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Stichwortverzeichnis 3 Doors Down 42f Anders, Jim 212 Beach Boys, The 115, 123, 136, 360er-Deals 242 Animals, The 117, 177, 231 160, 215, 385 50 Cent 69 Anthony, Marc 62 Bearbeitung 256, 297 Anthrax 60 Beatles, The 31, 43, 59, 84, 86, Aquino, Mike 227, 231 90, 92, 97, 108f, 115, 150, 152, Arie, India 107 156, 160f, 164, 166, 177, 191, A Arlen, Harold 386 193, 197, 202, 215, 256, 260, A&R 64, 321 Armstrong, Louis 77 267f, 345, 383f, 389 Abdul, Paula 63 Arrangeur 310 Becaud,´ Gilbert 390 Abodienste 344 ASCAP 339 Bedingfield, Natasha 44 Abrechnungsdienste 292 Asher, Jane 383 Bee Gees 112, 260 Abspannmusik 287 Ashford, Nick 260 Beethoven, Ludwig van 105 AC/DC 59 Asia 235 Begleitmusik 291 a cappella 88 Atkins, Chet 72 Bennett, Tony 67, 77 Acid 247 Audio Adrenaline 74 Berlin, Irving 84, 387 Adams, Yolanda 74 Auffuhrm¨ oglichkeiten¨ 340 Berry, Chuck 31, 59, 136, 214 Adult Contemporary 65 Auffuhrungsrechte¨ 370 Betriebswirt 364 Aerosmith 59, 130, 234, 286 Aufnahme-Apps 241 Beurteilung 256 Agent 350 Aufteilung der Tantiemen Beyonce´ 62, 66, 144 Aufgabenfeld 363 338 Bhasker, Jeff 211 Aguilera, Christina 56, 67, 92, Aupeo 277 Billboard (Magazin) 97 156, 166, 202, 206 Auto-Tune 250 Billy (Vera) and The Beaters Akkord 30, 225f Autotuning 114 291 Blues(rock)-Akkorde 228 Autry, Gene 71 Birch, Diane 146, 211 Dominantsept- 228 Black Crowes 59 Jazzakkorde 229 Black Eyed Peas 46, 62, 158 Pop-Rock-Akkorde 228 B Blackhawk 258 verminderter 226 Black Sabbath 59 Akkorddiagramm 309 Becaud,´ Gilbert 390 Blessid Union of Souls 42, 74, Akkordprogression 225f Bach, Johann Sebastian 39, 208 261 Akkordstruktur 256 Bacharach, Burt 194, 197, 208, Blige, Mary J. 67, 69 Akkordwechsel 37 211, 267 Blink 182 195, 259 Aktionsplan 327 Backbeat 67 Blog 274 Alabama 72, 177 Backstreet Boys 64, 67, 71, 92, Blondie 112 All-4-One 72f COPYRIGHTED185 MATERIALBluegrass 71 All-American Rejects 62 Bad Company 218 Blues 56, 76 Alliteration 159 Baez, Joan 81 Blues-Progression 59 Allman, Duane 233 Band, The 156, 390 Blunt, James 42f Alternative Country 69 Barenaked Ladies 193, 215, 220 BMI 339 Alternative Rock 60 Barker, Travis 259 Bocelli, Andrea 271 America 111 Barkley, Gnaris 69 Body Count 135 Amos, Tori 57, 386 Barnes, Don 34, 52, 227 Bon Jovi 293 Anders, Brian 212 Barry, Jeff 211 Bono 385 392 Stichwortverzeichnis Boyle, Jeff 36 Christian (Christliche Musik) Curfman, Shannon 76 Boyz II Men 42, 67 73 Cyberduck 238 Braxton, Toni 92, 156 Clapton, Eric 76, 140 Cyrus, Billie Ray 41 Bread 65 Clarkson, Kelly 62, 144, 314 Cyrus, Miley 62 Brel, Jacques 390 Clash, The 60 Bridge 80, 91 »Closer« (Kings of Lion) 82 Brightman, Sarah 271 Co-Publishing 356 D »British Invasion« 59 Cobain, Kurt 391 D’Andrea, John 293 Brooks, Mel 30, 137 Cochran, Wayne and the C. C. Dance-Pop 63 Brown, Chris 40 Riders 115 Dash Crofts 43 Buble,´ Michael 66 Cocker, Joe 158 Dave Matthews Band 66, 259 Buchhalter 350, 364f Coda 81, 85 David, Hal 194, 211, 267 Burdon, Eric 231 Cohen, Leonard 164, 388 Davis, Clive 87 Burke, Solomon 67 Coldplay 61, 124, 209, 211 DAW (digital audio worksta- Byrd, Geoff 33, 44, 156, 166, Cole, Nat »King« 62 tion) 247 206 Collins, Judy 81 Death Cab for Cutie 43, 84, 147 Byrds, The 391 Common 69 Delirious 346 Como, Perry 268 Del Rio, Los 44 Constant Contact 239 Demo 301ff C Cook, Roger 210 Arrangement 307 Cooke, Sam 166, 215 Ansprechpartner 318 Caesar, Shirley 74 Copyright 46, 226, 242, 375 Anzahl und Lange¨ der Songs ¨ Campbell, Glen 81, 390 Uberblick (Formular) 380 304 Candy, John 346 auf Songtitel 147 Arbeitsdemo 302 Cannibal and the Headhunters Copyright-Anmeldungen 370 Aufnahme 311 106 Corrs, The 314 Bezahlung 313 Cannibal Corpse 62 Counting Crows, The 286 Demo-Services 303, 313 Carey, Mariah 42, 62, 67, 158 Country 56, 69ff Format 303 Carlisi, Jeff 34 Co-Writer-Vertrage¨ 371 Hulle¨ 314 Carlton, Vanessa 201 Crabb Family 75 im Homestudio 311 Carmen, Eric 219 Cray, Robert 76 im Profi-Studio 312 Carmichael, Hoagie 84 Cream 59, 107 Kunstlerdemo¨ 302 Carpenters, The 65, 147 Creative Expressions 40 Musikerauswahl 305 Carr, Budd 289, 291 Creed 73f, 141, 234 per Computer 306 Carter, Deana 138 Creedence Clearwater Revival Sanger/in¨ 307 Cash, Johnny 70 214 Textblatt 317 CD Baby 344 Creek, Nickel 71 unverlangt eingesandtes 317 Change Part 84 Croce, Jim 43 Denver, John 388 Chapman, Steven Curtis 74 Cropper, Steve 209 Destiny’s Child 67, 139, 162 Charles, Ray 67 Crosby, Bing 84, 387 Destroyers, The 112 Charlie Daniels Band, The 138 Crosby, Stills, and Nash 174, DeYoung, Dennis 300 Chase, Bill 210 185 Diamond, Neil 65f, 211, 266, Checker, Chubby 44 Cross, Christopher 209 293, 390 Chemical Brothers 163 Crossover 66 Diddley, Bo 112, 197 Cheney, Aaron 246 Crow, Sheryl 44, 57, 66, 217 Dido 185 Cher 72, 114, 250 Cult, The 166 Diffie, John 181 Chiffons, The 125, 141 Cultural Commons Collecting Diffle, Joe 138 Chopin, Fred´ eric´ 208 Society (C3S) 339 Digidesign 247 chordbook.com 232 Cure, The 40, 60, 84 Digital Audio Workstation 113 393 Songwriting für Dummies digitale Downloads 344 Fernsehen 291 Google 239 Digitalrecorder 32, 47f Figur 109 Google Video 238 Dingolstadt Comedy 138 Filezilla FTP Client 238 Goo Goo Dolls 286 Dion, Celine´ 62, 66, 174, 286 Film 286, 338, 346 Gordy, Berry 266, 384 Dion and the Belmonts 115 Filmsongs, beruhmte¨ 286 Gospel 56, 74 Dire Straits 72, 103 Fine Young Cannibals 199 Grant, Amy 74 DJ Casper 44 Fitzgerald, Ella 77 Grateful Dead 59 Dobro 71 Five for Fighting 41, 65, 160, Greenbaum, Norman 112 Dominante 228 172, 293 Green Day 42f, 60, 84, 89 Donovan 389 Flanger 229 Greenebaum, John 181 Doors, The 151 Flying Burritos, The 391 Greenwich, Ellie 211 Drake 259 Folkmusik 56, 76 Groban, Josh 66 Drehbuch 263 Foo Fighters 43, 89 Groove 191 Dreivierteltakt 197 Foreigner 214, 345 Grundton 227 Drifters, The 86 Form 79 Grundtondiagramme 309 Dropbox 238 Formular fur¨ Kontakte 377 Grunge 60 Duffy 215 Fort Minor 42 Guess Who, The 235 Dummy 47 Four Tops, The 67, 97 Guitar Wizard 249 Dummy-Lyrics 51 Fox, Michael J. 291 Guns N‘ Roses 42, 58 Dummy-Text 181 Franklin, Kirk 74 Guster 215 Dylan, Bob 57, 81, 83, 107, 111, Fray, The 147 Guthrie, Woody 76 135, 146, 164, 387 FTP 238 Guy, Buddy 76 Funkadelic 68 Gypsy Dave 389 Furtado, Nelly 116 E H Eagles, The 197 G Easter, Jeff and Sheri 75 Hagar, Sammy 171, 263 Edge, The 58, 385 Gaither, Bill und Gloria 74 Haley, Bill 59 Ellington, Duke 77 GarageBand 37 Haltebogen 199 Elliot, Missy 69 Garagenband 106 Hammerstein II, Oscar 201 Emerson, Lake and Palmer 61 Garland, Judy 85, 386 Handler¨ und Online-Handler¨ Eminem 41, 69, 150, 259, 268, Garrett, Siedah 41 248 286 Gaye, Marvin 43, 108, 384 Hardrock 59 Entlohnung von Mitarbeitern Gefuhle¨ 34 Hardware fur¨ Tonaufnahmen 352f GEMA 337, 339 248 Erfolg 58 Genesis 61 Harmonie 259 eSession 250 Genre 28, 55 Harrison, George 125, 141 Etheridge, Melissa 57 Genuwine 67 Hawkins, Screamin’ Jay 87 Evanescence 286 Gershwin, George 67, 77, 84, Hawkwind 61 Everly Brothers, The 31 201 Head-Arrangement 309 Gershwin, Ira 77, 85, 201, 386 HeavyMetal 60 Gershwins, George 85 Heimstudio 245 F Geschaftsteam¨ 349 Hendrix, Jimi 59, 83, 174 Gill, Vince 89, 174 Henley, Don 35, 144, 160, 163, Facebook 243 Gimmicks 135 390 »Fallin‘« (Alicia Keys) 88 Gitarre 233 Hill, Billy 182 Fant-Saez, Gina 251 Goffin, Gerry 211, 266, 293 Hill, Faith 185 Fastball 105, 215 Gomes, Anthony 76 Hilltop Singers, The 295 Fergie 69 Good Charlotte 60, 84 Hinder 41 394 Stichwortverzeichnis Hintergrundmusik 288 Jackson, Janet 63f, 67, 111 Kid Rock 69 Hip-Hop 56, 68 Jackson, Michael 39, 41, 56, 67, Killen, Steve 58 »Hold On Loosely« 138f, 165 Killers, The 60, 146f, 166, 170, (.38 Special) 93 Jacobs, Jeff 47 200 Hold (Verkausfsstopp) 330 Jagger, Mick 160, 210f, 256, King, Albert 76 Holiday, Billie 77 385, 391 King, Blue Boy 76 Holland-Dozier-Holland 115 James, Elmore 76 King, Carole 41, 57, 211, 266, Holly, Buddy 59, 112 James, Etta 76 293 Hook 80ff, 103f, 256 James, Tommy 155 King, Freddie 76 Hookline 80 Jango 277 King Crimson 61 Horn, Christopher 243 Jars of Clay 73 Kings of Leon 60, 82 Hornsby, Bruce 160, 347 Jay-Z 62, 66, 69, 158, 166, 180, Kingston Trio, The 227 Houston, Whitney 62 215 Kinks, The 160 Howell, Kurt 64 Jazz 56, 77 Klavier 234 Howlin‘ Wolf 76 Jefferson, Blind Lemon 76 Klingeltone¨ 344 Humor 135 Jefferson Starship 218 Knight, Gladys and the Pips Hyler, Tammy 221 Jett, Joan 59 108 Jewel 57, 89, 92, 164 Knopfler, Mark 232, 390 Jimmy Eat World 61 kommerzielle Nutzung 338 I Jingle-Houses 345 Kooper, Al 386 Joe, Billy and the Checkmates Korn 163 »I Can’t Hold Back« (Survivor) 295 Krauss, Allison 71 95 Joel, Billy 32, 35, 56, 86, 109, Kravitz, Lenny 42, 210 iChat 238 208 kreatives Gelalle 150 Ides of March, The 110, 158, John, Elton 35, 46, 55, 66, 87, Kritik 37, 258 172, 256, 345 89, 155f, 159, 174, 208, 211, Kroeger, Chad 91, 165 Iglesias, Enrique 62 218, 268, 286 Kurten,¨ Peter 390 iLife 247 Johnson, Robert 76 iMovie 239 Jonas Brothers 314 Incubus 61 Jones, George 70 L India.Arie 212 Jones, Norah 105 Lady Gaga 56, 62f, 268 Ingram, Jack 41 Joplin, Janis 228 Lampa, Rachael 219 Inspiration 38 Journey 64, 215, 228 Lang, Fritz 390 Inspirative Texte 138 Judd, Cletus T. 138 Lang, Jonny 76 Instrumental 205 Just Plain Folks 278 Instrumental-Bridge 221 Last FM 277 Internet 269, 273 Lauftext 292 Internetradio 277, 344 K Leadbelly 76 Intro 80 Led Zeppelin 58f, 215, 218 iPhone 238 Kamakawiwo‘ole, Israel IZ 42 Lee, Cathy 179 Isaacs Family 75 Kansas 43, 151 Legato 230 IZ (Israel Kamakawiwo’ole) Kapodaster 234 Legend, John 41, 67 386 Keagy, Kelly 195, 209 Leitch, Donovan 389 Keel 60 Leitton 229 Kern, Jerome 201 Lennon, Cynthia 383 J Keyes 67 Lennon, John
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