STRAIGHT AND LEVEL and staffs an efficient Press Headquarters during the Convention. To coordinate th ese visitors with our Division , AI and Lois Kelch directed them into the activities and functions that exemplified the An­ tique/Classic format. The many volunteers who daily offer their assis­ By Brad Thomas tance to ou r Parki ng, Secu rity, and Barn Headquarters Chairmen are the backbone of our success during the daily operational chores of our Division activities. Without the leadership of Jack Copeland, and Matt Copy for each monthly issue of THE VINTAGE AIR­ ordinated by our Parking and Flight Lin e Safety Chair­ Worner, who chaired the Manpower Committee, PLANE is completed and organized about six weeks men, Art Morgan and Bob Kesel. Beginning with th e our Division could not have functioned with the before the current issue is printed. This means that Monday before the Convention thes e chairmen and success and fluid motion that was prevalent during your STRAIGHT AND LEVEL editorials are written volunteers spent countless hours setting up these the week. far in advance, and this particular one was composed areas with row numbers, placing taxi cones and warn­ With the Convention parking areas completely the week following our '1979 Convention at Oshkosh, ings throughout the Division areas. Incoming traffi c filled within the first three days of arrivals, the judg­ It is felt that many of our chairmen and volunteers began in earnest on the Friday preced ing the Con­ ing committees immediately began th ei r tedious warrant recognition so well deserved for their effort vention and continued through the following several and time consuming chores. Under th e leadership of and service to EAA and our Division during the Inter­ days. The smoothness and competent coordination Division Chief Judge Claude Gray, Antique Chief national Convention. of the Parking Chairmen and their efficient volunteers Judge Dale Gustafson, and George Yo rk and Dale Each of us recognizes the benefits offered during deserve the recognition so well exhibited during Wolford , Chief and Co-Chief Classic Judges , th e the complete week of forums presented each year. the Convention. selection of the award winners was completed on Many hours and countless phone calls and letters Our History of Flight on Wednesday was an out­ Thursday evening and ready for the Awards Presen­ of correspondence consumed the time of AI Hen­ standing exa mple of our Division leadership with tation on Friday evening. ni nger, Chai rman of ou r Division Foru ms this year. Ron Fritz and Phil Coulson organizing and coordi­ Tuesday evening, following the air show, our Being one of "The Tullahoma Bunch" , AI brought nating the program. This event was executed with second annual Division picnic was held in Ollie's the organization and expertise so well enjoyed by an efficient continuous display of the aircraft of our Park behind our forums tent. The success of this event all attending the Division forums, and with the assis­ Division's era. is definitely due to the hard work and planning of tance of Jack Winthrop our forums this year exceeded Being unexpectedly hospitalized a few days be­ John Turgyan and his co-chairman Chub Trainor. our expectations in both attendance and use. fore the start of the Convention, George Williams Attendance this year was four hundred and a fine From Saturday to Saturday, with never a frown, but was unabl e to attend, so his co-chairman, David friendly time was had by all. This social function, always smiling were the ladies who greeted us at our Shaw quietly and efficiently assumed the entire man­ together with the refreshment party later in the week , Division Barn Headquarters . Kate Morgan, Jan e t agement of our Division Security. So effective were will be definitely planned as an annual affair. Kesel and their fine group of volunteer ladies offered David and his volunteer group that a Trustee of th e Jeff Copeland along with his able assistants again our members, guests and visitors the friendly atmos­ EAA Air Museum Foundation verbally complimented this year kept our mobile eq uipment in working phere so prevalent within our Division. Our ladies our Security Division. Hard working and efficient order. The Parking volunteers were blessed this year very efficiently answered questions, gave directions, Stan Gomoll constructed our new Division member­ with the use of mopeds , and their efficient week of took messages, distributed our sales merchandise, ship booth placed beside our Barn, organized and operations was assisted by the maintenance ability assisted the manpower chairmen, printed posters , set up our Antique/Classic Booth in the commercial of Jeff and his assistants. made lemonade and continued to smile and enjoy display area, and volunteered as our Division " Handy­ All in all, we show that two hundred and fifteen the functions. man" for repairs during the Convention. Jackie House volunteers, chairmen and co-chairmen of our Antique/ Each Convention committee has an important and Betty Trainor with th eir volunteers manned our Classic Division parti cipated in the 1979 International function during the Convention week, and many re­ Division Display Booth of audio slides and exhibits Convention. Yours truly and his Convention Co­ quire preliminary work preceding the actual official and recruited memberships. Chairman, John Turgyan thank each of you. The fellow­ sta rting date. Parking areas for the Antique and Classic Each year the Convention draws an increasing ship, cooperation and social activities are what it is show aircraft and show aircraft camping were all co- number of press and m edia personnel. EAA maintains all about. TIl~ VI~TAf7~ AIl?()LA~~ Editorial OFFICIAL MAGAZINE Staff EAA ANTIQUE/CLASSIC DIVISION INC. Publisher of THE EXPER IMENTAL AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 229, Hales 'Corners, WI 53130 Paul H. Poberezny Copyright ~ 1979 EAA Antique/Classic Division, Inc., All Rights Reserved. (Photo by Ted Kos ton) Editor Curtiss Robin belonging to EAA Air Museum. OCTOBER 1979 VOLUME 7 NUMBER 10 David Gustafson, Ph.D. (On The Cover. Grand Champion Cla ss ic at Os hkosh '7~ was Tim ana tJarbara Bowers' Luscombe BE. Phato by Ted Kaston.) Associate Editors : H. Glenn Buffington, Edward D . Williams, Byron (Back Cover . .. Grand Champion Antique at Oshkosh '79 was Dick Martins ' H oward DGA- 15P. Photo by (Fred ) Fred ericks en, Lionel Salisbury Ted Kos ton.) Readers are encouraged to submit stories and photographs. Associate Editorships are assigned TABLE OF CONTENTS to those writers who submit five or more articles which are published in THE VINTAGE AIR­ PLANE during the current year. Associates receive a bound volume of THE VINTAGE AIR­ PLANE and a free one-year membership in the Division for their efforts. POLICY-Opinions Straight and Level by Brad Thomas ....... .... ........ .. ............... 2 expressed in articles are solely those of the authors. Responsibility for accuracy in reporting Oshkosh '79 by David Gustafson. ...... .. ... ..... .. .. ... ... ........ .. 4 rests entirely with the contributor. From The Ground Up - Oshkosh '79 by Lois Kelch. .. .... .... .. 9 Directors Selections From The 1979 Parade Of Flight ....... ............ ... .. 14 Claude L. Gray, Jr. AI Kelch PRESIDENT A Curtiss Album by George Hardi e, Jr. .. .. ........ ... ...... ..... , .. 20 W. BRAD THOMAS, JR. 9635 Sylvia Avenue 66 W. 622 N. Madison Avenue Northridge, CA 91324 Ceda rburg, WI 53012 Borden 's Aeroplane Posters From The 1930's by Lionel Sa lisbury .... .. 24 301 DODSON MILL ROAD 1979 Antique Judges At Oshkosh . ....... ... ..... .... .. ... ... ...... 26 PILOT MOUNTAIN, NC 27041 213/349:1338 414/377-5886 Home Calendar Of Events .. ... .. ...... ... .... ....... ........ .. ....... ... 26 919/368-2875 Home Dale A. Gustafson Morton W . Lester Letters ....... ... .... .. ... ... .. ..... ... ....... ... ... .... .. 26 919/368-2291 Office 7724 Shady Hill Drive P.O. Box 3747 VICE-PRESIDENT Indianapolis, IN 46274 Martinsville, VA 24112 703/632-4839 'Home JACK C. WINTHROP 317/293-4430 703/638-8783 Office ROUTE 1, BOX 111 Richard H. Wagner EAA ANTIQUE/CLASSIC DIVISION MEMBERSHIP ALLEN , TX 75002 P.O . Box 181 Arthur R. Morgan NON-EAA MEMBER - $22.00. Includes one yea r members hip in the EAA Antique/ 2141727-5649' Lyons, WI 53148 3744 North 51st Blvd. o 414/763-2017 Home Milwaukee, WI 53216 Classic Division, 12 monthly is sues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE ; one year mem­ SECRETARY 414/763-9588 Office 414/442-3631 bership in the Experimental Aircraft Association and se parat e membership ca rds . M . C. " KELLY" VIETS George S. Yo rk SPO RT AVIATION magazine not included. 7745 W. 183RD ST. John S. Copeland Advisors 181 Sloboda Av e. 9"Joanne Drive Mansfield. O H 44906 o EAA MEMBER - $14.00. Includes one year membership in the EAA Antique/Classic STILWELL, KS 66085 Ro bert E. Kese l Westborough, MA 01581 Busi ness Ph one 41 91755- 1011 Division, 12 monthly issues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE AND MEMBERSHIP CARD. 913/681-2303 Home 455 Oakridge Drive 617/366-7245 Home Phone 4191529·4378 Rochest er. NY '14617 (Applicant must be current EAA member and must give EAA membership number.) 913/782-6720 Office John R. Turgyan Ronald Fritz 7161342 ·3170 Home '1530 Ku se r Road TREASURER 1989 Wilson, NW 716/325·2000. Ext. Grand Rapids, MI 49504 Trenton, NJ 08619 ' 23250/23320 Office E. E. " BU CK" HILBERT 6161453·7525 609/585·2747 P.O . BOX 145 Stan Gomoll Gene Morris Robert A. White UNION, IL 60180 '1042 90th Lane, NE 27 Chandelle Drive P.O. Box 704 815/923-4205 M innea poli s, MN 55434 Hampsh <re, IL 60140 Zellwood, FL 32798 6121784·1172 3121683· 3199 ' 305/886-31RO THE VI NTAGE AIRPLANE (ISSN 0091·6943) is owned exclUSively by EAA Antique/Classic DiV ISion , Inc., and is published monthly at Hales Corners, Wisconsin 53 130. Second class Postage paid at Hales Corners Post Office.
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