EPA Yanks $1 Million from Plant

EPA Yanks $1 Million from Plant

go - MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday, Aug. 8. 1988 CARS S A S la .e I q TI c a r s 1571 c a r s FDR SALE FDR SALE FDR SALE I » I | fGRSALE MERCURY Monarch HONDA Accord 1981. 4 FORD Grand Torino 1975. Specioli#.D<ftf! | 1976. New exhaust sys­ door, 5 speed, air, new Pair shape, needs badv M ANCHI C K Turf wars tem, good tires, olr, brakes and muffler, wark.315Cenglne.Best V a ^ » iB k * 108.000 miles. $475. 644- om/fm cassettesterea. offer. 645-8773, ask for H O N D A 3968.0 _______________ $2000. 646-4350 Gerry. nviaa^rt Tax dls^lots can’t CARPENTRY/ IHEATING/ IMISCELUNEOUS OLDS Cutlass 1977. New evenings. ____ ___ r ^ T - * T L T m T 7 >T> USED CARS GHIUlCMIE I2 £ | r e iio d e u n 8 PLUMBING exhaust and shocks. SERVICES Respectable looking CENTER S2 Old. Cuba.. *4905 take town |:^owers /3 inside and out. Relia­ pletelv rebuilt engine. M O T O R S ^cnx *6895 .NANNIES A^^itiscsp IhON^slii^a sH pksiss sf PJ'i flumblniji. Hiitlno A ble. Everything works Excellent shape. $500. 461 Main St., Manchester ee Honda CMc cnx •8895 tMMiA hStllTriBlM T&L MASONRY UNLIMITED „ Air l^dTlIenlng Brick, block, stono. Including olr. Asking 646-4350evenings. Ixiw Cost Financing *6795 Pwliiwliiiiil ehIM ca n place- ttiMi/sl twin Boilers, pumps, hot water Chimneys and repairs. $900. Coll 647-0511 or maat agMMjr, provhlet h l ^ N y«iPP6 4Mi 4l ooRMtolors not rsMtm- tanka, new and come see at 17 Hock- No |ob too small. TO YO TA Corolla Wagon itu Piy. R«ii»nt..............*4495 87 Pont. Sunbird !51?5 aM lttp, acreened nannlea. replapementa. motock Street, 1980. Automatic, olr w*ion. at. ac. ps. surw 84 Pont, sooo le '5995 Iroac term (Hva Ib or out). FREE eSTIMATes FREE ESTIMATES Monchester. ________ conditioning. Best iMSPom moo................*5495 as Honda Praluda , *8995 232-7084 MAR Cwitiruction 843-0640 / 220-0616 Cell 645-8063 NOVA 1976. Runs excel­ Offer over $1300. Call 4or., at.ps. ac.tiu.cc 88VW8eirocco *9995 il Wisslissisr.M lent. Needs body/lnte- 649-4418.___ IMS Cliev Cavalier CS.............................. *3795 88 Honda DX Civic *6795 rlor work. $500 or best 1987 DODGE 600. $8000. or * **'• **•'*■*• ***'*° •* Capri *8195 CLEANINB IRIAN'S HOME NEW ENGLAND Tee M l Screesed Loam'' offer. Coll offer 6pm. best offer. 643-4263 looe Ren. Alliance............ *2295 84FordTampo *3995 SERVICES IMPROVEMENTS FLUMBINQ 6 NEATWG Any amount daHvertd. Also, llllJ 643-4177._____________ DODGE Asnen 10 77 84 Pont. 8000 *5195 Oaelis, AdOHIooa. WIndowa, 'gnvsl, atons and bark, muloh. M*****l ' 1014 Cliev Clievetle ......... *2695 M Phav ChavaHa *3295 For all your plumbing needs. CAM AR 01984. Red.t-top, 49,000 miles plus 1974 , dr. 4 Spd . «K mi. Ilk. n.. • 0. *700? Rooflne. aiding ^ b c a l, baokhoa A loadar rants'^ stereo, olr, 5 speed, AaaaonaMo • P n t e tllm ltt Ucenaed and Insured. >**4FonlE.«.nDL ...... *2795 “ M«d! ni 7 *5495 NOME & OFFICE • Intund DAVIS CONSTRUCTION excellent condition, mileage. Both for $795. Waion.4Dr..S8pd..DeluxeInt. e3MaidanX-7 Free aatlmataa. Call low mileage. $7500 or 649-5445. .... „ . ^ , icdox 88 NIaaan Santra *5795 CLEANING 6 4 7 -8 4 4 1 528-3003 872-1400/959-95S5.V best offer. 643-4638. _______________________ Lo.d«i. Low Mile. 88 Marc. OiprI *6395 1*11 Do It Your Way — BUICK Skyhowk I960. NOVA 1977. V-6, auto- loiz Pl,. Horiion............. *1995 83Ply Turlamo *2595 WEEKLY - BI-WEEKLY 8AS HOME PERSONAL SERVICES Good condition. 80,000 matic, original owner. 4 Or. at. very clean 82 Buick Skyhawk « 9 5 MISCELLANEOUS miles, V-6, 4 speed, Well kept. $1200. Tele- loii Toyou supra........... *4495 82 Chav citation *2995 Call Jaokla 647-1990 IMPROVEMENTS • OwcfcbMk Central & REPAIRS SERVICES • Incom t T om Rroporotlon sunroof. $1500 or best phone 643-0817._______ Loaded, Exc. Cond. "Tkg Alto Proratslonalt” • LHW i t H M tth Insurortc* Atfvico offer. 649-5110._______ 1985 RX-7 GSL-SE. 17K 1011 Dodge Omni ..*1995 24 A«aina St., MaHCkeatcr "No Job Too Small" • 8116691 Consulfotlon Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm DODGE Daytona Turbo miles. Showroom con- 4or.auio. lolomiim dSJllSOCeC 30 Cents noglalarad and Fully Inaurad STONE EXPERTS • nnoAClol 8 Csfof* Nionnlno ditlon. $12,000 firm. loti Pominct -iooo *1795 D 4 D ~ d 9 1 9 FREE ESTIMATES All types ol stone work, 1985. Alt power, stereo, U W N CARE Coll Don Moilsr -44F-3329 G T tires, mint condi­ Days 728-3686, evenings 4 d, 4 spd. u, mi. 1 own., - ■■■'■ 647-0593 walls, veneer, dry stone tion. $5200. 649-9246. wall. g-S Call Ryan p. B. Mosier, Inc. ond weekends 871-2725. ‘SS spe ^ |q o | CAMPERS/ LAWNS cut. pruning Patrick, Mon.-FrI. 0-5 PONTIAC 6000 1984. 4 MERCURY Grand Mar- 1979 chev. cuit. van........*4495 IH £ J TRAILERS tlirubt, genarol lands- PAINTING/ DELIVERING door, 4 cylinder, olr, Quis LS 1988. Has al- Ficlory Conv. AC. AT. CC k More coplno. houllno lunk to 871-6096 Rich, clean, stone-free AM-FM. Excellent most everything. itrafoiultdsrgh......... *1195 ALLEGRO 1986 Class A dump. Good prices. |S»| PAPERING condition. 53,000 miles. Leather Interior. For- 4 Dr. ve. at. ac. ps. v. od. cond. Motor home. Coll 684- 8th offers foam. 5 yards. *80 Plus Tex. 640-3104, Mark. EPA yanks TVs a VCRi a APPLIANCES Also, sand, gravel, atone Askino $3500. 527-5898. mal Coach top roof. ie«7 Ford oeiixie wo....SAVE 9761. NAME your own price. Insta-Cleor windshield. ConveiUble ■ Moat see Father & Son Pointing POWER TOOLS and horse manure. lb« Mima n - sew tlMpp«r For n Air suspension. Rust Most Cara Gnaraawed - InalM DTDRCYCLES/ CORRIVEAU’S and Papering. Remo- 643-9504 MORIARTY proofed. Much, much it Moailia or it,aoe mllea l||4||u|||pp||4a LAWN SERVICE voL 291-8567._________ _ BEST BETS« more. Looks like a MIKE FLYNN ^jjinurcoo BUYER’S GUIDES ODD lobs. Trucking. BROTHERS new deal • Fully Insured Renovations/Plus Save Tims and $$$ Home repairs. Yco * 2 S 2 T 2 T '" 649-4304 YAMAHA. Rlvo, 125Z, • Free Estimates CualOfflInMrIor a.ExMrIor > name It, we do It. Free Open MFt.e / Sal. as 1986. Excellent condl- $1 million CALL NOW 045-68BI Palming • Colling Repair 6 estimates. Insured.643- ____ ______________________ tion. 7K, $850.633-8850. e Call 647-7657 Renew • Power Waahlng 0304. USED Free EM/nwIaa a Pressure Treated - □□□□□ —i% Intund • Stnior Dlicounit Decks CARS on sewers CARPENTRY/ 646-2253 Top quollty W.SO per REM00EUN6 square foot comploto. 88 Merkur Scorpio *19,495 Bqilc conatructod 1st LANDSCAPING TlieAccord LX4-DoorSedan I Bv Alex Girelll 88 Merc. Sable *11,995 from plant flpor dteka. Manchester Herald FARRAND REM0DELM6 647-7957 LANDSCAPING 87 Merc Q Mar LS *13.895 Reem aSdniena. daeSa. raonna. |n| FLOORING MO JOB TOOiMALL 87 Merc. Topaz *6795 By Andrew Yurkovsky ment Friday in principle with the The Eighth Utilities District has made a aldind. windawa end eiittara. ^MR# Shrubs. hwdgM, fDrtHizIng, non-negotiable offer to increase from 91 to 95 cents aoesnea and bulldoiar aarka HAWKES TREE SERVICE ptanNngi. l8«n ttwdino A 87 Merc. Cougar *10,999 Manchester Herald EP A and the U.S. Arm y Corps of m6irrt9A«nc«. eveWoMa. Call Sob Forrond, Jr. Bucket, truck t chipper. Stump the base rate it is willing to pay the town in sewage CRN f r e e ESTIMATES 87 Merc. Q. Marquis *11,395 Engineers over the filling of FLOORSANOING removal. Free catimataa. treatment fees. The offer is contingent on the • Floors Ilka new The federal Environmental wetlands without a permit at the But. 647-8509 Spadal cenaldaratlon (or ParsoMlhMl Lawa Cara 87 Lincoln MK7 LSC *19.995 r Protection Agency will reduce by site of the secondary part of the provisions the town accept it by next Monday and Rot. 645-6849 • Bpedtllzlng In older floors elderly and handicappad. A LaadKaplag • Nelurel S ttalned floors 87 Ford Cr. Vic $1 million the funding it was going sewage treatment plant. The agree to estatilish a formula for setting future rates. 742-5224 iMVt WH98RBD Mayor Peter P. DiRosa Jr. said in an interview • No waxing anymore 647-7553 87 Merc. Cougar to provide for the town’s sewage agreement allows the town to treatment plant because of work after a district meeting Monday that he would ask WE DO IT ALL John Virfallli - 048-S75D 66 Toyota Camry continue work in the wetlands in Oomtn, fWMtf RtnehtD. KELMAN LANDSCAPE that had been done without a exchange for a $300,000 fine to the town directors today to react to the offer. Town AMNMIrw. OtokR. W6 Mn otMtom HANDYMAN ind • MroMioe A Front Loader Work 66 Merc. Marquis directors also will discuss the rate offer at a M W ytur hom* CompmtWm THIS SPACE . wetlands permit. Corps to be split by the town and • N«w UndMEpD Om Iqa 6 InnlDNallOf scheduled meeting tonight. HAULING • HtuHng 6 Owthrertw 66 Marc. G. Mar LS BRAND NEW 1988 But town officials said today its consulting engineer. IfWIMMk 806fl86tf Rfid ppitfpllO. »59.47 • MMrdng WMM that they hoped to make up for the But Paul Keogh, the deputy The philosophy underlying a formula for the fees • New LEwne 86 Olds Clara for 24 Insertions Any Job — Anytime HONDA ACCORD shortfall by seeking additional administrator for the EPA, said has figured in the negotiations. ’The town has I M S M a - m t 644-3727 D1I4 66 Marc. Marquis Brog *5995 Coll 643-2711 4 DOOR ‘LX’ S SPEED CLOSEOUT PRICE grant money from the state.

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