University of California, Hastings College of the Law UC Hastings Scholarship Repository Hastings Law News UC Hastings Archives and History 10-31-1977 Hastings Law News Vol.10 No.5 UC Hastings College of the Law Follow this and additional works at: http://repository.uchastings.edu/hln Recommended Citation UC Hastings College of the Law, "Hastings Law News Vol.10 No.5" (1977). Hastings Law News. Book 99. http://repository.uchastings.edu/hln/99 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the UC Hastings Archives and History at UC Hastings Scholarship Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Hastings Law News by an authorized administrator of UC Hastings Scholarship Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. jス。セエエョァセ@ 1Law j}tws The University of California Hastings College of the Law Vol. X No.5 SAN FRANCISCO October 31,1977 THE NEW S. 1.· AN OFFICIAL NOBEL PRIZE WINNER AMNESTY SECRETSACT INTERNATIONAL TO SEND Senate Bill 1437, sponsored by SPEAKER HERE NOV. 14 Sen. Edward M. Kennedy and Sen. John McLelland, is a revised version Wendy Turnbull, Project Director of Senate Bill 1 , one of the most con- of Amnesty International' s Western troversial pieces of legislation intro- U.S. headquarters is scheduled to duced in the last Congress. The pre- speak at Hastings on the organiza- vious bill, S.l, was the target of a tion's human rights work throughout well-orchestrated campaign by both the world. She will also discuss in- creasing concern in Washington and extremes on the political scale, as a among Americans for human rights liberal "sell-out" and a right wing conditions in foreign nations, and " nazi plot." Some of the obnoxious developments in the area of immi- aspects of S.l remain in 5.1437, gration law and political refugees. while some other undesirable pro- The discussion is to be Monday, visions have been deleted. In an at- Nov . 14 at 4:30 in Room B, during tempt to garner political support for the scheduled seminar hour of the S. 1437, a modicum of "liberal" civil DSIL. and personal liberties have been Amnesty two weeks ago received included. This special insert will at- the Nobel Prize for Peace for its tempt to summarize some of the key tions of intent should not suffice to campaign, begun in 1961, on behalf provisions, their ramifications, and prompt support for 5.1437, in the of the basic physical and political the response from both ends of the absence of a pOint-by-point analysis rights of people in the International political spectrum. of the key provisions. community. In recognition of the The development of any federal Under § 1333 of 5.1437, a news- organization' s long effort and grow- criminal code is inherently a difficult man could be jailed and fined for re- ing impact, the award drew a link Wendy Turaball, of the We.tern ReaJon· process. The task of selecting the fusing to testify or divulge informa- between world peace and Amnesty' s al Beedq1lUten of AmDeaty, bued In SUI substantive provisions of the existing tion in order to protect a confidential FruacllCO. CommentlDa セョ、ケ@ on the multi-fronted campaign for the pro- orgUllzadoD" receipt of the Nobel Peace code thought to be in need of re- source. A companion section, § 1311 , tection of fundamental human "amping, the ascertainment of new Prbe uad ADme.tr'. effec1h-eDeN, abe would permit a police officer, with- rights. laid: "Governmentl don't mind lDrtnrtDa proposals, and the marshalling of out a subpoena, to demand the pos- The organization' s structure con- people, bnt they dOll't waat aayoae to political support necessary for ratifi- session of a reporter's notes or sists of its International Secretariat Imow lIboat It." cation is not an easy one. The photographs. Failure to comply in London , with a staff of over 100, technical task of drafting such a cri- would subject the reporter to prose- and National Sections organized tical piece of legislation is over- cution, with a possible jail sentE.nce within 33 countries activities have involved Amnesty In shadowed by the monumental ob- and a heavy fine. If the reporter had Amnesty has been accorded con- over 100 countries stacles to ratification. a legal privilege recognized at law as sultative status with the UN , the The legal committee has acted on Although the intentions of Sen. a basis for refusing to testify, this OAS, the Council of Europe, and the behalf of lawyers who have been Kennedy are admirable, a generally defense would be presented at trial. Organization of African Unity It punished or imprisoned for repre- "liberal" bent on personal rights However, the interim "chill" cannot reports to and makes inquiries also senting unpopular clients or causes. セョ、@ liberties cannot outweigh the be dispelled by ex post facto adjudi- through the U S. State Department The membership of the committee erosion of our democratic processes cation. In short, 5.1437 allows more and-scores of governments. Amnesty consists of judges, lawyers, law pro- _rising out of 5.1437' s provisions re- restrictive governmental control of monitors and investigates as closely fessors and law students in the U.S lating to freedoms of speech, press, speech and press. as possible reports and individual State Department inquiries about and assembly. General characteriza- CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 testimony of arrests, detentions, dis- cases identified by Amnesty and appearances, mistreatment, torture, urged by lawyers have brought the and executions of prisoners of con- release from detention of numerous science. Amnesty defines " prisoner imprisoned attorneys . Legal re- of conscience" as someone who is search, legal action in domestic and I nside punished solely for his or her ideas, international forums, and missions race or religion and who has neither to observe foreign trials are tactics used nor advocated violence. used The Law .............•.....•...............5 One hundred thousand active Amnesty International estimates members perform the bulk of Am- that there are over 500,000 prisoners nesty' s work which, in 50% of the of conscience in 100 countries IThe Arts ..................................•6 cases designated for "Urgent Ac- throughout the world, and the fol- tion", has brought about an im- lowing countries have been identi- provement in the condition of some- fied as gross violators of the funda- one who IS being physically or psy- mental human rights described in chologically degraded, threatened the UN Universal Declaration of [The Arts ...................................7 with death, secretly imprisoned or Human Rights Brazil, Chile, South held without trial Korea, South Africa, USSR, Iraq, Amnesty's members operate Iran, Uganda, Pakistan, Libya, East through adoption groups, an urgent Germany, and Czechoslovakia. action network, profeSSional com- There is a human rights committee IAlumni/Development ................20 mittees, action groups for cases active at Hastings, which now sends , where torture or execution is in- telegrams regularly as a part of volved, through letter-writing, and Amnesty' s Urgent Action network. also through a special section which The coordinator is Deborah brings individuals out of danger Kaufman. セN Lセセセセセセセセセセセセセセセセセセセセセセセセセセセセセ@ through c1andestine_c_h_a_n_n_e_ls_._T_h_e_s_e _________b_y_Mor __ G⦅。ョ⦅dッ⦅ケセャ・@ o HASTINGS LAW NEWS Non-Profit Organization u.s. POSTAGE Hating. College of the LIIw PAID Unlvenlty of Cell'omle San Franciaco, Ca. ,. MeAlII..... St. Permit No. 10286 len Frencleco, Ce. 14102 October]1, Bulletin' Board ANNOUNCEMENTS BUY NOW HASTINGS LAW PARTNERS PRESENTS RED TAG SALE DAYS at the Discovery Shop at 65 Hydel Many reductions, some In a cast of thousands GROUCHO MARX will make his debut in "AT THE 50 % . A donation of Dew women's shoes will be sold at .1.00 a pair. Remember the CIRCUS " a classic film of the 1930's featuring all the Marx Brothers at their best. dates: Tuesdays, November 8th and 22nd, from 10 a.m . to 3 p.m. (note new longer Some of'the comedy is Groucho's most well-known skits. So sing along with hours). Groucho's "Lydia the Tattooed Lady," and ウセ・@ the Elephant セ@ the striped pajamas, on Friday, November 4, 7:30 p.m. ID classroom A. tゥ」ォ・セウ@ can be FACULTY AND CLASSES purchased in advance, drop a note in locker 1219, or call 648-4373. Price: $1.00, refreshments and raffle following the movie I The Faculty Curriculum Committee is currently considering several proposals which directly concern students. One proposal would add a one-semester CALENDAR GOOF Constitutional Law class to the first-year curriculum. The Committee is also con- sidering whether the second-year program should include additional mandatory The Calendar for 1977-78 published on page 5 of the New Hastings Catalog is courses. off by one day in some important places. As the student representative on this Committee, I am interested in receiving Please note the following important dates: additional student input on curriculum matters. If you should have comments on November 11 Holiday (new) the above proposals or other curriculum suggestions, please leave a note in locker November 24-25· Thanksgiving Recess #1247 or speak with me, Alan Porter. December 2 Last Day of Instruction December 5-19 Final Examination SCHOOL NOTICES December 1-15 Registration (fee payments) EXAMINATIONS. As examination time is approaching, the existing rules of the January 3 Instruction Commences College as to change in examination dates are listed below. Per agreement with February 20· Holiday the Associated Students of Hastings, the following rules have been promulgated: March 20-24 Spring Recess 1. Reqeusts may be made for an individual change in the examination day, April 21* Last Day of Instruction where a student has a conflict in the exam schedule consisting of two exams at the May 1-19· Final Examinations same time, or two examinations on the same day.
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