www.im-mining.com JANUARY 2012 Informed and in-depth editorial on the world mining industry LUNDIN'S GREAT MINE IN PORTUGAL Neves Corvo MAJOR AUTOMATION ADVANCES SOUTH AFRICAN TECHNOLOGY AND ENGINEERING BULK HANDLING AND MINERALS STORAGE Processing Plant CONTENTS 16 JANUARY 2012 16 OPERATION FOCUS – OKD CSA Paul Moore visited the CSA site, part of OKD’s Karvina mining complex in the Czech Republic, to see how the company’s extensive program of new equipment is helping to increase productivity 42 RSA’s GLOBAL INFLUENCE 42 Well-grounded and leaders in Africa, John Chadwick looks at the activities of South African suppliers stretching from British Columbia to Siberia, embracing everything from 30 coal to rare earths 58 BULK MINERALS STORAGE Paul Moore looks at some of the equipment used in bulk mineral storage and stockpiling, from stacker reclaimers to railcar dumpers 74 58 30 GREAT MINES – Neves Corvo After our overview article on 74 AUTOMATION Lundin Mining last month, John Chadwick takes an annual look at the Paul Moore looks in detail at advance of autonomous and remote control the newly expanded Neves mining equipment and new products in the field Corvo zinc plant, plus future underground mining 88 OPEN PIT TO UNDERGROUND expansion plans focussed on Many mines combine open-pit with underground the Lombador orebody mining, and often the underground mine is an extension of the pit 92 HIGH PROFILE: U&M - At the Exposibram exhibition 94 MINING TECHNOLOGY UPDATES Every month, posts around 100 news items to its Paul Moore met with the Vice website, mainly technology related. Here are President of the leading some recent highlights Brazilian contract mining group U&M to discuss their background, contracting www. im-mining .com presence in Africa, as well as COVER: Gekko Systems JANUARY 2012 future plans A Python 500 modular plant designed, built, installed and commissioned by Gekko Informed and in-depth editorial on the world mining industry Systems for Gold Fields’ Kloof GROWTH project in South Africa – see World Prospects article for more detail. The Python concept is one of pre-concentration using gravity and LUNDIN'S 92 GREAT MINE IN PORTUGAL flotation, which minimises or eliminates the use of chemicals on site and resident in Neves Corvo MAJOR tailing facilities. It also offers low power consumption per tonne treated. The key to AUTOMATION ADVANCES SOUTH AFRICAN TECHNOLOGY accelerated cashflow is fast environmental permitting and reduced infrastructure AND ENGINEERING BULK HANDLING AND investment. Python’s modular design, fast equipment build and ease of installation MINERALS STORAGE all support a quick pathway to cashflow and investment returns. www.gekkos.com Processing Plant AROUND THE WORLD 3 The Leader 4 World Prospects 95 Classifieds 96 Forthcoming events JANUARY 2012 | International Mining 1 Single-point throatbush adjustment for rotational and axial movement while the pump is running. ] The new Warman® WBH® pump . With non-stop improvements. TheThe single-pointsingle-point throatbushthroatbush adjustmentadjustment is just one ooff thethe many improvedimproved featuresfeatures offeredooffered in the new WWAWARMANARMAN® WBHWBH® centrifugalcentrifugal slurryslurrryy pumpump,p, aallowingllowing non-stop operatiooperation.nn. 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ExpertisExpertisese wherwhereree it counts. CopyrightCopyright ©2011, WWeireir SlurrySlurry Group,Group, Inc. All rights reserved.reserved. WWAWARMAN,ARMAN, WBH, AH and WWARMANARMAN HI-SEAL are registeredregistered trademarks of WWeireir MineralsMinerals AustraliaAustralia Ltd.Ltd. THE LEADER VOLUME 8 • NUMBER 1 A mitigation only mindset results in lost opportunities Publisher John Chadwick Email: [email protected] ntil South Africa’s mining companies Since then, issues of Editor consider their environmental impact and socio-economic impact have Paul Moore broader sustainability a strategic issue for also come to the fore, and Email: [email protected] U their future survival, they will continue to foster miners have had to consider Associate Editor Chris Cann negative perceptions in the public sphere. a wider group of Email: [email protected] As an industry, we have come a long way in stakeholders, as well as the Editorial Board terms of developing a legal framework and broad effects of eventual Professor Malcolm Scoble Robert E. Hallbauer environmental awareness. But this does not mine closure on local Chair in Mining Engineering., always translate into action. Management’s mind- communities and economies. University of BC, set often considers sustainability issues as a But we should not ignore the pockets of good Vancouver Jeff Roschyk threat to profits and production – rather than as a environmental practice at South African mines as Vice President of core driver of strategy. The result is that mines’ this has created a strong foundation for learning Product Management & Marketing, P&H Mining, USA usual response to their environmental impact is to and raising the bar for others. Peter Knights mitigate the damage they cause, rather than look Nedbank Capital’s Green Mining Awards, for BMA Chair & Prof. of Mining Engineering University more carefully at how they might avoid the instance, recognise those firms who have succeeded of Queensland damage in the first place. in implementing their green strategies throughout Stephen Stone West One Management But how realistic is this for an industry whose the various levels of their organisations – and Perth, Western Australia basic asset is a finite mineral resource? Financiers through to the post-closure phase of project. Dr. Andrew M. Robertson President, Robertson have entered this arena to put their weight behind To roll back negative perceptions about mining, GeoConsultants environmental and sustainability concerns – for the industry needs to practically show that it is Vancouver, Canada. good economic reasons. serious about environmental protection and socio- Ed McCord Project Consultant While most environmental control comes from economic development, and is also charting a Caterpillar Global Mining, USA the state in the form of laws and regulations, it is sustainable route to long-term profitability for Jason Nitz Mining Systems Strategist growing pressure from financial institutions that is shareholders. This means going beyond mere Newcrest Mining Ltd, Australia driving mining projects to incorporate better compliance, including the temptation to over-rely Dr Terry Mudder Managing Director sustainability strategies. Financiers have a vested on black empowerment targets as part of strategic TIMES Ltd, USA interest in ensuring that borrowers are thinking planning. Simon Tarbutt Consultant, Santiago, Chile about their long-term future rather than just their Mining companies – including their Dr. Mike Daniel short-term profits. shareholders and boards – need to recognise the Comminution Process Consultant Ausenco Minerals & Metals, Australia This thinking is being further brought home by a substantial risks to future earnings posed by code for responsible investment currently being climate change, for instance. Editorial Enquiries: Tel: +44 (0)1442 870 829 drafted by the Government Employees Pension Consumers are also starting to ask more Fax +44 (0)1442 870 617 Fund, one of the country’s largest investors. probing questions about where their goods come Advertising Sales: Phil Playle Most of the larger South African financial from. The reputational risk is potentially high for Email: [email protected] institutions are signatories to the globally recognised companies that are not taking a strategic approach +44 1442 87 77 77 Equator Principles – a voluntary set of standards to their product pipeline, and ensuring that it is Advertising Production Emma Smith for determining, assessing and managing social sustainable for all those affected. Email: [email protected] and environmental risk in project financing. The challenge is for minerals producers to start Publishing Consultant These principles insist that mining takes to ‘dematerialise’ their growth path, to use Robin Peach responsibility for its social and environmental progressively fewer natural resources (including Design & Production Trevor Sheldon impacts, rather than externalising these costs and increasingly scarce inputs like water) to fuel their Email: [email protected] expecting them to be picked up by the state, the growth. Website: public or future generations. Most companies are still thinking reactively, and www.im-mining.com The principles also highlight that shareholders they need instead to be thinking ahead about how Annual
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