March 4, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E295 RECOGNIZING THE CITY OF LUB- port Authority, the Council for World-Class sessments of scientific issues affecting public BOCK, TEXAS ON ITS CENTEN- Communities, the Boys and Girls Club, and a policy. He was an influential figure in the pub- NIAL number of other organizations in his home- lic debates on ballistic missile defense and cli- town. He has been honored by Lake Michigan mate change. At the Institute, he worked to HON. RANDY NEUGEBAUER College with the Distinguished Alumni Award, provide the Congress and successive Admin- OF TEXAS and was a recipient of the College’s Diversity istrations with perspectives and interpretations IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Award. of scientific and technical matters. Pete Mitchell is a man who dedicated his Dr. Jastrow was a prolific author and public Tuesday, March 4, 2008 life to his hometown, and to the betterment of commentator on the space program, astron- Mr. NEUGEBAUER. Madam Speaker, as his fellow man. He is truly ‘‘The Rock.’’ omy, earth science, and national security. He the city of Lubbock turns 100 years old, I f hosted more that 100 CBS–TV network pro- could not be more proud to be part of a won- grams on space science and was the special derful community that has grown to embrace COMMEMORATING THE PASSING guest of NBC–TV with Wernher von Braun for all that is good in America. The traditional val- OF DR. ROBERT JASTROW the Apollo-Soyuz flights. Dr. Jastrow’s articles ues upon which this country was founded still have appeared in the New York Times, Time, flourish and are taught to the next generation HON. DANA ROHRABACHER Reader’s Digest, Foreign Affairs, Commentary, here. OF CALIFORNIA Atlantic Monthly and Scientific American. His The history of Lubbock is a story of men IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES books include Red Giants and White and women that came to this region with a Tuesday, March 4, 2008 Dwarves—the Evolution of Stars, Planets and dream. They came with a determination that Life; Until the Sun Dies: God and the Astrono- would be tested over and over again. That Mr. ROHRABACHER. Madam Speaker, I mers; The Enchanted Loom—Mind in the Uni- ‘‘can-do’’ spirit turned this remote area of the would like to commemorate the passing of the verse; Astronomy—Fundamental and Fron- High Plains of Texas into one of the most pro- prominent American scientist Dr. Robert tiers; Journey to the Stars—Space Exploration ductive agricultural regions in the world. My Jastrow on February 8, 2008. Born in New Tomorrow and Beyond, How to make Nuclear grandfather came to Lubbock in 1909 to be York in 1924, Robert Jastrow worked in the Weapons Obsolete and Scientific Perspectives part of this new community. Over the past 100 U.S. lunar landing program, established and on the Greenhouse Problem with William years, many visionary citizens stepped forward managed two scientific research centers, and Nierenberg and Frederick Seitz. Dr. Jastrow’s to build and strengthen this growing and de- played an active role in national public policy contributions to science will be missed, and I veloping town. Now today, because of their ef- debates on national security and environ- extend my condolences to his family, friends forts, Lubbock is not only an important agricul- mental policy. and colleagues. Robert Jastrow earned his Ph.D. degree in tural area, but it is also a city of world-class f educational and medical facilities and the re- theoretical physics at Columbia University. He gional distribution center for the entire South became an assistant professor at Yale before PERSONAL EXPLANATION Plains and part of New Mexico. joining the staff at the Naval Research Labora- As we celebrate the past, let us look for- tory. In 1958, Dr. Jastrow was chosen to head HON. JAMES R. LANGEVIN ward with great anticipation toward the future. NASA’s new theoretical division. Dr. Jastrow OF RHODE ISLAND immediately set to work planning the future Lubbock is not just a city celebrating 100 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES years. it’s home to me. I am proud to call Lub- space science program and drawing a high Tuesday, March 4, 2008 bock home and am honored to represent each level of scientific talent into NASA. its residents in the United States Congress. Dr. Jastrow was convinced of the unique im- Mr. LANGEVIN. Madam Speaker, on Feb- f portance of the moon for understanding the ruary 28, 2008, I was away from the Chamber origin of the earth and the other planets and and unable to vote. I would like the RECORD TRIBUTE TO DWIGHT ‘‘PETE’’ was an early champion of lunar exploration. In to reflect that, had I been present, I would MITCHELL 1958, he and Harold Urey, the Nobel Laureate have voted ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall vote Nos. 85, 86 chemist, made the case for NASA to build a and 87. HON. FRED UPTON significant program for lunar exploration, re- f OF MICHIGAN sulting in the establishment of the Ranger COMMEMORATING NATIONAL I.D. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Project. With permission from NASA and in associa- THEFT PREVENTION WEEK, Tuesday, March 4, 2008 tion with Columbia University, Robert Jastrow MARCH 3–7, 2008 Mr. UPTON. Madam Speaker, I rise today organized the Goddard Institute for Space to pay tribute to Dwight ‘‘Pete’’ Mitchell, a Studies and became its first Director in 1961. HON. HARRY E. MITCHELL community leader in Southwest Michigan who Scientists at the Goddard Institute, a govern- OF ARIZONA is retiring this week after more than 35 years ment laboratory which carried out research in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in public service. astronomy and atmospheric science, played a In the center of downtown Benton Harbor key role in the Pioneer, Voyager, and Galileo Tuesday, March 4, 2008 sits a large rock, engraved with the name of planetary missions under Jastrow’s guidance. Mr. MITCHELL. Madam Speaker, I rise Dwight ‘‘Pete’’ Mitchell City Center Park. That In recognition of his work, Dr. Jastrow re- today to commemorate National Identity Theft certainly represents Pete Mitchell—he’s solid ceived the NASA Medal for Exceptional Sci- Prevention Week in Arizona and in several as a rock, a foundation for our community. An entific Achievement and the Arthur Fleming other states, as well as Consumer Protection accomplished boxer as a young man, Pete Award for Outstanding Service to the U.S. Week around the Nation, and to bring atten- Mitchell, like his hometown of Benton Harbor, Government. tion to this growing and troubling trend in has shown he can take a punch, and he can Dr. Jastrow stayed at the helm of the God- crime. Identity theft is a serious offense that fight back and win. Many of the projects that dard Institute for 20 years before becoming occurs when someone uses your personal in- are being accomplished right now that are joining the faculty at Dartmouth College, formation without your permission to commit leading Benton Harbor’s renaissance have where he held the position of Professor of fraud or other crimes. benefited from Pete’s quiet and steady leader- Earth Sciences until 1992. In that year he re- Unfortunately, Arizona is one of the states ship. Whether it’s the Arts District, downtown signed to become Chairman of the Board of hardest hit by identity theft, which continues to development, new housing, or new jobs and Trustees of the Mount Wilson Institute, which impact millions of victims and remains the recreation, Pete was there with the vision and manages the Mount Wilson Observatory in fastest-growing white-collar crime in the United perseverance to put together the partnerships California on behalf of the Carnegie Institution States. Identity theft costs businesses and that are making a difference in lives of Benton of Washington. Dr. Jastrow retired as Director consumers billions of dollars each year. Addi- Harbor residents. of the Mount Wilson Institute in January 2003. tionally, victims must take valuable time and While Pete is retiring as Benton Harbor City He also was a member of the Board of Gov- often endure tremendous stress as they work Manager, he has a long legacy of involvement ernors of the National Space Society. to repair the damage to their credit and ac- in his community. A 1954 graduate of Benton With Drs. Frederick Seitz and William counts. Harbor High School, Pete has served on the Nierenberg, Dr. Jastrow founded the George However, Arizona is also the site of some of Benton Harbor Area Schools board, the Air- C. Marshall Institute in 1984 to conduct as- the Nation’s most innovative efforts to combat VerDate Aug 31 2005 03:27 Mar 05, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A04MR8.025 E04MRPT1 ccoleman on PRODPC75 with REMARKS.
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