to MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday, July 28, 1988 <6 CARB I CARS CARB CARS FOR BALE ____FAR BALE FOR BALE FBR8ALE MERCURY Monoorch CAM ARO Berllhetto 1981. H o H B n w m s r T iA SpeciQlim EXpt! 1976. New exhaust sys- T-tops, Olr, automatic. Lo w miles. $350. o r best MANCHESTER Driving force 'tem, good tires, olr, $2000. or best offer. offer. 643-8108 or 646- 108,000 miles. $475. 644- 649-3320________________ 6498 otter 6pm.________ 3 9 6 8 . _______________ HONDA CARPENTRY/ OLDS Cutlos^ 1977. New BUICK Century Wagon cliMiim RRSCELLANEOUS CAMARO Berllnetto. exhaust and shocks. 1979. Running condi­ USED CARS Red Sox and Morgan turn SERVICES [^REIRODELINS ELECTRICAL SERVICES 1984, block, 5 speed, Respectoifle looking tion. Needs some work. excellent condition. Inside and out. Relia­ S300 or best offer, Call 04 Honda CRX *5127 hopelessness to hapi^ness /13 ODD lobs. Trucking . $5895. 644-0176. ble. Everything works' '649-2840.__________ 83 Buick Skylark *2976 HOME & OFFICE ELECTMCAL WORK Home repairs. You CHEVROLET Monza Including olr. Asking FORD LTD 1975 Station SO Honda Civic CRX *6897 Need a new Ssrylce with name It, we do It. Free 1979. V -6, Air, power $900. Coll 647-0511 or wagon; S2W. or best 88 Dodge Linear *6973 IM??&i^|NT8 s te e rin g , o w n e r. CLEANING circuit breakers? estimates. Insured. 643- 1 come see at 17 Hock- ‘ offer. 646-5910. 06 Toyota Tercel '5749 A REPAIRS 0304. $1200. Coll 649-1779. motock Street, n iD o lt Your W a y- "No Job Too Small" moat ais down! Cheek ui out In 07 Pont. Sunbird '5123 the Manohttitr ysSow pagts. ^AM ARO Berllnetto 1982. Monchester.__________ WEEKLY-BI-WEEKLY RtoMwod and Fully Inaurad 84 Honds Civic Wg. *6453 FM E ESTIMATES JOSEPH DUMAS Tap SaH ScraaasA Lean V-6,4-speed, olr, power CHEVY Caprice, 1983, 9 MORIARTY Call Jacklo 647-1990 S44-82S3 Any amount dslivtfsd. Alto, All, steering and brakes. passenger station 08 Honda Prelude '8922 647-0503 gnivsi. atone and baili, muleh. Stereo. T/A Rodlols, wopon, olr condition­ BROTHERS 88VWSclrocco *10,124 Bobcat, baokhoe S loader rental. cor bro. Good condl- ing, power steering, 88 Honda DX Civic '6773 MttBB, iNiliiN, 4 plwi i T HEATINB/ tion. $4000. 649-5887. power brakes, much 86 Chevy Cutl. Van ' S O L D ta ta r tiijE b I Iris Roi MVn CONSTRUCTION D O D G E 600 1987. 4 door, more. Asking $1200. USED 64 Ford Tempo *4197 PLUMRINB 872-1400/659-8555'- 2 2 8 -3 3 4 5 .___________ olr, automatic, AM -FM 04Pont. OOpO '5181 N yoirtt Won 4l EOHWOsfB Rol rnwm- , cassette. Best offer. Int your oilib osR us. Puty Insurud, CHEVY Caprice 1983. 9 04 Olda Clare '5372 Coll 643-4263.__________ passenger station CARS S4s6y ISeAreewoes PJ’Sl PMRSONAL SCRVICIS ae Honda CMc SI '7968 / 643-2711 wagon, olr condition­ ' • Diockbooli Control H O N D A A c c o rd 1981. 88 Merkur Sootpla '19,495 lHattrljfHtrr M m li ^ MARGamtrydlon ing, power steering, 83 Mazda RX-7 *5427 Bolia • Ificomo Tox Rroporotlon Mint condition. Origi­ a d s ore the pumps, hot water power brakes, much eSMsre. Ssbie , '11,995 01 Chev. Monte Carlo *3928 . hew and • LlfO 6 Hoolth Insuronco ACKfIco nal owner. Low mi­ friendly way of finding o more. Asking $1200. cosh buyer for applian­ cements. • ■uOool Consultotlon leage, automatic, olr, S7 Merc. Q. Msr. LS '13,895 'sOMerc. Ceprl '6331 PAMTINfl/ • Rnonclol 6 Rstoto Wtonnino cruise control, sunroof 228-3345. ces, musical Instruments, f r e e Cl i m a t e s 87 Merc. Topez '6795 83 Ply. Turlemo '2567 core and a host of other PAPERIN6 Coll Don Moaler-649-3329 and loaded with many Friday, July 29, 1988 043-9849 / 228-9816 other features. Coll 646- S7 Merc. Cougar '10,999 "Tho M e Prefosslomis” Items. D. B. Mosler, Inc. 24 Adame St., Maochtotor Manchester. Conn. — A City of Village Charm NAME your own price. 1112 until 5pm. 87 Merc. Q. Marqula *11,395 30 Cents Father & Son Pointing |' LIPMAN #1 S U B A R U D L 1976.4 door, and Papering. Remo- MISCELLANEOUS VOLKSWAGEN 87 Lincoln MK7 LSC '19,995 6 4 6 - 3 5 1 5 vol. J91-8S67. DELIVERING automatic transmis­ _I SERVICES Rich, clean, atone-free sion, stereo. $350 or PR E-OW NED 87 Ford Cr. Vic. •10,995 TRUCK8/VAN8 LAWN CUE loam. 8 yards. 'SO Plua Tax. best otter. 649-4997. Thunderstorm Rsnovatloiii/Pliis DO You hove bod tasting Also, sand, gravel, stone 1088 VW J E T T A - '10.895 87 Marc. Cougar •10,495 FOR BALE 8 OL'S TO CHOOSE FROM CuMem Iniarlor ,S ExMtIor water? Do you hove and horse manure. ae Toyota Camry •8995 Falmlng a CaWng Ito ^ r S chlorine In your water? CLYDE AT. AO. snneo. choice of colors F O R D F150 1983. 8 cy- CORRIVEAU’S Rtntw ■ Foetr WaMdng Do you know chlorine 6 4 3 - 9 5 0 4 CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. 87VWQDLF 86 Merc. Merquie •5995 llnder, power brakes cuts power, Frta Etl/mafaa • 4 Of............................'0495 and steering. Feds offer LAWN SERVICE Is bod for you and your ROUTE 83, VERNON 88 Merc. Q. Mer. LS •11,495 66,000 In tu n d a Sanlor Olieounu miles, with cap. $4700. • Fully Insured family? If these ore 87VWSCIROCCO _____ some of your concerns, HinniEtnEEsoivicE SSChavyPU *8495 18V........................ '11,295 SB Oldi Clara Wagon •6895 643-4425. 646-2253 Biioktl, truck chipper. Stump • Free Estimates coll 693-0569 for free 6 8« Toyota PU , '5990 85 FORD F-150 80 Merc. Mtrquls Brog. '5995 creates ‘lakes’ testing and demonstra­ removal. Free satlmotes. Fup......................... '6,859 • Call 647-7657 88 Chevy CIO, 85 Lincoln Coni. •12,995 R n CAMPERS/ iRooFme/ tion of your water Special oonaMaratlon for loaded *10,900 88 CHEW CAMARO TRAILERS today. aldarty and handicapped. IROCZ-M.................'9,995 85 Buick Wagon |SHNN6 88 Chevy CIO *8995 •8995 By Andrew J. Davis B A B Y S IT T E R . G irl (14) 84 BUICir % n IRV CARPENTRY/ WegoiSOLD....’ ...... 85 Oldi Cullatt •7495 1980 35 foot Coachman and Nancy Poppas to cut fine 6 4 7 - 7 S S 3 88 Chevy CIO, 17,79 5 MAW^STER ROOnmi desires central lob(s). trailer with tlltouts, REM00EUN6 loeded *10,900 Manchester Herald All types of roofing S Please telephone 646- 82CHEVYCHEVEITE 84 Buick LeSabra •6995 sleeps 8, full bath, air, repairs. Wood shingles 2847 until 11pm. 68 Dodge W100 4x4 *9300 new appliances. Ask­ representatives of the town, the T&L MASONRY 84 Chevy Citation •5495 A ferocious thunderstorm left its mark on FAIHIMD REMODEUNfi — Cedar Shakes. 87 Chevy C10 24 TollamI Tapk, Rto. 83 ing $8000. 646-4388 Sources reveal Corps and other agencies. Soam e«cki. raonne, 27 Yaara Exparlanoa Pressure Treated Brick, block, stone. 84 Buick LeSabra •6995 Manchester Thursday, causing a power loss to 4,000 Chimneys and repairs. Sllveredo *12,900 VeraoB, CT • 649-2638 A source said thaf an attorney •Mint, arlndawt and tvNan. huund • Uotimd • OiMranfaatf Decks homes, flooding, and disrupted telephone service. Saekhaa and baltdanr iorlca No job too small. 87 Chevy Blazer. 84 Lincoln Conlln.- •10,995 I MOTORCYCLES/ proposed penalty representing the town subse­ ovalloMa. Call Sab torrand. Jr. Top quality IS.SO per 645-8830 aquore foot complete. FREE ESTIMATES 4x4 *16,900 83 Ford Mutleng •3995 ___ I m o ped s The heavy rains, coupled with high winds, also on sewage plant quently proposed that the $500,000 Bm . 647-8509 Soak constructed 1st 87 Chevy Silverado *12,900 wreaked havoc at some local farms. Fields of corn be split equally between the town floor decks. Call 6 4 5 -8 0 6 3 CENTER 301-305 CENTER ST. HONDA CB650 1981. Very Rm . 645-6849 88QMCKTonPU *13,900 plants were knocked down and summer squash and the consulting engineer for MOTORS MANCHESTER good condition. Low fis te d and uprooted. Henry Botticello of Hillstown By Andrew Yurkovsky the project, Metcalf & Eddy. FLBORINB 647-7957 481 Main St., Manchester miles. S875. Please Road described his melon field as "in knots," with Manchester Herald Among other provisions of the the 8 7 2 - 9 1 1 1 Safe Buy Used Cars telephone 742-5913. WE DO IT ALL LAND8CAPINB 643-5135 the vines knit together by the high winds. settlement suggested by the town Demiara, IWaad nanebaa, Low Cost Financing Assistant U.S. Attorney Frank was that Metcalf & Eddy pay for MSUana, Oaeka. Wa eon euatam TOSSBgjnnniiG INVITATION TO BID NOTICE TO CREDITORS More than 4,100 homes lost power in Manchester buMyeurbama CenpolWva Available Santoro recommended on Wed­ any costs associated with the e Floors Ilka new HAULlNu Sealed bids will be received ESTA TE OF which sustained the greatest number of power pdeaa. SiiaWaM lattrsfieoa • Specializing In oktsr floors . , . ^ T a n d Oc a Pin q lets Pont, aooo.................'5495 NOTICE TO CREDITORS HOWARD L. FISH nesday that the town pay a delayed construction incurred by Inaurad. Mcanaad and ponfoNa. M0J09TO0MMALL In the General Services' of­ 4 Dr. AT. PS. AC. Till. CC E STA TE OF outages of any town in central Connecticut, said • Natural A stained floors ~ Anytime ^ u n « StirubD. httfoM, tattillsiflo. fice, 41 Center St., Manches­ The Hon. William E. Fitz­ $500,000 fine for illegal work at the the contractor for the job, Fred pMinMngt. Itwn Dtudlno ISS5 Chev Cavalier CS...... '3795 FRANK STEINER Gerald, Judge, of the Court Jose Chavez, regional community relations man­ 6 ter, CT until 11:00a.m.
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