INTERNATIONAL SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION INTERNAT10NALE DE SOCIOLOGIE Faculty of Political Sciences - ersity of Complutense. 28223 Madrid. Spain Phone (34-1 )3527650. Fax (34-1 993 CO TE T8 page XIII World Congress of 8ociology: Practical Information 3 German Organizing Committee 5 Preliminary Congress Program: 8ymposia 9 Research Committees 12 Working Groups 54 Thematic Groups 58 Ad Hoc 8essions 59 Annual Meeting of the Executive Committee 63 In Memoriam: Mark van der Val! 65 Job Opportunities, Cal! for Participation 67 Calendar of Future Events 71 The ISA Bulletin is the official publication of the Secretariat of the International Sociological Association. Editor: Izabela Barlinska. Assistant Editor: José 1. Reguera. Design and lay-out: ESTUART. Three issues per year appear in Spring. Fall and Winter with an average printing of 3000 copies. The ISA Bulletin is distributed free of charge to members of the ISA. Published by the International Sociological Association under the auspices of ISSC and with the financial assistance of UNESCO. UNESCO subvention 1992-1993jSHSjSESj68jSUBj16. ISSN 0383-8501. Printed by Gráficas Aries. S.A .. Madrid. Spain. Depósito legal: M.25817-1987 Manuel Castells Research Coordlnatlng EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE University Autonoma Commltt •• Madrid, Spain Chair: Daniel Bertaux 1991-1994 Neuma Aguiar, RC 32 Felix Geyer Rudolf Andorka. RC 28 President: SISWO, Netherlands Jürgen Hartmann, RC 34 T.K. Oommen Alberto Martinelli, RC 02 School of Social Sciences Jürgen Hartmann Karl. M. van Meter, RC 33 Jawaharlal Nehru University University of Borlánqe Gyorgy Széll, RC 10 110067 New Delhi Sweden Henry Teune, RC 24 India Stella R. Ouah, RC 15 Ivan Kuvacic Vlce-President, University of Zagreb Publicatlons Commltt •• Research Council: Croatia Chair: William Outhwaite, UK Daniel Bertaux EC representatives: Centre d'Etude des Alberto Martinelli Rudolf Andorka. Hungary Mouvements Sociaux U . ersity of Milan Maria Carrilho, Portug 54, Bd. Raspail It Stella R. Ouah, Sing e 75006 Parts RCC representative: France Karl M. van Meter Daniel Bertaux, France LlSH-CNRS, Paris Current Sociology: Vice-Presldent, France Robert Brym, Editor Program Committee: Gyorgy Széll, Germany Neil Smelser Stella R. Ouah Nikolai Genov, Bulgaria Office of President University of S' apore International Sociology: University of California Singapore Richard Grathoff, Editor 300 Lakeside Drive Elizabeth King, Assistant Editor Oakland, CA 94612 Veronica Stolt:.e-I'ieislo!!JlE!Il Melvin Kohn, USA USA University of T e Céline Saint-Pierre, Canada Finland Sage Studies in International Vice-President, Sociology: Membership & Finance: Gyorgy Széll obert J. Brym, Editor Vladimir Yadov University of Osnabrück Y.B. Damle, India Institute of Sociology Germany Sociological Abstracts: Russian Academy of Science ea P. C 1, Editor Krzhizhanovskogo 24/35 b.5 Henry Teune G~ ications: 117259 Moscow University of Pennsylvania ,U Russia USA Past President 1986-1990: Executive Secretary: Margaret Archer Izabela Barlinska artinelli and University of Warwick United Kingdom Bertaux and Karl SUB-COMMITTEES MEMBERS Represe e to ICSSD U ESCO Membership Committee d G~ , Germany Neuma Aguiar Chair: Vladimir Yadov, Russia IUPERJ, Rio de Janeiro Felix Geyer, The Netherlands Representatlves to Unlted Brazil Veronica Stolte-Heiskanen, Nation. Finland Vtenna: Jürgen Hartmann; Rudolf Andorka Gyorgy Széll, Germany Geneva: Alberto Martinelli & University of Economic Maria Carrilho (Alternate); Sciences Finance Committee New York: Henry Teune & e' Budapest, Hungary Chair: Jürgen Hartmann, Sweden Smelser (Alternate) Karl M. van Meter, France Maria Carrilho Gyorgy Széll, Germany Representatlve to WHO ISCTE Hans-Ulrich Deppe, G Lisbon, Portugal XI I WO C ESS o CIOLOGY y 18-23, 1994, Bielefeld, Germany venue will be provided from Monday to Friday (July 18-22, Congress Travel and Local 1994) from 8.00 a.m. till 4.00 Registration Arrangements p.m. The German Organizing Com- Information about travel con- Co gress Registration and mittee of the XIII World Con- nections in Germany, the local Hotel Reserva ion Forms have gress of Sociology, the Gesell- shuttle bus, and cultural and been a1ready widely distributed schaft für Internationale Soziol- tourist programs can be ob- by elSA. Additional copies ogie (GIS), stands by to assist tained from the GIS, University are available from the ISA the participants with all informa- of Bielefeld, Post Box 10 01 31, Secretariat in Madrid or may be tion related to the organization 33501 Bielefeld, Germany, Fax made by photocopy. at the Congress venue. (521)1066399. The GIS as the local orga- AII Congress Registration nizer of the Congress is not in Lufthansa has been ap- payments have to be sent to charge of preparing the aca- pointed Official Carrier of the the ISA Secretariat in Madrid. demic programo Questions XIII World Congress of Sociol- about the academic program of ogy. Lufthansa offices around As far as Congress fees are the Congress should be di- the world will assist the partici- concerned, it should be clarified rected to the ISA Secretariat. pants with competitive prices. once again that "ISA members" For speclal travel arrange- are those who have paid their Hotel reservation forms will ments, please call: individual membership dues to be processed by the Bielefeld NorthAmerican participants the ISA for a current year. AII Tourist Information, Am to Travel Service Corporation at others are "non-members". Bahnhof, 33602 Bielefeld, (800)327023 under the code Germany, Fax (521)178811. 'World Congress of Sociology"; Congress participant's kits will Participants interested in low European participants to be available at the Congress budget accommodation should Congress Partner (Emmastr. Re-gistration Desks located in make their reservations as soon 120, 28213 Bremen, Germany) the entrance hall of the as possible (closing date: at (421 )219073, fax 216419. University of Bielefeld. March 31, 1994). Registration Desks will be open Europcar Interrent is official from July 16th through 23rd, Banking servlces: partici- sponsor of the XIII World Con- 1994, from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. pants arriving at Bielefeld on gress of Sociology. Europcar the weekend before the Con- officers at the airports where gress, i.e. July 16-17, 1994, participants arrive at in Please note that only should note that the German Germany stand by to assist registered participants will be banking institutions are closed them with specially priced permitted to attend Congress on Saturday and Sunday. The packages of renting a caro Partí- sessions. banking service of the Spar- cipants can also rent a car in kasse Bielefeld at the Congress advance by the international 3 partners of Europcar around the opportunity to present his course of the University. The world or Europcar Hamburg books and display during the GIS requests every publisher 0130-2211. Congress week at minimal preferring optio (2) to use his costs. Only the Bookstore LUCE own equip e e exhibi- is mandated to sell books at the tion. Please co e G S, International Book campus! Please contact: Book- H.J. Franz, Exhibition store B. LUCE, Mr. H.J. Leibing, Bielefeld, Pos So Universitatsstr. 25, 33615 33501 Bielefel Bielefeld, Germany, Phone (521)1066399. TheGISoH3r$t'M:> optionsfor (521)102773, Fax (521)105501 participating in the international book exhibition: (2) Publishers can rent the (1) The Bookstore Benedikt necessary space for a stand of Reproduction and LUCE located in the central eir own for presenting their Sale of Papers concourse of the University will boa s from the GIS at the toll rent nearly a third of the con- O O; per squaremeter and Papers Reproduction & S e course for the pre-sentation of day. The space for the publish- Center will be organized by e books. The Bookstore LUCE ers' stands will be situated in an GIS at the Congress venue and offers to every publisher the area beside the central con papers will be duplicated on request at a modest price. 4 GERMA o GANIZING COM EE OF THE XIII WORLD CONGRESS OF SOCIOLOGY by Hans-Jürgen Franz, GIS Executive Assistant In the end of 989 several not only the house of the ISA the GIS had negotiated with members of the Faculty of journal International Sociology, different governmental agen- Sociology at the University of but its first Director, Richard cies, foundations, and potential Bielefeld (Germany) founded Grathoff, oversees also projects sponsors to ensure the basic the society for international related to the subject of the funding. Although the interna- sociology Gesellschaft für Inter- internationalization of sociology. tional economic crisis has nationale Soziologie (GIS). The lhe DPA is financed by the affected the unified Germany as organizational goals of that state government of Northrhine- well as other countries it was society were twofold. lhe con- Westfalia and the ISA. possible to secure financial stituent members of the GIS conditions for organizing the have been interested in the On behalf of the Deutsche ISA Congress. promotion of scientific projects Gesellschaft für Soziologie Subsidies of the German dealing with the internationaliza- (German Society of Sociology) Research Foundation (DFG), tion of contemporary sociology the GIS submitted in 1990 the the Federal Ministry of Research on the one hand, and in prepar- application for holding the Xlllth and Technology, the state- ing the application for holding World Congress. That applica- government of Northrhine- the Xlllth World Congress of tion included calculations of the Westfalia
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