>^: L stnsmsm^immsumsmnMmm A SALUTE TO THE PRESENTED BY THE 1351 Aj .1 record of the growth of Northeastern State College from its opening as the Chero­ kee National Seminary in 1851 to its present status as a four-year state college offering five different degrees. EDICATED TO THE GROWTH OF THE PRESEN THE PAST ORTHEASTERN STATE COLLEGE *&t THE FUTURE THE COLLEGE CO TE TS FOR E WO In this volume, wc X'vc >ou •' glimpse of the origin of Northeastern State College as the Cherokee National Seminary a hundred yean ago, and a record of the activities of the present year at the college. By so com­ paring the past and the present, we endeavor to give you a vision of the potential growth of our college. DEDICATED TO THE GROWTH OF BOOK NORTHEASTERN STATE COLLEGE E COLLEGE CAMPUS VIEWS ADMINISTRATION THE FACULTY 1UNIOR CLASS SOPHOMORE CLASS THE IRISHMAN CLASS Northeastern is accredited by the North Cen­ tral Association and the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. Northeastern has received the highest of praise from professional and graduate schools for the thoroughness of the undergraduate of pre-pro- fessional training their students from here have received. o UR CAMPUS The picturesque campus covers 66 acres and contains ten permanent and twenty temporary buildings plus 64 apartments and the two new buildings now under construction. Si The Industrial Arts building includes both wood and metal shops. Campus scene in December. The President's home. I 1 he Infirman. Library and Redmen football field. The new Student Union building. 13! *!^ L« i. *-.« Mr. Bryan and Dr. balk preparing class schedules for 195 1. GdjminiAihaijjytL JOHN SAMUEL VAUGHAN, 1885-195 1 President 1936-195 1 'An institution is the lengthened shadow of a man"—Emerson. Page Lighted, 0;t. </. oH. &alkL ACTING PRESIDENT TERM: 1951-1955 Johnston Murray, the fourteenth governor of the in Oklahoma City, although he has lived in a dozen state, is a native Oklahoman and is the junior mem­ cities of the state. ber of the only father-son combination ever to serve as governor of this state. He was born at I 'met, in Indian Territory, in July 19(12; was married to Miss Millie Roberta Emerson Few governors of any state have entered the office in 1933; was in South America from 1924 to 1930; with a more varied background. His background in­ and was admitted to the Oklahoma B;r in 1944. cludes experience is printer, reporter, news correspon­ dent, guide, salesman, investigator, lawyer, and ad­ He has served as chairman of the Oklahoma I lec­ tion FJoard; Chairman of the Oklahoma County Dem­ ministrative state official. This experience was gained ocratic Central Committee; Chairman of the F.ighth in both North and South America. Congressional District Central Committee; and was At the time of his election, he was practicing law a member of the Oklahoma Electoral College in 1948. Page Twenty ^1 VTE REGENTS FOR HIGHER EDUCATION: Left to right, standing: T. G. Sexton, Oklahoma City, Administrataive Assistant; Wharton Mathies, Clayton; M. \. Nash, Oklahoma City, Chancellor; Guy J. James, Oklahoma City; Guj M. I larris, Ardmore; Dial Currin, Shawnee. Seated: Colita Nuernberger, Oklahoma City. Secretary; John H. Kane, Bartlesville; W. D. Little, Ada; Clee O. Doggett, Cherokee; Ora E. Faust, Oklahoma City, Secretary; John Rogers, Tulsa; Frank Buttram, Oklahoma City. STATE BOARD OF REGENTS OF OKLAHOMA COLLEGES: Left to right, standing: A. L. Graham, Broken Arrow; Dr. James S. Petty, Guthrie; S. C. Boswell, Ada; John C. fisher, Marlow; Rector H. Swearengin, Durant; R. L. Clifton, Enid. Seated: Dr. Oliver Hodge. Oklahoma City; Bert H. Brundage, Thomas, President; Mrs. Maurine lite, Muskogee, Vice- President; W. T. Doyel, Oklahoma City, Executive Secretary. Page Twenty-one QolkqsL QsumA. Dr. L. H. Bally—Dean of Administration "Second in Command" Alice Berkshire—Dean of Women "The Girls' Best Friend" Dr. Wesley A. Deneke—Dean of Student Personnel "Directs Student Activities" Dr. L. H. Bally Dean Alice Berkshire Dean Wesley A. Deneke Page Twenty-two Noble Bryan, Sr. 1 uther Brown tidmbiudJiaiiDf^ Noble Bryan, Sr.—Registrar "Keeps Transcripts" uther Brown—Director Laboratory School "Supervises Student Teachers" |oc 1 . Scearce -Business Manager "Balances the Budget" Joe L. Scearce Page Twenty-three OFFICERS Bill Geasland—Okmulgee President Tom Hurst—Tulsa Vice-president Martha Poynor—Tulsa Secretary Billie Fay Kay—Eufaula Representative-at-large Northe stern's student council is more than just ident, Secretary and Member-at-large, chosen by the an "honorary" organization. It is a liaison group be­ entire student body at an election in May of the tween administration and student bo.lv ; is .ulvisor previous year, and two representatives from each of to the administration on student problems; renders the four classes chosen in September of the current service to the school in many ways; promotes and year. directs social and organization activities of the stu­ Original members of this year's council were Bill dent body; handles at least five assemblies each year; Geasland, President; Tom Hurst, Vice-president; and promotes many other worthwhile activities. Martha Poynor, Secretary; Billie Fay Kay, Represen­ It has been one the college's most usable public tative-at-large; Joe Galey and Mary Masters, Fresh­ relations media in its willingness to serve refreshments men; Sarah Jane Brandon and Dallas Laird, Sopho­ to visitors; to serve as campus guide to visitors; and mores; James Rusk and Doris Johnson, Juniors; and in making parents and new students feel at home Sally Hurst and Bill Kirksey, Seniors. while on the campus. When James Rusk went into the service Charles Its membership consists of a President, Vice-pres­ Dickson was elected as a replacement. Page Twenty-four MEMBERS Council officers break ground for North- eastern's new modernistic $270,000 Student Center building. Mr. Vaughan looks on. TOP ROW: Sarah Jane Brandon Sophomore Charles Dickson Junior Joe Galey freshman Sally Hurst Senior Doris Johnson Junior BOTTOM ROW: Bill Kirksev Senior Dallas Laird Sophomore Mary Masters Freshman limes Rusk Junior Page Twenty-five J JUL Jioajilh^ FIRST ROW SECOND ROW Helen Aingworth, Assistant Professor of Biologv ; B. loins 11. Bally, Professor ot Biologv; B.A., lair- S., Oklahoma A. & M. College; M.S., University ot mount College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Kansas. Arkansas; graduate studs. Universit) of Oklahoma Denver R. Bcdwell, Associate Professor ot Biologv; and University ot Arkansas. B. \ . B.S., Northeastern State College; M.A., George Peabody College; graduate study, George Peabody Ruth Allison, Assistant Professor of Art; B.F.A., College and University of Oklahoma. University of Oklahoma; M.A., Columbia Univer­ Arvlc I•'. Bennett. Assistant Professor of F'ducation sity; graduate study, Columbia University. and Supervisor of Science; B.S., M.S., Oklahoma A. & Ross H. Anderson, Assistant Professor of Physics; M. College; graduate studv, Oklahoma A. & M. H.S.. M.S., Kansas State Agricultural College; gradu­ (College. ate studv. University of Colorado and University 01 Alice Berkshire. Assistant Professor of Physical Edu­ Oklahoma. cation; B.A., Oklahoma Baptist University; Ed.M., University of Oklahoma; graduate study, Washing­ Fannie A. Baker, Emeritus Professor of Spanish; B.L., ton University, Pennsylvania State College and Uni­ M.A., University of Nebraska; graduate study, Uni­ versity of Southern California. versity of Chicago, The Sorbonne and Madrid. Earl William Blank, Associate Professor of Speech; Ph.B., University of Chicago; M.A., Carnegie Insti­ Thomas L. Ballenger, Professor of History and Gov­ tute of Technology; I.itt.D., Maclean College; grad­ ernment; B.A., Ouachita College; Ph.B., M.A., Uni­ uate studv. Northwestern University, University of versity of Chicago; Ph.D., University of Oklahoma; Southern California, Louisiana State University and graduate studv. University of Oklahoma. University ot Denver. ^ " utrAum; knt ku\ Mm\ m Page Twenty-six FIRST ROW SECOND ROW Herbert D. Boggan, Assistant Professor of Sociology; Benjamin franklin Capps, Instructor of English and A.B., Mississippi State College; M.A., Tulane Uni- Journalism; B.A., M.A., University of Texas. versity; graduate study, Indiana University. Raymond Carpenter, Assistant Professor of Mathe- Lola G. Bowers, Hostess, Haskel Hall, Dormitory mataics; B.A., Hendrix College; M.A., Teachers Col­ for Men; graduate, Cherokee female Seminary. lege, Columbia University; graduate study. Univer­ Luther D. Brown, Associate Professor of Education sity of Southern California. and Principal of Campus Training School; B.S., Artie L. Charlton, Professor of Chemistry; B.A., Northeastern State College; M.S., Oklahoma A. & M. M.A., Phillips University; graduate study, University College; all course work completed for Ph.D., George of Kansas and University of Colorado. Peabody College. Noble Bryan, Registrar; B.A., Oklahoma Univer­ \\'eslev A. Deneke, Professor of Education; B.S., sity; M.S., Oklahoma A. & M. College. Southeast Missouri State Teachers College; M.S., Ed. D., University of Missouri. Vernon H. Burrown, Assistant Professor of Mathe­ matics; B.S., East Centra] State College; M.S.. Okla­ Kenneth O. Due, Instructor of Phyiscal Education homa A. & M. College; graduate study, Oklahoma A. and Football Coach; B.S., U. S. Military Academy, .\ M. College. West Point; F.d.M.. University of Houston. J JUL JcLadhj^ J JUL Jandiij^ FIRST ROW SECOND ROW Mason N. Duncan, Assistant Professor of Geogra­ Vella Frazee, Assistant Professor of Education and phy and Ccology; B.S., B.A., M.S.. University of Supervisor of Mathematics; B.S., Northwestern State Missouri; graduate studv. University of Missouri. College; M.A., University of Oklahoma and Univer­ sity of Colorado. William C. Evans, Associate Professor of Hist . Henrv W . Ouenther, Professor of Psychology; B.A., B.A., M.A., University of Arkansas; graduate study. Sam Houston Normal Institute; M.A., Bav lor University of Virginia, versity; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin.
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