2 T‑U‑Mi‑Y‑Ps‑Aâd‑N F¶ K‑Z‑Mx{‑ ‑Y{‑]J‑Y‑M]\‑W

2 T‑U‑Mi‑Y‑Ps‑Aâd‑N F¶ K‑Z‑Mx{‑ ‑Y{‑]J‑Y‑M]\‑W

Anand Patwardhan speaks All the dire predictions of communal 2 carnage made in my films came true “Ram Ke Naam, an attempt to Muslims as we have witnessed in Gujarat scrutinize the growth of tragic events riot and Babri Masjid demolition. But it’s which culminated in the demolition almost impossible to find a Dalit or even an of Babri Masjid was opposed harshly OBC leader in the leadership of BJP. How by Sangh Parivar. They don’t want can they be pro dalit when they reap the films, documentaries and literature benefits of brahmanical hegemony which to flourish as art invents and reinvents is inherent in their Hindutva ideology. democracy, free thought and humanity. They oppose free thought and ex- Sangh Parivar has nothing to do with pression. They inhibit my documentaries religion. They mix religion with politics including Ram Ke Naam from getting ap- for their electoral gains. There exists rigid peared in mainstream national media. I caste system within BJP. They flourish out don’t think that it’s abysmal to talk about SATURDAY of caste and communal harangue and later communalism. Sulky silence would con- they contribute to it. BJP is anti dalit and tribute to their growth instead of prevent- anti democratic. They use Dalits against ing it.” 21 / 2018 JULY t‑U‑mI‑y‑ps‑aâd‑n F¶ k‑z‑mX{‑´‑y{‑]J‑y‑m]\‑w h‑nPbI‑rj‑vW³ t-U-mI‑y‑ps‑aâd‑n A¶‑p‑w C¶‑p‑w k‑z‑mX{‑´‑y‑ S‑p¯hÀ k‑z‑mX{‑´‑y a‑mW‑v. k‑z‑mX{‑´‑y¯‑ns‑â {‑]J‑y‑m]\h‑p‑ ¯‑ns‑â hg‑nb‑mW‑v X‑n a‑mW‑v. k‑n\‑na U‑nP‑näe‑mbt‑X‑ms‑Sb‑mW‑v cs‑ªS‑p¯X‑v. t‑U‑mI‑y‑ps‑aâd‑n k‑z‑mX{‑´‑y¯‑ns‑â h‑ni‑m‑ k‑z‑mX{‑´‑y¯‑n\‑p‑w e‑mI‑mi§f‑nt‑e¡‑v N‑ndI‑p h‑nc‑n¡‑m³ X‑pS‑ AX‑nc‑pIÄ s‑I«‑m³ §‑nbX‑v F¶ h‑mZ¯‑n Ig‑¼‑nÃ. t‑U‑m‑ {‑iaa‑pï‑mh‑pa‑t‑Ã‑m. I‑y‑ps‑aâd‑nb‑ps‑S Nc‑n{‑Xa‑mc‑w`‑n¡‑p¶X‑v C‑u {‑ia§s‑f t‑NÀ t‑d‑m‑_‑ÀS‑v ^‑v‑f‑mlÀ«‑nb‑p‑s‑S \-m\-q¡-v H-m^-v ¡‑pI F¶X‑p‑w t‑U‑m Z‑n t‑\‑mÀ-¯-n-t‑e‑m t-a-m\b‑nt‑e‑m t‑P‑m¬ I‑y‑ps‑aâd‑n cNb‑nX‑m Battering Frames of {‑K‑nt‑bg‑v‑ks‑â {‑U‑n^‑vs‑äg‑v-k-nt‑e‑m AÃX‑m‑ h‑ns‑â \‑nX‑m´a‑mb ISab‑mb‑n a‑md‑p¶‑p \‑p‑w. k‑n\‑na Xs‑¶ X‑pS§‑p¶X‑v t‑U‑mI‑y‑p ï‑v. AX‑ps‑I‑mï‑mW‑v dj‑y³ Ne¨‑n{‑X CM Survival s‑aâd‑nb‑net‑Ã? e‑qa‑nbÀ kt‑l‑mZc·‑mÀ I‑mc·‑mÀ k‑n²‑m´§Ä Na¨‑ps‑I‑mï‑nc‑p¶ IDSFFK is relevant at times of imperialistic invasions: t‑¸‑mÄ k‑n\‑na b‑mY‑mÀY‑ya‑mW‑v F¶‑v Spotting the struggle of Indian villagers I‑mW‑n¨ k‑n\‑naIf‑n Hs‑c®s‑a‑m‑g‑n¨‑v erala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan have the power to influence the thought documentary maker Anand Patwardhan, k‑nK‑m s‑hÀt‑«‑m^‑v {‑]J‑y‑m]‑n‑¨‑X‑v. k‑n\‑na‑m K against Sardar Sarovar dam project and echo- as‑äÃ‑m‑w t‑U‑mI‑y‑ps‑aâd‑nIf‑mW‑v. B Hs‑c has reminded that IDSFFK is relevant at process of our society,” said Pinarayi who was honoured with first ever Life- s‑hd‑ns‑¯‑’ F¶ C‑u k‑wÚ Ne¨‑n{‑X ing an eco-political approach of film making, ®‑¯‑nÂ‑ t‑X‑m«¡‑mc³ s‑NS‑nIÄ \\b‑v a time when documentaries and short while inaugurating the 11th edition of time Achievement Award of IDSFFK, Nc‑n{‑X¯‑ns‑e ]e I‑meL«§f‑ne‑p‑w A Narmada Diary, will be the centre of attrac- ¡‑p¶ N‑n{‑X¯‑nÂ‑ a‑m{‑Xa‑mb‑nc‑n¡‑p‑w films are becoming expressions of dissent IDSFFK. “This influential capacity of Pinarayi said that Anand’s works are BhÀ¯‑n¨‑p {‑]t‑b‑mK‑n¡s‑¸S‑p¶‑pï‑v. tion in the second day of 11th IDSFFK. Filmed e‑qa‑nbÀa‑mÀ k‑z‑mX{‑´‑y`‑wK‑w t‑\c‑n«‑nc‑n‑ and resistance against imperialist forces. documentaries and short fictions makes truthful discourses on contemporary by Anand Patwardhan and Simanthini, A Nar- AX‑ns‑â at‑\‑mÚa‑mb Bh‑nj‑vIc‑W‑ ¡‑pI. I‑mcW‑w‑, CXcN‑n{‑X§f‑ns‑et‑¸‑ms‑e it an effective tool against imperialist in- times. “One should be secular enough mada Diary narrates how the state sponsored §Ä \‑m‑w I‑mW‑p¶X‑v a-m³ h-n¯-v Z-n “Documentaries and short films that a\‑pj‑y\‑p‑w I‑pX‑ncb‑p‑w ]«‑nb‑ps‑aÃ‑m‑w vasions on our cultural spheres,” added to fearlessly present facts as facts, and development model militates against the fun- a-qh-n I-y-madb‑ne‑p‑w h‑mÄ«À d‑p¯‑va‑ms‑â discusses topics ranging from environ- t‑k‑zÑb‑v¡‑v a‑m{‑X‑w h‑nt‑[bc‑mb‑n Ne‑n¡‑p Pinarayi. filmmakers like Anand Patwardhan is a damental rights of common people to protect Ib‑p‑w e‑qa‑nbÀ¡‑p Ahs‑c \‑nb{‑´‑nt‑¡ï k‑n‑w^W‑n H‑m^‑v F k‑nä‑nb‑ne‑pa‑mW‑v. mental issues to racism, and regional Referring to acclaimed investigative model in such regard,” said Pinarayi. their constitutional rights. The film also deals _‑m[‑yX CÃ‑mb‑nc‑n¡‑pIb‑p‑w s‑N¿‑p¶ Ah U‑nP‑nä b‑pK‑w AX‑nc‑pIs‑f t‑`Z‑n¡‑m³ subjects to international concerns with themes such as eternal struggles like rich Ø t‑X‑m«¡‑mc\‑n \ãs‑¸S‑pIb‑mW‑v. Ne¨‑n{‑XI‑mc\‑v Ic‑p¯‑p ]Ic‑p¶‑p. {‑] vs. poor, rural vs. urban and tradition vs. prog- Ah‑ns‑S k‑z‑m`‑mh‑nI Ne\§Ä¡‑v \‑nb I‑mi\¯‑ns‑â {‑]b‑mk§Ä¡‑p‑w ]c‑n ress. In the backdrop of ongoing protests by {‑´W‑w hc‑p¶‑p. k‑zbt‑ah Ne‑n¡‑pIbÃ‑, l‑mca‑mh‑pIb‑mW‑v. k¦‑pN‑nXa\Ê‑pIs‑f IDSFFK… The Way to Oscar.... victims of various mega developmental proj- \‑nÀt‑Zi§Ä A\‑pkc‑n¨‑v Ne‑n¡‑pIb‑mW‑v. [Àak¦S¯‑ne‑mg‑v¯‑p¶ b‑mY‑mÀY‑y¯‑n The best Non Fiction film in IDSFFK 2018 ects all over the world, A Narmada Diary as- s‑â k‑vt‑^‑mS\a‑mW‑v C\‑n \S¡‑m\‑pÅX‑v. sumes deeper magnitude. t‑U‑mI‑y‑qs‑aâd‑nb‑ps‑S hg‑n X‑ncs‑ª will receive direct entry to the Oscar nomina- tions. Such an opportunity is not granted to any other Documentary or Short film festivals Festival Director Kamal, Chairman, KSCA l Artistic Director Bina Paul, Vice Chairperson, KSCA l Executive Director and in India. With this provision enabled, an Indi- Chief Editor Mahesh Panju, Secretary, KSCA l Deputy Director (Festival) H Shaji l Deputy Director (Programmes) N.P Sajeesh an film is sure to go for Oscar nominations, as l Executive Editor Rajesh Chirappadu l Associate Editor Nowfal N l Sub Editors Anil Kumar KS, Goutham V S, Rahul S, Ramees only Indian films are screened in the IDSFFK Rajai l Photography Vincent Peter l Design and Layout Sivaprasad B l Illustration Sudheer PY l Team Chandramohan, competition category. Anand Patwardhan receiving Life Time Achievement Award from Pinarayi Vijayan Jayakumar, Resmi Anil l Printed at Akshara Offset, Thiruvananthapuraml Printed and Published by Mahesh Panju, Secretary, KSCA on behalf of Department of Cultural Affairs, Govt. of Kerala l Email [email protected] Not just a child’s play Animation is a mode of political expression and innovation that ad- dresses and interrogates (animates) a range of cultural, environmental, ideological, governmental and personal conflicts. Initially it was formed as a combined effort in studios. In an era of advancing technology, even a single person can design animation mov- ies. It is one of the most powerful medium to express a real- ity packed with humor and satire. Being a combination of painting, music, dance and many other art forms it has quickly become an omnipotent and pervasive art form. Kamal presenting IDSFFK Festival Book to chief guest Rakesh Sharma Lenin Rajendran receiving IDSFFK Daily Bulletin from A K Balan Unfettered capital has deteriorated animation as it become the mouthpiece of cultural industry domi- Anima nated by corporate powers. It inculcates hegemonic Festival Unfolds with a Grandeur Ceremony ideologies in the mindset of common people. Kids tion and teenagers are often addicted to animation movies The 11th edition of IDSFFK was official- Cultural Affairs Minister AK Balan the festival book to chief guest Rakesh which makes the situation worse. On the other hand, ly inaugurated by Kerala Chief Minister presided over the inaugural ceremony Sharma, while festival bulletin was animations are also been used as a tool to resist this Pinarayi Vijayan in an auspicious func- while acclaimed documentary filmmak- presented by Minister AK Balan to cultural incursion.

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