•** ♦*♦*♦*♦*♦*■♦*♦*♦* »* + * «* , THE ONLY PAPER J AN INDEPENDENT f PUBLISHED IN I FEARLESS FAMILY ♦ i n ♦ ♦ METUCHEN NEWSPAPER •s » lEcttnrhfnJ rcarher. PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE °cnt>l f n r THE B O R O U Q q g METOCHEN AND THE TOWNSHIP OF RARITAN VOL. XIX. NO. 2H METUCHEN, N. •!., SATURlf®, .H i.y i;; in12 PRICE, FOUR CENTS noyed those attending the entertain-1 MONTCAIR H VS I jI TTIiE I/X 'A IaS Uieiit Monday night on the Presbyter­ parents. .Mr. and! ian lawn ami one of them threw a Per sqm alone, which hit Mr. Wheeler Clark. t Church Chimes The Baptist 3unda> School ofMr- The boys have lx*eu warned by the t ♦♦♦♦ tuelieu wtU unite with 'the schools of Police and we hope will profit by it Editor Recorder; M»i /alurtjyy y fine jgime li| Jil'C KINGSLEY POIWIELJ, j’erth Amtioy r»n their excursion up lt * the Improvement of their manners PRESBYTERIAN Another exceedingly Interesting and b.li was piapd local liamoiid ,Martin, haw goto «>J j ^ the Hudson on Tuesday Jtu,v ^ in future. Obituary also disappointing exhibit of the low n suiting in victory fi.r Mv uchen K elt! for the summer, to |wofi *w I J Sunday Services: Tickets can be secured at the store Church Sohno! stnudard of the- mental calibre of the Cluh ovi r . Anthony tin* strongest qxiwer plant for 111? N f ♦: ♦ : ♦:: ♦ t .9:43 A. M. \:f VV. A. Crewel or from the Super­ At the meeting of the local lodge of Morning Worship ....... ll:0n A. M. fiolycrali of this community occured on ♦ • mi in /vnilxj.N l»v a wo re of l- to 2. New Haven K. U. •Mrs. Elizabeth; Freeman. Decker.Wife intendent of school. ,lr. 0. I'. A. M. this week they voted Capernaum Circle. Jr.C.E.,2.30 P.M. SuturdaJ- evening last, when the call The public should supviort tthe unu«- faVoi aJhl' to a proposition to raise <>t Alvin A. Decker and mother of Mrs. Kill) Christian Endeavor ..7:00 P. M. to discuss a vital and ovetlwhelminglj uallj good uine we have this year by At noon Monday . 'the lire whistle MR. PHILLIP KFtlJBH Wheeler ('lark and iMi- - Elisabeth the dt>atli benefit from $600 to $7 0 Evening Worship . 7:46 P.M. iiuportajnt piolUlcal subject in Robins targe r attendance and more lilierai fl- (Minded itie alarm and (lie flrctUMl re­ the Hawle Hook and Decker died on Wednesday July 10 at r.nd increase weekly dues. Mid-week Prayer and Praise Service, Hall hjy a; prominent and highly in­ imueia! siqiport. The team dc-tervey it sponded, but in spite, of. their efforts, pany last Friday. Si. James Hospital. .Newark. • • • 8:00 P. M. on Wednesday structive leader, was entirely Ignored 'because of tbftlr fine playing and they about fifty acreifof hay were burned The tuwn •was interested in th»* race The many friends of Mrs. Decker are The Men’s Brotherhood meets toe MRU. R B. POWIBLL KA I TO and neglected by the voters of the dis­ nust have better help when the hat is on the Westbrook{Farm. Some of the between an elephant and donkey from much greived at their Ions Of a gen­ second Monday of each month in tne Springfield. Mass, tor trict for whose special and much need­ ■passed or they will have to close their , jttty was cut, som e.a * fading.-aud, Coney Island along the line of the P. tle, retirtag (listHishlon. an earnest, lecture room. two, and Mr. Powell ed In.trurtijon the lecturer was secured. soavon at a heavy loss. j< tx account of no water available it 'was RTKT"io Washington. The Fie pliant Christian--■■with charity tor all. and A cordial invitation is extended to Vb-w. Can . for the_ Now jthlsi act on the part of the bene­ Today at 3f3o tfhe game will be in ajj destroyed. amounting to about thr- representing the G. O P.. riddeu by maltre inward none/’—loving her all who can avail.themselves of these meetings. ficiaries certainly amounts to a cruel iMcttrchen with the Prmlentih! Tnsur- J w ffve tons. duplicate In appearance of Taft, and Trieuda tenderly she has left an envi- .MISS WINIFRED .FL/ S vis- a ltd heartless Insult to the hard work­ anon Co. team, of Newurk. Ii was probably stanM by a loco- the donkey representing the democrat a»nU» inheritance to her family. itart her parents, Mr. IJolm METHODIST. ing, painstaking, selfdenying. unremim One 'week from ttoday there will be motive spark from the ladilgli Valley it party guided by a man resembling She has passed from our .'ighi ai the Flaherty last Sunday. erated and costly labor of a few true­ uo game but the club will enter the rail road wbldi runs along the farm. (}ov Wilson MR-hing of death, but lives like our­ WILBCR (’• NOBLE PastItol^ hearted friends of,the rdtorm The Athletic meet at Woodbrldge. Tbe ha> was the finest crop urtuitin The race will finish at the White selves iti nod's infinite car*-. MRS MANNING FKB 9:45 A. M —Sunday School obBtructohs, while bearing no burden, The game last Saturday wa iu de- here and the loss represents nearly a House, and will have whatever polit­ The. funeral services will be held at daughters have been 11:00 A. M.—Serndon by the Pastor— stand determined in the way of the rw- tali as follows1 ical, value Is not overlooked in. the ad­ her home this a. e: aeon •Saturday. July thousand dollars. Hr. and Mrs. Freeman j Subject. “A fHr>lv Day or a Holiday.” former; also while professing to be ex- Many similar fires occur ami it vertising purposes. Kith, at « o'clock. M12TUCHBN A. C. tag** at Avon. 7:4vp»lf* M.-nSermon by the Pastor-^ c-edlng anxious and enthusiastic ia would seem the rail roads should be V H. R, H H F. Subject, “More than Conquerors.” their efforts to abolish the drink traf­ able lo guard against sueh expensive AN ORDINANCE IV Kempson, if.............r. l • 1 0 MIBB ALMlEOA JC HOUSE RAN AWAY Midweek Prayer Meeting on Wednes fic, have adopted the “unit rule'* to damages. V J. Fulle Non. ss...........5 s of the Borough of Metuchen, to amend soon leave for Gre | day evening at eight o’clock. suliuly vote for 'Uovernment by Fraud* an ordinance entitled “ Au ordinance of the rest of the Sun At about twelve o’clock. Saturday, j An Interesting sestlon of Rariian Never glviug anything to prohibiting the Borough of MetU'taen estiiblishing July 6th, a hors** of Thomas Stevens, j ST. LU K E S. e\ery ode of them will assist, in giv­ Townshi]) Board uf Fdueat.ion was held H Feltz. c ............. - grad* s of certain streets of parts there MRS- MART AND the butcher, ran away. The horse’s ■ — ing thousands to the fraudulent “A J Foster, rf ...» I 1 0 of; to wit; Main street, Chestnut ave- spending their t« ft'lgjfit s n ran.-i d by ! rein*' drop- j Rev. J. H. P0NTON, Reetor. I .Saloon league” thinking to t-hus secure ft V f. .ft) . i « 7 da> /vexing. Rids.for •coal supply ad r.uc. Maple avenue, Linden avenue, ,:nV flown »bnn( W« l*r^ It happra-1 8unfl»y Servtm as follows the eternal life of their grand old fraud r, *» o' advertised In. th^ floeoader last |Week] Dura am avenue, William street School DR. AND MOiS. LIPPB 'A aloiii- Main atiwt Chestnut « o ly Oommunton ................S.OO M. ■ds follows. * j being congratulated on i ulent license party. ' Wa’sh. p ...... 1 -Ji i-ireet, Central avenue. Centre street, avenue h».| ClamfleW r»»l. wMW FHU j Wmift and a»rmon II 00 A.M Mr. Chafln's •‘Uovernment by Admin V. <’ Kelly j*nd Am $G.M per go»-a tion to the family. M. tt- . Middlesex avenue. Rector street. Hill­ iHokansvn. .la., .was driving. B „. M Eveniug Prayer ............. 8:90 V Istration" Is too fine a d oetrine j g _ vf.n. \l Freeman and Soa $»’« :>2 i«*- side avenue Highland avenue, Essex lest, the horse soeuieti to feel the bur-! uch license loving minds to gragp. gross ton. dross Bros. $»».2.‘» per gross MR AND MRB. NlATt INS p f h t h Am b o y . avenue. Woodbrdge avenue. Amboy REFORMED. have been i fli ii ,,v the wagon, tor running inn. the The whiskey drinker tovee hl» CW. «» A. IV R H H. F. avenue., Graham u\eiiuefLake avettue, gutter tie freed himself by kicking 'After a considerable amount of dis« NHtJian Robins, Ji. had long and painful reason to ToIit. rif«r. ff ............ .'h 1 0 and High ntreft and Moine street. loose the- shafts. earrjing the wl.lfflr- Rev.-J. W. VAN ZANTEN. Minister. ( iissirm regarding the recent inve.-n- I • * know in handling drinking men, ainfr John Hunt, lb .•......... i o 0 1 Spring street anti Elm street" passed Service of Worship and Preaching at uition of the stibJeK t»f coal weighing W O R K ^ IJAS BEN tree with him. and galldJlirg up Plain- while he bemoans his helpleBnes* P. tlnmon. 2t> ............. » A 0 April 1st. 1912. and ajipnned April *>'h 10:45 A. M. Sernvon i.y the Pastor the board was ftilfy sattisthd with trie startecP for the |uew Held road, where he was rather snddeu- against Che force of the habit he '#IR J Dunlffan.
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