
Index Compiled b) ll" Ru.' ,\bboll. Bell, lBO, 262 Bap'u" Odo of, rhos. 261 (,Islln of. 106-8 "Iwl, John, 119 honour ()f~ 101 ·5. I H--.') \hill~don. 118. :llli. 295 h Bdp,U1d. John, 322, 32·\ al1l><')' of•. ">7. 62. 87, 91-5. 98, 123 Bt'amin'>tCT, I)or~rl, 291. 296, 299 abbot of, 90 Bl'ckt,tt, l:~l .... in. 323 bridge. 88, 00 Hnkt-u, 1;1--1 A(kerman, R.o 278 B("(lforc\.!,hire, 1m .5 Anon. Samud. 180 Bt'ltOIl, Surf., 133, 137, U9 ;\dderbury. liS Brnn<H. (;<0 .. 311. 317, 321 323 Aethdred L ')2 Bt'oTnv."ld, St.. 17--55 Acthdred II, 333 Br-rkr-\('}, Gins., 55 .\~a\·!o m.tp. 175, :?blJ, 271 Brrk'lhirr- 102 5 Ale-hem'r. 23-l. n, II. 15-6 Sessd .. , Wm., 123 Alfred, King. 5,1, 86 Bt'ssds L('igh, 12J-J, 127-8 Alldn. John, 319 Bibur\, Glos., 1135, 147-52 allu\'ialion, N-SI. 8.>--6 Bice~It'r, 15- b, 5,). 262, 266 Alrillgton Itt .\rlin~lOn plior) of, 118, :lb:J "mpne\ Crm-i<s, (;10 .... 135 Birinus, St" 50 .\Il~IU.S.IX()T1 r('mains. j7---8. 6.1, 7-1-. 76-87. IOH. :U.l~I: w Ui ... hop, John. millin('r. 219 o/jQ poll('ry Black Bourloll. 113 -5, 1·-1-7-8. 1.')0-2 :\n~lo·Sa,on s'liIHS, 17-55 BlilCk DC'.lIh, 125, 133, 269 Apple-tOil, 122-:\, 128 Bliss famih'. 315, :iI7, 323 t\rdington. 285 Bot:khamplon, l::krh., 124- ,\rlington. (;IUIo., 113 5, 117 ')\ Bois elt'. lill11ih, 123 {\rrow, Juhn. 31b. 320 1>0111'\1 human, 2, 38 .\rsic. ret' of, 11 I .1Ilim,d <llId fowls. 25, 29, 38, --t'}-6. 58, 77, qq, 15l-5, ,\:shmole, 278 161. 16.'1, 170, 172 3. 265--9 assarling. H2 hemr <lnd i\'O~ obj('(ls. )8, 75-{i. 1:)1, 165, 177, IWI, A'ithJ.lI, 19 21 187, 195. 198. 207. 210, 229--31. :271 ,\"tun, Rob. oC 112, 117 bordclr-I, I'll :\\Ion B.unpwll, 90 Boulton. ~IR tlq '\udd.l). John. IXW"I, 139 Bo\l'~ Ir.I("('\, I)('\on, I3S \\'r<ln<:h('\, Ru.llon d', II \ Bowell. Ric 119 ,hlt-.. hu'1, Bucks" ,55 Br.lddn. '''rlh.lllls. 117 Br.ldln • .John, 180 b .. kchousr-s, 29-\-5 Br,,~~e', \\"m.JII) Bampton. l7 55 br.ls,>('~, 1ll0I1UIlH'nlal, 50-2 church. "'<lilll riC, 17 i-I hrf'" huuM· .... 100, 29--l-6. 30b d{'rk uf. I)() Bri(h~T~. CII.IS., 321 hundreel of, 17 blid,e;c''>, .17,1)0, 6J, 68, 78, 82-3, 85, 87·9\, 129 Banhury, 289 Brill, Bucks_. 71. 1117. 213- 1 Hanelinel, Dr. Bulkcln, 32\ Bristo!' 218 9, 2:i5. 2 \9, 299 Billliing, .1., ::120, :1:.2\ Il"'",.r "<'" ;... b, <) lB. BO, 331 BMfnrd, I)l'lIist' of, 11S---7 Br()\.w, (:h,I\., jlh, 318-9 Bdrforel St ~Iie-hild, 321} Jellldihan. :311), :1:11 barrows, l. .') Ii ..13 I Brt)\\llf'. ~bJor Grnf'TiII, 29') Bassr-t. Phil.. 118 Bn.lllt. (i.H .• 2hl B.tlhu .... t. Lord. 279 Hell., 2bl B.lIlh-. ~u<;s{". 135 Burkland, Alan of. 1189 340 HUll.IIH!;ll<IOlShln'. HII-8 191.219,221 Buddn. .J" dra ..... in~s b~. 283--5 Coldbridq:t'. l\.el1(, 11-1- Bu(klq Ed" ard, Zb2 Cold Kitdlt'fI Hill. WillS., 20 Burchill, ~1.trtha, 151, 262 Cullings, Thos., 262 Burrord. 1.f7, 2G2 Collingwuod. J. pril1lCT. 32-1- Burnh ..IIIl, nH'~., 246 Collins . .J.Hllrs, 2.')1 Burro ....... Prof. ~1()nt,l"u. 278 .Jos .. 262 Burrm.. s, I 207 II" 261 \\ 167 Com he 107, 111 Bury ~I Edmunds, 2W! Combt·s, 1'.. Ill{'rcer, 219 Bullc'r- I hus_ :lUi Compton Brauchalllp, 12·1 Corhrl, Roh., 126 ( ..1111 13rid,,,c', Hh ROI{ .. 123, 12.') LlIlIbridgnhin', 10'1 5 COlswulds,17 1';lI1al. H--9 209. 21 Cottingham, 1..:\., 286 LUllilup(', St. rhos .. 52 COllisford. 285 C,lIln. (;(,11 .• 2hl Couldrq. A .• chinaman. 218 .J 1hl Coulitll.\', \\'.j, 317. 323 S.lmuel. ISO. 2b1 Cox, Thos., 262 C.trt\ Eli/, 1b2 Crawlr) H2 ('.tru('al.("t' of 1120, 124 crop marks, 1-2. 131 ColSl('11. 312 J . (TOS~t'S, \Iedin-al. 283-.') ".1 .. 111'''' 101. III.). 1.\ 117-8, IU allo (hl~lnl Crtlxdrll abbe). ~tafl's., 285 C.unlor('", Ikrks., I:lt (:ulllnof. :.?RS (:tTil. Ciw .. 32l Crib. 19 danr~rld, 115 (:(,Il\,'ulf~ Kin~ of :\lcrci.l. 55 Davis, RIC, map of. 303-1. 309 Chambrriain, Thos .. 320 D,I'. Chas .• 273 ell.mdler. Stcph.:an, 128 Drclding-Ion, 101 -2. 107- 19. 327. 329 Charlbury. 5.5, 262 Clifton in, 115, 119 Charhon 011 01l1100r, 285 Hrmpton in, 329 rh,trlt'rs. 17-9, 85, 90 dest'rted st'ulrlllt'nlS, 121 , 124-·5, 127 31, 115. ~i28-9 Chaundy, John, 315,317. :120-1 ))csp(,llsrr, Hugh Ie. 119 RiL, 3 16, J19 Di'i!o, ;-.iorf, 291 Cherwt'll, rin'r, .'19, 102--3 dissolution of monasterit's. 118, 161. 2b9 Chc'shdlll, Burks .. 1lI7 I)lUma, St., ~)5 Chrsiley. Hu~h de. 116--7 dilrh, rinl(, 1--6 i>.tauld'l dc. 115-h. liB Roman, 23- 1-6 Ralph, liS, 117 I)i\(' dC'. Guy, 112,115. Iii d('sc<'ndallis or. 117 IIt·n .. 117 ROL:t'r, II S----{j J ohn. 117 \\"m , 11 :1, 115 nlO~. 117 Ch('slt'r, Ranulf, earl or. 111 Wm., 112. 117 CI1("\\nlOn, Ric, 277 l)'Oilly, Roh., 87, 90, 93 Chid;('k. Hell .. 277, .lrchbp of Llllinbur. ])umcscln Book. 101, 108, 115. 124. 127. :132 3 Chikh. Franris, 162 Donhrslrf, (hun., 15-6. 50. 285. 289 dlOlnOl. 171-.i, :303 Dorst'l. 102 .) Chubq dlUrch, :B:l--4 Dtlwr. lOt) Cill'Ill'('')I('r, Glos .• 117, :296 IlrapC'r, rhos_. 261 Ci\il \\'.Ir, 290-1, 295- :JOO Wm_. 162 <Ln' uhjro ... , 1.SI-- 5, 21-9-:')0 I)n, \\'Il1 .. :i\7. :124 d.1\ pipr.... qq. 151 .rl, 170. 177--H. IBO. 187, 189 ~II, Duckling-IOn. 90 1<13 .'l. 197 S, lOU, 20--1-. 20ti. 209. 2.'H li2 Dudln . Crt'ws, solicitor. 3 11-5 rLI) pipt' makeN, 251. 253-5, 259-62 Duns Tew, 329 Cla~don, Burks., 115 I }urh'llII, 90, 93 Clull, J II'" 208-9 Clullc'fhud;,.J C., allliquarian, 10---13 Eadburh, St.. 55 ClutlOll, liel1 , an"hitt'(,I, 278-9, 281 2. 287 Eadwi..-:, Kinl{. H. 54 ("();I(hlllen. ]21 I) 1-:.1';\ Bl"urrlOIl. 12-4 Cud" :\1 ..mh.l, j:20 Lalon lIastinKs, 128 Will .. 31<1 Edw.trd thc Conh'ssor. H COIll\ .md IOkI'ns ..')(1, 71 15-1-, 16.'), 178-80, 18-'). 187. Ed ..... ard Ih(' Elder. 86 I);DE); 341 Edward II. 30·1 (; re('ks, 20. .UIl EcI('"s, R .. 262 Grcen, j .. 116 ('"ndosun', 121. 126-7. 115. 327. 329 Grn'ilk, john. wool Illercildllt, 123, 126 Enston('", 262 Grim's ditch. 3312 Ess(""x. 101-5 Grimthorpe. Lord. 26b E"te, Rob .. 278 Guntl'r. R., 173. 175, 185,271 E\.llls. Dani('"l. builder. 'lIO, :H5. 317, 323 E\'am, Sir john. antiquarian. 11. 13. 15. H;liley. 332 Ewness. Juhn. 315, 319 hair .1Ild wig curlers. \.51-5. 262-3 Exetcr, 85, 90 H aldon, ehas., 32-1 bishop of. L('"ofric, 17. 19. 51 HilleS, T. 262 cathnlral. 17 Hall. Henry. printer. 297 dl'an and rhapt('"r. 19 Hampstead Norris, Berks .. 285 E\llsham. 55. 62 3. 82. 285 Hampton Ga\', 1-l3--5. 117-8, 150.... 2 ,l\)bn of. 55. 90. 91 5. 115. 119 H ampton Podr, 147 H andborou~h. H5 Farbrothcr . .1 .. schoolmaster, 3:H Hannum. ehas .. :-115, 317. 319 20. 322 Faringdon. 90 St('phen, j 15. 317. 322-3 Fanner, R .. mas(m. 305. 313. :U5. 317, 323 Hants., 102.... 5 FcniplaC'e family. 123. I:n I-I .lrang-, R.."llph, 118---9 Field. Chas .. 201. 216 Ildrris, ,John. 262 fire-prevcntion and fi~luil1g. 289-90. 299 Thos., 262 Fishcr. \\'01., 273 r hos., of ~larslOn. 316, 322 Fitz Ceroid. Hen., 115-6 Hastings. bauie of. 10·1 \Varin, I I~. 118 H,I\\ kins. Ric .. 273 flint objecls. 2-7. 37. 129 Haylidd. ,J 'lcob, 198 Foliot. Gilbcn. 115 heanh tax, 128 fMcls. 57. 65. 68. 78. 81 7,89-90. 93. 99 Hcath, .1 ., 180 Forest H ill, 11 1-2 Hcnln, I ~2, 2 1 ~, 210 forest law, 332 H enry I. Ill. 301 fret hold, 303. 30S Ilcnr;. II, 111-5 FrankcJeyn family, 123 H enry V, 119 Frl're, \\'111 .. 271 H enr;' \'11 1. 118 Frideswiclc. St.. 50. 55 Henry of HUnlillgdon, 106 Frilford. 121-2. 126 Hereford. 52 f rost, T hos .. 180 Hens .. 102-5 Fu ll er. Isaac, arcist. 178-9, 281. 283 Hewlett, Edgar, 315. 3 17. 322 Fulscot, 121 Thos .. 317 Ful\\.c11. I B-5. I 17--8. 150-2 H icks, Eliz .. 322 Fyfield. 12 1-2 hides. 101 -5, 107·8. 115, 123---4 Hitchings, :-Sir Edw.ard, 32·l Gadnt"', Rob .. 180, 262 J-I cx'kwold ("um \\'ilton. Nod .. 20 ' I·hos .• 162 Hc:x"\cotl. Bcrks .. 121 G(·Aowski. E.C .• sculplDr, 281 2. 286 H og~ar. Rob .• pL.l1l of, 302. 'lI6 Gill.arcl. Osbt·rt. 11a--9 I iollar's map, 176. 271 Gilbert. Ric., 322 limit'. J ohn. 251, 262 glass r('"mains. 37, 58, 73, 99, \.'H.
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