Workshop Suggestions To be Worked on by IF C By Charlotte Anderson “ Much better than last year and with a definite progress shown,” was, to Ralph Levitan, president of the Inter-Fraternity Council, the net result of the second annual IFC Workshop' held last Satur­ day in Murkland Hall. V O L . No. 42 Issue 9 Z413 Durham, N. H., November 13, 1952 PRICE — 7 CENTS The four-hour Workshop, which brought together over 80 participants, including members of the IFC, faculty Six Constitutional advisors, and administrative officials, was divided into four general topics. They were “ Scholarship, and Grade Point Mask and Dagger Ready for Nov. 19 Amendments Face Average,” “ Fraternity Codes of Action,” “ Public Relations and Greek Week,” and “ DiscKmination in Fraternities.” Senate Monday Nite Raise Averages Opening Night of "Kind Lady" Six amendments to the Student Sen­ The discussion decisions on scholar­ ate constitution will be proposed be­ ship, were that fraternities should definite­ Opening night for the Mask and ly make attempts to raise their scholastic fore Senate at their regular open meet­ Dagger dramatic production, “Kind averages, but this problem must be left ing next Monday night, it has been to the individual houses for their own Lady,” is scheduled for Wednesday, announced by George Batchelder, Nov. 19, with curtain time, 8 p.m. solution, it was announced by Roy Lind- president of the student governing berg, chairman. T he Blue cast will open on that night, body. The executive council of Sen­ and alternate with the Red cast, who Also under this same topic, a split of ate will bring up for approval four opinion occurred in the question of, will play on the final night, Saturday, changes concerning committee duties. Nov. 22. “ should there be a minimum academic The actual performance of “Kind The amendments include the follow­ average requirement before pledging a Lady,” will represent 6 weeks of hard ing proposals: the executive council freshman ?” work, not only on the part of the would assume the functions of the House scholarship awards were sug­ cast, under the direction of Mr. Joseph Student-Administration Relations gested as an incentive to lagging houses. D. Batcheller, but work by the back­ Committee; the Publicity Committee Fraternity Codes stage crew, under the direction of Mr. would be made a standing committee; Ken Hildreth headed the Fraternity Richard Rothman, of the speech de­ and to the duties of Corresponding Codes discussion where it was decided partment, and Phil Sanborn, stage Secretary w’ould be added those of that the bids be given out by IFC after manager. Committee Coordinator. each fraternity submits a liH of those that_ it wants as pledges. Another sug­ Considered Tops Joint Meetings gestion along the same line was that Considered one of the best melo­ there be a 24-hour silent period when the dramas ever written, “ Kind Lady, Men’s Judiciary Board is planning fraternities cannot speak to the prospec­ is concerned with the subtle, and terri­ to bring up an amendment concerning tive pledges and another 24 hour elapse fying suave manueverings of a hand­ joint meetings between the men’s and women’s judicial boards. The final before the pledges accept the offered some, but evil artist, into the home bids. of a lonely, but wealthy spinster who proposed amendment will be introduc­ ed by the Elections Committee. The question of the penalties for dirty collects art. rushing was also brought up and it was The gradual breaking-down of the Results of the investigation into the possibility of longer library hours will decided that there could be enforcement middle-aged woman, by the artist, and by the IFC and the administration. his weird collegueges; the ins and outs be reported to the Senators by the Library Committee. This committee Chaperones of the spinster’s friends; with their A list of the proper treatment of chap­ sunny contrast in personalities; and was established several . weeks ago when it was brought to the attention erones, and qualifications for them has the heartbreaking attempts at escape, of Senators that many students felt been drawn up into a pamphlet which all contribute toward making “Kind the IFC will soon publish. The aim of that the library, including the music Lady,” a play to keep the audience on * this booklet will be to help houses plan rooms, should be open more than it the edges of its chairs. their social calendars more fully, in­ presently is. Another committee, ap­ crease _ scholarship and improve house Paintings Reproduced Caught in the rehearsal scene of Mask and Dagger’s forthcoming pro­ pointed after student requests for more Meanwhile, while the cast has been duction, “ Kind Lady” , are Bruce Dick and Richard C. Bouley. They are activities. telephones and more efficient service Control of public drinking at football rehearsing to correctly interpret the principals in the opening-night performance, Nov. 19, and will appear again in dormitories were received by Sena­ unusual parts, the backstage crew has the following Friday. “ Kind Lady” is Mask and Dagger’s first on the boards games and unorganized serenading was tors, will give a report on its investi­ discussed, but the immediate action was been painting, and constructing the in this' 30th anniversary season. The show will run from Wed. through Sat. gation into the problem. The ASO with alternating casts. (M&D Photo) impossible due to the dormitory element elaborate furnishings of the set be- tax investigation committee will also also involved. fitting a wealthy art collector’s home. present a report with recommenda­ David Crowell’s discussion group on The major problem, being that of pro tions. public relations came up with the decisions Plans Formulated ducing the master works of great art Vets Entertained By Senate Agenda that fraternities had not received enough ists for framing upon the stage, was The official agenda for the Student good publicity, and steps toward the im­ tackled through the idea of using the Senate meeting of Nov. 17, to be held provement of this matter must be aken. Community and campus projects as an For Xmas Concert opaque projector. This instrument re­ O T Class Tonight at 7 p.m. in the Organizations Room flects or projects the desired paint­ item of better publicity for the fraterni­ Preparations are now under way for Tonight, Thursday, Nov. 13, the of Commons, was released by the ex­ ing upon an empty canvas, emabling ties was suggested, and a committee was the annual Christmas Concert which will sophomore Occupational Therapy ecutive council as follows: art students to chalk in the actual appointed to work on this project. take place on Dec. 10 and 11 under the class plans a program of entertainment 1. Appointments. Discrimination direction of Prof. Karl H. Bratton, chair­ painting. The audience will not be able at Portsmouth Naval Hospital, with to distinguish these chalked reproduc­ The subject of discrimination in fra­ man of the department of music. a football season theme. The girls will 2. Committee reports: ternities was readily agreed to be one of tions from fascimilies of the originals. a. ASO Committee report. Approximately 300 students of the Uni­ sing football favorites and will give difficulty by George Batchelder’s group. b. Library Committee report versity, including the University Sym­ Experienced Director a short skit portraying the grandstand It was revealed that many of the national phony Orchestra, Concert Choir, W o­ crowd. Favors are paper Navy foot­ c. Telephone Committee report. fraternities would gladly rid themselves men’s Glee Club, Men’s Glee Club, speech As well as being director and associ­ balls containing sample cigarets; coffee 3. Amendments proposed by: of their discriminatory clauses, except department, and The Arts and Dance ate 'speech professor at the Univer­ and sandwiches will be served. The a. Men’s Judicial Board. that there would be an immense amount groups on campus, will participate in this sity, Mr. Joseph D. Batcheller has program will be concluded by group b. Elections Committee. of red tape. annual production. been affiliated with approximately 65 singing. c. Executive Council: (1) Stu­ This question will be included in next One of the majn attractions of the pro­ LTniversity student productions. These The girls planning the entertainment dent-Administration Relations year’s agenda for definite study in the gram will be excerpts from the Christmas have included such well-known works are Marion Sitter, Nancy Bartlett, Lee Committee, (2) Publicity IFC Workshop if there is no tangible portions of Handel’s “ Messiah,” a( dance as “ Kiss And Tell”, “The Little Fox­ Paladina, Fay Foster, Jean Everett, Committee, (3) Correspond­ action completed this year. number performed to the music of “Along es” , “ The State of the U nion” , “ All and Pat Hikel. The name tags and ing Secretary, (4) Executive Reports of these discussion groups will My Sons”, “Our Town”, “A Doll’s be presented to the IFC at the next pre- the Street I Hear,” and selected Christ­ favors have been made by Sheila Ma­ Council duties. mas songs by the combined Choirs. House” and “Pygmalion.” honey, Ingrid Tamm, Elizabeth Jones, Thanksgiving meeting, and further action 4. Other business. is expected at that time. A number of the selections sung by the “ Kind Lady,” will feature in the Lou Chatham, Lynn Dickinson, Ju­ Men’s and Women’s Glee Clubs have been opening Blue cast Marlene Lebow, dith Feldman, Margery Helfrich, and listed as part of the coast-to-coast broad­ Priscilla Flagg, Nancy Gove, Janet Dorothy Meserve, Jayne Jones, Bever­ casts for Mutual Broadcasting System Tompkins, Leo Duprey, Bruce Dick, ly Clark, Barbara Edwards, Nancy East-West Dormitory Residents and National Broadcasting Company.
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