jPattf^rater gttM rtwa iim fit The Senior club of S t Mary's] given an order to the Holden eom Girls' Priendly. society has set tbs pany for coverage of UablUty on ^ their home Saturday aftornoon, ABOUT TOWN 'date of Wednesday, May 19, for its TO OBSERVE fflEIRESn but tha reception will atart at eight from Now Toric City ibhsrs ha ro- DEMOLAfS DANCE trucks previous to an accident Ui DILTAITTOPRACnCE eently oompleted a year u>d a half, annual Mothers’ party. At this time | Bolton involving one of the Flts­ o’clock Saturday night in Liberty the mothers of the members will be HaU when a supper will be served. aa reatdenf ia oorgety of tha Oronp 1 of th« IttmorUl Hoapltol gerald trucks and a WUUmantic WEDDING ANNIVERSARr Jamaica boapitaL After obtalaiag : muxOlary. M n. J. U . SbM mr iMder, guests at a supper and entertaln- TOMORROW NIGHT taxi cab, in which one girl paooen- IN WEST HARTFORD will Bwet Mcnday •n en io aa a t tii« meiit la the paiiMi bouse. ger was klUed and three others in­ hie BJL. and BJ3. degreea Dr. Tait Y . M. C A. jured. As B result of the accident in Mr. and Mrs. Josaph Twaronite received hla HD. from the Untver- Pupils of the T. M. C A. dancing Son-in-Lsw of Rev. and Mrs. S. slty of minola He served his ia- the suit brought by the relattves of of Spruce Street Married 25 nSS BELEN F. BOLAND ternahlp at City Hospital. SC Lonia h im Klate Roth b u boon tieeted classes, which this year have been! the dead girl and also by thOM iU' C. FranZen Conies to This chatniian of the general committee instructed by Mrs. Walter C Wlr- Annua] Sprinf Party to Be jured, FItxgeraid waa called upon to Tears Ag^ by Rev. McCann. and thw becanM residaat of Area from New York. Blodgett Memorial hoopital, Unad In ebarre of the aimual Mother and taUa. gave a matinee recital at the | pay the judgment, which he eays SHOWER PARTV GUEST VOL. LVL.n o . 181 Whlton auditorium this afternoon Rapida ACIch. Daughter banquet at the Coooordia Held at'Masonic Temple; waa over 38.000 and th at other ex- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Twaronite of MANCHESTER, CONN,, SATURDAY, MAT 1,1937 Lutheran church. The date baa been a t 3:30 and will repeat the program pensea brought the total to 313,000 Dr. Arthur A, Tait is opening an During the cummer of 18SL Dr. (TWELVE PAGES) PRKX TURBB CBN tt 84 Spruce street win, tomorrow, ob­ (rfHce for the practice of medicine Mt tor Monday erening; May 17, tonight at 7:30 at the same place. for which he bos sued. Mrs. Thomas Boland and Mn. Tait continued bis studies at Wom­ ' and the tickets are In the hands of Mrs. David Hamilton pla}red the ac­ Amatenrs P ro ip m A general denial aw mad# by serve their sUvsr wedding anniver­ and surgery at 333 Park Road. West an's Hospital, Naw Ydrk Cily. and girl members of the Young People’s companiments on the piano, and the | Holden that the order had ben sary, having been married la St Kenneth Boland gave a ahower loot Hartford, tomorrow. Dr. Toit’s then spent three yean aa aaaittant recital was enjoyed by a large num­ evening at the Hale Houaa. Oloaton- wife, formerly Victoria H. Fransen IRISH TO VOTE society which is sponsoring the af­ placed with him. The law involved Bridget's ebnreh 36 ysars age by to a leading phyMdaa and aumeon JAPAN PARTIES fair, and of which Miss Roth is rice ber of pupils and friends. The annual Spring dance given by la Important and the outcome win the late Roy. C T. McCann. They bory. I n ' honor of Mloa Helen r. la the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. C. of Long laiand. Ha left this asso­ {■weldent. the Order of DeMolay will be held in be watched with Intereat by all en­ have bean reoidenta of Manchester Boland. Twenty gueata from Hart­ C Fransen of 66 Biro street, this ciation to enter tbe Graduate School gaged in tbe Insurance buoioeaa. town. Rev. Fransen was for -nsny (in 1934) of Medicine of the Univer­ Major Edward Atkinson of Bige­ the Masonic Temple tomniww night for ovsr SO yasra and at tha cele­ ford, RockviUa and this town were ONPROPOSALTO FACE PERIL AS Gibbons Assembly, Catholic Ladies low street has received an invitation Wilfrid O. Lundborg ia repreaent- years tha pastor of the Swedish ju - sity of Pennsy.voala to r graduate BRITISH SHIPS TO ACT at 8:80 o'clock. The committee has Ing FitZgerald in the ault and Wil­ bration tomorrow, which la to be present. The gifts Included the of Columbus, has received an invi­ to attend the observance of the 30th held In Liberty Hall on Golway theran church in Hartford and Mrs. study in surgery, rrhieh work he re­ odected Tony O’Bright and his liam J. Shea and Joseph P. Berrv greater part of a complete set of Talt ia a native of that city. Be­ tation to attend the annual banquet birthday of John WUilams of Knights of Rhythm orchestra, whlco otreet a larga number of their cently completed in one of the New Adams, Mass. Mr. Williams is well are defending Holden. ^ Spode chlnA Miss Boland is to be fore ber marriage she w u a teacher York City hoepitals. For thia ’^tudy CUT M LINK VOTEmEVOLT and instaJiatlon of officers of Vic­ will provide ample awing music for frienda and relatives will attend. married on June 17 to Dr. WUUsm tory Assembly of Rockville, to oe known In Rockville and In this all d u e s lovers. There will be a family gathering of BngUoh a t the local High school he received tbe graduate degree of F. Donovan of Hartford. Dr. Tait comes to West Hartford held at the Rockville house, Tues­ town wbete be has been associated The committee has also selected H. Sc. (Med.) from the University. TO REMOVE CHILDREN day evening. May 4. Members desir­ with the Salvation Army corps in several local amateurs who will do p a SCOUTS PUPS De Valera Offers New Char­ Opponents, of the Hayashi ing to attend should oontsu:t the Its early beginnings. He is a man of entertaining acts during intermis- ..secretary. Miss Theresa McConvilJa, attractive personality and highly tlon. dial S037, or Miss Helen A. Thomas, esteemed for his sterling Christian IMPROVING RAPDir ter Sweeping Away Last Regime Defeat AD Got- 4903, not later than Saturday eve­ qualities. He is an active member Phone 4123 snd Have Us Pick Up Your F t o for SUu'age and Perfect Safe-Keeping. ning. Members are also reminded erf the Army Oorpo of North CONTimiE FinCERALD Vestige of British Role; FROM BASQUE AREAS th a t Gibbons assembly /has been Adams, Masa, and enjoys excellent When the Girl ScouU Drum and ermnent (^didates; Amy health. requested to dispose of a few tickets Bugle Corps turn out for parads on for the play, “The ChlnU Cottage", SUIT UNTIL TUESDAY ^ s Abont "AD Ireland.^ Memorial Day it Is going to be much I May End the ParfiamenL Captaini of Nine Merdniit* which la being presented tonight by ADVERTISEMENT HOLLYWOOD IS Bt. James's Players in St James's improved In appearance. The corps I DEATH CLAIMS school hall. TickeU may be secured Market garden fertiliser, 31.93 Local Truckman Asks <12,000 now being Instructed in the drum by Dublin, Irish Free State, Hay 1.__ Tokyo. May 1,—(AP)—Japan’s ’ men Ignore Rebels’ Re* from Miss Thomas. per 100 lbs. Also seed potatoes. W. As Damages On Claim He Ralph Von Deck and in the bugle by (AP)—President Esmon de Valera Harry England. Telephone 34S1. Ordered Liability Insurance. lx)Uls Dauplalae, has been faithful two major poUtical parties, Hinselto THREATENED BY JUSTICE O’NEIL, in attendance for rehearsals.. The lal'I before his people today a con­ and Seiyukai, both opposing Premier fnsal to Aflow Encoatioi^ The suit which William L. Fits- drummers are taken to tbe lower stitution designed to sweep away Senjuro Hsyaahl’s government, reg­ SPECIAL! gerald, local truckman, has brought part of the armory where Instead of the last vesUges of British control, istered sweeping victories today In A VASHTRIKE KNIFE VICTIMj Say They Win Take 4,000 MASS , LADIES’ RUBBER UR against Thomas Holden, of the in­ using drums they use the butt end proclaiming sU Ireland a “sovereign, early returns from tbe most orderly tr ■ ' ' LEATHER HEELS .... 1 9 c surance firm of Holden and Nelson, of their sticks to drum on tables. independent, democratic state.'* "file election in history. Voting was On wooden beels. Inc., for 113.000 went to trial In the This gives , them a better idea of time. When they have been given document, offered for the voters’ light. Not a single governnsent can­ Four Unions Called Out, May New York Jurist Stabbed Refugees Into France; MEETING NATUINAL SHOE REPAIR Superior Court of HarUord County ratification late next month, aaid didate waa elected to the House of Sobject: on Wednesday and continued thl^ exercise they then take their AND SHOE SHINE SHOP drums and In marching order prac­ “the Irish nation hereby affirms its RepresentaUves in early returns “THE UNITED STATES through yesterday. The trial was inalienable, aovereign right to from four large cities—Fukushima. Be Joined by Others, In­ Hare Government Backmg 887 Main Street not completed yesterday and as to­ tice drumming.
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