ale Thursday, May 2,1991, Vol. 76, No. 148, 16 Pages Bangladesh death toll climbs to 6,000 to tack Ie the siruation alone." supplies to areas still under water. say how the un official sources Prime minister appeals for aid Zia appealed for international The state-owned Banglades h arrived at the figure. assistance to help the nation Sangbad Sangstha news agency Official reports on the number of rocover from the storm thai rolled quoted officials as saying nearly deaths have been conservative, in repairing typhoon damage in from the Bay of Bengal early 6,000 people were killed in the with much higher figures being Thesday, battering the shore with typhoon, including 2,683 .n the reported in state-owned and private DHAKA, S."gladesh (UP!) - aid to help rebuild the coontry. 146 mph winds and submerging southern coastal district of Cox's newspapers and news agencies. The death toll rrom Bangladesh 's "Hundreds have died and thou­ offshore islands under 2O-fOOl tidal Bazar and another 2,000 in The casualty count was expected wor5l typhoon in 20 years mounted sands have been made homeless," waves. OIiuagong. to continue rising as reports from Wednesday to nearly 6,000 and the Zia told Bangladesh radio. Her retnaJts were reported ....Iy The news agency alsu quoted the stricken areas reach the capital. navy estimated property damage oJ "Destruction of propetty and crops Wednesday as relief efforts intenSi­ unoffIcial soorces as saying 50,000 Communication with the south S 1.5 billion as Prime Minister have been on a massive scale and it fied, with army helicopters and people were killed in the Cox's coast has been largely cut off by Khaleda Zia appealed for foreign will be impossible for Bangledesh na vy vessels ferrying food and Bazar district alone but it did not the storm. USG approves election results despite appeal By Doug Toole Staff Writer The Undergraduate Srudent Government accepted the results of the USG election at its meeting Wednesday nighL USG officers and senators-elect will take offi ce as scheduled on May 10. The results of the April 18 USG election were disputed by Reform Pony members, who said the election commission denied them due process and made decisions arbitrarily. Michael Parker, Reform Pony chairman, filed an appeal against the decision of the commission ro issue two strikes against the pany for lIyers it distributed. The strikes were issued April 17 ",hen the commission decided the Hyers were inaccutate, and mis\ea.ding. "the flyers reprinted an article on the Reform ?any from Satyagraha and gave an accouni of the Reform and Srudent Pony responses to the Carbondale City Council's spring 1990 keg registration proposal. Parker said the commission infringed on his freedom of expression rights by not Erika Landorf, ..nlor In education, StephanIe Lasks, Meltdown In the F_ Fonm area WednMday. The melt· allowing the distribute of the flyers and did IOPhomOra In art, and Thad "Tree" Lovell, InIehman In down provided '-food and music and was paid fOr by forestry, relax with puppy Groovy Girl at the Final the Student Programming CouncIl. Seo USG, Page 5 TillS Springfest costly for SlUe, city police By Jackie Spinner don't have,"Rol\ins said. 'We can't alford iL" MORNING Staff Write, SPC spends about S20,OOO each year 011 Party School Springfest, $10,000 of which comes from SIUC Security Director Bob Harris says • univor1lly held haslagO by an image student fees, he said. Harris said Springfest could cost University Universi t), Police can't afford another Spcond II' a Ihr ...... p:ul s ... tI('S rates SpringfcsL security S8,OOO next year to police the evenL may go down After a weekend of 39 arrests by University Carbondale Police Chief Don Suom said the Police and 53,710 spent for additional police Chad Rollins, chairman of Springfest for the city spent $5,700 in ovenime pay for offIcers -Page 3 and Saluki pauollers, Harris said the price of the Srudent Programming Council, said SPC can't during Springfest weekend. festival is too high. alford to pay the extra costs for law enfortement Strom and Harris said the amount of money Capt Kangaroo 'We couldn't alford to put out there this year either. spent for overtime pay for officers doesn't comes to area what we had," he said. "Somebody's going to "I ftod it scary that Mr. Harris feels he should charge SPC fo r that because ~,at's money we See SPRINGFEST, PI;. 5 -Page 7 have to pay for it next year." §Pi!!I' Poshard backs bill Softball streak to halt clear-cutting Funding shortage to cause comes to end By John Patterson -Page 16 and Brandl TIpps fewer jobs at Physical Plant Staff Writers By NatalIe Boehme Gus Bode StaffWritor kiM The Shawnee National Forest could be clear<ut if EnteMBlnment President George Bush's budget proposals for fiscal The Physical Plant will be short swdent -Page 7 year 1991 become a reality. workers this summer because of a Classified But a local Congressman is trying 10 pass legislation shortage of funds , said a plant -Page 10-12 to ensure it remains prohibited not only in the adminisuata Wednel!day. ComiCS Shawnee, but on aU federal land Marian Brown, assistant to the director -Page 13 U.S . Rep. Glenn Poshard, D·Conerville, is co­ of the Physical Plant, said although the sponsoring a bill with Rep. John Bryan~ [}. Texas, to plant is not cUlling back student WOIkers, ou tl aw clear-cutting and provi de more careful vacant positions will not be filled until management of federal propeny. July because the plant has limited student \!'j'''i'­ "We can no longer accept clear-cutting as a wage funds left. July I marks the legitimate way of harvesting our precious natural beginning of a new fiscal year and a new Gus says Physical Plant will be /\3 resources. I fi nd no redeeming qualities to clear- Cloudy, 70s Seo PHYSICAL PlANT, Poge 5 shOrt on phyalcallabor. Seo SHAWNEE, Plgo 5 Page 16 May 2. 1991 Sports n . lil~ I ·j.!~ptian Southern Illinois l 'niversity Ht Carbondale Dawgs gallop over Thoroughbreds By WayrIIJ Frazer has hit the ball extremely well. Sta!fWriter Nelson crushed that home run today." The Salukis sent Murray State Cwynar also shined, going 4·for· racing home after they whipped the 4 with a double, a uiple and three Thorough\reds 1&-5 Wednesday at RBis before being lifted for a pinch Abe ~.!artin FICId. hitter in the eighth when SIUC feasted off Murray State Riggleman cleared the bench. pitching for the second time in a Every non·pitching Saluki made a week. racking up 14 hits off """" uip to the piale. Thoroughbred pitchers. Last SIUC tacked on two more 10 Thursday the Dawgs ripped 19 hits make it 5·2 in the fourth on a in an 11-8 vicla)'. double, a single, a hit batsman and With lhe Salukis trailin~ 2·1 in a ground ouL the third and juni ... r Kurt The Racers wouldn't give up, Endebrock on first, right fielder scoring three cn the top half of the Jeff Nelson launched a two·run sUih inning on five hits. homer to dead center field to put Senior hurler Bob Finder the Salukis up 3·2. relieved senior Phil Mellringer with The Salukis' main offensive one out in the sUth and put out the force of late has been Nelson. He fire. went 3·for·5 againsl th e Racers The Dawgs slammed the door with five RBis. on Murray State in the home half Nelson boosted his team·leading of the sixth. Cwynar led off with a batting 10 365. The senior's round· single to center and was moved to uipper was his "'nth of the year. He second by ShellOn. is the first Saluki 10 top double Smith foUowed wi th a grounder digits in that ca!egory in five years. to third th aI the Racers booted. Saluki head coach Sam Endebrock then tried th e suicide Riggleman said Nelson is the squeeze. catalyst for the team's other hiuers. Thoroughbred pitcher Pat "Jeff's been important to us," Schmiu fielded the ball and threw Riggleman said. "He hits and then home, but Cwynar laid a brutal hit (freshman Danny) Esplin, on Murray State catcher Jon (freshman Jeff) Cwynar and Grzanich, forcing the baIlloosc. Salukl freshman second baseman Jeff Slue's 16-5 victory at Abe Martin Field (freshman Jason) Smith foUow his Cwynar bears down on Murray State catcher Wednesday. The collision jarred tha ball lead. Since the CreighlOn series. he See DAWGS, Page 14 Jon Grzanlch In a play at the plate during loose and Cwynar was :;afe on the play. SEMO stops Saluki softball streak at 23 games By Cyndl Oberle lead the Gateway Conference. With both the second ana the 6It~ which SenioT Lisa Robinson relieved Statistics. Staff Writor these games, SlUe's overall record raised their lead 10 3·1. Mick in the sevenlh and \tell' 1hem sruc Is ranked No .
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