County Offices Newland Lincoln LN1 1YL 24 August 2015 Community and Public Safety Scrutiny Committee A meeting of the Community and Public Safety Scrutiny Committee will be held on Wednesday, 2 September 2015 at 10.00 am in Dunholme Old School, 8 Market Rasen Road, Dunholme, Lincoln LN2 3QR for the transaction of the business set out on the attached Agenda. Yours sincerely Tony McArdle Chief Executive Membership of the Community and Public Safety Scrutiny Committee (11 Members of the Council) Councillors C J T H Brewis (Chairman), L Wootten (Vice-Chairman), K J Clarke, D C Morgan, C R Oxby, S L W Palmer, N H Pepper, R J Phillips, Mrs A E Reynolds, Mrs N J Smith and R Wootten COMMUNITY AND PUBLIC SAFETY SCRUTINY COMMITTEE AGENDA WEDNESDAY, 2 SEPTEMBER 2015 Item Title Pages 1 Apologies for Absence 2 Declarations of Member's Interests 3 Minutes of the Meeting held on 15 July 2015 5 - 12 4 Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils - Update 13 - 16 (To receive a report by Trisha Carter, (Chief Executive Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils (LALC), which updates the Committee on LALC activities in respect of support for local councils, partnership working with Lincolnshire County Council and training provision during the period January 2015 – August 2015) 5 Emergency Planning - Exercise Barnes Wallis - Public 17 - 20 Engaging Exercise (To receive a report by David Powell, (Head of Emergency Planning), which provides the Committee with an overview of Exercise Barnes Wallis) 6 Libraries Update 21 - 28 (To receive a report by Tony McGinty, (Consultant in Public Health), which provides the Committee with an update on progress made since 3 February 2015 decisions on the future provision of libraries in Lincolnshire) 7 Update on the Trading Standards Service for Lincolnshire - 29 - 38 Finding solutions to ensure effective and efficient delivery (To receive a report by Sara Barry, (Safer Communities Manager), which provides the Committee with an update on the actions being taken to ensure an effective and efficient Trading Standards Service is being delivered in Lincolnshire) 8 Proposed Court Closures Consultation 39 - 124 (To receive a report by Mark Housley, (County Officer Public Protection), which asks the Committee to comment in respect of a response to the proposed court closure consultation) 9 Quarter 1 Performance - 1 April to 30 June 2015 To Follow (To receive a report by Jasmine Sodhi, (Performance and Equalities Manager), which provides key performance information relevant to the work of the Community and Public Safety Scrutiny Committee) 10 Community and Public Safety Scrutiny Committee Work 125 - 128 Programme (To receive a report by Louise Tyers, (Scrutiny Officer), which enables the Committee to consider its work programme for the coming months) Democratic Services Officer Contact Details Name: Katrina Cope Direct Dial 01522 552104 E Mail Address [email protected] Please note: for more information about any of the following please contact the Democratic Services Officer responsible for servicing this meeting Business of the meeting Any special arrangements Copies of reports Contact details set out above. All papers for council meetings are available on: www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/committeerecords 1 COMMUNITY AND PUBLIC SAFETY SCRUTINY COMMITTEE 15 JULY 2015 PRESENT: COUNCILLOR C J T H BREWIS (CHAIRMAN) Councillors L Wootten (Vice-Chairman), K J Clarke, C R Oxby, Mrs A E Reynolds, Mrs N J Smith, R Wootten and R A H McAuley. Councillors: W J Aron, Mrs S Ransome, Mrs J M Renshaw, P A Robinson and Mrs S Woolley attended the meeting as observers. Officers in attendance:- Nick Borrill (Deputy Chief Fire Officer), Katrina Cope (Team Leader Democratic and Civic Services), Simon Evans (Health Scrutiny Officer), Mark Housley (County Officer Public Protection), Tony McGinty (Consultant Public Health Children's), Pete Moore (Executive Director of Finance and Public Protection), Louise Egan (Programme Officer), Richard Greener (Development Manager, Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership) and Scott Watkinson (Programme Officer, Substance Misuse). Mr Richard Nauyokas (Owner of Not So Bad) attended the meeting as an invited guest. 12 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Councillors S L W Palmer, N H Pepper and R J Phillips. The Chief Executive reported that, having received notice under Regulation 13 of the Local Government (Committees and Political Groups Regulations 1990), that Councillor R A McAuley had been appointed as a replacement member on the Committee in place of Councillor S L W Palmer for this meeting only. The Chairman advised that he would be sending Councillor Palmer a letter wishing him well on behalf the Committee. The Chairman also advised that Item 5 on the Agenda, 'Heritage and Archives Transformation Projects' had been deferred to a future meeting, as it had not been possible to finalise the report in readiness for the meeting. 13 DECLARATION OF MEMBERS' INTERESTS No declarations of Councillors' interests were declared at this stage of proceedings. 2 COMMUNITY AND PUBLIC SAFETY SCRUTINY COMMITTEE 15 JULY 2015 14 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 3 JUNE 2015 Some Councillors felt that the discussion with regard to the Libraries Update Report had not reflected the feel of the meeting, as some Councillors had expressed some differing views. RESOLVED That the minutes of the meeting held on the 3 June 2015, be signed by the Chairman as a correct record, subject to two typographical errors being made on pages 8 and 11, and that an additional sentence should be added to minute number 5, to read "That some differing views had also been expressed at the meeting". 15 PRESENTATION BY "NOT ALL BAD" The Scrutiny Committee received a verbal presentation from Richard Nauyokas (Owner of Not All Bad), which provided the Committee with background to the Not All Bad social enterprise, which offered motivational training, on or off site, to all members of society. The Committee noted that the training had been developed as a result of Mr Nauyokas's own life experiences and from his involvement in television productions known 'Lads Army' and 'Bad Lads Army'. Mr Nauyokas had set up his company in 2005, bringing in ex-military personnel to help him achieve his ambition to provide young adults with an insight into their own abilities and to provide them with the confidence needed to allow them to push themselves to achieve their full potential. The training offered provided:- Boot Camps – These were outdoor camps that provided motivational training based around a series of progressive mental, physical and self-awareness challenges to encourage participants to recognise their full potential and to be responsible their own actions and decisions; Motivational Sessions – These sessions were held in locations around the country at appropriate venues for the participants. The purpose of these sessions was to increase an individual's self-esteem, team spirit and self- confidence. It was noted that the sessions were tailored to the needs of the individuals; Offender Motivational Training – The Committee were advised that training was provided within secure units. The training was based on the participants during the day performing a number of tasks and activities focussing on teamwork and tolerance, the evening session, all said participants would then sleep in an appropriate room/gymnasium. The training was delivered over a three day period. Again, the programme was geared to instil and increase an individual's tolerance, self-discipline, team spirit, self-esteem and self- confidence, which would help participants with their integration back in the community; Offender Workshops – These were one day motivational workshops held within units. Each day was designed to meet the needs of the individual(s) 3 COMMUNITY AND PUBLIC SAFETY SCRUTINY COMMITTEE 15 JULY 2015 through planning and consultation with the establishment's management. The workshops provided individuals with problem solving tasks, discussion debates and mental challenges; Teambuilding – It was noted that this was a course which was encouraged teams to bond; and Workshops – These were one day workshops which were held at locations appropriate to the participants, mainly making use of village halls, schools, church halls etc. The workshop was aimed at providing participants with increased team/community spirit; self-discipline, tolerance, self-worth and confidence. The Committee were advised about a series of success stories, which had resulted young people benefitting from the 'Not So Bad' training. It was highlighted that in instances when conducting any training, it was apparent that a particular individual required more specialist help; the team would sign-post the individual to the necessary organisation/person to enable them to receive the help and advice they needed. The Committee were also advised that Mr Nauyokas was also involved in the running of the Grantham Youth Club. This had proven to be a challenge at first, but now at New Beacon Road, the young people had set up their own committee, which decided what the needs of the young people were and what they wanted to do with their youth club. Some of the youngsters had proven to be problematic, and as a result, three had been banned from attending at the moment, as they had not followed the rules and regulations of the Youth Club. During discussion, the Committee raised the following issues:- Whether a form of National Service as undertaken by other countries such as Sweden and Finland was something that might help young people. The Committee were advised that some work had been done with the National Citizenship Service, Mr Nauyokas felt that such a scheme would help prevent so many young people being locked up unnecessarily; Whether Schools had been involved, or taken up training. It was reported that there had been limited working with schools, as most schools did not have enough money in their budget to undertake such training.
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