January 2009 The official publication of the Libertarian Party of California November 20th Fundraiser Imperialism Equals Bankruptcy by Lynne Mosier y dad, former Alaska around the federal budget? Initiative plan requires legal vet- Senator and LP presi- I agree with my father. If the ting before anything reaches Mdential candidate Mike People had a right to vote on the ballot. The People would Gravel, wasn’t able to attend the budget, they would not vote never be asked to vote on his scheduled appearance for more bombers, more nukes, something that is unconsti- at the LPC’s November 20th and more overkill. They would tutional or against the Bill of fundraiser. He’d just returned decrease the overall budget to Rights. from Sweden, where he’d lec- lessen the tax burden, then re- Currently, California’s initia- tured on direct democracy, and organize the remaining budget tive and referendum politics are he caught a bad cold on the around education, healthcare, designed by representatives return flight. So I substituted and infrastructure. with a vested interest in the for him. I mentioned Ben Cohen’s ballot propositions being slop- Former LP presidential can- (of Ben & Jerry’s) Oreo dem- pily worded, sometimes illegal, didate Ed Clark also spoke at onstration, which you can see and a pure money game. the fundraiser. on YouTube. Ben describes The People would be the During my talk, I focused the federal budget in terms of first to vote money out of pol- on an issue that both Obama stacks of Oreos. His analogy is itics. Unfortunately, our rep- and the media are avoid- easy and understandable. Let resentatives have a different ing: Imperialism equals the People decide how they agenda. Bankruptcy. want to spend their money. Lynne Mosier is former Senator When will our leaders look I also discussed Prop 8. Mike Gravel’s daughter, and a lib- to the Pentagon for budget Under my father’s plan, Prop 8 ertarian activist in her own right, cuts? When will the media do would never have appeared on with a focus on peace issues. Her email: [email protected]. Photo: Kevin Takenaga their job to challenge the dialog the ballot, because his National Lynne Mosier at the LPC’s November 20th fundraiser After some debate, LP Vice LNC Meeting Report Chair Michael Jingozian offered a substitute motion to establish a “dispute resolution commit- Adulation and Acrimony in San Diego tee” to address the situation. His motion passed. by Michael Seebeck Keaton resigned from the LNC after the meeting, citing ver the weekend of are at www.independentpo- allyn-root-addressing-libertar- health issues, and questioning December 6 - 7, 2008, liticalreport.com/2008/12/ ian-national-committee. the competency of most of the the Libertarian National draft-minutes-from-december- LP founder David Nolan in- O officers. Committee convened in San lnc-meeting. troduced a resolution express- Nolan introduced a reso- Diego to pass the 2009 LP LPC Chair Kevin Takenaga ing the LNC’s disappointment budget, review the Barr/Root opened the meeting on with the Barr campaign perfor- continued on page 6... campaign, appoint half the Saturday, Dec. 6, by welcom- mance, and listing some of the Platform Committee, announce ing all to California. Then Dr. campaign’s failures. The reso- the 2010 National Convention, Jim Lark proposed a resolu- lution failed. (It is in the above Michael Seebeck is the LPC’s and consider disciplinary action tion honoring the late Marshall draft minutes.) Legislative Analyst. His email: against LNC At-large member Fritz. Takenaga then summarized [email protected]. Angela Keaton. Former LP VP candidate the LPC’s recent activities. He Flood’s charges at: www.in- About 30 party activists at- Wayne Allyn Root reported on recognized candidates elected dependentpoliticalreport.com/ Ron Paul’s tended. his campaign, the disconnect to office, activists’ opposition to wp-content/uploads/2008/12/ CA Vote Totals The meeting was broad- between his and Barr’s cam- Prop 8, and the LPC’s recruit- 2 resolution-of-discipline-for- cast live over the internet— paigns, his unreimbursed ex- ing of Orange County Register Judge Jim Gray angela-keaton_11.pdf and an LNC first—by this author. penses, and lessons learned columnist Steven Greenhut. Fundraiser his evidence at www.inde- 3 The wireless connection was for the future. Root reiterated Then came the hearing pendentpoliticalreport.com/ spotty (hence, incomplete), his intention to run for the 2012 into further disciplinary action Crony wp-content/uploads/2008/12/ Capitalism but clips are at http://justin. LP presidential nomination. against LNC At-large member 4 resolution_evidence_1.pdf .] tv/tannim123. I also “twittered” Riverside County LP Angela Keaton. Keaton spoke in her own Cherry Picking the meeting, available at www. Western Vice Chair Gene LNC Region 4 Representative defense. She raised issues, Your Race independentpoliticalreport. Trosper taped Root’s speech, Stewart Flood presented evi- 4 forced an open airing of all al- com/2008/12/michael-see- which is at www.independent- dence that Keaton had al- Feds Block legations, and read a prepared beck-broadcasting-from-lnc- politicalreport.com/2008/12/ legedly engaged in various Anti-Cancer Drug statement. 7 in-san-diego. Draft minutes gene-trosper-video-of-wayne- forms of misconduct. [See PAGE 2 • California Freedom • © 2008 All rights reserved From the Editor On Angela Keaton and Ron Paul Vol. 7 • Issue 1 • January 2009 Freedom, Libertarian, American California Freedom by Thomas M. Sipos Angela resigned a day or Independent, and Green is the official monthly newspaper of so later. She cited health rea- sons. Eric Garris, her boss at Parties, respectively. The lat- the Libertarian Party of California. ome of our best liber- Antiwar.com, issued a letter ter four were officially certified Opinions, articles, and advertisements tarians—our most prin- saying that Angela’s LNC work write-in candidates. published herein do not cipled and productive S was interfering with her duties Most Californians were un- necessarily represent official party libertarians—are outside the at Antiwar.com, and she must aware that Ron Paul was a positions unless so indicated. party. For instance, Ron Paul. choose one or the other. [See: certified write-in candidate and And joining him now, Angela PUBLISHER www.lewrockwell.com/blog/ that votes for him would be Keaton. Libertarian Party of California lewrw/archives/024323.html.] counted. Even so, Paul pulled 14547 Titus Street, Suite 214 I’ve heard rumors that Garris over 17,000 votes—without Panorama City, CA 91402-4935 • Angela Keaton appearing on the ballot, with- Web site: www.CA.LP.org was merely offering Angela a gracious excuse to exit. One out a current campaign, with- Telephone: (818) 782-8400 Angela Keaton resigned Facsimile: (818) 782-8488 Flood’s presentation of longtime Los Angeles LP of- out the public even knowing her At-large seat on the LNC ‘charges’ and ‘evidence’ ficer opined to me, “I think that he was a viable option. shortly after their December EDITOR against Ms. Keaton came off Angela just got tired of all the Imagine how many votes Thomas M. Sipos meeting, during which she was as the clown show it was. petty b*llsh*t on the LNC, and Paul would have won had E–Mail: [email protected] subjected to a silly and un- Accounts from on the spot de- said ‘to hell with it.’ And I don’t the public known that write-in important disciplinary hearing, STATE CHAIRMAN scribe open laughter from the blame her.” votes for him would count? orchestrated by LNC Region 4 Kevin Takenaga audience and a public near- Angela Keaton will now de- And how many additional Representative Stewart Flood. E-Mail: [email protected] nervous-breakdown on the vote her full time to Antiwar. votes had Paul been on the Michael Seebeck reports on ballot? the meeting on page 1 of this Even many Libertarians were GRAPHIC DESIGN AND LAYOUT issue, along with links. unaware of Paul’s official write- Brad Reynolds Most of the charges against E-Mail: [email protected] in status. Some told me after Angela were of her publicly the election: “I’d have voted WEB SITE criticizing the LP and its lead- for Paul, had I known my vote E-Mail: [email protected] ers, with her usual irreverent would count.” wit. She’d also joined a Boston Chuck Baldwin was the Tea Party Facebook account, ADVERTISING SALES Constitution Party’s write- E-Mail: thus lending support to a com- in candidate. The American [email protected] peting political party. (Whereas Independent Party (which had Telephone: (818) 782-8400 Bob Barr only contributed mil- been the CP’s California af- lions of PAC dollars to GOP filiate) split over the war issue. candidates running against LP CONTRIBUTORS Baldwin supported the CP/ candidates, while he sat on Lynne Mosier, Michael Seebeck, AIP’s traditional noninterven- Don Patterson, Ron Getty, the LNC. Small potatoes com- tionist position. Alan Keyes James P. Gray, Mark Ames, pared to a Facebook account.) was the choice of the pro-war Brian Miller, Kevin Takenaga, Yes, Angela speaks freely faction. A California court ruled Lawrence K. Samuels, and doesn’t care if she of- Steve Kubby that the Keyes faction was the fends. She can be abrasive legitimate AIP representative, and blunt and impolitic. She so Keyes’s name appeared on SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: does not easily tolerate fools. the ballot. Libertarian Party of California She asks tough questions of James Harris ran on the 14547 Titus St., Suite 214 LP leaders, and demands strict Socialist Workers Party. Frank Panorama City, CA 91402 adherence to principles.
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