Queueing Modelling Fundamentals With Applications in Communication Networks Second Edition Ng Chee-Hock and Soong Boon-Hee Both of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Queueing Modelling Fundamentals Queueing Modelling Fundamentals With Applications in Communication Networks Second Edition Ng Chee-Hock and Soong Boon-Hee Both of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 8SQ, England Telephone (+44) 1243 779777 Email (for orders and customer service enquiries): [email protected] Visit our Home Page on www.wiley.com All Rights Reserved. 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Other Wiley Editorial Offi ces John Wiley & Sons Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030, USA Jossey-Bass, 989 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94103-1741, USA Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, Boschstr. 12, D-69469 Weinheim, Germany John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd, 42 McDougall Street, Milton, Queensland 4064, Australia John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd, 2 Clementi Loop #02-01, Jin Xing Distripark, Singapore 129809 John Wiley & Sons Canada Ltd, 6045 Freemont Blvd, Mississauga, ONT, L5R 4J3, Canada Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats. Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Ng, Chee-Hock. Queueing modelling fundamentals with applications in communication networks / Chee-Hock Ng and Boon-Hee Song. – 2nd ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-470-51957-8 (cloth) 1. Queueing theory. 2. Telecommunication–Traffi c. I. Title. QA274.8.N48 2008 519.8′2 – dc22 2008002732 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 978-0-470-51957-8 (HB) Typeset by SNP Best-set Typesetter Ltd., Hong Kong Printed and bound in Great Britain by TJ International, Padstow, Cornwall To my wife, Joyce, and three adorable children, Sandra, Shaun and Sarah, with love —NCH To my wonderful wife, Buang Eng and children Jareth, Alec and Gayle, for their understanding —SBH Contents List of Tables xi List of Illustrations xiii Preface xvii 1. Preliminaries 1 1.1 Probability Theory 1 1.1.1 Sample Spaces and Axioms of Probability 2 1.1.2 Conditional Probability and Independence 5 1.1.3 Random Variables and Distributions 7 1.1.4 Expected Values and Variances 12 1.1.5 Joint Random Variables and Their Distributions 16 1.1.6 Independence of Random Variables 21 1.2 z-Transforms – Generating Functions 22 1.2.1 Properties of z-Transforms 23 1.3 Laplace Transforms 28 1.3.1 Properties of the Laplace Transform 29 1.4 Matrix Operations 32 1.4.1 Matrix Basics 32 1.4.2 Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors and Spectral Representation 34 1.4.3 Matrix Calculus 36 Problems 39 2. Introduction to Queueing Systems 43 2.1 Nomenclature of a Queueing System 44 2.1.1 Characteristics of the Input Process 45 2.1.2 Characteristics of the System Structure 46 2.1.3 Characteristics of the Output Process 47 2.2 Random Variables and their Relationships 48 2.3 Kendall Notation 50 viii CONTENTS 2.4 Little’s Theorem 52 2.4.1 General Applications of Little’s Theorem 54 2.4.2 Ergodicity 55 2.5 Resource Utilization and Traffi c Intensity 56 2.6 Flow Conservation Law 57 2.7 Poisson Process 59 2.7.1 The Poisson Process – A Limiting Case 59 2.7.2 The Poisson Process – An Arrival Perspective 60 2.8 Properties of the Poisson Process 62 2.8.1 Superposition Property 62 2.8.2 Decomposition Property 63 2.8.3 Exponentially Distributed Inter-arrival Times 64 2.8.4 Memoryless (Markovian) Property of Inter-arrival Times 64 2.8.5 Poisson Arrivals During a Random Time Interval 66 Problems 69 3. Discrete and Continuous Markov Processes 71 3.1 Stochastic Processes 72 3.2 Discrete-time Markov Chains 74 3.2.1 Defi nitions of Discrete-time Markov Chains 75 3.2.2 Matrix Formulation of State Probabilities 79 3.2.3 General Transient Solutions for State Probabilities 81 3.2.4 Steady-state Behaviour of a Markov Chain 86 3.2.5 Reducibility and Periodicity of a Markov Chain 88 3.2.6 Sojourn Times of a Discrete-time Markov Chain 90 3.3 Continuous-time Markov Chains 91 3.3.1 Defi nition of Continuous-time Markov Chains 91 3.3.2 Sojourn Times of a Continuous-time Markov Chain 92 3.3.3 State Probability Distribution 93 3.3.4 Comparison of Transition-rate and Transition- probability Matrices 95 3.4 Birth-Death Processes 96 Problems 100 4. Single-Queue Markovian Systems 103 4.1 Classical M/M/1 Queue 104 4.1.1 Global and Local Balance Concepts 106 4.1.2 Performance Measures of the M/M/1 System 107 4.2 PASTA – Poisson Arrivals See Time Averages 110 4.3 M/M/1 System Time (Delay) Distribution 111 4.4 M/M/1/S Queueing Systems 118 4.4.1 Blocking Probability 119 4.4.2 Performance Measures of M/M/1/S Systems 120 CONTENTS ix 4.5 Multi-server Systems – M/M/m 124 4.5.1 Performance Measures of M/M/m Systems 126 4.5.2 Waiting Time Distribution of M/M/m 127 4.6 Erlang’s Loss Queueing Systems – M/M/m/m Systems 129 4.6.1 Performance Measures of the M/M/m/m 130 4.7 Engset’s Loss Systems 131 4.7.1 Performance Measures of M/M/m/m with Finite Customer Population 133 4.8 Considerations for Applications of Queueing Models 134 Problems 139 5. Semi-Markovian Queueing Systems 141 5.1 The M/G/1 Queueing System 142 5.1.1 The Imbedded Markov-chain Approach 142 5.1.2 Analysis of M/G/1 Queue Using Imbedded Markov-chain Approach 143 5.1.3 Distribution of System State 146 5.1.4 Distribution of System Time 147 5.2 The Residual Service Time Approach 148 5.2.1 Performance Measures of M/G/1 150 5.3 M/G/1 with Service Vocations 155 5.3.1 Performance Measures of M/G/1 with Service Vacations 156 5.4 Priority Queueing Systems 158 5.4.1 M/G/1 Non-preemptive Priority Queueing 158 5.4.2 Performance Measures of Non-preemptive Priority 160 5.4.3 M/G/1 Pre-emptive Resume Priority Queueing 163 5.5 The G/M/1 Queueing System 165 5.5.1 Performance Measures of GI/M/1 166 Problems 167 6. Open Queueing Networks 169 6.1 Markovian Queries in Tandem 171 6.1.1 Analysis of Tandem Queues 175 6.1.2 Burke’s Theorem 176 6.2 Applications of Tandem Queues in Data Networks 178 6.3 Jackson Queueing Networks 181 6.3.1 Performance Measures for Open Networks 186 6.3.2 Balance Equations 190 Problems 193 7. Closed Queueing Networks 197 7.1 Jackson Closed Queueing Networks 197 7.2 Steady-state Probability Distribution 199 x CONTENTS 7.3 Convolution Algorithm 203 7.4 Performance Measures 207 7.5 Mean Value Analysis 210 7.6 Application of Closed Queueing Networks 213 Problems 214 8. Markov-Modulated Arrival Process 217 8.1 Markov-modulated Poisson Process (MMPP) 218 8.1.1 Defi nition and Model 218 8.1.2 Superposition of MMPPs 223 8.1.3 MMPP/G/1 225 8.1.4 Applications of MMPP 226 8.2 Markov-modulated Bernoulli Process 227 8.2.1 Source Model and Defi nition 227 8.2.2 Superposition of N Identical MMBPs 228 8.2.3 ΣMMBP/D/1 229 8.2.4 Queue Length Solution 231 8.2.5 Initial Conditions 233 8.3 Markov-modulated Fluid Flow 233 8.3.1 Model and Queue Length Analysis 233 8.3.2 Applications of Fluid Flow Model to ATM 236 8.4 Network Calculus 236 8.4.1 System Description 237 8.4.2 Input Traffi c Characterization – Arrival Curve 239 8.4.3 System Characterization – Service Curve 240 8.4.4 Min-Plus Algebra 241 9. Flow and Congestion Control 243 9.1 Introduction 243 9.2 Quality of Service 245 9.3 Analysis of Sliding Window Flow Control Mechanisms 246 9.3.1 A Simple Virtual Circuit Model 246 9.3.2 Sliding Window Model 247 9.4 Rate Based Adaptive Congestion Control 257 References 259 Index 265 List of Tables Table 1.1 Means and variances of some common random variables 15 Table 1.2 Some z-transform pairs 24 Table 1.3 z-transforms for some of the discrete random variables 25 Table 1.4 Some Laplace transform pairs 30 Table 1.5 Laplace transforms for some probability functions 31 Table 2.1 Random variables of a queueing system 49 Table 3.1 Classifi cations of stochastic processes 73 Table 3.2 A sample sequence of Bernoulli trials 75 Table 3.3 Passengers’ traffi c demand 77 Table 6.1 Traffi c load and routing information 191 Table 6.2 Traffi c load and transmission speeds 192 Table 6.3 Traffi c load and routing information for Figure 6.14 195 Table 7.1 Normalization constants for Figure 7.3 when e1 = µ 205 = 1 µ 206 Table 7.2 Normalization constants for Figure 7.3 when e1 –2 Table 7.3 Normalization constants for Figure 7.4 207 Table 9.1 Main characteristics of each service and their application 245 Table 9.2 Computation of G(n, m) 256 Table 9.3 Normalized end-to-end throughput and delay 257 List of Illustrations Figure 1.1 A closed loop of M queues 3 Figure 1.2 N customers and M zeros, (N + M − 1) spaces 4 Figure 1.3 Distribution function of a discrete random variable X 8 Figure 1.4 Distribution function of a continuous RV 9 Figure 1.5 The density function g(y) for I = 1 .
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