Porno 200 years Freedom Inside 1 Christian Associates of T h e Catholic Church is In discussing academic freedom, Editorials................ 6 Southweste1"" n~ a state celebrating its 200th year in the there is the temptation to focus on L etters.................... 7 8 that pomog r factor U.S. On Nov. 6, 1789. John Carroll too narrow a vision, states Bishop Entertainment.................. Page ........... Page 9 in the assa > dignity (left) of Carrollton. Md. was ap­ Wuerl in this week's column. He Catholic Life.......... and add tha ac rd core pointed the first bishop in the U.S. talks about the symposium at Du- Classified............... .... Page 10 and child pt < ... Pages 11- at ÍM Read about him and the quesne University on this con­ Around Diocese.... 14 Oi «fi fascinating history of the early troversial subject. 1 Schools................... .....Page 18 ?e 15 church in America Page 9 ............................................. Page 6 1/1 < >- k— o. i/i M «/I H- ac oC LU UJ > 03 «-• _l PITTSBURGH Z O ( 1 3 0 X O o UJ U9 at z o (/Ì K to *-4 UJ V/l 1/1 < 3 3 Í o o 0 3 0 o -J Û. 145 Year, CXLV No. 32 25 cents Established in 1S44: America’s Oldest Catholic Newspaper in Continuous Publication Friday. November 3. 1989 Abortion battle m oves 18 items to Pennsylvania Senate, ■ 2 » t è ] ? await assem bly enacts bill w À i f \ .,J& f r n S ä ËîîÉ? / J HARRISBURG — Pennsylvania analyzing the outcome of the \ is on its way to having the debate. bishops strongest law limiting abortion in “The bill also may provide an i * / 1 the country, thanks to legislation opportunity for the U.S. Supreme I WASHINGTON (CNS) — In the passed on Oct. 24 by the state Court to reexamine “ Roe vs. midst of the new national con­ House of Representatives. Wade," the decision that legalized troversy over changing abortion V l k / J m v A / M _ By a vote of 143 to 58. the abortion on demand," he added. laws, the U.S. Catholic bishops assembly enacted a bill that The margin of victory in the 150th jubilees will vote on a resolution on abor­ would provide maximum protec­ House was among the biggest tion and public policy at their fall tion to unborn children, as well as ever recorded on pro-life legisla­ Two diocesan parishes recently celebrated general meeting Nov. 6-9. help safeguard women from abor­ tion. The strong vote was due to 1 5 0 th anniversaries. Top photo, priests Both Bishop Donald W. Wuerl tion practitioners. The battle now the combined efforts of the Penn­ gathered to celebrate the 150th jubilee Mass at and Aux. Bishop William Winter shifts to the Senate, which is ex­ sylvania Catholic Conference, the St. Phllomena Church, in Pittsburgh's Squirrel will be attending the meeting. pected to consider and pass the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation, Hill section, on Oct. 29. From left are Father Eric The abortion resolution is one pro-life legislation during the other state pro-life groups, and an Hoog. CSSR, pastor of St. Philomena Parish; of 18 action items facing the na­ week of Nov. 13. overwhelming majority of pro-life Father Edward Gilbert, provincial superior of tion's 300-plus bishops. Others "This is the first legislation Pennsylvania legislators. The the Redemptorists; and Father John Kelly. include major statements on safeguarding unborn children measure was sponsored by Rep. CSSR. pastor of St. Boniface Church. AIDS, on the Middle East, on that has been passed following Stephen Freind. R-Delaware and Philadelphia. black Catholics and on rural Jlfje, th e U.S. Supreme Court's 73 co-sponsors. Left photo. Bishop Donald Wueri offered a proposed liturgical norms * for Webster decision back in July." The legislation requires a special Mass marking the 150th anniversary of Sunday worship without a priest, noted Howard J. Fetterhoff. ex­ woman to wait 24 hours before St. Ann Church in Waynesburg last Sunday. and decisions on the bishops' ecutive director of the Penn­ having an abortion and a doctor With him are Father John Corbett (left), form er future role in national Catholic sylvania Catholic Conference. to determine and then inform her pastor, and Father Albin McGinnis, current television activities. “That decision invited state of her unborn child's develop­ pastor. The parish traces its history back to The bishops also will elect a legislatures to enact maximum ment. It mandates that she notify I 797 when Father Patrick Lonergan made an new president and vice president protection for the unborn. That her husband before having an initial visit to the small C a th o lic community in of their twin national organiza­ certainly was done by the abortion. It bans abortion because Waynesburg. — Photos by Jim Herrmann tions. the National Conference of House." Fetterhoff said, in (Continued on page 15) (Continued on page 2) Medical ethicists try to resolve life and death issues On the distinction between ac­ which permits no cessation oi ef­ life m eans that life can be let go. MOON TWP — Because of great Sewickley Hospital and held Oct. Kelly said, a general consensus tive euthanasia and allowing a forts to continue som eone's life, to he said, adding that "the person advances in medical technology, 24 at the Robert Morris College has emerged on some questions person to die. Roman Catholic one that relies on quality of life as is not obliged to retain his life families today can face difficult campus in Moon Twp. in medical ethics. He focused on tradition says that "direct killing three major issues: whether all the determining factor in prolong­ through means that are not ethical issues when a loved one Giving the keynote talk on "The is never morally right, but allow­ may need a life-support system to Challenge of Pastoral Care and treatments to prolong life are ing life, he said. m oral.” Roman Catholic tradition The consensus on this issue is ing a person to die is ‘sometimes prolong life. Medical Ethics" was Father David good: on the moral difference bet­ morally right," through "non-use recognizes the sanctity of life and that “there is no moral obligation Issues relating to such concerns Kelly, a professor of medical ween active euthanasia and of extraordinary means." for ex­ were covered at the recent day­ ethics at Duquesne University allowing to die: and legal concepts also the ethical implications of to preserve life at all costs." tak­ some aspects of the quality of life, ing into account the chance for ample. he explained. long 1989 Southwestern Penn­ who, for the last several months, involving the right to autonom y This could involve five types of sylvania Medical Ethics Con­ has been "ethicist-in-residence" and right to privacy. Fr. Kelly explained. success in undertaking "extraor­ It also recognizes that at some dinary" means of treatment, the actions, Fr. Kelly said: ference on "Pastoral Care and at St. Francis Medical Center in Opinion on the question of pro­ One may decide not to use cer- point the lack of ability to carry costs and the patient's readiness Medical Ethics — A Modern Lawrencevtlle. longation of life can range from an (Continued on page 2) Dilemma'' sponsored by Within the last 20 years, Fr. "extreme sanctity of life position" out some meaningful purpose of for death. Fr. Kelly added. Academ ic freedom Community interaction creates real freedom on campuses, bishop says at symposium By REBECCA C. MERTZ conditions, and that a theologian who chooses to PITTSBURGH — Real freedom is a "created in­ become an unbeliever ceases to be a theologian. teraction within a supportive community" such "Let it not be said, therefore, that the as that found on Catholic university campuses. theologian, as theologian, can reject revelation or Bishop Wuerl said while speaking at a major that the Catholic theologian can reject the symposium on Academic Freedom held at Du­ canonical Scriptures and dogmas of the quesne University on Friday, Oct. 27. Church." Fr. Dulles stated. “To accept these The bishop made his remarks at the beginning things is not a limitation on theology but rather of the one-day seminar entitled "Academic the charter of its existence and freedom to be Freedom in a Pluralistic Society" that included itself.” addresses by nationally-known scholars and But theology seeks revelation, Fr. Dulles add­ Religious. ed, and therefore the hierarchy of the Church can "A Catholic university has the unique capacity only prohibit theologians from undermining the to deal with and emphasize the spiritual dimen­ faith, not teach them how they must conduct sion of human life," Bishop Wuerl said at the theology. beginning of the program that highlighted the "Theology, therefore, possesses a certain role of the Catholic university in shaping current freedom over against even the hierarchical ethics and beliefs regarding academic freedom. magisterium," Fr. Dulles said. "Without that "The Catholic community of faith embraces freedom it could not be theology, and hence it the world of academia and in fact continues to could not be of service to the Church." sponsor its local manifestations throughout the Reflecting on the importance of Catholic world." the bishop said. "The Catholic on cam­ universities, Fr. Dulles said that theology sets pus stands as a unique individual, free yet form­ these schools apart from their secular ed by faith." counterparts. The symposium featured nationally known "A Catholic college or university is not purely speakers such as Fathers Avery Dulles, SJ. of and simply an academy in the secular meaning Fordham University, William J.
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