Votes of the House of Representatives 25 die Junii, 1719- 27 die Junii 1719. Boston 29 W c VOTES Of the House of Representatives. Jobis, 25. Die Junii 1719. A. D. A Petition of Hezekiah Doane and 14 others of Cape Cod, presented to the House and Read, praying, That Thirty Pounds more may be Granted out of the Publick Treasury, to finish the Meeting House which this Court ordered to be built there, and Granted l. 150 out of the Treasury for that end, which is all expended, and an Accompt of the Expence thereof now exhibited. And the Question being put, Whether the prayer of the Petition be Granted? It pass d in the Negative. A Bill Intituled, An Act in addition to an Act Intituled, An Act Prohibiting the Exportation of Raw Hides, Upper Leather and Tann'd Calve Skins, from out of this Province, other than for Great Britain. Read 2d time. A Bill Intituled, An Act for Prohibiting the Killing of Calves, under Thirty Days old? Read a 2d time. And the Question being put, Whether the Bill be Read a 3 d time? It pass d in the Negative. A Plat of 50 Acres of Land laid out by William Ward Surveyor under Oath; upon Sudbury River, which Thomas How of Marlborough obtained leave from this Court to purchase of Joseph Robinson an Indian, Anno 1669. Presented to the House of Confirmation. Resolved, That the Land Described and Delineated in the said Plat be Granted and Confirmed unto the said Thomas How, his Heirs and Assigns for ever. Provided, It exceed not the Quantity of Fifty Acres, and Intrench upon no former Grant. Sent up for Concurrence. A Petition of Daniel Bartlet Presented to the House & Read, praying, That he may be permitted, to prepare and bring in a Bill to enable him to have a new Tryal of a case between him, and Nathaniel and Timothy Halloway before the Superiour Court next to be holden at Bristol, as was Granted him in Novemb. 1716. but the General Court rose before a Bill for that end could be passed. Votes of the House of Representatives 25 die Junii, 1719- 27 die Junii 1719. Boston http://www.loc.gov/resource/rbpe.03305600 Ordered, That the Prayer of the Petition be Granted. Sent up for Concurrence Post Meridiem. A Bill Intituled, An Act for the Preventing and Discouraging the growing Extravagancies of this Province. Read a first time. A Bill Intituled, An Act for the preservation of the young, and small Cattle, and to discourage the keeping, of unruly Dogs. Read a 2d time and Committed. And then the House Adjourn'd till to Morrow Morning Nine a Clock. Veneris, 26. Die Junii, 1719. A. D. A Bill Intituled, An Act for preventing and discouraging the growing Extravagancies of this Province. Read a 2d and 3 time, and pass'd to be Engross'd. Sent up for Concurrence. A Message from the Board by Mr. Secretary Willard, That his Excellency the Governour Directs this House now to attend him in the Council Chamber. Mr. Speaker, and the House went up accordingly, and his Excellency made a Speech to the Court, and then the House Return'd to their own Chamber. A Message to the Board by Col. Dudley and Mr. Barker, to Request his Excellency the Governour to favour the House with a Copy of his Speech. Who return'd there-with, and it was Read, and is as follows, viz. Gentlemen, MY Design in sending for you up at this time is to let you know, how Concern'd I am at the Unhappy Misunderstandings, which have been for many Days, between the Council I and 30 and your House relating to the Impost Bill, and to assure you that no Person here present can be more desirous of preserving the Privileges, of this People than my Self, so far as is consistent with the late Instructions, I have received from my Royal Master, which have by His Special Direction been laid before this Courts, I am fully persuaded, that to act any ways contrary thereto after the many Debates, and Votes which have been upon that head, would rather Destroy than Preserve those Privileges, We so justly prize. Votes of the House of Representatives 25 die Junii, 1719- 27 die Junii 1719. Boston http://www.loc.gov/resource/rbpe.03305600 Gentlemen, I Desire your Serious Consideration of what I have hinted, that so the important Affairs of the Province, yet lying before you may have a speedy and happy Conclusion. Post Meridiem. The Petition of Joseph Metclase, Praying as entered the 24th Current. Read again and Voted, That it be Recommended to the Honourable the Committee, that receiv'd the Charity of this Province Collected the Last Year, upon a Brief Issued forth by this Government for the Propagating of the Gospel, for some present Relief. And that it be Recommended to the Court of General Sessions of the Peace in the County of Barnstable, to take care that the Petitioner be suitably supported for the future, unless the Town shall Prevent it by doing it. Sent up for Concurrence. Upon a Motion being made: Ordered, That Samuel Thaxter Esq. and Capt. Jacob Thompson, be a Committee carefully to Inquire into, Run and settle the Divisional Line between the Towns of Wrentbam, and Attleborough, giving notice to both the said Towns, when they attend the service, and make report of their doings therein to this Court. Sent up for Concurrence. Whereas this House have Voted and Passed a Bill, Granting to His Majesty Several Rates and Duties of Impost, and Tunnage of Shipping, in which was included one per Cent. on European Merchandize, for which Article or clause the Honourable Council, have several times Non Concurr'd the said Bill, notwithstanding all proper Endeavours have been used by this House to attain the fame, which have hitherto proved fruitless, whereby a Considerable part of the Revenue, which would have accured to this Province, is for this present Session foregone, which also tends to the Depriving this Government of their justs Rights, Powers and Privileges, Granted by the Royal Charter. Resolved, That a Draught of another Impost Bill be Prepared and Laid before the House, and that Col. Dudley, Maj. Stoddard, and Mr. Clark, he a Committee to prepare the same. A Bill Intituled, An Act in addition to an Act Intituled An Act, in further Addition to the Act for Encouraging the Killing of Wolves. Read twice and pass'd to the Engrost. Votes of the House of Representatives 25 die Junii, 1719- 27 die Junii 1719. Boston http://www.loc.gov/resource/rbpe.03305600 Sent up for Concurrence. A Bill Intituled, An Act in further Addition to an Act Intituled, An Act for making Lands and Tenements liable to the Payment of Debts. Read, And then the House Adjourn'd till to Morrow Morning Nine a Clock. Sabbati 27. Die Junii. 1719. A. D. ORdered, That a Message be sent to his Excellency the Governour by Capt. Cawley and Mr. Foster, Requesting his Excellency to direct the Justices of the Interiour Court of Common Pleas and Justices of the Court of General Sessions of the Peace of the County of Essex, and the County of Plymouth to Adjourn the respective Courts to a further Day, several Members of the said Courts belonging to this. Ordered, That the Vote for a Bill to be drawn laying a Duty on Rhum and other Spirits Distilled here be Reconsidered. A New Draught of a Bill Intituled, An Act Granting to His Majesty several Rates and Duties of In Post and Tunnage of Shipping. Read twice, and pass'd to be Engrost. Sent up for Concurrence. A Bill Intituled, An Act for preventing Tumults and Riotous Assemblies, and for the more effectual Punishment of Persons guilty thereof. Pass'd at the Board to be Engrost, and Sent down for Concurrence. Read and The Question being put, Whether the Bill be Read a 2 d time? It pass'd in the Negative. A Message from the Board by John Clark, Esq; that they have agreed to the Message for Adjourning the Courts in the Counties of Essex and Plymouth. A Bill Intituled, An Act to enable Daniel Bartlet of Mendon, to bring forward an Action of the Case between Nathaniel and Timothy Hollowell of Taunton, and the said Bartlet, at the Superiour Court next to be holden at Bristol, within and for the County of Bristol. Read twice and pass'd to be Engrost. Sent up for Concurrence. And then the House Adjourn'd till Monday next Three a Clock Afternoon. Votes of the House of Representatives 25 die Junii, 1719- 27 die Junii 1719. Boston http://www.loc.gov/resource/rbpe.03305600 BOSTON: Printed & Sold by B. Green. 1719. 33/56 part 1 of 17 31 W c VOTES Of the House of Representatives. Lunæ, 29. Die Junii, 1719. P. D. AN Engross'd Bill, Intituled, An Act to Enable Daniel Bartlet of Mendon, to bring forward an Action of the Case between Nathaniel and Timothy Hallowell of Taunton, and the said Bartlet, at the Superior Court next to the holden at Bristol within and for the County of Bristol. Read Twice and pass'd to be Engrost. Sent up for Concurrence. A Petition of John Hayes, Keeper of the Light house on Beacon Island, presented to the House and Read, praying, That a Gallery may be built on the Sea-ward side of the said Light-house, that he may be able to come at the Glass to clear off the Ice and Snow in the Winter time, whereby the Light is greatly obscur'd.
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