May 7 - May 13, 1996 The Allston-Brighton TAB, page 5 Wrong place, wrong time Pet store owner: at Brigham and Women's Hospital. "He worked seven days a week." Allston crime _victim Jackson was shot in the leg and acted in self-defense, stomach during the gunfight. Because of his condition, Jackson refused drugs was unavailable for comment last week. His family, which hails from By Peter' Panepento Newton, was also unavailable for TAB Staff Writer comment. DiTocco said Jackson's etPets Inc. owner family is deeply religious and that Dave DiTocco his uncle is a minister. wants to set the record straight: A failed sale W Although Jackson could not be His store is not a drug den and his injured employee, Ben Jackson, is a reached for comment, DiTocco told The TAB that he has spoken to Q good young man who was in the :? wrong place at the wrong time. Jackson since the murder and that -'w 0 Police say Jackson killed 36-year­ Jackson's account of the April 26 0 old Daniel Hicks inside the Newton incident closely matches the scenario ~ fish store on April 26 after Hicks that Reilly spelled out to reporters ~ _, .. tried to rob him. Jackson, 24, was last week. _____ ~ shot twice during the encounter, Hicks, a Boston Department of Sarah Leonard will succeed William Meehan as go-between for local residents and City Hall. which police say stemmed from an Public Works employee, allegedly unsuccessful attempt to sell a pound wanted to sell a pound of marijuana of marijuana to Jackson earlier that on April 26 before he left for a day. weekend trip to New York City. Dancing her way into City Hall Jackson, who lives in Allston, was According to Reilly, Hicks asked cleared of all charges last week by Garza - a Boston man and a former Mayor names B.C. of Neighborhood Services on June munity. I think some of those.con­ District Attorney Tom Reilly, who WetPets customer - to find a buyer. 3. Starting salary: $30,2 19.28 per cerns are the number of liquor In return, Garza would receive a por­ student liaison for year. licenses and the number of students tion of the sale. The men were trying "I've always known I've wanted in the area, as well as institutional to get between $1,100 and $1,200 Allston-Brighton to do something in community ser­ expansion. And I know BfC is one Because the two men for the marijuana, Reilly said. By Linda Rosencrance vice," said Leonard in an interview of.the biggest culprits." were in close quarters, At about 7 p.m., Garza and Hicks TAB Correspondent at the TAB last week. "When I i:..eonard, originally from drove to the WetPets store in er name is Sarah Leonard. found out about this position I Philadelphia, has been hired to Jackson was able to try Newton Centre -.yith the intent of She's 21 years old, gradu­ thought it would be perfect for me. I replace William Meehan as the to fight back and selling the marijuana to Jackson. H ates from Boston College lived in the Allston-Brighton com­ Allston-Brighton coordinator for the Hicks' wife and child were also in on May 20 and starts her new job as munity for almost two years while I mayor's Office of Neighborhood defend himself. the car. the Allston-Brighton Coordinator for was at B.C., so I feel I know what Services. Meehan leaves his post Reilly said that Garza approached Mayor Thomas M. Menino's Office some of the issues are in this com- LIAISON, page 7 Jackson at the back door of the Commonwealth Avenue store to try said Jackson acted in self-defense to sell him the marijuana. Jackson BY THE NUMBERS C< >RRJ -: ( "Tl<>NS and refused to buy the marijuana refused to buy it. allegedly offered to him by Christian DiTocco said that Jackson did not • The name of a Boston Licensing Garza, a mutual acquaintance of allow Garza into the store and told Board commissioner was misspelled Jackson and Hicks. him to go away. Garza had been Education in Allston-Brighton last week. The correct spelling is But rumors continue to swirl about banned from entering the store Daniel Pokaski. Jackson and the botched drug deal because he was "bad news," • Also, in the April 30 Police Log, that proceeded the shootout. DiTocco said. He added he believes it was incorrectly reported that Alicia that Jackson knew Garza because Less than high DiTocco, however, said that College graduate school diploma Webb of Somerville was arrested on Jackson is a hard-working student Garza was formerly a regular cus­ April 24. Webb was summoned to who has been unfairly labeled as a tomer at WetPets. 47.8% 16.1% (20,695) (6,971) court to face charges of possession bad apple. Garza returned to the car and told of cocaine and marijuana. 'They don't come out and say Hicks that Jackson was not willing • An article on the Lubavitcher exactly that Ben had no clue about to buy the marijuana, Reilly said. Shu! of Brighton on page 28 ("Shu! the drug deal," DiTocco said. "But Hicks then drove Garza back to anchors a community") incorrectly Ben had no clue about this."' Boston and went home. But because reported that three nearby day­ DiTocco said that Jackson was an he needed money for his trip, Hicks schools are run by the Chabad­ unlikely and unsuspecting victim. He decided to return to WetPets to rob Lubavitcher in Brookline. The New said Jackson has worked at WetPets Jackson, Reilly said. England Hebrew Academy, for four years and is "a good friend." Maimonides on Philbrick Road and Prior to the shootout, Jackson A bloody shootout the Torah Academy on Williston worked four days a week at the store Reilly said Hicks returned to Road are independent and not asso­ and went to school three days a WetPets that night in a Alamo rental ciated with any Orthodox group, week at UMass-Boston. Jackson is car, parked the car on Irving Street although they are Orthodox. ~Jso a member of the National and told his wife to wait for him in Also, Rabbi Menachim Mendel Guard. the passenger seat. Schneerson was the son-in-law, not "He's a hard-working kid," He entered the store once, talked the son, of Rabbi Joseph Isaac DiTocco said of Jackson, who was to Jackson about buying fish and left SOURCE: 1990 US. CENSUS GRAPH BY USA BECKER Schneerson. listed in fair condition late last week SHOOTING, page 6 CONTENTS Below is alist of key personneland contad numbers: WE WANT YOUR NEWS! Allston·Brighton ed~or . ... David Trueblood: 433-8353 Welcome to the Allston:Brighton TAB! Weare eager to serve Editorial. 10 as a forum for the community. Please send us calendar listings, Allston-Brighton reporter .. Peter Panepento 433-8334 Commentary . 11 social news and any other itt:ms of community interest. Please Advertising sales .......... Harriet Misner ~3-8267 Library news . ... ........ ... 30 mail the information to David Trueblood, ed.itor, AlL~ton ­ Arts editor............•.•. Greg Reibman 433-8389 Brighton TAB, P.O. Box 9112, Needham, MA 02192. You Police log . .... .. ... .. .. .. .... 8 Calendar listings ........... Anina Estrada 433·8379 may fax material to (617) 433-8202. Our deadline for press Court news.. ... .. .................. 14 releases is Wednesday, 5 pm prior to the next Tuesday"s issue. Newsroom fax number ................. 433-8202 Business news. .. .. 20 Residents are invited to call us with story ideas or reaction to At1s/listings fax number ................ 433·8203 Religion . 26 our coverage. Plea<>e call Allston-Brighton editor Da".id To subscribe, call .. ................... 433-8307 Politics ............•. .. 22 Trueblood at (617) 433-8353 or Allston-Brighton reponer Peter Peter Panepento General TAB number . ..•............... 433·8200 Looking backward . 39 Panepento at (617) 433-8334 with your ideas and suggestions. Community bulletin board . 28 The Anston·Bnghton TAB (USPS 53367) IS published by TAB Community Newspapers, 254 Second Ave .• Needham. MA 02194, weekly. Thin:! class postage paid at Boston. MA. Postmaster. Send address corrections School news . 31 to The AllstOh·Brighton TAB. 254 Second Ave .. Needham. MA 02194. TAB Community Newspapers assumes no respons1b1hty for mistakes 1n advertisements btlt will reprint that part which is incorrect tt noli<:e Is given within three wort<ing days of the pubri<:alion date. Cl Copyright 1996 by TAB Community Newspapers All rights reseived. Reproduction of any part of this publication by any means wi1hout permission is prohiMed. Prioted School lunch. 31 for The TAB by Narragansett Litho LTD. SubScriptions within our CtfCulation area cost $24 per year. Subscnptions outside Allston-Bnghton. but wrt)lin Massaehusetts cost $30 per year. Out-of.state subscriptions cost $36 per year Send name, address. and check to our main office. attn· Subscriptions Sports ............. ... ..... .. 37 --- ___,,,. - - ---- Page 6 The Allston-Brighton TAB, May 7 - May 13, 1996 Wrong ·place, wrong time SHOOTING, from pages· made his way to the front counter of at about 8:09 p.m. Hicks went back the store, where he rested for a to the car, changed his jacket and moment before falling to the floor. placed a .38 caliber revolver in his 'This is basicalJy where he bled to pants. death," DiTocco said while pointing Hicks returned shortly after 8:30 to the spot last Thursday. p.m., when Jackson was the only person in the store. Still under investigation After Hicks re-entered the store, 1t took law enforcement officials the two -tnen went into a tWZe of and local business people four days fish tanks at the back of the store to to ·put the pieces back together fol­ talk about fish.
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