Welcome to the first edition of the Porthcawl Post for the school year 2017-2018 Porthcawl Porthcawl Comprehensive School Newsletter ~ Autumn 2017 Headteacher’s Address miss Anne and we wish her a long, healthy and happy 24th – 27th January 2018 so please contact the retirement. Grand Pavilion Box Office on 01656 815995 to The summer witnessed another series of examination book your seats for what will be a sell-out event. To results. I do hope you saw the press coverage we celebrate our 40th show, we are adding an additional enjoyed, just rewards for the dedication of the staff performance on Saturday night as well as the May I welcome everyone to this first edition of the and hard work of the students. May I extend a word afternoon matinée. Porthcawl Post for academic year 2017-18. The of thanks to you as parents / carers for the support I look forward to the year 2017-18 together and look new year is a couple of months old now and you have given the students. As I always remark, the forward to meeting you all over the year. everyone has settled in and is working well. school is at its strongest when the families, students Andrew Slade As is our custom and practice, I should like to and staff work together for a common purpose. Headteacher formally welcome several new members of staff. Mrs We have recently had our open evening which was a Mahoney has joined as our new Head of English. As great success. Mrs Sloggett organised an excellent a former pupil and mother of children at our school, event which showcased all that is first class about our Mrs Mahoney knows the place very well. Another school. Currently we have expressions of interest former pupil Miss Evans has also joined the English from almost 30 families from outside Porthcawl who Department and we wish her well as she embarks wish their children to join us for September 2018. upon her career here. We also have two more teachers This is a massive vote of confidence in our school, joining us; Ms Stanton is in the RS Department and the pupils and staff alike. Miss Hankin has joined the Maths Faculty. Could I ask you to look at our website on a regular We say goodbye to two well respected and key basis. Mrs Hunt is the administrator of the website members of our support staff. Mr Rhys Davies leaves and any suggestions for improvement will be most his post as Laboratory Technician. Mr Davies has welcome. We use the website as a means of been with us for 5 years and we wish him all the very communicating with “home”, also we advertise best in the next stage of his career. Also leaving the events and job vacancies on the site. team is Mrs Anne Wallace. Anne has been at our school for twenty one years and she retired at Finally, in January we will be producing our school October half term. Mrs Wallace has two sons who show “The Phantom of the Opera”. This year we will were both “Head Boy” at our school, this is a record stage our 40th consecutive performance, a record that will take some breaking!! All at our school will unrivalled in Wales I believe. The show will run from Mrs Anne Wallace Celebrating Every ChildAwards at Porthcawl Comprehensive CHARITY - COMMUNITY School Year 12 in the Community During the last week of term, as part of Enrichment Week, our Year 12 pupils were involved in several community projects. As has become a tradition over the last couple of years, over 100 students took part in the ‘Lavender Walk’, walking more than 12 miles from school and ending up at the Prince of Wales, Kenfig, raising over £500 for Pancreatic Cancer UK. The following day, many of the same students were involved in a beach clean on Rest Bay where they collected up dozens of bags of litter. Restart a Heart Day CPR Training for Year 8 Pupils and staff at Porthcawl Comprehensive School were delighted to take part again in “Restart Over the last 18 months PCS has been running the a Heart Day” which was launched in the Welsh Assembly and rolled out across Wales. The school Achievement for All Programme. A small team of staff have was fortunate to be visited by Resuscitation Officer, Helen Williams, Dr Craig Williams and a been working with a number of pupils to ensure they maximise team of First Responders and Emergency Medical Technicians who supervised the training. their potential in school. This has involved regular meetings with pupils and parents/carers to look at attendance and Every year over 30,000 people in the UK suffer a cardiac arrest out of hospital, (often at home achievement. These meetings have been key in developing or whilst at work or school). Less than one in ten people survive. In Norway, where closer links with home and identifying ways in which the Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is taught to all pupils at school, one in four people survive. school and parents/carers can work together for the benefit of If we could achieve the same survival rates Norway we could save almost 5000 more lives every the children. year. The now annual, Europe wide, ‘Restart a Heart Day’ aims to teach tens of thousands of young people CPR in one day. Feedback from parents/carers and pupils alike has been very positive. Parents/carers told us: Throughout the day, the 190 pupils of Year 8 were given basic CPR training on manikins, guided by a training DVD provided by the British Heart Foundation. Sixth Formers and staff were also “The programme has boosted N’s confidence”, “The keen to take up the initiative. programme has bridged a gap between school and home’” and “S’s confidence has grown and her general well-being has Headteacher, Mr Slade said, “I am delighted that this valuable opportunity was taken up by so improved”. many of our young people and staff. We are very grateful to the team of volunteers who shared their expert knowledge and equipped our students with basic CPR skills.” ! Pupils have also been enthusiastic about the programme saying: Many thanks to our fantastic volunteers:- “The programme has made me feel better about myself” and Resuscitation Officer ABMU and Lead Volunteer %%%+7,(89%:;%<=><?8(@%AB:C% Helen Williams: ! “It was good to have a meeting with parents as we talked about Consultant Anaesthetist ABMU !"#$%&$'%'% ' '(("%&$'ʹ')*+,-$""&'.' '. ' '&"/,"-$+0'11#2"3'44,"#$5*-#'' !"#$%&'%()'$#*$%#%+)#*$%,#-.%%()'$'&$%#"! .-,#$%*#%#%+)$*#()'$% "#$%&'%!&!(#&'%!)&*!+$!&!,-'./#01+2#!+3+%+&%+4#!5'#&%#2!6*!%7#!,-'./#&3!"#$-$5+%&%+.3!8.-35+9!&+:#2!! ! ! #&'%(&!&'%"#$% #/.,-'&!$!+*&)#&'%0 3+#!21+ ! ! .,-'%7#!*62##&%5'#!4&%+%++3! ! ! 95+3-.83.&%+%#$-$5+"#&3!/.2#:&+9 Dr Craig Williams: &%!'&+$+3;!5&'2+&5!&''#$%!&1&'#3#$$<!=7+$!1&$!9&-357#2!+3!>?@A!%.!%#&57!:#:6#'$!.B!%7#!/-69+5!7.1!%.!!5&'2;3$+'&+&%!#$%&''&5!+5&'2! how school is going and things at home.” $=7+#$$<!&'#3&1! ! ! ! ! ! ! %#.%A@?>3+57#23&-91&$$! 5!+96-/%7#B!.#'$!6:#:&57%#.%1!.7! Community First Responder/South Wales Police 7#9/!'#$%&'%!%7#!7#&'%!.B!$.:#.3#!17.!7&$!$-BB#'#2!&!5&'2+&5!&''#$%<!%!$%&'!'#/#97 17.#!3.!$.:#B!.!7#&'%%7#%!&5!&''#$+5&'2#2!&!#'!7&$!$-BB%<&5!&''#$! %7 C3!C5%.6#'!@D#'6.C5%C3!! ! ! !D@#' ! ! !>?@E!%7#!F#9$7!G:6-9&35#!H#'4+5#!+$!.BB#'+3;!6:G$79F#%7#E@?> ;3#'+BB.$!+5#!H#'4+5#&39-6! !&99!$#5.32&'*!$57..9$!+3!F&9#$!%7#!! ! ! ! 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