Cambridge University Press 0521836158 - Africa since 1800, Fifth Edition Roland Oliver and Anthony Atmore Index More information Index Abacha, Sani, 361, 377 missionaries and, 116 Abbas, Ferhat, 190–1, 240, 242 in Namibia, 297 Abbas I, of Egypt, 43 National Party and, 287 Abboud, General, 231 war between Britain and, 143–5, Abdallah, brother of Usuman dan Fodio, 200–1 67 see also South Africa Abdallahi, the Khalifa, 44, 47 Afro-Asian Conference (Bandung, 1955), Abd al-Qadir, 57–9 216, 230, 243 Abd al-Qrim, 188 Afro-Brazilians, 72–3 Abd ar-Rahman, of Morocco, 55, 59 Afro-Malagasy Joint Organisation Abeokuta, 74, 76 (OCAM), 266 Abiola, Moshood, 361, 362 agriculture, expansion of, 37–9, 91–2, Abushiri, 137, 161 174, 219, 225, 228, 269, 324, Accra Conference (1958), 254, 261 328 Achimota, 221 Ahmad, bey of Tunis, 61 Acholi people, 97 Ahmad, Sayyid, 195–6 Adamawa, 66 Ahmad, Tijani, 64 Addis Ababa Agreement (1972), 314 Ahmadu Lobo (Hamadu Bari), 67 Adowa, battle of (1896), 51 Ahmadu Sefu, 68, 131, 149 Afar people, 233 AIDS. See HIV/AIDS Afghanistan, 353, 356, 380 Akan states, 15 Afonja of Ilorin, 73 Akasombo dam, Ghana, 326–7, 336 African National Congress (ANC, South Akitoye, Oba, of Lagos, 76 Africa), 209, 234, 270, 280, 283, al-Azhar University, Cairo, 184 288–90, 301–2, 367 al-Bashir, Omar, 356 African Union, 359, 368, 377 Alexandria, 228 Africa Service (BBC), 373 Algeria Afrikaans language, 143, 207, 294 France and, 56–8, 89, 241–2 Afrikaner National Party, 206, 207 independent, 226, 353–4, 379 Afrikaners (Boers) nationalism in, 190–1, 216, 240–3 Africans and, 30, 103–5, 111, 114, 116 Algiers, 7–8, 52, 55 Great Trek and, 111–14, 202 al-Hajj Umar, 66–8, 77, 131, 149 jobs taken by poor, 284 al-Hasan, Mawlai, of Morocco, 59 389 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521836158 - Africa since 1800, Fifth Edition Roland Oliver and Anthony Atmore Index More information 390 Index All-African People’s Conference, Accra baaskap, 201–3, 285 (1958), 254 Babangida, Ibrahim, 361–2 al-Madhi, Sadiq, 314–6, 356 Badagry, 74 al-Turabi, Hasan, 356 Baganda people, 97–8, 100, 158, 161–3, Alula, Italian Protectorate, 196–7 312 Alvor accords (1975), 277 Baker, Samuel, 44, 97 al-Zubeir Rahman, 41 Bakongo people, 263, 273, 274 Amhara, region of Ethiopia, 47, 50 Balafrej, Ahmad, 189–90 Amin, Idi, 311–13, 358, 363 Balewa, Abubakar Tafawa, 249, 308 amir, 6, 36, 196 Bamako, 131, 251 Anglo-Boer War, 143–5, 200–1 Bamangwato people, 107 Angola, 21, 23, 78 Bambara kingdoms, 67, 68 independent, 278, 339–40 Banda, Hastings, 271–2, 310, 365 Portugal and, 32, 68, 78–81, 87, 158, Bandung Conference (1955), 216 268, 273–6 Bantu, 20 South Africa and, 278 in East Africa, 30–2, 257, 312 see also Frente Nacionale de Eastern Bantu, 20, 24–6, 28 Liberta¸c˜ao de Angola; Movimento in South Africa, 28, 103–5, 291 Popular de Liberta¸c˜ao de Angola; trade in Bantu states, 26–8 Uni˜aoNacional para a Western Bantu, 20–4 IndependˆenciaTotal de Angola Bantu Education Act (South Africa, animal husbandry, 1–3, 14, 24, 29, 33, 1953), 286–7 85, 105–6, 219, 237, 314–15 Bantu languages, 20 Ankole kingdom, 24–5, 96 Bantustans. See Homelands Anyanya National Army, Southern Banyamulenge people, 347 Sudan, 232, 314 Banyoro people, 163 Aole, Alafin, of Oyo, 73–4 Baptista, Pedro Jo˜ao, 78 apartheid (separate development), Baqqara people, 45–6, 358 285–95, 299–302 Barbot, James, 27 discriminatory legislation, 286–7 Barghash, Sultan of Zanzibar, 100, 137 Arab League, 229, 237 Barotse. See Lozi Arabs Barre, Mohammad Siad, 236, 317–18, East Coast, 30–2, 40, 42, 46, 342 314 Barth, Heinrich, 55, 69 see also Swahili Basoga people, 97 North African, 1, 4, 8 Basuto. See Sotho see also bedouin Arabs Basutoland, British Protectorate, 201, Arden-Clarke, Charles, 247–9 203, 205, 295–6, see also Lesotho arms. See firearms Basutoland Congress Party, 296 Asante, 16, 72, 75 Basutoland National Party, 296 Britain and, 76, 134, 153, 163 Batlokwa, 107 Asians Baudouin (Belgium), 262 in East Africa, 293 Bayeke people, 83 in northern Africa, 328 Bechuana. See Tswana in South Africa, 211 Bechuanaland, British Protectorate, assimilados (Portuguese Africa), 268, 116–17, 127, 201, 203, 205, 295–6, 278 see also Botswana association (French policy), 177–9 Bechuanaland Democratic Party, 296 Aswan dam, Nile, 191, 230, 326 B´edi´e,Henri, 360 Azikiwe, Nnamdi, 180, 245, 246, bedouin Arabs, 7, 36, 60, 136, 195–6, 249 237 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521836158 - Africa since 1800, Fifth Edition Roland Oliver and Anthony Atmore Index More information Index 391 Behanzin, of Dahomey, 131 Greek independence and, 41, 53 Belgium, 213, 216 in Middle East, 42, 53 Congo and, 156, 178–9, 260, 262 in North Africa, 55, 61–2 see also Leopold II in South Africa, 30, 111–14, 127–8 Katanga and, 83, 86, 141–2, 155 in West Africa, 16–17, 68, 72, 75–8, Ruanda-Urundi and, 171, 261–2 119–20, 249–50 Bemba people, 95 see also individual colonies Ben Ali, Zine al-Abidine, 354–5 British Commonwealth, 252 Ben Bella, Muhammad, 242–3 British South Africa Company, 140–41, Benelulua people, 261, 263 143, 157, 161, 175 Benghazi, 55, 60–1 Bruce, James, 11 Benguela, 78, 81 Brynat, Gyude, 380 Benin, 76, 163, 361 Buganda kingdom, 24–5, 44, 94, 96–7, B´enin (Dahomey), 16, 72–3, 75, 253 100 Berber people, 1, 4, 7–10, 237, 243, Britain and, 137, 158, 161–2 353–4 in independent Uganda, 257, 259, 312 Berlin Conference (1884–5), 86, 126, Bugeaud, General, 57–8 129, 135–6, 138 Bunyoro kingdom, 24–5, 44, 96, 97 Betsileo kingdom, Madagascar, 140 Britain and, 138, 163 beys of Tunis, 7, 61–2 Burkina Faso, 337, 371 Biafra, 308–10, 332 entertainment industry in, 374 Biko, Steve, 295, 299 Burma, 215 Bisa people, 78–80 Burton, Sir Richard, 91, 94–5 Bismarck, Otto von, 123, 126, 128 Burundi kingdom, 24–5 Black People’s Convention (BPC, South independent, 264, 345 Africa), 294 see also Ruanda-Urundi Blyden, Edward, 180, 244 Bush, George W., 378–80, 381 Bobangi people, 87 Bushmen. See San people Boers. See Afrikaners Buthelezi, Gatsha, 293 Bokassa, Jean, 311–12 Butler, R. A., 272 Bongo, Omar, 334 Bophuthatswana Homeland, 291, 293 Cabora Bassa dam, Zambezi, 276, 327, Borgu, 134 332, 366 Bornu Kingdom, 12, 53, 60–1, 66, 135 Cairo, 6–7, 10–7, 44–5, 56, 184, 228, Botha, P. W., 205, 206, 295, 300–2 370 Botswana, 116–17, 127, 296 Cameroun, 18, 20–30, 63, 171 HIV/AIDS in, 371–2 Germany and, 123, 127, 136, 157 see also Bechuanaland independent, 253 Boum´edienne,Houari, 243 under mandate, 171 Bourguiba, Habib, 190, 239–40, 310, 354 Cape Colony, 20–30, 34, 103–12, 114, Bouteflika, Abdalelaziz, 353, 354 127, 143, 201, see also South Africa Brazil, 27, 72, 76, 91 Casablanca group of states, 304 Brazza, Savorgnan de, 122 Casalis, Eug`ene, 108–10 Brazzaville group of states, 156 cash crops Britain, 310, 326, 354 government marketing of, 148, 217 in India, 214–15, 284 see also individual crops Sierra Leone and, 352 Central African Federation, 259, 267–73, world war and, 214–15 304 Britain (precolonial only), 60, 118–19 Central African Republic, 78 in East Africa, 49 C´esaire, Aim´e, 250 in Egypt, 45, 53, 126, 128, 191–3 Cetshwayo, 115 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521836158 - Africa since 1800, Fifth Edition Roland Oliver and Anthony Atmore Index More information 392 Index Ceylon, 215 education in, 178–9, 221–2 Chad, 61, 151–3, 156, 165, 311, 315, 359 independent, 219, 260–4 Chaga people, 99 under Leopold II, 120–3, 141–2, 154–6 Changamire dynasty (Zimbabwe), 111 see also Zaire Chewa people, 160 Congo (French), 156, 261 children’s crusade, 304 Congo (region), 20–1, 23, 27 Chiluba, Frederick, 365 Congo river China, 216, 241–3, 275, 277 hydroelectric project in, 219, 327, 377 Chissano, Joseph, 365, 366 navigation on, 21, 86–9 Chokwe people, 82–3, 88, 89 in nineteenth-century, 86–9 Christian church Congress Alliance, South Africa, 288 in Ethiopia, 10–1, 17, 47–9 Convention People’s Party (CPP), independent African, 314 Ghana, 247–8 Christian missions, 26 copper, 12, 20, 25, 83, 218, 268–9, 297, African nationalism and, 167–9 327, 330–1, 365 in East Africa, 3, 90, 98, 232 corruption, 334–5 in Madagascar, 101–2 corsairs, of Algiers, 7–8 in South Africa, 10, 283 cotton in West Africa, 26, 66, 69, 245 as cash crop, 43, 87, 150, 330 Churchill, Winston, 194–5, 199 spinning of, 218 Ciskei, 291 cotton textiles civil service, 333 British, 10 Clapperton, Hugh, 55, 66 Indian, 11 Clinton, Bill, 342 Coussey, Sir Henley, 247 cloves, cultivation of, 92 Crete, 41 cocoa, as cash crop, 150, 153, 324, 335 Cromer, Lord, 191–2 coffee Cuba, 242, 277–9, 299, 302 as cash crop, 33, 37, 87, 330 Angola and, 339 slave trade and, 33 Ethiopia and, 317, 340 Cold War, 239, 317, 319, 323, 336 slave-trade and, 72, 91 Colonial Development and Welfare Acts cultural/sporting/entertainment (Britain, 1940, 1945), 217–18 industry, 374–5 Coloured people, South Africa, 143, Cyprus, 62 284–7 Cyrenaica, 55, 60, 61 Communism (Marxism), 244, 263, 278, Italy and, 135–6, 195, 196 282, 288, 304–5, 328, 365 part of independent Libya, 237 Communist countries, 319 Communists: African Dahomey, 163 French, 180, 251–3 France and, 119, 126, 131, 134, 149–51 South Africa and, 302 independent.
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