The Red Cross, Mother to the World*s Suffering, Needs Your Support! Average'Daily Circnlation For the Month of October, 1941 The Weather Forecast of U. 8. Weather Bureau 6,96.3 Fair tonight; Sunday cloudy, fol­ Member of the Audit lowed by rain In the afternoon or night; moderately cold tonight; Buread of Clreulatloas Sam rlfrBbirSvm itm W m ld warmer Sunday. Manchester— A City of Villafte Charm VOL. LXI.. NO. 45 (Classified Advertising On Pago 12) 5LANCHESTER, (TONN., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1941 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE C ENTS -------------------------------- — Battleship Indiana Slides Down Ways Connally Proposes Garrison al Tobruk Repefal of Guffey Breaks Out of Ring; Act by Congress Urges Action If Miners T T 'rsirl Desert Fight Rages Decline to End Walk- out; Policy Committee Troops Will Italians Report Their Di- F>_ # _ Meets to Frame For- , -*1 German ^n il Italian^Ar* visions Beseiging To- tr O C S mored l^nrces Being mal Reply to Roose- i C o O I bruk Block Repeated J q S c C H I h Ii Ground BiHween Bril* velt's Peace Proposal.! ^— Attempts to Break • n ^ i' ish Tank Columns; Washington, Nov. 22.—(JP) Prathers of Field Artil­ Out o f Fortress; As- NaZl PcrSOn Make Steady Prag^ress -.Senator Connally (D., i lery Battery Offer to sert Losses in Men and ------ In Face o f H eav^O p* Tex.) propo.sed today that Donate Differeitce in C -ngress repeal the Guffey Material Are Being In- Parallel Between Jour- position in El Pay to the Treasury. coal act if CIO miners decline flicted on British Units ney and Trip to Meet To Join Spearhe to end the strike which has tied up production in most of Camp Forrest, Tenn., Nov. 22.— H itler in October, Rome, Nov. 22.-^/^— Ital­ Cairo, Egypt, Nov. 22.— (4P) the steel companies’ captive </Pt— Members of a Field Artillery ian divisions iiesieging To­ 19AO; Cabinet Meets. —The long-besieged British coal mines and has spread battery at Camp Forrest today bruk in North Africa blocked garrison at Tobruk hfiS with recurring violence to numer­ sent this telegram to John L. LeW' repeated attempts of the be­ Vichy, Unocc';pied France, Nov. ous commercial shafts. The policy broken out of the Axis semi* Is, president of the United Mine leaguered British troops to 22.— —The announcement that Committee of the United Mine Workers union: circle around the port snd. Workers assembled here for a response to your statement break out of their fortress Marshal Petain Is going to ,tht German and Italian armorsd;{ fdrenoon meeting to frame a for­ that ‘Soldiers of the United States while the battle in the Libyan German-occupied zone of France force.s— split and partly cut | mal reply to President Roosevelt’s Army won't dig coal,' we, tbe un­ to meet a “high German person­ desert raged unabated, the age" waa authorized today. off in eastern Libya—are be* | most recent peace proposal: That dersigned members of Battery C, Italian high command re­ the union ship Issue which brought 191st Field Artillery, 100 per cent An authorized source would go ing ground between . British ported today. The high com­ no further, however, than to ac. tank columns, the Eighth A m y I on the strike be held In abeyance mand communique said losses In for the emergency or be submitted (Continued On Page Two) headquarters declared today. The | men and material were being In­ (Continaed On Page Two)' Tobruk garrison, cut off by tanS j to arbitration. flicted on the British and six of since ' April 11, waa said '(b he j Stand Behind Lewis Bxperted their planes were shot down In making steady progress in the j John L. Lewis, the mine work­ Extra Session the Mediterranean. The Italians face of heavy opposition to a drive ! ers’ president, personally rejected acknowledged the loss of one Call on Navy plane. started yesterday to Join Brtttokl | the president’s propo.sal Wednes­ spearheads holding Rezegh, on th s' Fail to Score Results day, and It was generally .assumed Of CIO Caused inland plateau 10 miles outride the that the Policy Committee would Stefani declared the British had To Give News perimeter of Tobruk defenses, stand behind thrir shaggy-browed failed to score “outstanding posi­ Ad\-anoe Three Miles tive results," although they were leader's decision, By Resolutions By nlghUall of tbe first day, : are paying more for coal than we using the largest forces so far On Subs Sunk the British said, the Tobruk forose^ thrown Into any battle In North had seized positions three he believed repeal of the miner Africa. approved Guffey act, which sus­ N southwest of their old defense Una^ Demonstration Marks On the Ethiopian front, the com­ The Eighth Army communlqua tains coal prices, would be justi­ Wheeler, Van Nuys anil fied if the miners turned down Mr. Rejection of Murray munique acknowledged that the said: Roosevelt's suggestion. It4i(ans wer-. undergoing further Nye Urge Publication “ In ell areas-the situation is da* “Congress has especially and VlTio Asks Roosevelt heavy British attacks in the Gon- veloplng to our advantage al* dar ah^a, where the last defense financially aided the coal Industry Of Successes Against though further intensive fighting I Come Nearer Labor. six months ahead of schedule, the XT. S. .8. Indiana. 35,000-ton battleship, slides down the ways Into the of Italy's East African empire ia can be expected before it is pofi* at the specl$l insistence and re­ U-Boats in Sea War. James river at Newport News, Va. Secretary of the Navy Knox described the ship as a symbol of this being made. Bible to assess the full results at quest of the coal mlhers,” the Tex nation's will to survlvs in a world at war. ^ With thoACelga garrison isolat­ as senator declared. “AU of ui Bulletin! the heavy blow ije a i;^ * enemy fea ed, It said, supply motoresde Washington, Nov. 22. — (JP) — "We are making that sacrifice Detroit, Nov. 22.—(AV--The the opening phase o f ' this cam* fought a bloody, four-dsy bsttls to Three members of the Senate's so- palgtK" would but for the existence of OongresB of Industrial Organ- break through frqm Gondar itself this act. Izatlpna today called upon "all called non-interventionist bloc— One high Army officer asserted with supplies for the garrison. that “the aim of the British com­ Saetflloe to Help Miners employers to accept the prin­ Nazis Declare Rostov Captured; The defendeis of another garri­ Senators Wheeler (D.. Mont. I. Van ciple of the union shop” for mand is to destroy the Gemuiri I *’We are making that sacirflee son on the Gondar frbnt, Culqua- Nuys (D., Ind.) and Nye (R., tank force in Libya," and addsff { the promotion of Industrial bert, have been resisting since yes­ to help the coal miners In our haimony. N, D-)—called on the Navy De­ "that Is what We are doing mo* hour of danger and crisis, the coal terday and have launched bayonet mentarlly." Reds Holding Drive on Moscow counter-attacks against prepon­ partment today to make public the miners are taking advantage of number of German submarines Hinges on War of Tanka the government's critical posture Detroit, Nov. 22.—OP)—Tfie Con­ derant British forces, the com­ The whole campaign, British gress of Industrial Organizations munique added. sunk by American warships. to coerce and extprt further privi­ Russians Forced Back at M a flg x Senator Pepper (D., Fla.) said, leges from the government. pressed its smnual convention to­ Land Forces Helped by Pounded For Eight Days however, that “Naval experience (Continued on Page Eight) "If the coal miners can't make ward adjournment today in an ex­ Rostov by Overwhelm- i f i a a e Powerful Air Blows in It said that garrison bad been in both tbe last war and this one some slight sacrifice for their tra session made necessary by a poui.-'ed continuously for eight has demonstrated that It is not al­ ing Odds; Nazi Onset country In time of peril, Congress flood of resolutions that was in­ Final Violent Assault days oy British artillery and ways desirable to announce the might well repeal the coal act." Oil Deteutioii planes sinkihg of enemy submarines. terrupted yesterday by a demon­ Attacks on Every Road On Caucasus Gateway. "The Guffey act authorizes the stration which marked the re- The official Italian news ^en cy “ I would rather take the studied Flashes ! said a front about 90 miles deep opinion of the American and Brit­ election of President Philip Mur­ Of American (Late BaUetlna ot the (F) WIsa) (Continaed on Page Eight) ray and his entire official family. London, Nov. 22—(/P)—Rus­ Berlin, Nov. 22.— (/P)—The extended from Salum southward ish Navies^ than that of the. Isola­ In accepting another one-year sian troops fighting against capture of Rostov-on-Don, and then westward into Libya. tionist members of the Senate," he term. Murray called upon Presi­ It located Italy's Artete division added. 16 Officers Promoted two, terrific Axis onslaughts southwest of the Ltbyan-EgypUan Hartford, Nov. 22— (#) dent Roosevelt to “come Just Hull Instructs Charge "hich a German military Should Have Information Nearly Half were reported forced back at; “ spokesman called “ the spigot frontier when tbe battle started. In separate talks with reporters, Police Commlaaioner Edward 9- \ little bit closer to labor, to have Hickey today announced tl faith In American labor—to un­ Rostov by overwhelming odds D'Affaires in Rome to to the Russian oil barrel,” was ReosoBs For Campaign Wheeler, Van Nuys and Nye de­ vancement of 16 officers la derstand that American labor has while at the approaches to Deliver Formal Protest announced by the high com­ Stefani listed four reasons for clared that the nation should be Miners Idle given all information regarding partment.
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