JUDAISM (alphabetized by authors last name) 1. The Merits of Giving, Rabbeinu Yitzchak Abohav (2 copies) 2. Have a Little Faith, A True Story, Mitch Albom 3. Life Doesn’t Get Any Better Than This (The Holiness of Little Daily Dramas), Robert A. Alper (2 copies)) 4. God Wears Lipstick, Kabbalah for Women, Karen Berg 5. The Secret, Unlocking the Source of Joy and Fulfillment, Michael Berg 6. The Way, Using the Wisdom of Kabbalah for Spiritual Transformation and Fulfillment, Michael Berg 7. The 72 Names of God, Technology for the Soul, Yehuda Berg 8. The Power of Kabbalah, Technology for the Soul, Yehuda Berg 9. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Jewish History and Culture, Rabbi Benjamin Blech 10. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Understanding Judaism, Rabbi Benjamin Blech 11. Bible Pictures, G. Dore’ (see Oversized Books Section) 12. Saving Remnants, Feeling Jewish in America, Sara Bershtel and Allen Graubard 13. The Jewish Moral Virtues, Eugene B Borowitz and Frances Weinman Schwartz 14. A New Jewish Theology in the Making, Eugene B. Borowitz 15. The Wisdom of Israel Lewis Browne, editor 16. The Torah as God’s Mind, A Kabbalistic Look into the Pentateuch, Nathan T. Lopes Cardozo (pamphlet) 17. The Gifts of the Jews, How a Tribe of Desert Nomads Changed the Way Everyone Thinks and Feels, Thomas Cahill 18. The Quill of the Heart (The Jewish Approach to Human Relations), The Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation 19. The Quill of the Heart, The Jewish Approach to Human Relations, 2nd editionYeshiva of Telshe alumni 20. 10 Minute Kabbalah, Blessing, Wisdom, and Guidance from the Tree of LIfe, Shoshanna Cohen 21. American Modernity & Jewish Identity, Steven M. Cohen 22. Introduction to Judaism, Beryl D. Cohon 23. God is a Verb, Kabbalah and the Practice of Mystical Judaism, Rabbi David A. Cooper 24. Invoking Angels, For Blessings, Protection, and Healing, Rabbi David A. Cooper 25. Accessible Judaism, A Concise Guide, Rabbi Jacques Cukierkorn 26. The Emergence of Conservative Judaism, Moshe Davis (2 copies) 27. The Synagogue, Brian de Breffny 28. A Modern Conception of Religion, M.L. Deyo 29. What Christians Should Know About Jews and Judaism, Rabbi Yechel Eckstein 30. What is a Jew? Ira Eisenstein (pamphlet) 31. Abraham’s Children, Race, Identity, and the DNA of the Chosen People, Jon Entine 32. Avos D’Rebbi Nosson Vol.II, Rabbi Avraham Yaakov Finkel, translator 33. Pirkei D’Rebbe Eliezer, Rabbi Avraham Yaakov Finkel, translator 34. Rambam, Maimonides’ Introduction to the Mishnah, translated and annotated by Avraham Yaakov Finkel 35. Rambam, The Eight Chapters, Maimonides Introduction to Ethics of the Fathers, translated and annotated by Avraham Yaakov Finkel 36. Yearos Dvash (The Forest of Honey), Rabbi Avraham Yaakov Finkel, translator 37. Tanna Devei Eliyahu, Volumes II and III, Rabbi Avraham Yaakov Finkel, translator 38. Chofetz Chaim, A Lesson a Day, Rabbi Shimon Finkelman and Rabbi Yitzchak Berkowitz 39. The Receiving, Reclaiming Jewish Women’s Wisdom, Rabbi Tirzah Firestone 40. With Roots in Heaven, One Woman’s Journey into the Heart of Her Faith, Rabbi Tirzah Firestone 41. Moral Issues in Judaism, Arye Forta 42. Sacred Therapy, Jewish Spiritual Teachings on Emotional Healing and Inner Wholeness, Estelle Frankel 43. The Jewish Religion, Michael Friedlander, Ph.D. 44. Judaism and Ethics, Norman E. Frimer (2 pamphlets) 45. The Mystery of Love, Marc Gafni 46. Tales of the Heavenly City, Menachem Gerlitz 47. A Guide to Torah Hashkofoh, Questions and Answers on Judaism, Rabbi Eliezer (2 copies) 48. Shemittah: What It’s All About, Compiled by Rabbi Elizeer Gevirtz 49. Conservative Judaism, The New Century, Neil Gillman 50. Legends of the Bible, Louis Ginzberg 51. How Do I Decide? Roland B. B. Gittelsohn (2 copies) 52. The Meaning of Judaism, Roland B. Gittelsohn 53. The Jew and His Duties, The Essence of the Kitzur Shulhan Arukh, Hyman E. Goldin (2 copies) 54. A Time to Pray, A Personal Approach to the Jewish Prayer Book, Rose Goldstein 55. Conservative Judaism, And American Philosophy, Robert Gordis 56. Restore My Soul, stories by Rabbi Nachman, translated by Avraham Greenbaum 57. The Sabbath, Dayan Dr. I. Grunfeld 58. Shalom, The Heritage of Judaism in Selected in Writings, Tina Hacker, editor 59. The American Jew, A Zionist Analysis, Ben Halpern 60. The Jewish Book of Days, A Companion for All Seasons, Jill Hammer 61. Holy Days (The World of A Hassidic Family), Lis Harris 62. The Vocabulary of Jewish Life, Abraham Mayer Heller 63. Wake Up, Wake Up, to Do the Work of the Creator, William B. Helmreich 64. Judaism and Modern Man, Will Herberg 65. The Sabbath, Abraham Joshua Heschel 66. Who Is Man? Abraham Joshua Heschel 67. Two Giants Speak, Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsh and Rabbi Yisroel Salanter 68. Behold The Jew, Ada Jackson 69. The Jewish Library, Rabbi Leo Jung, Editor 70. The Committed Life, Principles of Good Living from Our Timeless Past, Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis (2 copies) 71. The Jew And The Lotus, Rodger Kamenetz 72. Rays of Jewish Splendor, selected sermons by Rabbi Harold B. Kanotopsky 73. If You Were God, Three Works by Aryeh Kaplan 74. Judaism as a Civilization, Toward a Reconstruction of American Jewish Life, Mordecai M. Kaplan 75. The Synogogue, Uri Kaploun 76. On Nev’im (The Prophets): Joshua, Rabbi Mordechai Katz 77. On Nev’im (The Prophets): Judges, Rabbi Mordechai Katz (2 copies) 78. Matrix Healing, Discover Your Greatest Health Potential through the Power of Kabbalah, 79. Raphael Kellman, M.D 80. What is a Jew? A Guide to the Beliefs, Traditions, and Practices of Judaism that Answers Questions For Both Jew and Non-Jew, Rabbi Morris N. Kertzer, Revised by Rabbi Lawrence A. Hoffman 81. The Book of Our Heritage, Special edition, The Month of Adar, Eliyahu Kitov 82. The Book of Our Heritage, Special edition The Month of Sivan, Eliyahu Kitov 83. The Book of Our Heritage Vol. I (TIshrey-Shevat), Eliyahu Kitov 84. The Book of Our Heritage Vol.III (Iyara-Elul), Eliyahu Kitov 85. A Sense of Duty, Simcha Kling 86. Our Religion, The Torah, Rabbi J. Kolatch 87. The Jewish Book of Why, Alfred J. Kolatch (Two Volume Boxed Set) 88. Crossing the Narrow Bridge, A Practical Guide to the Teachings of Rebbe Nachman’s Teachings, Chaim Kramer 89. To Life! A Celebration of Jewish Being and Thinking, Harold Kushner (1 paperback, 1 hard cover) 90. When All You’ve Ever Wanted Isn’t Enough, The Search for a Life that Matters, Harold Kushner 91. Who Needs God, Harold Kushner 92. Honey from the Rock, Lawrence Kushner 93. Piety and Power, The World of Jewish Fundamentalism, David Landau 94. Creative Explorations in Judaism, Gilah Lagner and Sara R. Horowitz, co-editors 95. Three Jewish Philosophers, Hans Lewy, Alexander Altmann, Isaak Heinemann, editors 96. The Best of Light Magazine, prepared by Yehoshua Leiman (2 pamphlets) 97. Beginnings in Jewish Philosophy, Meyer Levin 98. Complete Idiot’s Guide to Jewish Spirituality and Mysticism , Michael Levin 99. The Path of the Just, Moshe Chayim Luzzato 100. Sacred Choices, The Right to Contraception and Abortion in Ten World Religions, Daniel C. Maguire 101. The Essential Kabbalah, The Heart of Jewish Mysticism, Daniel C Matt 102. Shabbos Secrets, Rabbi D. Meisels (pamphlet) 103. Falasha Anthology, Yale Judaica Series, Volume VI, Julian Obermann, Editor 104. A Guide to Jewish Knowledge, The Rev. Dr. Chaim Pearl and The Rev. Reuben S. Brookes 105. Cheshbon Ha-Nefesh, Rabbi Mendel of Satanov, Published in 1845 106. Great Jewish Ideas, Abraham Ezra Millgram, editor 107. A Rabbinic Anthology, C.G. Montefiore and H. Loewe 108. The Three Pillars: Thought, Worship, Practice, A Book for Jewish Women, Deborah M. Melamed 109. Karaite Anthology: Excerpts from the Early Literature, Leon Nemoy, editor 110. Learn Talmud, Jacob Neusner 111. Mitzvah, Jacob Neusner 112. The Way of Torah: An Introduction to Judaism, Jacob Neusner 113. The Transformation of a Skeptic, Walter Orenstein 114. Thinkers and Teachers of Modern Judaism, Raphael Patai and Emanuel S. Goldsmith, editors 115. A Guide to Hassidism, Dr. H. Rabinowicz 116. The Obvious Proof, A Presentation of the Classic Proof of Universal Design, Gershon 117. Robinson & Mordechai Steinman 118. Congregation, Contemporary Writers Read the Jewish Bible, David Rosenberg, editor 119. Sidrah Stories A Torah Companion, Steven M Rosman 120. When a Jew Seeks Wisdom, The Sayings of the Fathers, Seymour Rossel, with Hyman Chanover and Chaim Stern 121. A Jewish View of Prayer and Worship, Rabbi Tobias Roth (pamphlet) 122. Blossoms, Rabbi Yisroel Rubin 123. The Hebrew Scriptures, Dr. Samuel Sandmel 124. Judaism and Christianity, Dr. Samuel Sandmel (pamphlet) 125. Christianity Is Jewish, Edith Schaeffer 126. The Lifetime of a Jew, Throughout the Ages of Jewish History, Hayim Schauss 127. Ethics of the Fathers, commentary by Rabbi Nosson Scherman and Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz, editors (Hebrew and English) (2 copies) 128. Early Prophets: Judges, Rabbi Nosson Scherman (Hebrew and English) 129. Defining the Role of the Non-Jew in the Synagogue: A Resource for Congregations, Rabbi Alexander M. Schindleer 130. Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism, Gershom G. Scholem 131. The Faith of the Old Testament, A History, Werner H. Schmidt, Translated by John Sturdy 132. The Living Bible, Rabbi Sylvan D. Schwartzman & Rabbi Jack D. Spiro 133. Jerusalem Executive Seminar Readings, Dan V. Segre and Paul Mendes-Flohr 134. The Eternal Fount, Sixty Outstanding Homilies on the Portions of the Week, Harris L. Selig 135. Kabbalistic Healing, A Path to an Awakened Soul, Jason Shulman 136. A Certain People, American Jews and their Lives Today Charles E. Silberman 137. Where Judaism Differed, Abba Hillel Silver 138. The Still Small Voice, The Story of Jewish Ethics, Book I, William B. Silverman 139. A Candle by Day, Shrager Silverstein 140.
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