[Rmisxbbbd as a Nbwsfafeb.j I A &J0 Otf T J5 -VCH0 i, 0.(1 I j L' , J'Cljf CJ '•^7 Vw ■ T T * z ©{j® (Direst ’PktojpjH'W-mutha iuiiy . in. (Swat |rhuiL .THE u"SpIrITu<ALiST'’:’ is.regularly on 'Sale '.at. tlje following places •LONDON : xi, Ave Maria-lane, St. Paulis Churchyard, E.C. PARIS : 246; .R^ouievatli ' •Capucifjes;'/and' 7, 1 Rue ' <c Lille. ■ 'LE JP Z-IG J-.iin’dens.trass.e..' FLORENCE : ' Signor G. Parisi, Via della Maltonaia. ROME :- The International • , ■-^IjWg^rj-,.>34^ *and , 347A. Corso.____ .p.NAP'LE^..T.T A Tri T ” TT' C^; - T5-...Brr -ish - ReadirtggRoorqs?.-^?,n rl 1 rt er 'P/mtucr PiiriaiRiviera* 1 *'! rldi i IChiaja, opposite the-Villa Nazionale. LIEGE ; 37, Rue Florimpnt.r BUDA-PEST^H’.: Josffstaadh?Erzherz.ogi.23.jdAiexander'G~’........assp,,_ ' -MELBOURNE:, . 96,' Russell-street.’ ’. SHANGHAI : 'Messrs. Kelly & ' Co. NEW YORK:' • ’ ■ \24gEast 'BOSTON'/^rSi^I^9f\iyioj^t^-jrt^r^i=rj^.]^ll:^<^e:,-and'18, Exchange-street. CHICAGO ': u Religlo-Philesophical Journal” 'Office.' MEMPHIS^ ■' U.S..:u -• 225, Union-street.i t ?-■. ''san P&ANCISCQv jig, Kearaey-street. , __________ ._?___ ,X. ■ - tr • ■' -■ ' Ay * <■ No. .212.—(V01,: IXf-No’- 7.) ?' LONDON : ‘FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 , 41876. Published Weekly-; Price Ywopencc. f :• I ■ drO^*ffnts•; ■ DAL8ION..A88OC1ATION OE INQUIRERS,' : BRITISH - NATIONAL - ASSOCIATION ' ‘ 1 -INTO SPIRITUALISM? ‘ ;'.AN OE SPIRITUALISTS. : 1 *’ E=TABTTTSIID 1870. j* ' PS,-. GREAT -: BUSSELL-^STREET, W:C: ,.. , Ext<'rotd’nroytSp^h,liual'MahiOcsiationidi',o•Manchestcr;- By-. , * > ' E=TABTT«SIID 1879. ? 1 In all^a^<^& ■ with ■■ National A sstpcatiai'of. Spiritualists-' '- •* . William - Oxley iAMvvemeuts- of .-Solid.',Ob-j.ecte- ih, .the '• I t ■. ■ . • .. ■ * ' , ... Light, and the Appearance oO -Spirit -Heads, Hands, - \> 'Agenda pop September 1816. -N'-“'- - -.’.*- - Anns, and Spirit -Children . ..1 ....... — ■... ’7- ... 73’ I 4>s „ -X pRESIMKI' "' ■ • . .. .. , The Andrew Jackson Davis -Testimonial 'Fund 75 -‘«f ^Ili^NRY D. JENCKEN, ESQ., M.R.Lt ' • • ( •■ ■ Friday, ■ I;i.—Experiraeutal Besearoh - Committee, at 8.30". .‘ - A -Seance.in. Paris. .By - Le C.oMbt©'da-Bultet 7..- ,.l,.. .1 - BalW8t.er■a.t-Lww-iLIeniber of Council and..Honorary Secretary' . -,- ■’■- ' .p.m.. - ■-■.-■• . - - - • • SeaUtxs with Mr. Firmai^'in -Pa^^^v:-- N- 5., ^Nf...i:. 1 r oOtthe.'Association, for - t&e Reform -and Codification of < Tuesday, Sth.-Soirec Committee, at 6.304pm. , ■ .Thr^ilish - ASsodi^^ci'at - GJJrgd,,LEdOp?frSObM^ebr-of' - of -Nations.) v . .. .Ffatjlaii, 8th.—Seane'e.-Committee at fip.m. -t -„ *.■ , . j Experimental1- Re3eax<cECommittee, at 6.30 ^‘‘Spiritualism Considdied.A ... ^.#y*L a.o A...** - -.«- .’N'o,- ” . I. , x^.«5eS.ert!i r C’.-K ' YTesuimii.nial-to "Mr. Unian^fo^.<^i^^^^^oovim-a.u. ■.:■il-l —. 79 ’. • i'Mo■lT•homallBlyt'on,- j- y MrxR.i-Pome^oy Tredwen, ’ ' • t „rTpjn.. -‘ ; * '•■■ ' - ^-Goore&P(ndenceI—L.he8Cllftfcabhn(tib:O^Elmb&oOaI■■Nat.oce v d-; » - MoS;A'Iliel■^ri^Co^neiV; Mr-Thomas-WlUts.* \ „ s ^.-?uesd<^y, i .<X2ttP'-*»Finance Commitf-at - USfr p.m. .. *<•«! r'^FMari—Spl01twrHfcm-■ioo’th r^/l^^^e^OiOglft]I^<^^I^^^<oO - VieWj. > ?*< •■■MO;-AOoe<dE. - LoV-Ov _ MyB■■MI.•.The^£S1"•Wood,' L v » n CorresponUehceCommittee, at ', -p.m, - * p —Siodog Spiritual Ma.nOtFrio^tnnkjn' P-dvaOe Iioc~^ rMiV JourthadiTo’zelrnd,: - ••MT.’John Rouse. ,S- * „ r ,, * V qqunch MEFTiNaJ«t6 30 pmA 'L:,.... Spiritualism ■.lwii^<^o^t^;::V^^)^ltt^rl^y,'^■he.NatlonrI- AssO-" ’ r. ;y and -O£dees’Committee,,at $-p in. T; ' an&Treasureir:—Mr THOMAS BLYTON. ' i J r Experimental - Research Committee, at 6.30 ^ - ciation-v and . l Official---:Repafts - N-,s.wedenboogiaoolgm v'' ' Roonm;-Z.IcNaVAIIINOtR'OA'D" Dalston,-LoNDokV-E, •- ^ and Spiritualism-—rExpeTicncca'&fa'.SeeF-^Spir'itualism. • -■ • - p.m.' ' - ' . -<--'' .-'W^ •■ and -the Pre?s—Fooms or- 'Laws of -Naturc^Mr. C. -E. * ’ - - - Extracts from ' Prospectus. Wednesday, 20£A—Library Committee, at 6 80 p.m. - - - ... i ■Williams's Fifth-Visit- to- Hollrod—The-Turkish Atro- , The objects of this-Association ioc to collect- well-authenticated ; '■ Friday, 22nd;— Correspondence - Committee, at 6 p.m, . Oact-s aO'eeting Spiritualism,; to offer facilities to investigators ; and, * . „ Experimentai Research Committee- at-G.80 ' ;. ci'ies, -Appeal':to 'Spiritualis's . m llll - ... ...................... 80 ’by various means, to induce inquiry into Spiritualism. I • p.m? , ' '•- ' '•j,,- '' --• .. Spirit Poetry:—The Secret oO Will; i...;-,................. - ... - ... '84 Ordinriy' experimental seances are held.weekly.on Thursday Answers' to Correspondents ........... ..a........... - ... ... 84 evenings, at -7.45 .p.m/to which Members 4re admitted, as well - ' Tuesday, 26th--—Soiree Committee, at '6:3T|pm. "* Piragra.plh :—Orgrnisrtio'n among - Spiritualists, 75; Rccep- 'as' members, - of .sinnlar''AssdcirtiooS which' reciprocate similar Friday,. 29th.—Seance Como, ittee, at 6- p.cn. .-p tion oO" NewTruths,?77 t^Earth LiOe-and its Advantages, --privilege. •Strangers-cm-oniy 'be* admitted to'-the ordinary stance . y,* Experimental Research Committee■- at 6.-30­ 79; - Notification - pO D,eath at a-Distance, 79; - The Times : '.held on the -first Thursday evening hi each month, on introduction ‘by a Member. ' The - fast 'Thursday evening in each month is devoted " ' p-“-... • -. t-' oh Hrtlucinrilons,;83■; Thp C;.hroge at Death, 84; 'An ' to’ spe&rl-sernces with professio^^^^ media, lectures, discussions, Members of Council and Committees are requested to attend • . - u'-Apprrlilon.lll ... ... ...... 8484 -•- -reading of papers, or orrrriioo of experiences of investigators ; to : the meetings mentioned in the above list without further notice. which Strangers' are admitted under the same regulations as are. ■. They will be further advised of any spec^l^-m^^etings- which it 4 •enforced on Thursday -evening in each month. Tickets Oor may be necessary to convene during the month- such ordinary meetings as ' may be oO general interest, in connection rs; weldon's orphanage.— ‘with the /‘.Brixton Psychological .Society,” are also placed at the COMMITTEES OF THE' RiJN-A,.- . “ 'Grannie's Nursery Rhyme Book ” will be published disposa loO - Members oO the Association by that Society in reciprocity Experimental Research Commi/tee—Mr.'?iD. G. Fitz -Gerald, Mas soon as 'Mrs. WeldOn has obtained 500 subscribers at 5s. '. It ■ oO the-iirivilege-" granted by - the Association to similar ol’gaIlisarions. f M.S - Tel- E. (Chairman), Mr. C7 fF?-YarW,'I’-E-S-, Mr. W. H. will ' be. illustrated,' and,will contain thirty original tunes in all In additiou ' to ' the weekly meetings and seances, Members oO the Coffin, Dr. C. Carter Blake, Mi J. M J-ritfjy M D, Mr W. II. ' Association have the privilege oO - attending the public seances' ’ot Harrison, Mr. C. C. Massey. Rev W'rffe:^Bonld - Mr. E. Dawson the different/'keys. '.('The Ay'i& -Several of them., are also several well-knowu professional mediums on payment oO reduced original.) ' Two' are diy' fch?s%>fenod, also. a hymn at the Rogers, Mr. R. Hannah. Mr. Georg«*:]£ing, Mr. H. 'Witbali, fees, - particulars oO which can be ascertained on application to the Mr. J. W. Gray, Mr. D. H. Wilson, M.A;, Mr. -Edmands, . ' beginning of the book; ' ‘il^^'^^-r,' Ch. Rawlings, &c., will Honol•roy Secretary ; and, also, oO utilising the well-stocked Library. also contribute, but ' the ' .•rpoter number are by “Grannie ' ” ■corripri'iu^^’: numerous standard works on Spiritualism and kindred Mr. Ivimey. , - ‘' herself. Mrs. Weldon 'cells’ everything which is given her,, for* . subjects. All the English Spiritualist newspapers and magazines ar Finance Comimittee—Mr. Morell Theobald (Chairman), -Mr. the hcneSt of the Orphanage. •.(Sifts of old ’clothes are likewise- : ' supplied to the rooms Oor the perusal oO Members. • Martin R. Smith, Mr. Alex. Calder, j ' : The alliance existing between this association and the “ British House and O.l^^es Mr. -Algernon Joy (Chairman), most acceptable. Address,'-MrsrVreldon, Tavistock House, ' National Association of Spiritualists ” will greatly assist the mem­ Mr.Evcritc, Mrs.Ma'ltby, Mr. A. Calder, Mrs. D. Fuz-tieraid, Air Tavistock-square, W.C. M ' • • . bers in their inquiries, as amongst the objects for which that E. T. Bennett, Mr. E. -Dawson Rogers. •Asd^i^i^^oii was established in 1873 are the following., viz. : So-iree Ce^^'^rittee—Mrs. D. Fitzgerald, Mrs., Maltby. Miss- H. “ To aid students and inquirers " in their researches into certain Withall, Mr. Ldmands. Mrs. Edma- ds, Mr. E. Dawson Rogers.. ast London .spiritdal meetings.- phenomena, known as -Spiritual or Psychic : to assist in giving publicity to the results oO such researches : to afford iuOormrtioo to H^i^^ryfC^o^mmittee—MlT. E. Dawson Rogers (Chairman) Rev. E LECTURES giving information a^out Spiritualism-are -inquirers into these subjects, by - correspondence and otherwise : and W. Ncwbould Dr. Carter Blake. Mr. -D. Fitz-Gerald. dcllverod every Thursday evening' ati 8, ' at >fr,'Cogman’sito-collect statistical facts respecting Spiritualism.” Seance C<^’m^^^tee—Mr. G. R. Tapp. Mr. D. Fitz-Gerald,- Dr. Leeture Rooms, 15, St. Peter's-load, Mile-end. Inspirational All communications to be addressed to the Honorary Secretary, K., Cook, M>'. H. Witha 1, Mr. Edmunds. addresses every Sunday evening, at 'Seven o'clock...* Admission at the Rooms of the Association, 74, Navarino-road, Ralston, E. A Correspondence Com-mMee—Mlr. A Calder (Chairman), Mr. E. Free. Supported 'by voluntary contributions.'- j ; stumped addressed envelope should be euclosed in all letters re­ quiring replies.' - Copies oO the prospectus, rules, circle regulations, Dawson Rogers, Mr. E. T. Bennett, Mr. A. Joy. directions “ how to form spirit circles,” and catalogue oO books in the library, with any further - information, can be obtained on appli­ AST - LONDON SPIRIT I AL MEE TINOS. cation. * PRIZE ' ESSAYS OF 'THE BRITISH NATIONAL —Mr. ' Cogma’-s usual Quarterly Tea .Meeting will be Subscription Oor Ordinary Membership:—Annual. 10s.; half- , ASSOCIATION OF SPIRITUALISTS. ' . heldE oh Sunday, 'October Jst, at 15. St. 'Peter’s-road, Mile-end, yearly, Os. : quarterly 3s. All subscriptions payableio advance.
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