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TQ.e ',_.-, the standards set forth in 41CFR 101·11.504 Police Chief, September 1971 Points of view or opinions stated in this document are has been updated with the addition those of the authorlsl and do not represent 'the official o~ sixty five new entries. position or poUcies of the U.S. Department of Justil:e. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE LA.W ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANCE ;.DMINISTRAT!O,N ' NATIONAL CRIMINAL JUSTICE REFERENCE SERVICE WASHINGTON,. D.C. 20531 ..... , ,/t,: "':~i[D; t" ~.f i I ~ e .~ .. ., BOOKS A Professional Thief, The :i?rof~~ional Asbury, Herbert, Gangs of New York - An Thief. Annotated and Interpreted by Informal History of the Underworld. Edwin H. Sutherland. Chicago, The New York, Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1928. University of Chicago Press, 1937. _____ , . The Chicago Underworld. New Adamic, Louis, Dynamite- The York, Ace Star, 1940. Story of Class Violence in AmeJ.'ica. New York, The Viking Press, 1931. _____ , The Great Illusion. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday and Co., 1950. Adrian, Charles R., Governing Urban America. New York, McGraw­ -----, Sucker's Progress. New York, Hill, 1961. nJdd, Mead and Co, J 1938. Alexander, Herbert, Re@lation of _____ , The Barbary Coast - An Informal Political Finance .. Berkeley, Calif.: History of the San Francisco Underworld. Institute of Governmental Studies New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1933. and Princeton Citizens Research Foundation, 1966. -----, The French Quarter-An Informal History of the New Orleans Underworld. Allen, David D., The Nature of ·New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1936. Gambling. New York, Coward-McCann, r 1952. Banfield, Edward C., and James Q. Wilson, City Politics. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Allen, Edward J., Merchants of University Press, 1963 Menace. Springfield, 111., Charles C Thomas, 1962. Barnes, Harry E., and Negley K. Teeters, New Horizons in Criminology, 3rd ed. , Allsop, Kenneth, The Bootleggers Englewood Cliffs, N. J., Prentice-Hall, 1959. and Their Era. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday- and Co., Inc., 1961. Barzini, Luigi, The Italians. New York, Atheneum, 1964. Anslinger, Harry J., and Will Oursler, The Murderers: The Story Bates, Jerome E., and Edward S. Zawadski, of Narcotic Gangs. New York, Criminal Abortion. Springfield, Ill., Charles C Farrar, Straus and Cudahy, 1961. Thomas, 1964. , The Protectors .. New York, Bell, Daniel, The End of Ideology. New York, Farrar, Straus and Company, 1964. Free Press, 1960. , and William F. Tompkins, Bender, ErIe, Tickets to Fortune. New York, The Traffic in Narcotics. New York, Modern Age Books, 1938. 'Funk and vVagnalls Co., Inc. J 1953. Bergler, Edmund, The Psychology of Gambling. Arm, Walter, Payoff. New York, New York, Hill and Wang. 1957. AppletQn-Century-Crofts, Inc., 1951. 1 Bers, Melvin K., The Penetration of Chafetz, Henry, Play the Devil. New York, Dobyns, Fletcher, The Underworld of Frasca, Dom, Vito Genovese: King of Crime, Legitimate Business by ,Organized Clarkson N. Potter, 1960. American Politics. New York, -Fletcher Crime-An Analysis. Law, Enforcement rev. ed., New York, Avon BooJ~s; 1963. DObyns, Publisher, 1~32. Assistance Administi-ation, U. S. Chalmers, David Mark, The SocL.l.l and Gage, Nicholas, Mafia- U. S. A. New York, Department of Justice, 1970. Political Ideas of the Muckrak~. New Doherty; Bill, Crime Reporter. New Del Publishing Co., 1972 York, Citadel Press, 1964.. ~ York. Exposition Press, 1964. Blanche Ernest E., You Can't Win: i Ganni, Francis, A. J .• A ;Family Business, Facts and Fallacies About Gambling. Collinson, Owen H., King Crime. New York, Dolci, Danilo, Waste. New York, Kinship and Social Control in Organized Crime. Washington~ Public Affairs Press, 1949. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1959. Monthly Review Press, 1964. New York, Basic Books, 1972. Bloomquist, Edward R., Marijuana. Cook, Fred J., A Two Dollar Bet Means Drzazga, John, Wheels of Fortune. Gardiner, John A., The Politics of Corruption: Beverly Hills, Calif., Glencoe Press, Murder. New York, Dial Press~ 1961. Springfield, Ill., Charles C. Thomas, Organized Crime in an American City. New 1968. 1963. York, Russel Sage Foundation, 1970. __________ ,-2T~h~e~S~e~c~r~e~t~R~u~le~r~s~·~.~C~r~i~m~in~a~l Brennan, Ray, The Stolen Years. Syndicates and How They Control the U. S. Dubins, Lester E., and Leonard J. Germann, A. C., Frank D. Day, and Cleveland, 0., Pennington Press, 1959. Underworld. New York, Duell, Sloane and Savage How to Gamble If you Must. Robert R. J. Gallati, Introduction to Law Pearce, 1966. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1965. Enforcement and Criminal Justice, Revised Brown, Thorvald T., The Enigma of 12th printing, Springfield, Ill., Charles C Drug _Addiction. Springfield, Ill., Cooper, Courtney Riley, Designs in Scarlet. Dulles. Allen, The Craft of Thomas, 1970. Charles C. Thomas, 1961. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1939. Intelligence. New Yor.k, Harper and Row, 1963. Gowen, Emmett, ed. J True Expose of Buck, Frederick S., Horse Race Here's To Crime. -Boston, Little, -----, Racketeers and Their Methods. New York, Betting: A Complete Account of Pari­ BrowJl and Company, 1939. Edelhertz, Herbert, The Nature, Popular Books, 1930. Mutuel and Bookmaking. New York, Impact and Prosecution of White Greenburg, 1946. Crawford, Francis Marion, Southern Italy Collar Crime. Washington, U.B. Halper, Albert, ed •• The Cleveland Crime and Sicily and the Rulers of the South. London, Government Printing Office, 1970. Book. Cleveland, Ohio, World Publishing uc 1~ walter,.. J A , Merchanlls of The Mamillan Co." 1900. , ~. B Co., 1967. ,Misery. Mountain View, Calif., Egen, Frederic,. W., Plainclothesman: Pacific Press Publishing, 1956. Cressey, Donald R., Theft of the Natior. Handbook of Vice and Gambling _____ , The Chicago Crime Book: New York, Harper and Row, 1969. lnvestigation. New York, Arco Cleveland, Ohio, World Publishing Co., 1967. Bullough, Vern L., The History of Publishing Co., Inc., 1959. Prostitution. New Hyde Park; ----_ , Other People's Money. Glencoe, Hamilton, Charles, Men of the Underworld. N. Y., University Books, 1964. Ill., The Free Press, 1953, Elliot, J. F. Some Thoughts on New York, Macmillan Company, 1952. the Control of Organized Gaming. Burgess, Ernest W., The New Danforth, 'Harold R~, and James D. Horan, G. E. Electronics Laboratory, 1968. Harney, Malachi L., and John C. Cross, . Step in the War on Crime-Legalize The D. A. IS Man. New York, Crown Publisher, The Informer in Law Enforcement, 2nd ed . Gambling. Chicago, Governmental Inc';, 1957. -~ .. Elli son,· E. Jerome, and Frank W. Springfield, Ill., Charles C Thomas, 1968. Research Association, 1935. Bro~k, The Run for Your Money. Davi~, Clyde B., . Something for Nothing. New York, Dodge, 1935. _____, The Narcotic Officer's Notebook. Burns, Walter Noble, The One-Way Philadelphis, Pa., Lippincott, 1956. Springfield, Ill., Charles C Thomas, 1861. Ride: The Red Trail of Chicago Ezell, John Samuel, Fortune's gangland from Prohibition to DeLeeuw, Hendrik, Underworld Story: The Merry Wheel. Cambridge, Mass., Heard, Alexander, The Costs of Democracy. J'ake Lingle. Garden City" No Y. , Rise of Organized Crime and Vice-Racket Harvard University Press, 1960. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Doubleday, Doran and Co., 1031. in the U. S. A. Londorl, N. Spearman, 1955. Press, 1960. Fed~r, Sid, and Joachin Joesten, Bl.lse, Renee, The Deadly Silence. DemariS, Ovid, Captive City. New York, The Luciano Story. New York, Heckethorn, Charles, The Secret Societies Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday and Lyle Stuart, Inc., 1969.' David McKay Co., 1960. of All Ages and Countries. New Hyde Park, Co., 1965. N. Y., University Books, 1965. ____ , and Burton B. Turkus, . Murder, Inc. New York, Perma IIelbrant, Maurice, Narcotic Agent 319. New 2 Books, 1952. York, Vanguard Press. 1841. 3 ... Herald~ George W., and Edward D. Johnson, Malcolm, Crime on the Labor . , ,.~ Lasswell, Harold D .• Bribery, 2 JVIacDougall, Ernest David, ed., Crime Radin. The Big Wheel. New York, Front. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1950. for Profit. A Symposium on Mer.cenary Crime. Encyclopedia ci the Social Sciences. Morrow, 1963. Boston, Stratford, 1933. Katcher, Leo, 'rhe Big Bankroll: The Life New York, Macmillan, 1930. Herman, Robert D., Gambling •. New and Times of Arnold Hothstein. New York, Lavine, Emanual H., Cheese It-The MacDougall, Ernest D., et al., Speculati'2.!2- York, Harper arrl Row, 1967. Victor Goliancz, 1958. Cops. Account of an effort to stamp and Gambling,<_. Boston, Stratford, 1936. out. organized crime in Denver. New Herskovits, Melville Jr. > Man and His Kavanagh, Marcus, The Criminal and His MacDougall, Michael, Gamblers Don't Gamble, York, Vanguard, 1936. Worl<.s. New York, Allred A. Knopf, Allies. Indianapolis, Ind., Bobbs-Merrill Co., New York, Greystone 'Press, 1939. Inc. 1956. 1928, Ewen, C. L'Estrange, Lotteries Manson Research Corporation. Plan for an and Sweepstakes. London, Heath HiU, Albert Fay, The North Avenue Keating. William J .• and Richard Carter, Operation. Research Study of Organized Crime Cranton Ltd., 1932. Irregulars: .A,. Suburb Battles the Mafia. The Man Who Rocked the Boat. New York; in the United States. San Francisco: Manson 'New York, Cowles, 1968. Harper and Row, 1956. Lewis, Jerry D., ed., Crusade Research, 1966. Against Crime. New York, Hirsch, Carl, Public Enemies in Public Kees:i.ng, Felix M .• Cultural Anthropology.
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