Humanistic Mathematics Network Journal Issue 16 Article 3 11-1-1997 A Tribute to Karl Menger Seymour Kass University of Massachusetts Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarship.claremont.edu/hmnj Part of the Mathematics Commons Recommended Citation Kass, Seymour (1997) "A Tribute to Karl Menger," Humanistic Mathematics Network Journal: Iss. 16, Article 3. Available at: http://scholarship.claremont.edu/hmnj/vol1/iss16/3 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals at Claremont at Scholarship @ Claremont. It has been accepted for inclusion in Humanistic Mathematics Network Journal by an authorized administrator of Scholarship @ Claremont. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ATribute Karl Menger ArticlebySeymour Kass University ofMassachusetts Boston, MA 02125 e-mail: [email protected] Originally printed as "Karl Menger" in May 1996 edition of Notices of the AMS :Volume43, Number 5, "His office was a showplace of chaos, the desktop covered with a turbulent sea of papers, He knew the exact position of each scrap, On the telephone he could instruct a secretary exactly how to locate what he needed, Once, in hisabsence, a new secretary undertook to 'make order', making little stacks on his desk, Upon his return, discovering the disaster, he nearly wept, because 'Now1don'tknow where anything is." Karl Menger died on October 5, 1985, in Chicago. Ex­ curve, wh ich no one had been able to articulate, men­ cept in his native Austria 15], no obituary notice seems tioning the unsuccessful attempts of Cantor, Jordan, to have appeared. This note marks ten years since his and Peano. The topology used in the lecture was new passing. to Menger, but he "was completely enthralled and left the lectu re room in a daze" [la, p. 41]. After a week of Menger's career spanned sixty years, during which complete engrossment. he produced a definition of a he published 234 papers, 65 of them before the age of curve and confided it to fellow stu dent Otto Schreier, th irty.A partial bibliography appears in [l SI. His ea rly who could find no flaw bu t alerted Menger to recent work in geometry and topology secured him an en­ commentary by Hausdorff and Bieberbach as to the during place in mathematics, but his reach extended problem's intractability, wh ich Hah n hadn't men­ to logic, set theory, differen tial geome try, calcu lus of tioned. Before the seminar's second meeting Menge r variations, graph theory, complex functions, algebra met with Hahn, who. unaccustomed to giving first­ of functions, economics, philosophy, and pedagogy. year students a serious hearing, nevertheless listened Characteristic of Menger's work in geometry and to­ and after some thought agreed that Menger's was a pology is the reworking of fundamental concepts from promising attack on the problem . intrinsic points of view (curve, d imension, curvature, statistical metric spaces, hazy sets).A few of these and Inspired, Menger went to work energetically, but hav­ some of his other accom plishments will be mentioned ing been diagnosed with tuberculosis, he left Vienna here. to recuperate in a sanatorium in the mountains of Styria, an Austrian counterpa rt of "The Magic Mou n­ Menger was born in Vienna on January 13, 1902, in to tain". He wrote later that at the same time Kaika was a dis tinguished family. His mother, Hermione, was dy ing in another sanatorium. In Styria he elaborated an author and musician; his father, Carl Menger, well his theory of curves and dimension, submitting a pa­ known as a founder of the Aus trian School of Eco­ per to Monatshefte fu r Mathematik und Physik;" 1922 nomics, was tu tor in eco nomics to Crown Prince which contained a recursive definition of d imension Rudolph (the illstarred Hapsb urg heir-ap parent, in a separable metric space. P. S. Urysohn simulta­ played by Charles Boyer in "Mayerling"). neously and ind ependently of Menger developed an equivalent definition. The MengerI Urysohn defini­ From 1913 to 1920 Menger attended the Doblinger tion has becom e the cornerstone of the theory 161. Gymnasium in Vienna, where he was recognized as a prodigy. Two of his fellow studen ts were Nobel Lau­ After receiving a PhD. in 1924, Menger, interested in reates Richard Kuh n and Wolfgang Pauli. He entered LE. J. Brouwer's fundamental work in topology and the University of Vienna in 1920 to study physics, at­ wanting to clarify his thought about intuitionism, tending the lectures of ph ysicist Hans Thirring. Hans which he saw as the counterpart in mathematics to Hahn joined the mathematics faculty in March 1921, Ernst Mach's positivism in science, accepted Brouwer's and Menger attended his seminar "News abo ut the invitation to Amsterd am, where he remained two Concept of Curves". In the first lecture Hahn formu­ years as docent and Brou wer's assistant. Thou gh he lated the problem of making precise the idea of a found Brouwer testy, he retained warm feelings abo ut Humanistic Mathematics Network Tournai #16 • his stay in Amsterdam and cited the good Brouwer sional Eucli dean space. The universal I-dimensional did for some young mathematicians an d "the beauti­ space, (the "Menger un ive rsal curve" or "Menger ful experien ce of watching him listen to reports of new sponge"), ap pears in Mandelbrot's The Fractal Geom­ discov eries" [15]. etry [9] and in [2]. Menger's Kurventheorie appeared in 1932 (Teubner; Chelsea reprint, 1967). It contains In 1927, at age 25, Menger accepted Ha hn's invitation Menger's n-Arc Thcorem: Let Gbe a graph w ith A an d to fill Kurt Reidemcistcr's cha ir in geo metry at the Btwo disjoin t a-tuples of ve rtices. Then either G con­ Univer sity of Vienna. Durin g tains n pairwise disjoint AB­ the yea r 1927-28, in preparing a paths (each connecti ng a course on the foundations of point of A and a point of B), projective geometry, Menger set or there exists a set of fewer out to constr uc t an axi omatic than f1 vertices th at se pa­ foun dation in terms of the prin­ rates A and B. Menger 's ac­ cipal features of the th eory: the count of the theorem's ori­ operations of joining and inter­ gins ap pears in [11]. an is­ secting, which Garrett Birkhoff sue of th e Journal of Graph later called lattice operations. Theory d ed icated to his Menger was critical of Hi lbert's work. In an introductory and Veb len's form ulations: note Frank Harary calls it Hilber t's requiring a different "the fu ndam ental theorem primi tive for each dimension; on connectivity of graphs" Veblen' s giving points a distin­ and "one of the most impor­ guished role not p layed in the tant results in graph theory". theory itself, since hyperplan es Variations of Menger's th eo­ p lay the same role as points . rem and some of its appli­ Von Neumann in [171 took a line cations are given in Harary's pa ra llel to Menger's, seek ing "to Graph Theory (Addison ­ com plete the elimination of the Wesley, 1969). notion of poin t (an d line and plane) from geometry ". He re­ In that same year Menger fers to Men ger as "the first to re­ joined philosopher Moritz place distinct classes of 'unde­ Schlick's fort nightly discus­ fined en tities' by a unique class sion group, which became which consists of all linear su bspaces of th e given known as the Vienna Circle [101, lt xl. Jn 1931 in tan­ space, an essential part of his system being the axi­ dem with the Circle, Menger ran a mathematical col­ oma tic requirement of a linear di mensionality func­ loquium in which Rudolph Carnap , Kurt Codel, tion ." Menger subsequently gave a self-dual set of axi­ Alfred Tarski.Olga Taussky, an d others took part. oms for the system. Godel (also a Hahn student) first announced his ep ­ och-making incompleteness results at the colloquium. In 1928 he published Dimensiontheorie (Teubner). Fifty Menger edited th e series Ergebnisse cines years later, J. Keesling wrote: "This book ha s histori­ M athematischClt Kolloquiums in th e ye ars 1931-37. Ad­ cal value. It reveals at one and the same time the na ­ di tion ally, during this period a series of public lec­ ivete of the early inves tigators by modern standards tu res in science was hel d. Einstein and Schroedinger and yet the ir rem ark able perception of what the im­ were among the speakers. Admission was cha rged, por tant resul ts were and the future di rection of the and the mo ney generated was us ed to support stu­ theory" [7]. The authors of [10] illustrate the remark dents. with Menger's theorem tha t every n-dimensiona l sepa­ rable me tric space is homeomorphic to part of a cer­ In the posthum ously publishe d Reminiscences of the tain "universal" n-dimensional space, which can in Vienna Circle and the M athematical Colloquium [10 ] turn be realized as a compact set in (211+ Ll-dimen- Menger gives perceptive and lucid accou nts of the 2 Humanistic Mathematics Network 100~rnll l #16 philosophical and cultural atmosphere in Vienna, the traditional view) the fundamental notion of curvature persona lities that stream ed th rough the Circle and does n ot depend on coordinates, equations, those w ho participated in the colloquium, and the paramctrization s, or differentiability assumptions.
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