Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1973-74 The thI acan: 1970/71 to 1979/80 9-20-1973 The thI acan, 1973-09-20 The thI acan Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1973-74 Recommended Citation The thI acan, "The thI acan, 1973-09-20" (1973). The Ithacan, 1973-74. 3. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1973-74/3 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1970/71 to 1979/80 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1973-74 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. ~ -·' - -·= ., • ) '"-:: ,: . ' __ , . ·~ -·-":::,,'• . -·=·' -····· . -.-. ___ .....~ ... sEP 2 o 1913 I i.Uiaca, n.y. _,,;...-,,:::. ~pt-ember _20, 1. volume 47 / no. 3 , ~ . '. Library .·Next .on Possible Rebate for ·. Renovation List ·Overcrowded I .C. Studellts ...""' . -. .' ~ ,. ,• ... :-~.. :;~:.·.';. -~.. • - • •(I, .. ~ - --· --- ·- ..!~-~·-~-=-~-~ - ------- --~ TriVi:a Contest and Co,l1certs on S.A~B. Tap'f0r.7J3~74 By Andy Friedman Who was Crusader Rabbits' sidekick and what was his pet passion? Who supplied the voice of Fibber McGee in th't: ·old radio TU LS A-The invincibility of the i ron clad series, "Fibber McGee and International Business Mai;hines Corporation Molly?" These, and hundreds of I (IBM) was pierced Monday when Federal other insignificant questions. are Judge A. Sherman Christensen of Salt Lake the bas~ for the 2nd Annual World Championship.of Trivia. City found the conglomerate in violation of This year it is hopeful SO teams the Sherman Antitrust Act. IBM was ordered will b.e battling it out, instead of to pay Telex Corporation, a manufacturer of the· 30 in last years' computer parts, triple damages of $3 5 2,5 championship. The contest is million, for illegal acts done with the intent sponsored by the Student of establishing a monopoly. Activities Board as part of their Kaleidoscope of entertainment WASHINGTON-The United States had its second for 1973-74. trade surplus in 22 months in July when exports The most immediate spectacle will be the travelling Hanneford of $5 .8 billion gave the U.S. a surplus of $ J 06.1 Circus in the Ben Light million. Meanwhile, the 2nd quarter U.S. Gymnasium this Saturday (see balance of payments was off by only $800 article, page ). million,. the smallest such loss in 2½ years. For movie-goers, the SAB will be showing almost 20 films of WASHINGTON--Donald Segretti, one of the top-quality entertainment, at Watergate "tncksters", appeared before United reduced prices. The film FIVE CONCERTS States Magistrate Lawrence S. Margolis Monday bonanza will be offering "Straw For the year, five concerts are and agreed to plead guilty in his trial set for Dogs", "Slaughterhouse Five", "Dirty Harry", and "The _planned. The first, a October I. Candidate", to mention a few mini-concert scheduled for Sept. DENVER-Mrs. Edna Stanek, a 34 -year-old major movies of recent years. 27th, will feature the rock woman who had been using fertility hormones, For students that prefer Jive groups "If" and "Truth': Tickets CORRECTION gave birth to sextuplet~. Physicians were theater can enjoy a one-night go on sale this Monday, Sept. "Somewhat opllmistk" that all six would live, stand of the controversial play, 24th. 1 but the smalle~t of the babies died Tuesday of "Lenny", which deals with the On October 13th they're In the Ithacan's article last a lung disease. life and a philosophy of Lenny bringing to IC L_ivingston Taylor week on Hillel, it was incorrectly WASHINGTON--As Vice-President Agnew finished Bruce. IL may be held over for and David Frye. The first 1,000 stated that the Kosher meal plan will cost students $40 extra. preparing the deten~c for his October Maryland two nights, but only one 'is IC students to buy tickets receive reduced price of""$2.50. Th_at is only one of many figures kickback trial. ~,>111c top oflic1als in the White definite as of now. a December 1st, the bands bemg discussed, and is by· no l lou~c were calling 111 private tor hi~ resignation. MAJOR SPEAKERS "Focus" and Spencer Davis's means definitive. Also, the rl1c ,aides have 1c111ained thus tar unnamed. but There are four major speakers band will be playing here. manager in the Union is Dave several arc reportedly 111si~t111g on Agnew·~ Dal mat, not Dalmay as reported. planned for the fall semester OTHERWISE resign111g, .ind one even expect~ 1t to occur alone. Federal District Court before the end ot the week. Judge John Sirica blocked There's always the coffee houses, Thursday, Friday and The Ithacan is looking for a WASHINGTON--llcnry Kiss111ger's appomtment Magruder from making public Few Good Men. as Secretary of State seems to be tinally movmg appearances on Watergate, so the Saturday nights on the second floor of the Union. These are Al!_d Women. towards a rapid approval The Senate Foreign SA B is hoping to come up with a stutlent run, student entertainers l~clatwns Co1111111ttee voted 16 to I in favor of suitable substitute--perhaps a Political writers. For in-depth well-informed senator• Richard and ar!! usually quite talented. analysis of world and interna­ confirmation Tucsd,1y, with Senator (;eorge The SAB tries to keep McGovcrn the lone dissident. Harris, who was supposed to tional news. appear here in December was everyone happy with something cancelled but a re-scheduling is to do or someplace to go to Sports writers. To cover I.C. being planned. almost all the time. During the intercollegieate events. To bring more concerts to enitre first semester, there are Ithaca; the Student Activities only 3 days left open during News writers. Reportage of Board has created the IC Bureau which nothing is scheduled, but local and campus stories espe­ of Concerts. This consists of five they welcome suggestions. Those cially needed. The best way to students: one to contact the students who want to work with learn journalism. agents, one in charge of the SAB.... but may have missed promotion, one in charge of ~he meeting, contact Lloyd The lt~can, in the basement Ecker, x751, or stop in at the production, one on · campus of dorm 6. Call Ce_ntrex l207. eommunication and one on the SAB offices, second floor of the •....•.•....•.•..•••...• business end. Union. Health Service Changes Image STOCKHOLM. Swcdcn-Th1s small neutralist cot!ntry of eight million pcoplc Jumped into By Barbara Sheldon These volunteers serve as a the hcadlines twicc this week. First. their methods of .1.ounseling, dnd Dave peer alternative to birth control beloved and internationally acclaimed King. L_ast :year four student Knowltononroleplaying. counseling.' If a student chooses adv1sors(Cindy Miller. Sally . As a part of the image change Gu~tav Adolf YI. died al the agc of 79. Ile to speak with another student K_ent. Bunny Harris. and Carol 1s consideration by the present was suceccdcd hy Crown l'rincc Carl Gustav about birth control rather than· Silver. orgapized a program of staff of a n'ew title for the Mrs. ·Blackman, the student can who hecomes King Carl XXIII. Then two days specially trained students to help organization. They would Jik'e to latcr parliamentary elect1ons produccd the make an appointment with one counsel their peers, especially encou_rage all students who like of these student counselors and nearly impossible mathematical fcat of an women. on birth control and to discuss anything to drop by at the same' time make' an absolute dcadlock hctwccn thc two major associated questions. This fall to speak to them. At the present appointment with t_he doctor. As political fac.:tions. TJ1c Social Dcmocrats. who the organization now known as moment: they are temporarily well as Mrs, Blackman the have hecn in powcr for 41 years. wcrc just Thc _Wo~e~'s Health Counseling located m the Health Center, but infirmary has nother r{ u rs e· able to eke out the tic with their non-Socialist Service 1s m the process pf an hopefully by next -,week they clini~ian, Mrs. Martha Webiter .. opponents with the aid of their Communist imag~ change. Last night, the shall be relocated in the Mrs. Webster is presently in allies who nettcd .! scats. Both sides won I 7 5 ~erv1ce held a. meeting of basement of the West Tower. If training in 'Syracuse· and interested students who will these students do not have the assembly seats in the JSO member Parliament. working part-time at the' hea"lth start an intensive :!-week training needed answers, they will center. Next semester she shall SANTIAGO,Chrlc ·Arrcsts. resistance. and program to becomes ta ff contact· the right peo-ple, or refer executions have followed thc bloody overthrow be working fulltime' alongside members ... The organization is the student t.o the right people Mrs. Blackman. of former-Presi,knt Salvador Allene.k's rcg1111i:. now staffed by eight Ithaca to get their answer. These _Thus far. the four man military junta which Robin Weston and Carol ~olleg.: volunteers. who would· volunteers are very interested in Silver, · two of the original deposed th.: marxist Allende have reportedly like to train at least twelve new the Ithaca College student and volunteers, have only good cxi:cuted at least eleven poi:plc. and arrcsts stu~~nts. and possibly mo·re. The- would like to _help them in any , w·ords for the Ithaca Coll~ge arc in the thous:mds. as civilians took to tr~111111g _will include_ lecture·s by way possible. Once they are Health Center. They and the armed resistance. D~. David H_ammond. Director locate.ct permanently, they will other memlers of the volunteer ~.N .
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