free; Wed. 11 a.m.-8 p.m.; Thu.-Fri. 11 One is the Loneliest Number; artist ACADEMIC CALENDAR a.m.-6 p.m.; Sat.-Sun. 11 a.m.-5 p.m.; GXRVWKDWFROODERUDWHLQDYDULHW\RIPH- www.icaphila.org. dia; ICA. Through August 7. 2 Final Exams. Through May 10. International House: free; hours 7KDW·V+RZ:H(VFDSHG5HÁHFWLRQV 10 Spring Semester ends. YDU\LQIRwww.ihousephilly.org. on Warhol; the research of students in May 14 Alumni Day. Meyerson Hall Gallery,0H\HUVRQ $57+SHUWDLQLQJWR:DUKRO·V Hall: free; Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 15 Baccalaureate. 1965 ICA exhibit; ICA. Through August 7. Morris Arboretum: $14; $12/seniors, Sheila Hicks: 50 Years; honors the 16 Commencement. $7/kids 3-17, students; free/members and artist who has built an international reputa- A T P E N N 23 12-Week evening session classes NLGVXQGHUDPSPGDLO\ tion with two- and three-dimensional works begin. Penn Museum: $10/adults; $7 seniors LQÀEHU,&$Through August 7. See Spe- Wherever these symbols appear, more images or audio/video clips are First session classes begin. (65+); $6/children (6-17) and full-time stu- cial Events. available on our website, www.upenn.edu/almanac/. 30 Memorial Day observed. No classes. dents with ID; free/members & PennCard Renaissance City Views from Above holders; Tues./Thur.-Sun. 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; and Afar.DPLQ*DOOHU\9DQ3HOW'LHWUL- CHILDREN’S ACTIVITIES :HGDPSPYLVLWwww.penn.mu- FK/LEUDU\Through August 13. seum for extended hours. On the Silk Road: Tashkent; albumen 6 40 Winks with the Sphinx Sleepover; Slought Foundation: free; Thur.-Sat., SULQWVIURPWKHHDUO\VLOOXVWUDWLQJ children ages 1-7; 5:30 p.m.; Penn 1-6 p.m.; www.slought.org. WKHPDQQHUVDQGFXVWRPVRIWKH.\UJ\] Museum. Through May 7, 9 a.m.; $50, Van Pelt-Dietrich Library: free/ SHRSOHDQGORFDOLWLHVLQWKHYLFLQLW\RI $45/members. ID required; info.: http://events.library. Tashkent and Samarkand in Uzbekistan; Morris Arboretum upenn.edu/cgi-bin/calendar.cgi. Penn Museum. Register: (215) 247-5777 or Upcoming Color, Form and Texture of Trees; SKRWRJUDSK\E\-LP6PLWKKLJKOLJKWLQJ www.morrisarboretum.org 6 Art: InLiquid Art + Design: Centen- 7 Mother’s Day Planted Container; WKHEHDXW\DQGGLYHUVLW\RIWUHHV8SSHU nial Photography Project; four InLiquid *DOOHU\0RUULV$UERUHWXPOngoing. ages 5-12; 10:30 a.m.–noon; $33, $30/ PHPEHUSKRWRJUDSKHUV·ZRUNRQWKH,+3 members. John Cage: How to Get Started; building, inhabitants, architecture, and Slought Foundation. Ongoing. 14 Incredible Insects and Bug KLVWRU\UHFHSWLRQMay 12, 6 p.m.; Inter- Iraq’s Ancient Past: Rediscovering Olympics; 1-3 p.m.; $15, $12/members. national House. Through June 3. Ur’s Royal CemeteryWKHGLVFRYHU\DQG 21 Orienteering at the Arboretum; ages 13 Senior Graduation Exhibition; se- H[FDYDWLRQRIWKH5R\DO&HPHWHU\DW8U 8 and up; 1-3 p.m.; $15, $12/members. lected work from the PennDesign Fine LQPRGHUQGD\,UDT3HQQ0XVHXP 25 Storytime at the Morris Arboretum; Arts undergraduate class of 2011; recep- ICA Programs FROODERUDWLRQZLWKWKH6SULQJÀHOGOLEUDU\ tion May 15, 2 p.m.; Charles Addams (YHQWVDWSPXQOHVVRWKHUZLVHQRWHG 10:30 a.m.–noon; free with admission. *DOOHU\Through May 17. 20 Photo India Exhibition; photos from 7 Interlace: Weaving CommunityGD\ World Cafe Live: WKH+RZDUG$6LOYHUVWHLQDQG3DWULFLD of demonstrations, performances, and Peanut Butter & Jams %OH]QDN6LOYHUVWHLQ3KRWRJUDSK\6WXGLR mingling; noon-4 p.m. Info.: www.worldcafelive.com Abroad Program; reception May 20, 4 25 Travelogue- Beirut, Lebanon: Lamia Shows begin 11:30 a.m. SP&KDUOHV$GGDPV*DOOHU\Through Joreige; 6:30 p.m. 7 Cris & Lou; ages 1-12; $7/children, June 24. Ongoing at the Penn Museum The Garden Railway at the Morris Arboretum is a miniature world set in the $10/adults. 28 Garden Railway; miniature world set Amarna: Ancient Egypt’s Place in the Sun; 13 .LGV5RFNIRU.LGV%HQHÀW&RQFHUW Worlds Intertwined: Etruscans, Greeks and splendor of a summer garden, featuring historic buildings created entirely of in the splendor of a summer garden, fea- natural materials, each meticulously detailed with leaves, bark, vines and twigs. SeriesURFNFRQFHUWEHQHÀWLQJFKLOGUHQ·V WXULQJKLVWRULFEXLOGLQJVFUHDWHGHQWLUHO\ Romans; Canaan & Ancient Israel; Living in medical charities; $10. with natural materials; Morris Arboretum Balance: The Universe of the Hopi, Zuni, Na- This year’s theme, “Painted Ladies” celebrates colorful victorian homes with 14 The Billy Kelly Show; music for all free w/admission; Through September 5. vajo and Apache; Mesoamerica; The Egyptian twelve replicas of houses from cities across the county. The Garden Railway opens ages; $7/children, $10/adults. Mummy: Secrets & Science; Buddhism: His- during the Grand Opening weekend on Saturday, May 28 from 1-3 p.m. Now tory & Diversity of a Great Tradition; Africa. CONFERENCES Rachael Wren: Small Paintings; Bur- P.M. @ Penn Museum ULVRQ*DOOHU\Through May 8. *DOOHU\WRXUVDWSPIROORZHGE\ MUSIC 4 ,&$6SULQJ%HQHÀW7KH,&$+RQRUV Visual Studies)R[$UW*DOOHU\ programs at 6 p.m. Sheila Hicks; 6 p.m.; ICA; $500; tickets: 2 Epigenetics and Aging Symposium; Through May 15. Penn Improvisational Jazz Workshop; www.icaphila.org.See Exhibits. 12:30 p.m.; Translational Research Center VASST.info:the Very Amateur Soci- 11 Quizzo Night. open jazz jam for musicians of all abili- $XGLWRULXPDQG/REE\&LYLF&HQWHU ties; Sundays, 4-6 p.m.; rm. 413, Fisher 5 University Square Farmers Market; ety of Science and TechnologyLQYHVWLJDW- Penn Museum Tours 36th and Walnut Sts.; 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; %OYGUHJLVWHUhttp://may2nd.wufoo.com/ ing the pairing of science and art; Esther Bennett Hall; Info.: [email protected] forms/epigenetics-and-aging-symposium Tours begin at 1:30 p.m.,Warden Garden Wednesdays through November 25 (UCD). .OHLQ*DOOHU\Through May 28 (Bread- (QWUDQFH7RXUDYDLODELOLW\DQGWRSLFV 14 Wave Currents: Matthew Suib and (Epigenetics). board). 6 MES Capstone Forum; master of The History and Cultures of subject to change. Info.: www.penn. Nadia Hironaka with C Spencer Yeh; HQYLURQPHQWDOVWXGLHVJUDGXDWHVSUHVHQW 5LJKWHRXV'RSHÀHQG; photographs museum. PXOWLPHGLDHYHQWFHOHEUDWLQJWKH Friendship in Precolonial South Asia; no and other media examine the experiences ,QWHUQDWLRQDODQG8QLYHUVDO([SRVLWLRQ their capstone research projects; 6 registration or fees required; 1-5:30 p.m.; of homeless drug users; Penn Museum. 1 Daily Life of Canaan/Ancient Israel. PRUHFRPPRQO\NQRZQDV([SR SP&DURO\Q+RII/\QFK$XGLWRULXP $PDGR5HFLWDO+DOO,UYLQH$XGLWRULXP Through May. Also April 21. International House; 8 p.m.; $10, $8/ &KHPLVWU\%XLOGLQJUHJLVWHUwww.sas. Through May 3 (South Asia Center). Water as Creator and Destroyer Spe- 7 Living in Balance: The American students & seniors. upenn.edu/lps/node/2190 (LPS). 4 2nd Annual Art of Research cial Display; ancient Mesopotamian arti- Southwest. 19 Ars Nova Workshop Presents: 7 Morris Arboretum Public Plant Sale; Graduate Symposium; graduate students IDFWVLQFOXGLQJDIDPRXV6XPHULDQ´ÁRRG 8 Buddhism: History and Diversity of Jooklo Duo; Italian saxophone and drum rare and unusual plants; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; IURPDYDULHW\RIGLVFLSOLQHVVKDUHWKHLU tablet;” Penn Museum. Through May. a Great Tradition. %ORRPÀHOG)DUP0RUULV$UERUHWXP work; 1-4 p.m.; Terrace Room, Claudia GXRSP7KH5RWXQGD $UV1RYD Penn Abroad Photo Contest Exhibit; 14 Ancient Egyptian Funerary Practices. Workshop). 11 MLA Capstone Forum; master Cohen Hall. (GSC). SKRWRVE\VWXGHQWVVWXG\LQJDEURDG of liberal arts graduates present their 19 Penn Student Affairs Conference p.m.; Galleria at International House. 15 Iraq’s Ancient Past: Rediscovering capstone research projects; 5:30 p.m.; 2011 —One Global Campus: Student Through June 3. Ur’s Royal Cemetary. ON STAGE Terrace Room, Claudia Cohen Hall; Secrets of the Silk Road; artifacts from 22 Two Millennia of Ancient Egyptian. Affairs Makes the Difference; for all Penn register: www.sas.upenn.edu/lps/ staff members who work with students the Tarim Basin in Western China; Penn Mu- History. 1 Le Dada Va Gaga Dans 2011; Anne- node/2191 (LPS). seum. Through June 5. Marie Mulgrew and Dancers Co.; 3:11 LQDQ\FDSDFLW\UHJLVWHUhttps://www. 29 Daily Life in Ancient Egypt. SP6DQFWXDU\7KH5RWXQGD 5RWXQGD 12 Savor the Silk Road; sample exotic surveymonkey.com/s/SALT-2011 (Student Situating No-land: Videoart from foods and beers from along the Silk Road Affairs Leadership Team). Through May 20. Latin America; Slought Foundation. FILMS 24 A Tribute to Billie Holiday; dance DQGHQMR\PXVLFDOJXHVW6X]LH%URZQ 25 Preparing Today’s Students for Through June 30. FRQFHUWSUHVHQWHGE\7KH5LWD-RQHV 6:30-9 p.m.; Penn Museum; $45/door, Tomorrow’s Jobs in Metropolitan Visual Correspondences; photo- International House 'DQFH&RPSDQ\SP7KH5R- $35/general, $30/members and full-time America: The Policy, Research, and JUDSKVWKDWH[SORUHWKHSRVVLELOLW\RI Tickets: http://ihousephilly.org tunda; $10, $8/student (Rotunda). VWXGHQWV5693www.penn.museum Methodological Issues; 9 a.m.; Houston FRPPXQLFDWLQJWKURXJKSXUHO\YLVXDO 6 Poison; 7 p.m.; Ibrahim Theater. Annenberg Center (Young Friends of Penn Museum). means; Slought Foundation. Through Tickets: www.annenbergcenter.org Hall; $25/general admission, free/ 12 Solaris; 7 p.m. 13 Penn Urban Doctoral Symposium; VWXGHQWV IDFXOW\UHJLVWHUhttp://www. June 30. 1 Chandroutie: A Voyage Beyond Kala Battleground: War Rugs from Af- 13 Seduced and Abandoned; 7 p.m.; urban-focused doctoral candidates present gse.upenn.edu/schooltowork (GSE). Pani8VLORTX\,QGLDQFODVVLFDOGDQFLQJ DQGGLVFXVVWKHLUGLVVHUWDWLRQÀQGLQJV Through May 26. ganistan; dozens of Afghanistan “war Ibrahim Theater. EDVHGSULPDULO\RQ+LQGXP\WKRORJ\ 11 a.m.; Regent Room, The Inn at Penn UXJVµZRYHQVLQFHDUHIHDWXUHGLQ p.m.; Harold Prince Theater;
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