mIAT'S INSIDE... Why Study Abroad? Editorial/Commentary... Page 2 Page 7 Arts & Entertainment... Page 8 Music Reviews ... Page 10 1994 - 95 Official Guide to Clubs Sports ... Page 11 Pa e 8 VOL. XXIIII, NO. 1 S A I N T A U G U S T I N E , F L O R I D A September 6, 1994 Groundbreaking scheduled for new Flagler College Library from the current 112 to 500 seats. such as the Internet. Students will be able ByW. DEREK PARKER Abare noted that many libraries are to access the network, for example, Gargoyle Editor in Chief known as Learning Resource Centers. "We through the use of a Gopher, an elec­ are hoping ours will also be a complete tronic research aid which searches the Flagler College marks another mile­ learning center. This facility will be very network using key words or phrases. stone on Sept. 23 when groundbreaking conducive to learning," Abare added. According to Flagler College Presi­ ceremonies are held at Sevilla and Valencia The new facilities will include offices, dent William Proctor, the building of the Streets for its new $7.4 million library. The a computer center, seminar rooms, a gal- new library is another important step taken n·ame of the new library will be announced -lery and a lecture hall. by the college, ranking in importance at this ceremony. Demolition of pre-exist­ The new lecture hall does not imply with the college founding, accreditation, ing structures on the site took place on larger classes, however. According to Abare and the renovation of Kenan Hall. "The August 25, 1994. Construction of the li­ the hall, which will seat approximately fifty renovation of Kenan Hall allowed that brary project is scheduled to be completed students, will "serve a multitude of pur­ building to become the he;irt of the aca­ in about 16 months according to Kenneth poses, but there will be no classes regularly demic program," Proctor said. ''The new Russom, Flagler campus planner and assis­ scheduled in that room." library will help to define the campus." tant director of business services. · The new library will also house a com­ The construction of a new library 'The new library will quadruple the puter center "strictly for the convenience building will leave vacant the third floor of size of our existing library facilities and will of students," Abare said. Kenan Hall. 'There are a number of pos­ greatly complement our academic pro­ Students will be able, for example, to sibilities for that space," Abare said. gram," according to Executive Vice Presi­ bring materials from the library to the Possibilities include moving the cur­ Photo by Shone Runyon dent and Deat_1 of Academic Affairs Will­ computer center to work on projects and rentcomputer labs to the old library space iam Abare Jr. papers. The center will have both and building a small auditorium or lec­ Late August found students like NatlJ,an The library will house 175,000 vol­ Macintosh and DOS-based machines. The ture hall in the sub-levels that currently Wagner, Resident Assistant, getting umes, double that of the Louise Wise Lewis computer center will also have "some con­ See Library page 6 L-============::::::'.Jmoved in for the starl ofFall Semester. Library. Seating capacity will also increase nection to a wide-area research network" Barnett assumes role of athletic director By SEAN SULLIVAN for over 40 years. Battle completed his one Gargoyle Sports Editor year at Flagler College on July 31. ·Barnett has been a member of the As the seasons begin to change in the athletic department since 1988, where he smooth ·transition from summer to winter, has served as head baseball coach and another transition will be takirig place in assistant athletic director. His added re­ the Flagler College athletic department. sponsibilities as AD will not change his On August 17, former assistant ath­ standing as head baseball coach. letic director David Barnett moved 1:1P the Barnett has a long history in baseball. ranks to take the position ofAthletic Direc- In his college years, he played for Semi­ -tor. Dean of Student Services and former nole Community College before transfer­ Athletic Director Daniel Stewart expects ring to the University of North Carolina. the transition to be a smooth one. At UNC he was part of the team that took The position ofAthletic Director (AD) the Tarheels to a third place finish in the was suddenly made available when former 1978 College World Series. However, be­ AD Mark Battle announced his resignation fore graduation from UNC, Barnett signed on July 13. Battle, a native of Tennessee, to play professional baseball with the took a position at the Tennessee School for Montreal Expos, where he stayed for a the Deaf, where his father was employed New Athletic Director David Barnett See BARNETT on page 6 EDITORIAL OPINION ~---;.,.. - ~ -- -.... • ~ • • .. ~ - ... -- -":1..: - ~ 4 ... ---a --'-;--~--- · y ---._ ,(... ---} -a --. T ·........ ~ -f ~... ---.. } -c_... .... ~ -~ --.: .l.......... ~ .Ji. ,...... ~ ....... -K .. ._ .. ,J .Jr. .... ~ J3:.. --✓ .JL .. ._ ... .J3:.... J:i ..I. ... ~ .. ~. .. >-. •• _•• ~ ••• ~ •• ~. '·the big leagues may be striking, but the real .Game plays on By W. DEREK PARKER sure Hall ofFamer. Every time "Sweet Lou" comes up to for the first time in over 30 years, but most people don't bat, the crowd chants a long, low "LOOOOooooooUUU!" Gargoyle Editor in Chief really mind. The minor leagues are enjoying a surge in I remember being no older than six and asking my dad attention. A record number of media representatives as we watched 'The Game" on a tiny, old 1V, "Dad, how covered a bunch of 12 and 13 year olds playing ball in The biggest baseball game of come everybody BOOs him? I thought he was a good Pennsylvania. The game was postponed by rain for about the season recently took place. player!" It was then that my Dad let me in on the little three and a half hours, and when it resumed the Ameri­ All the usual elements that make secret. can team lost. Both teams lined up to slap hands and baseball Baseball were there - That's Baseball Personally I don't care if this season congratulate each other for a great game and the Ameri­ the smell of freshly cut grass·, the is over without playing the World Series. Sure, can kids were talking about "next year." crack of the bat, the roar of the Clevelanders are upset because their team was winning This is Baseball It is alive and well in America. crowd, popcorn, peanuts, and the seventh inning stretch. The big difference with this game is that the teams were made up not of multi-million dollar superstars but of young kids. This was the Little League World Series. While Major League Baseball owners and Three years of college and I players bicker over how to divide their billions, the game is alive and well. Baseball is not about the World Series. Baseball is not still can't tie my shoes ••• about the All-Star game. No ·matter what the networks would have you believe, it's not. It's not even about Barry night until you lose feeling in 90% of your body. Bonds or MichaelJordan (MichaelJordan?) or Gatorade, By BRIAN L. THOMPSON There are somethings I do. remember about the or artificial turf vs. grass, or million per year contracts $7 Gargoyle _Senior Editor past three years. I remember every time someone tried or agents. And Baseball is certainly not about striking. to teach me how to be politically correct. I never took Baseball is about family and friends. It's about I had this same recurring too well to it. I'm waiting for the next movement - choosing up sides at "The Field" (which every neighbor­ nightmare again the other night. politically useful. hood seems to have). It's about getting your first real I woke up sweating and trying Then, sentences like - 'That collection of cultur­ glove and playing "catch" with your Dad out in the desperately to remember all the ally and economically diverse gentle-people parking backyard on summer evenings until your arm is sore and details which went something their environment-friendly auton_iobiles in the physi­ your glove hand stings. This isBasebal~ and this game lives like this: I ~ad reached the pin­ cally-challenged spaces should be tastefully repri­ on. nacle that every college student '----------' manded by that non-Rodney-King-beating police-per­ Major League Baseball is technically still the "na­ is striving for - graduation in fewer than 10 years, no son" - will be - "I hope a cop busts that jerk for tional pastime," much in the same way that Elizabeth is hairstyles that might rule-out running for public office parking in the wheelchair-pushers spot. I was going to still the Queen of England. We don't take the title away, and enough hope for the future that my parents hadn't park there!" . but everybody knows that it doesn't really mean anything written me off as a bad spin on the biological ''Wheel of I find it funny how I can remember every night I anymore. Fortune." played football in Ponce Hall and the female RA' s from Over the years, people have grown tired of Major It was my graduation ceremony, and curiously upstairs came down and threatened to write us up, but League Baseball (MLB) 's long games, endless season, enough, I was naked except for the cap on my head. I can't remember a thing from U.S. History class. That huge egos and inflated prices. The "best" seats at Tiger Like most dreams when you are naked in a public place, is if I even took U.S.
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