Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 6-2-1969 The Ledger and Times, June 2, 1969 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, June 2, 1969" (1969). The Ledger & Times. 6298. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/6298 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. I •. • -1, rURDAY - MAY 31, 1969 • Selected An A Best AU Round Kentucky (Immunity Newspaper sdith Ann Down? *v The Primary Largest Paid onspletes Plans Source of Newts or June Wedding Circulation 'lens have been completed In Murray and the marriage of Miss Jud- Both In City Ann Downs, niece of Mr. Calloway County I Mrs. Edwin Stokes, to Don And In County 'son McClure, son of Mr. and t. Grayson McClure of Mut-- • nigh In Our Beth Year Murray, Ky., Monday Afternoon, tev. Loyd D. Wilson, grail! June 2. 1969 10° Per Copy Vol. DCXXX No. 130 her of the groom-elect, and f. Lawson Williamson, will iciate at the double ring cere-- ny to be read on Saturday, ie 7, at two-thirty o'clock, in sanctuary of the Cherry 7ner Baptist Church. drs. Raymnd Feltner, organ- and Gus Robertson Jr., so- i661DiNT88 EARLY d, will present a program e SUNDAY MINES EIGHT itial music. Funeral Services 'he bride-elect win be given Two Men Are marriage by her uncle, Ed. Seen&Heard Held Sunday For Alvis Sanders Dies Early Stokes, and has chosen Mrs. Anna Harpole 4 Sandy Garland as her maid honor. Around Arrested In Funeral services for Mrs. An- qrs. Marilyn Walker, cousin This Morning From Injuries na Pearl Harpole of Farming- the groom-elect, will be a Sherry Smith ton Route One were held San- ieamaid. Miss Murray Tire Theft Another car involved in the Lou Stokes, cou- day at three p.m. at the Linn Alvis Graves Sanders, age 23, I Miss Terri collision was the Plymouth four bride-elect, will tr Funeral Home, Benton, with expired this morning at 4:40 ; of the Perry of 503 North door owned by Fteldon Nora- junior bridesmaids. • we go out to Western Joe Robert Rev. Herman Luther officiating. at the Murray-Calloway County 2nd Street sod J. Duffy of 403 Burial was in the New Liberty worthy and driven by Rickey erry Henry, brother-in-law Materiel* on past New Concord. Hospital after suffering injur- Cherry Street have been er- Cemetery in Graves County. Paul Norsworthy, age 17, of 221 the groom-elect, will be the They have a whale of a quarry ies in a three car accident on mined by the Murray Police Do- Mrs. Harpole, age died Fri- South 15th Street, Norsworthy t man. Tommy Walker/ they are working there and 83, Sunday morning at 12:21- on partment. day 7:30 p.m. Convales- had bruises and minor cuts, and ye Douglass. Barry Don melte rock for roadways, lime at at the Main Street in Murray. The two are being held for cent Division of the Murray-Cal- a passenger in the car, Miss kes, cousin of the bride- . for agriculture purposes, rip Sanders received multipule questioning regarding thefts of loway County Hospital. Barbie Keel of 1305 Farris it, and Greg Wilson, cousin , rap and other things you get She was injuries in the accidents that tires from Lassiter Used Cars, a member of the New Liberty Avenue, had a cut over the eye the groom-elect, will be the from limestone. occurred in the vicinity of the according to Chief of Police Flaptist and bruises, was treated and re- omsmen. Church. intersection of Main and 12th James Brown. leased at the emergency room out of town invitations They have dug down pretty Survivors are one daughter, Streets. inly A breakin was reported from of the Murray-Calloway County sent, and all friends deep getting out the limestone Mrs. Katie Green of Mayfield Also injured in the accident e been the inside at Inesiter Used Cars to eV have some king size mach- Route Five; two sons, James were George Allen Rice of Me- Hospital. relatives are invited 4 Friday night, Chief Brown inery which is used to crush on Harpole of St. Louis, Mo., and tropolis, fli., driver of one of Rice had multiple fractures the stone. said. J. W. Harpole of Farmington the other cars, Donna Cherry and was transferred to a Padu- questioning by the Further Route One; one sister, lots. of Princeton, Daniel Keith Cook cah hospital for further treat- Gladys Water has filled an stria of the pairs revealed that Louella Green of Mayfield; of Louisville, and Karen Isabell ment. Miss Cherry who was in iss Esther Ism, quarry and it is blue as the sky. Jones said he had bought eight nineteen grandchildren; seven This is the Ford Mustang Alvis G. Sanders was driving the front seat of the Rice car when he was injured in a of Paducah, all passengers with tires from Perry which had re- great grandchildren. traffic collision shortly after midnight Sunday. Sanders, age had fractured ribs, cuts and 23, expired ,hl4 rnnming at 440 Rice in his 1968 Plymouth. plait Ford Ti 'We Trespassing" signs halted portedly been taken from Las- at the Murray-Calloway County Hospital. bruises; Cook, back seat pass- our inteigked tour of the area, alter Used Cars. Three tires Piano Recitals *.* enger, had bad cuts and bruises so we just stood at the edge of were also taken from the Per- Are and a reported severe concuss- ed Sat., Jul. 7 the man. made canyon. Cliff ry house, Brown said. Bobby Presented Last Week ion; Miss Isabel', also a back STallows had already taken ad- Rutledge told the Police that seat passenger, had a fractured $20 four tires Death Toll Ir.and Err. J. D. Usrey, Beia vintage of the man made cliffs he had paid for Mrs John C. Winter present- wrist and head injuries. All frim Duffy, according to the Route 1, announce the ap- and flew in and out of crevices ed her piano students in recitals three are listed in fair condit- police. oachIng marriage of their along the way. in her home on last Thursday ion by the officials of the Mur- Both Perry and Duffy were Sets Record lest daughter, Esther, to Ron- and Friday evenings. The young ray-Calloway County Hospital placed in the city jail. Ford, son of Mildred Ford, you get down to the people demonstrated their musi- this morning. ilnut Court, Benton, and Gro- worry proper, there is an area cal growth before an audience by United Press International The Murray Police Depart- r Ford, 1307 Birch Street, "bare the overload of rock is Robert O. Miller of family and friends. The holiday traffic death toll ment said they were alerted by Afflop,c,k around thr-__ Ter-Irlead District an informal reception fol- has set a record for a three-day Deputy Sheriff Davis Of Graves be bride-to-be is a 1967 ems sor awhile and leave. lowing each recital, Mrs. Winter Memorial Day holiday. It was County that he was in pursuit iduate of South Marshall High. US Turtle on the Group At Meet was assisted by Mrs. C. S. Low- possible the death toll would of the Sanders car at Lynnville hoot. 31e is Presently eq' with his neck extended. A ry and Mrs. John Winter, Jr. top the record for a four-day on Highway 94. Davis told the led at :Aurray State Univerw Itingbirtl in the roadway. County Attorney Robert 0 Appearing on the programs memorial holiday set last year. police that the car was travel y where she is a junior umet, a member of the House were: Frank Gilliam, Winifred In 1966, 342 persons were !rig at approximately 100 to 110 maj- (Continued on Back Page) ng in business education. of Delegates of the Kentucky Woodard, Donna Keller, Joni killed during a three - day miles per hour coming toward r. Ford is also a 1967 gra- State Bar Association, will head Scott, Karen Cremer, Lisa Win- memorial weekend. Last year, Murray. and that Sanders would de of South Marshall and is the delegation of attorneys ters, Ginger Gilliam, Carolyn 808 persons died during a four- not pull over or slow down for pioyed in Benton. from the 42nd Judicial District Scott, Tricia Kline, Thomas Kel- day holiday. the official car. The he marriage ceremony will at its annual convention on ler, Rhonda Garland, Larry Ro- final death toll this year Sgt. Modell Phillips and Pat- "will equal if not rolman Bill Harris of the Mur- performed at the Oak Grove Mrs. Mathies June 10-13 in Louisville. binson, Rachael Baer, Garrison, exceed 600" U. S. Senator Marlow W. between 6 p.m. local time ray Police Department went to esbyterian Church on Satur- Cook ,Jayne Scott, Christy Scott, Mary will be the main speaker Thursday and midnight Sunday, Doran Road at Highway 94 or ', June 7, at 2:00 p. m. for Eyrl Winter, Laura Hopkins, the banquet on June 12, and Suffill, according to National Safety Main Street, set up a road block invitations are being sent& passes Away Jane Donna Heatheott, heads the list of other national- Tammy Boone, Rise Lowe, Phyl- Council statisticians. with their red light on, but friends and relatives arr ly famous A United Press speakers appearing lis Coleman, Jane Wager, Pame- Four persons were injured in this 1963 Plymouth shortiy after midnight Sunday In a International (Continued on Back ited to attend both the wed- count at 8 Page) at the convection.
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