Property of WA -RIME CORPS HISTORICAL L I BRARY - SEP 2 3 19S9 I'Letise heturn to Room 3127 VOL VIII, NO. 36 U. S. MARINE CORPS AIR STATION, KANEOHE BAY, T. H. Friendly Enemy CALIF. MARINES TO OPPOSE BRIGADE DURING CLEAR RIDGE Leathernecks of the 1st Marine Brigade. scheduled to invade Kauai next month in Operation CLEAR RIDGE. will face an entrenched and determined "aggressor" force composed of some 250 Camp Pendleton, Calif. Marines. The "aggressor" force, "F" Co.. 2nd Mi., 7th Marines, commanded by Capt. E. R. Savoy, was scheduled to arrive at Kaneohe Bay yesterday aboard the LST Westchester County. They will spend two days on Oahu, New Reg'si Outline then depart for Kauai to begin building their defenses in the Bark- ing Sands area. Although the force Enlisted Privileges is small, each of the "aggressors" New regulations concerning mem- represents 4 enemy for tactical bership and patronage of the enlist- purposes. This means that should ed clubs and messes aboard the Sta- two Brigade Leathernecks encount- tion were established this week. er one lone aggressor, they are out- Revision of regulations was numbered and would be assessed as neces- casualties. sitated to conform with the new COMPETITION SQUAD Members of "Bravo" Co., IstBn,, 4th Marines winning competitive squad rank structure which became ef- - To back-up their defenses, "ag- were honored at a dinner the night before their departure for Quantico. The squad, sitting, left to fective Jan. 1, 1959. gressors" will install barbed-wire right; ActCpl. P. E. Hayes, ActSgt. C. C. Davenport, Capt. C. E. Wilcox (Bravo Company comman- entanglements, artillery positions, According to the information con- der), LCpI. G. M. Caldwell and LCpI. F. J. Hildrich. Standing, also from left to right; Pfc L. T. Nicxs, tank traps, road blocks and mine tained in Station Bulletin 1'746, Pfc R. W.Williams, Pfc J. M. Abets, Pfc J. K. Alexander, Pfc M. G.Hardesty, LCpI. E. D. Campbell, presentation fields. Many of these defenses will membership and patronage of the Pfc C. J. Boykin, Pfc A. L. Jeske and Plc J. W. Mitchell. In the inset, taken following the Antonelli, be actual, others "constructive" for enlisted clubs and messes aboard of certificates are; from left; IstL+. D. F. Alford, Squad Leader Davenport, Col. John W. purposes of the exercise. the station, unless otherwise auth- ard LtCol. Bruno J. Andruska. During the landing and the three orized in writing by the commanding days of simulated combat to follow, officer, would be in accordance with Quantico Bound umpire groups, attached to both at- the policy set forth below: tacking and defending forces, will MARINE PERSONNEL add realism to the problem by rul- Cpl's. E-4, ActCpl's. E-3, Lance First Brigade's "Top" Squad ing on each encounter, assessing Cpl's. E-3, Plc's. and Pvt's will ealt casualties, losses of equipment and in the general mess, and have the supplies and capture of prisoners. privileges of the E-Club. Scheduled To Meet Corps' Best Sgt's. E-5, and ActSgt's. E-4 will Thirteen "B" Company, 1st Battalion infantrymen, comprising the 1st Marine Brigade's top rifle squad, be messed in the Sgt's. mess and Barbers Point NAB Wednesday afternoon for Marine Corps Schools, Quantico, Va., and the Second have E-Club privileges. departed Annual Combat Marksmanship Competition. Additional Homes ActSSgt's. E-5, SSgt's. E-6, Act- The Marine Corps-wide combat competition starts Tuesday Sept. 8 and ends Saturday Sept. 12. GySgt's. E-6, GySgt's. E-7, ActM- The competitive problem is designed to test the effectiveness of small units. The unique program displays Near Completion Sgt's. E-7, Mgt's. E-8, the proficiency of representative Statements made this week by the and MSgtGySgt's. and Sgt's. Maj. squads from every regiment in the contractor has shed some light on E-9, will be messed in the SNCO PLANS Marine Corps. the progress of K-Bay's long-await- Mess, and are authorized SNCO ON-STATION SCHOOL Col. J. W. Antonelli, 4th Marines ed Capehart Housing. Club privileges. commanding officer, presented each Six NAVY PERSONNEL families are already living in PROGRESS; APPROVAL NEAR member of the winning squad a the project. Another 22 families Third Class PO's E-4 and below special "top" rifle squad certificate were notified early in August that will be messed in the general mess Cdr. Robert It. Graham, K-Bay of Honolulu, contracting agency during aloha oe (farewell) ceremon- they will be moved in soon. and have E-Club privileges. for the project. MCAS Public Works Officer, this ies Wednesday morning here. Barry J. Richards, of Richards Second Class PO'S. E-5 with a The plans are now being review- night, "B" Company week announced that architects' On Tuesday Construction Co., has stated to Hon- date of rank prior to Jan. 1, 1959 ed by state and local agencies to commander Capt. C. E. Wilcox Mokapu Elemen- olulu press representatives that the will continue to have all Staff NCO plans for the new ascertain that they meet all requis- honored the 13-man unit in a ban- first increment (108 units) will be privileges. tary School had been completed and ites. Among the agencies reviewing quet held at Mess Hall Two. (See HOMES, Page 2) (See REG'S. Page 8) turned over to the City and County the plans are State and District Representing t h e Brigade a t Department of Public Instruction, Quantico are: ActSgt. C. C. Daven- Board of Health. Structural De- port, squad leader; ActCpl. P. E. partment and various other techni- Hayes, Pfcs L, T. Nicxs, A. L. Jeske, cal engineering departments. J. W. Mitchell, first fireteam; LCpls. It is expected that approval from G. M. Caldwell, E. D. Campbell. these agencies will be received Pfcs C. J. Boykin, R. W. Williams, about September 10 or 11. second fireteam; LCpI. P. J. Hildrich, The plans will be sent by the City- Pfc J. M. Abel, Pvt, J. K. Alexander County to Guy Clark, Regional Re- and Plc M. G. Hardesty, third fire- presentative for the Western Dis- team. trict, U. S. Department of Health, In determining the top regimen- Education and Welfare at San Fran- tal squad, tests were conducted last cisco. July at the Station and Waikane Training area. Upon the approval of the plans by were awarded based on this Federal agency, the City-County Points the overall performance of the will advertise for bids about Oct. 1 The latter were tested on for a minimum of one month, as squads. helicopter lift procedures, orders. required by law. formations, fire and manuevers, Bids will be opened about Nov. 1 fire control and accuracy, assault and the City-County will make the and reorganization defense and award to lowest bidder. the ABC passive defense measures. K -Bay's new 30-classroom school "H" Company of the 2nd Battal- has been designated as "Mokapu ion placed as runner-up. Last year, Elementary School, No. 2" and will 1st Battalion's "C" Company won hold the numerical designation un- the 4th Marine competition. Nor- Mokapu School totOKAPU LLCM fliiTARY ,SC11001.. LA,,e(r '5J(1. ON til the current here mally, the 13-man unit would have 1:5.11.. T. tot, ' cluses. participated in the Corps-wide com- NEW SCHOOL PLANS - This architect's drawin7 shows the new Mokapu Elementary School which Nine major buildings will be in the petition which was cancelled be- is expected to be completed at K-Bay in Nov., 1960. The structure will contain nine major buildings, project, all connected with covered cause of a then tense world condi- all connected by covered passageways. On fhe left side are, front to rear, the following buildings: passageways. In addition to the tion. Cafetorium; Kindergarten (six rooms); middle gra-les (six rooms); upper and middle grades (six rooms); classrooms. a building will house the Second Battalion's "G" Company Right, front to rear: administration and health building; lower grades (four rooms); lower grades (four cafetorium, one will be used as the went to Quantico in 1957 and placed rooms); library; upper and middle grades (four roo-ns). Photo through courtesy of Law & Wilson, Archi- adminstrative and health building, third in the First Annual Unit Com- tects & Engineers. (See SCHOOL, Page 2) bat Marksmanship Competition. Page 2 U. S. MARINE CORPS AIR STATION. KANEOHE RAY. T. H. September 4. 1959 Chaplain's Corner Wse Algal/do, P By Chaplain Kevin J. Cosine,' M7 By LCpl. S. Zagarella A number of persons feel that something new should be added I have wondered very often If Vic- to the Marine Exchange. This week we asked. "What new facility COL. M. M. MAGRUDER Commanding Officer tor Herbert realized how exactly he or service woul you like to see in your Marine Exchange?" LT. COL. EDWARD J. DOYLE Executive Officer summarized the mye'..ery of life as CAPT. ROBERT W. ARSENAUIJT ....Informational Services Officer ACMSGT. D. MAYER They LCPL. VERN TOWNSEND he wrote "Sweet mystery of life, L - - ACTGYSGT. JACK SHEE11/114 Editor have a good var- I think the tls love". If we really stop to study don't ACTGYSGT. JOHN P. McCONNELL Assistant Editor iety of items at and examine life, we see that the exchange has a ACTCPL. KENT MASON Sports Editor our Exchange but enough purpose of life, the end of life, and complete . they don't carry line of books. I all that goes between is love. The WINDWARD MARINE is published every Friday by and for any fishing or think a few selec- go back to the beginning, the .the personnel of the U.S.
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