THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATIOH DATE Ml>.Y 1. 1983 'IHE WHITE HOlSE WASHINGJ:tN, O. C. TIME DAY 8:30 a.m. SrnmY PHONE ~ !• li i> a: t-~~--~~....... I I .. a: 8: 30 'Ihe President had breakfast. 9 :59 10 :00 R 'Ihe President talked with with his Deputy Chief of Staff, Michae1 K. Oea'-"?r. 10:42 'lhe President went to the South Grounds. 10:42 10:57 'Ihe President motored frcrn the South Grounds to the Natiooal Presbyterian Church, 4101 Nebraska A'-"?nue, N.W. 11:00? 12 :10? 'Ihe President attended worship services with his Chief of Staff, James A. Baker III and rrerroers of his family. 12:10 '!he President returned to his notorcacle. 12:11 12:23 'Ihe Presi00nt rrotored fran the National Presbyterian Church to the Vietnam Veterans M?rrorial. '!he President placed a bouquet of flcwers under a wreath at the apex of the V-shaped rcem::>rial, whose walls bear the names of 57, 939 Arrericans killed or missing in Indochina 'lhe President received a "PO"l-MIA" T-shirt fran a rremer of a veterans' groq> keeping vigil at the site. 'Ihe President returned to his notorcade. 12:31 12:36 'Ihe President notored fran the Vietnam Veterans Mercrial to the South Grounds of the White House. 12: 37 'Ihe President returned to the seoond floor Residence. 12:50 'lhe President had lmch. 1:04 1:28 R 'lhe Presi00nt talked with the First Lady in !OS Angeles, California. 6:44 p 'Ihe President telephooed his Assistant for Natiooa.l Security Affairs, William P. Cla.tk. 'lhe call was not cnipleted. 6:45 6 : 46 p '!he Presicent talked with Patricia L. Volz, duty officer, Si tuatian Roan. 7:00 'Ihe President had dinner. P1g1_ l_ o1_ 2_ Pages TliE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION DATE Ml\Y 1 , 1983 'IliE lfilTE HOlSE WASHINGrrN , D.C. TIME DAY 9 :26 p.m. SlNOl\Y PHONE J:0 1-------1 ..~ a::~ 9:26 9 : 41 R 1he President talked with R::Jy M. Brewer, labor Cbnsultant, I.ocal 1695, So\D'ld Technicians lhioo, Los Angel.es, california. 10: 30 'lhe President retized. TliE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION DATE M1\Y 2 , 1983 '!HE WHI'IE HCU5E Wl\SHING'Irn, D. C • TI ME DAY 7 :45 a .m. ~ON'Cl?\Y PHONE 7:45 'lhe PreSident had breakfast. 9 :03 'Ihe Pres ident went to the Oval Offioe. 9 :03 9 :15 'Ihe Presiden t rret with: J ames A. Baker III, Olief of Staff F.d.v'in M::!ese III, Counsellor Michael K . Deaver, Deputy Olief of Staf f 9: 15 9: 45 'Ihe President rret for a national security briefing with: George H. Bush, Vice President Jdln A. Gavin, J\nbassador of the U.S . to ~ExiOO William P. Clark, Assistant for National Security Affairs Geoffrey I<errp , Staff foE!rber , National Security Council (f:.5C) Mr . Baker Mr. Meese Mr. Deaver 9 :45 9 :50 'Ihe President rret to receive a Bible by Olairman of the Merit Syst.ems Protectioo Board Herbert E. Ell~ . For a list of other attendees, see APPENDIX "A. 10:28 p 'lhe President telei;ilaled ltilert T . 'Iharpsoo, Olairman of the U. S . Olarrber of Comerce, Washington, D.C. 'lhe call was not ccmpleted. 10:48 'Ihe Presieent went to the East R:Jan. 10 :48 ll:05 'Ihe President rret with a group of businessrren and waren fran Mississippi and Chio. For a list of attendees , see APPEND! X "B . " 10: 54 R 'Ihe President was telephcned by Mr . 'Iharpson. 'Ihe call was not catpleted. 11:05 'Ihe Pres ident returned to the Oval Office. ll:07 'lhe PresiCent went to the Cabinet R:Jan. ll:07 11: 33 'lhe President participated in a briefing oo the U{XXX'ling Williamsburg F.o::lnanic Sumri.t. For a list of atten­ dees , see APPEN:>IX "c." 11: 33 'lhe Pres ident returned to the Oval Offioe. Page_ l_ oL.... 3 .... Pages THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION DATE 'I1iE WHI're HOlEE MAY 2, 1983 WJ\SllINGION, D. C. TIME DAY 11: 36 a. rn. M:NDAY PHONE ~ l' 11--~~...... ~~~ ~ ~ Q. a: 11:36 11:37 p 'lhe President talked with Bd::bt R. Baldock, attorney with Sanders, Bruin and Baldock law finn, R:iswell, New f.exico. 11 :50 'lhe President went to the Roosevelt lbcrn. 11:50 12:08 'lhe President rret with rrenbers of the newly created Task Force on Intematiooal Private Enterprise. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "D." 12:08 'Ihe Presic:Ent retumed ·to the Oval Office. 12:08 12:10 p 'Ihe President talked witti Mr. ~ - 12:10 'Ihe President returned to the Cabinet R::x:r.i. 12 :10 1:06 · · '!he Presic:Ent participated in. a· Issues Bz:iefing luncheoo. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "E." 1:06 '1he President returned to the Oval Office. 2:20 2:32 'lhe Presic:Ent rret for a briefing with: David R. Gergen, ASsistant for O:::mnunicaticns Larry M. Speakes, Deputy Principal Press Secretary Lyndon K. "r.t:lrt" Allin, Deputy Press Secretary 2:32 3:02 '!he Presic:Ent participated in an inteIView with F.clltor of Family Weekly, Arthur Cooper. 4:02 4:12 '!he Presic:Ent rret with: Vice Presic:Ent Bush Representative Cbnnie Mack (~Florida) Senator William v . lbth, Jr. (~Delaware) Mr . f.eese Kenneth M. O\berstein, Assistant for Legislative Affairs M. B. Oglesby, Jr. , Deputy Assistant for I..egislative Affairs Parrela J . TUJ:ner, Deputy Assistant for Legislative Affairs 4:13 '!he President went to the barber shop. '!he Presic:Ent had a haircut. 4:49 '!he President returned to the Oval Office. Page_2_ 01_ 3_ Pages THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION DATE 'IHE l"HI'IE HOlSE MAY 2, 1983 WJISHING'l'CN, O.C. TIME DAY 4:58 p.m. M:Nil'IY PHONE !J ~• 0 it ~ I I .. a: 4:58 'Ihe President went to the Diplomatic Pecepticn R::x:rn. 4:58 5:22 'Ihe President particitated in a video taping sessicn of messages for: 'Ihirteenth Annual Ccnvention of the National Peplblican Heritage Gro~ Col..l'lCil on June 2 Association of Physical Fitness Centers Annual Ccnvention on May 11 Second annual "R::nald Peagan Dinner" spc:insored by Citizens for the lieplblic on May 5 Audio taped message to educate faxners on the benefits of the Payrrent In Kind (PIK) program offered by the ll=partrrent of Agriculture Advertising Council Conference Banquet May 11 5 : 22 'Ihe President returned to the seccnd floor ll!!sidenoe. 7: 30 'Ihe President and the First ·Lady. had dinner. 10:30 'Ihe President retired. FMJ Pege_3_ 01_ 3 _ Pages THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN DATE LOCATION M1\Y 3, 1983 'IHE WHITE HOUSE TIME DAY WASHING'KN , D .C . 7:45 a .m. TUESDl\Y PHONE '§ !' .______ __. Ci:m cc¥ ..I ccI 7 :45 '!he Presi dent and the First Lady had breakfast. 9 :05 '!he President went to the Oval Office. '!he Presi dent met with: 9 :05 9 : 33 Jarres A. Baker III, OU.ef of Staff 9 :05 9 : 33 Michael K. Deaver, Deputy Chief of Staff 9 :15 9 : 33 David A. Stockman, Director of the Office of 1'Bnagement and Budget (~) 9 :15 9 : 33 Ridlard G. oarman, Assistant and Deputy to the Chief of Staff 9 :15 9 : 33 Kenneth M. Dl:t>erstein, Assistant f or legislative Affairs 9 : 34 '!he President went to the•.tabi're:t"'Rocrn. 9 : 34 10: 35 'lhe President met to discuss the MX missile, budget and. Central l'\r.Erica with a group of Republican Members of Congress. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "A." 10:35 'lhe President returned to the OVal Of fice . 10 : 35 10:50 'lhe President met for a naticnal security briefing with: George H . Bush, Vice President William P. Clark, Assistant for Naticnal Security Affairs lbbert c. JltFarlane, Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs Ceoffrey !~ , Staff Menber, National Security Council (N3Cl Mr. Baker 11:00? 11:15? 'lhe President rret with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea Lee Bun Suk. For a list other attendees, see APPENDIX "B. " 11: 21 11:25 p '!he President talked with the First Lady. 12 : 10 '!he President went to Mr . Baker' s office. 12 :10 12:16 '!he President met with: Rd:Jert L . Bartley, &Iitor of the Wall Street Journal, New York , New York Mr. Baker 12:16 '!he President returned to the oval Office. Page_ l _ ot_ 3_ Pages THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION DATE M1-\Y 3' 1983 '!HE WHITE HOU5E WA5HING'KN , D.C. TIME DAY 12:20?p.m. T!JES[ll\Y PHONE !• :?¥ ii: a: t---......---.f I I Q. a: 12: 20? 'lhe President had lmch. 12 :48 p 'lhe President telephened 'lhomas M. O' Brien, President of the Southwest Investrrent and Trust Ccrrpany , Scottsdale, Arizona. 'lhe call was not corrpl eted. 1: 21 'lhe President returned to the Cabinet lb:rn. 1: 21 2 :14 '!he President participated in a. Cabinet Co1.11ci l on Human Resources rreeting. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "C." 2: 14 'lhe President returned to the Oval Office. 2 : 30 2 : 36 p 'lhe President talked with his Assistant for Ptblic Liaison, Faith R.
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