~th Series. Vol. XXVUI. No.6 Tuesday, March J, 1994 Phalguna 10, 1915 (Saka) LOK SABRA DEBATES (English Version) Ninth Session (Tenth Lok Sabha) (Vol. XXVI/i'colltaills Nos. I to 10) LOK SAUHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Price.' R.I. 5lJ.lHI [ORIGINAL ENGLISH PROCEEDINGS iNCLUDED IN ENGLISH VERSION AND ORIGINAL HINDI PROCEEDINGS INCLUDED IN HINDI VERSION WnL BE TREAllID AS AUTHORITATIVE AND NOT THE TRANSLATION THEREOF.] CONTENTS (Tenth Series, Vol. XXVIII Ninth Session 199411915 (Saka) No.6, Tup-sday, March 1,19941 Pralguna 1U, 1915 (Saka) COLUMNS Oral Answers to Questions: 1-46 • Starred Questions Nos. 81 to 85 1-42 Written Answers to Questions: 47-499 • Starred Questionf Nos. 86 to 100 47-131 Unstarred Questions Nos. 86710883, 143-497 88510904, 90610927, 92910975. 97710999 1001 to 1036 dnd 1038101096 • Re: Alrocilie::. on ~Vomen in Wesl Bengal 500-505 508-522 Statement by Minister 506-507 Incident of Parading of a Dalil woman in Dauna Village in Allahabad District of Uttar Pradesh on 21.1.1994 Shri P.M. Sayeed Papers Laid on the Table 523-530 Election~ to Comrr;ltees 531-S35 (i) Estimates Commltte< (ii) Public Accounts Committee • The Sign + marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually askeJ on the floor of the Huuse by that Member. (ii) COLUMNS (iii) Committee on Public Undertakings (iv) - Committee on the Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tnbes. Matters Under Rule 377 536-542 (i) Need to open a new Division of Coal India Limited at Talcherin Orissa Shri Sriballav Panigrahi 536 (ii) Need to ensure Additional financial assistance to Himachal Pradesh Shri Krishan Dutt Sultanpuri 537 (iii) Need to clear pending Thermal Power Projects of Rajasthan Shri Shiv{::haran Mathur 537 (iv) Need to sanction adequate funds for the improvements of national highway running from Birmitrapur to Banarpal in Orissa Kumari Fnda lopno 538 l vi Need to withdraw permission granted to foreign companies for fishing in Indian waters Shn Kashllam 'Aana 539 (vi) Need for early renovation of Jokadiha Aliicul Droject on nver Khdrasrota in Orissa Shri Anadl Charan Das 540 ; 'JII) Need to provide fnldnC;Ji assistance to West Bengal tor Construclion ot proposed intergrated and state-of the art complex at llanlala in South 24 Parganas Shri Stlnat Kumar Mandai 541 (iii) COLUMNS (viii) Need to formulate clear cut policy in respect of opening of Central Schools in the country Dr. Laxminarayan Pandeya 541 Motion of Thanks on the President's address 543-622 Shri Jaswant Singh 543-566 Shri Ram Vilas Paswan 567-587 Shri Krupasindhu Bhoi 587-593 Shrimati Suseela Gopalan 593-609 Shri M. R. Kadambur. Janarthanan 609-616 Shri Rajvir Singh 616-627 Shri Pawan Kumar Bansal G27-640 Business Advisory Committee 641-642 Thirty-Eighth Report - Presented LOK SABHA DEBATES LOKSABHA (d) the contribution of sugar by states towards Central pool. State-wise; Tuesday. March 1. 1994. Phalguna 10, (e) the quantity of sugar proposed to be 1915(Saka) exported this year; and (f) the action being taken by the The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Government to boost up sugar production? Clock THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE [MR. SPEAKER in tlJe Chaitj MINISTRY OF FOOD (SHRI KALP NATH RAI) (a) to (f): A statement is laid on the Table of the House. ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS STATEMENT [English] (a) Th6 production of sugar in the country Sugar Production during 1993-94 sugar season aggregated to 56.92 lakh tonnes upto 7.2.94 as against 56.57 lakh tonnes on the corresponding date 81. SHRI K. RAMAMURTHEE last year. State-wise figures of sugar production TINDIVANAM: upto 7.2.94 are given at Annexure-I. DR. RAMKRISHNA KUSMARIA: (b) and (c). The Committee constituted to formulate the Development programme for Will the Minister of FOOD be pleased sugar Industry for the 8th Five Year Plan fixed to state: a target of 127.76 lakh tonnes of sugar for the 1993-94 sugar season. The present trends of (a) th(} production 01 sugar during production show that the production will be 1993-94 till date. State-wise, less than the target. However, it is too early to assess the exact shortfall. (b) whether the produr.lion of sugar has fallen short of the tarqet; (d) Under the present policy of partial control being followed since 17.12.1979. a tc) if so, the extent thereof; specified percentage of total production of 3 Oral Answers MARCH 1, 1994 Oral Answers 4 each sugarfactory (except factories covered announced in the form of higher under various incentive schemes which are freesale quota at 72%, as against the normal entitlement of to entitled for higherfreesale quota) is released 60%. sugar mills for the production to as levy sugar at notified ex-factory levy be achieved during the period prices for distribution through the Public 1.5.94 to 31.7.94 Distribution System. The levy-freesale ratio is 40:60 since 1992-93. No Central pool is (iv) Finance Ministry/Reserve Bank of being maintained separately for distribution India have been requested to of levy sugar. provide need-based credit to the sugar industry during 1993-94 season. (e) A quantity of 7271 tonnes has been notified as preferential quota for export to (v) State Governments have been USA out of 1992-93 sugar season's requested to ensure prompt clear­ production. In addition, 10.000 tonnes of ance of cane price dues to the preferential quota may be exported to EEC. farmers by the sugar factories. Another 20.000 tonnes of levy sugar is (vi) The loan component for grant of proposed for export to Nepal under the Indo­ Sugar Development Fund assist­ Nepal Treaty of Trade. ance for KT Weirs and lift irriga­ tion schemes has been enhanced (f) The Govemment has taken following fr()m 66.6% to 90% of the project measures to boost sugar production during cost. 1993-94 sugar season: (vii) The Statutory Minimum Price (SMP) for sugarcane for 1993-94 (i) Early crushing incentives were season has been announced at announced in the form of higher Rs. 34.50 per quintal. linked to freesale quota at 72%. as against a basic recovery of 8.5°0. d5 the normal entitlement of 60%. to against Rs. 31/- per quintal for sugar mills for the production 1992-93 season. An advance achieved during the period announcement of SMP for 1994· 1.10.199310 15.11.1993. 95 season has also been made at Rs. 37/- per quintal. linked to (ii) Mid-crushing incentives were a basic recovery of 8.5%. announced in the form of higher freesale quota al 80%. as against the normal entitlement of 60%. (viii) The incentive scheme for flew 10 sugar mills lor the additional sugar factories and expansion incremental production to be projects has been suitably re­ aChieved during the period t. 1.94 Vised. to 30.4.94 over the production during the same period in 1992- (ix) State Governments have been 93 season. requested to consider vanous measures to contain diversion of (iii) Late crushing incentives were cane to Gur and Khandsar units. 5 Ora/ Answers PHALGUNA 10, 1915 (SAKA) Ora/ Answers 6 ii)"~~<:::- :>.: 2! g. ~ CC c:: - ,..... ,..... to C\I o c:: ~.- CX? fa ii? e! ~ 0> ~ -~ Ill::>.!!! e! C\I V cry ;; 0 0 cO .c ;; 0 ~ I/) CC ~~~&: I.(ffl ._c:: a.: ~ '- @ ~ ~ ::J g ~ ~ it' UJ co ~j-;; It .r= C/) !!! u, ~ "ii ~ ::J ~ C/) 0> III ... ffi C "0 !:! "0 II> « co Cb II> c 0... III .c. is -s (OJ co .!It !:! Z .!i.I CI g U) ctl .s:: ~ "0 ~ (.) C5 U) 1ii 0> "0 E ·e C ~ ..J Q) II> III C III III 0 Q) ..J Q. E 0 ~ z « ::.::: I- 0... ::.::: ~ « ~ ~ ~ ('") ..,f ,....: a:i ()) ci N lli ~ - (;j~ - C/)~ if] C/) UJ ~ w.e~::::-- ~ C::::l_§Q) 0.. ()) III ~ c:: ~._ ;; @ Cl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ..,f ,....: g 0 -~ 1Il.~ C\I C\i 0 ~ 0 CC ~g2e - ~ ~"B~~ g !:::Q:I.( U) CJl ~ ~ ~ ::) ~ ~ j::: g ~ .c. 8l ~ .c !!! <II !:! ~ ~ ~ I-!. fJ) ~ 0... 1: III III Q) c 16 I!! -6 0... >. ~ E ~ -s .c. ~ ctI .... ctI ~ (ij "0 .3' .c. III <II C5 , III .~ ctI ::J ctI ::: & t-::~ III :r ::::l :JE ~ CD ~ E 0... a: ~ " fJ) ~ ..-" N M ..,f lli cD ,....: cD 0; U5~ 7 Oral Answers MARCH 1, 1994 Oral Answers 8 SHRI K. RAMAMURTHEE advised price is concerned, that is decided TINDIVANAM: Sir. may I know from the hon. by the State Government. The statutory Minister the policy of the Government on minimum price of the sugarcane was sugar export? Is it surplus-oriented or export­ enhanced in 1991-92 by Rs. 5, that is, from oriented, Le., export in spite of domestic Rs. 26 to Rs. 31 per quintal. Again, this year. demand meant for foreign exchange? it has been raised by Rs. 3.50 per quintal. The statutory minimum price of Rs. 34.50 p. The sugar production has gone up in has been declared by the Government of Tamil Nadu and more numberofsugarmills India. The Cldvl~ed price is decided by various have come up in recent years particularly in State Governments. That is finally available the cooperative sector. Does the to the farmers. Government intend privitisation of the cooperative sugar mills also? SHRI K. RAMAMURTHEE TINDIVANAM: What is the use if the farmers ts the Government aware of the fact of do not get the price even though the the suffering of the farmers due to delayed Government has announced it? and staggered payment for sugarcane supplied by them? Wha: is the remedial The Government must guaranteee for action that the Govemment proposes in this payment.
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