AJJ the Newt of WE DO BED BANK • snd Surrounding Town* OUR PART Told Fearlessly and Without BlM RED BANK REGISTER <MD«d Wwkly, SnUnd u 8imnd-01«u M»tur «t ti. Port- Sabiorlptlon Ptinl On« Yeu (2.00, VOLUME LVIII, NO. 7. affloa st Btd Bluk, Hi J_ UBdtl tt» Act of Hues I, 1870, RED BANE, N, J,, THURSDAY, 'AUGUST 8, 1935, 81* Hontbi ii.00. Hlmrla Copy is, PAGES 1 TO 12« grounds and the garage. The total THEY LIKE RED BANK. Fair Receipts Are Theodore Parsons cost of the work will be about $18,000. Business Men Ask Navesink Fair Testimonial Dance Bids for the remodeling and Im- Mayor and Mrs. Meister of Weehaw- Carnival Of Values provement of the house were made ken Take Cottage Here For Season. Near $8,000 Gross Buys Lofty Home by Blx contractors and the three For New Ordinance Opens Tonight For Gov. Hoffman making tho lowest offers wero only One of Red Bank's distinguished Now In Progress Sky High, the Former Brooks ?S0 apart. Tho work Is being done They Want a License Law Simi- THree-Day EV%nT Will Close Visitors this summer Is Mayor Jolm Firemen's Fair at Fair Haven a Charles Miller Heads Committee Red tank Merchant*, Unde«l Residence on Branch Avenue, under the,, program of the Federal lleister, of Weehawkcn, who with Great Success—Almost $3,- Housing Administration. lar to the One in Force at Saturday—Fiftieth Anniver- Mrs. Meister, Is occupying a cottage for Affiliated Young Republi- Auspices of Internal Tmda S00 Taken in Closing Night— Purchased by Red Bank Law- Clifton—Market Representa- sary This Year—Plymouth Se- on West Front street during July and cans' Club—Affair Thursday, Committee, Holding Threei Harold E. Smith Wins Car. yer for Hii Own Occupancy. tive Makes Statement. dan to be Awarded Saturday. Augustg . Mayoy r Meister has a double August 15. Day Sale. HOOIDEL FAEM SOLD. reason for selecting Bed BBank,for The Fair Havon firemen's fair Sky High, the former Brooks resi- The Chamber of Commerce of Red Tonight tho fiftieth annual fair of finds the Many state officials, guestB and dence on Branch avenue at Little Sil- Bank, In a letter which was read at the summer. First, ho "Red Bank Carnival of'Values" Id closed Saturday night In a deluge of John 8, Oakes's Place Bought by Wil- tho lire company at Navesink be- North Shrewsbury a body of water friends of Governor Harold G. Hoff- •ho title given a three-day sales event money. It la estimated that at least ver, haa been bought by Theodora D. liam I'ascoe of New York. the meeting of the mayor and coun- gins and continues Friday and Sat- attractive for his 40-foot motor yacht, man are expected to bo present on Parsons, who Is having It remodeled cil Monday night, asked that an or- scheduled for today, tomorrow and, 3,000 persona crowded the fair John S. Oakes of Red Bank haa urday, Though the flre'men hold the Marjack II. Second, he much pre- Thursday evening, August 15, when grounds that night and tho receipts for his own occupancy. The prop- dinance requiring businesses to be li- fair for only three nights, It has each fers Ked Bank to any part of the a reception and dance under the aus- faaturday by tho Internal Trade com- erty comprises eight acres and the sold his farm of fourteen acres near censed be passed similar to the ona mittee of tho Red Bank Chamber ol were close to $3,500. With the ex- Holmdel to William Pascoe of New year brought largo crowds and Is ono shore legion as a place to live. pices of the Affiliated Young ception of Friday night, when It house 1B on a plateau 181 feet above In force at Clifton. Although no of the most successful affairs of its Republicans club of Monmouth commerce. In addition to Individual sea, level, which la the highest point York, who will occupy It The Bale He not only cruises both the ;ales announcements which are ap- rained the fair was largely at- name was mentioned, it was gener- kind in tho county. -New features Shrewsburies In his yacht, but also county will be tendered the gover- along the coast south of the North waa made as the result of an adver- ally taken for granted that the rea- have been added, and this year effort nor at the Monmouth County Coun- pearing In today's Issue of The Reg- tended, and even though all returns Shrewsbury river to Cape May. The tisement in The Register last week. takes frequent trips around tho Hook are not yet In, tho receipts for the son for making the request wa« to is being made to make it especially into deep sea. During July Dr. and try club. ister, as well as other county papers, new owner is a member of the law The new owner will continue hla bus- regulate the Crown Food Markets attractive since it Is the fiftieth an- there has been distributed 6000 entire week have passed the $7,600 firm of Qulnn, Parsons & Doremuu. iness duties at New York and the which is scheduled to open business Mrs, Thomas Armstrong, of Teaneck', The affair, which is scheduled to •welvc-page folders featuring the mark and aro likely to reach $8,000. land will be offered for leasing for nual fair. wero with the Meiatere, besides whom start promptly at 8:30 o'clock, In ex He is now living on Branch avenue early In September In tho Lewis pecteel to be one of the most success- event throughout Rod Bank's com- While it Is too early to determine In close proximity to tho property farming. A house of the colonial building on Broad street. A motion The lU-st firemen's lair waa held In there have been a succession of mercial district. Evidence of thl» tho actual profits, it is the opinion which he has just bought. type, the usual outbuildings, a brook the village town hall and combined guests at each turn of the week. ful affairs to bo held In tho county was carried to "file the letter for fu- a peach shortcake festival with the this season. It Is under the general publicity was seen early this morn- of aomo that the amount will sur- and a tract of' woodland are on the ture reference." Mayor Meister Is ono of Hudson ing by the number of automobiles pass any other fair in tho history The property comprises about eight place. Mr. Oakes bought the prop- sale of home made cakeB, bread, pies county's leading citizens, and Is much supervision of Jury Commission of the company. acres and it adjoins the estate of erty from Martin MacStudy eight Lewis Levlne, a representative of and fancy articles. Nowadays it is in the public eye in his home county Charles Miller of Eatontown. The ranking uSe of Red Bank's free park- Tho Plymouth car, which was Mrs, Richard K. Fox. The banks of years ago and farmed it for a time. 'the Crown Food Markets, was at the held on the fire house grounds with as a "favorite eon" candidate for the outaide lawn will be gayly decorated ing space in the rear of tho store* the plateau are almost sheer on all meeting. He said the Chamber of flood lighting and the latest In games, with Japanese lanterns and a variety on the west side of Broad street, be- awarded Saturday night, was won by four sides and the land formation re- The farm is about two miles south- Democratic nomination for Governor, >V!l e slrect anci Harold E. Smith of Mlddletown. Ho east of Holmdel village. It adjoins Commerce had an entirely erroneous novelties and refreshments. either In 1937 or 1910. of colored lights. Don Gramann and stree't " West Front impression about the concern in his orchestra will furnish music for Is 22 years old and the son of Jack the Hop Creek farm of William H. Thursday and Friday nights val- The stores co-operating have made- Smith, who has a blacksmith shop LaBoyteaux and it is in close prox- question. He said the concern did uable ground prizes are given away dancing. not operate a chain of stores and and Saturday night a deluxe Ply- it traditional with their customers to at Middlotown. Ho did not own a imity to the farm of Cross Brothers. that at the present time it has only conduct this August solo and they car before, but is undecided whether Mr, Pascoe plans to improv' tho mouth touring sedan will be disposed Supper For New ono store at Hillside. He Bald food of on tho co-operative plan. are putting forth exceptional mer- to keep tho Plymouth or sell it At house. products only would be sold at the 80 Vl U ;3 f r th a eVCtlt Sl0 s present ho is employed at Fair View Red Bank store and that the place This company's Interests are not Monmouth Church stowfn '" ' ° ' - " cemetery. only in protection against flre, but have the endorsement of the Inter- would not be a super market; that also of civic improvement. Last year Mr. Smith's name was the thir- Red Bank Finances Is, not a market where everything Annual Event for St. Mary's Has nal Trade coaimitteo and havo con- teenth drawn from tho barrel. Each would be sold from soup to nuts.
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